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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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to terrorist attacks in russia, who are among the likely culprits of the attacks killing civilians? the higher qualification board of judges recommended the candidacy of irina podnosova for the post of chairman of the supreme court of russia. what is the next procedure? the salaries of doctors and nurses have been increased, social pensions have increased, and the rules for obtaining a driver's license and renting housing have changed. what other innovations came into force on april 1? sergei shaigu presented awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during a special military operation. for demonstrated courage and heroism they received gold stars of heroes of russia from the hands of the minister of defense. the officers were also given personalized weapons - erygin's saber and pistol. shaigu thanked the military personnel for their exemplary performance of duty, and also wished new successes to the service.
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i sincerely congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, the title of hero of russia, health to you and good luck to all of us, and of course, victory, i received the task of occupying a defense area in the area of ​​​​one populated area, the enemy attempted to break through to the position with battalion forces two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles, and up to a flock. manpower of the enemy, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the battalion, this attempt was prevented and the enemy forces were destroyed. over the next three days, the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion's defenses; it was revealed that the enemy had lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. the battalion performed tasks
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according to its mission, this high award was made possible thanks to coordinated actions of the entire battalion personnel, i’m very proud of what the minister of defense of the russian federation presented, this is the first time i’ve seen it live, and to be honest, i still haven’t realized that i’m a hero, six elite units stood, but we crashed all six elite units together with their commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously. there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. the staff is fully supportive, fully supports the purpose of the special military operation, all people go and unquestioningly carry out combat missions. the president approved a list of instructions based on the results of a meeting with participants of the everything for victory forum, which took place on february 2. in particular, the government should consider. on the conditions
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of preferential mortgages for workers of the military-industrial complex in areas where there is a shortage of specialists. for the exchange, the region must equip the ambulances of the visiting team with personal protective equipment and radio-electronic struggle. this applies to doctors working near the line of combat contact. in addition, the government has been instructed to extend to ambulance drivers the social benefits received by doctors working in the zone of a special military operation. the president proposed not to take into account the amount. one-time financial assistance for svo participants when providing certain measures of social support. in the altai territory , 32 temporary accommodation centers with almost 4,000 beds were deployed due to the flood. in the region more than 900 garden plots of almost 500 residential buildings were flooded. governor viktor tomenko announced this. in the most affected mikhailovsky district , there have been no such floods for more than 40 years. a state of emergency is in effect in the region. the situation
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continues to restrict traffic on nine sections of roads, schoolchildren have extended their holidays, there are no dead or injured people, the authorities will provide assistance to those whose houses are in the water. in the orenburg region , river levels have risen to critical levels; due to overflows, movement along the river is limited. thirty-four bridges. the electrical substation went under water. consumers are connected to a backup source. and the situation will only get worse in the coming days. report by leopold efemenko. in the morning we visited the orsky village of ora, just yesterday it was risky, but it was possible to get into it even on the kalina lada. today the water has risen so much that it is impossible to get to the village except in the military urals. more than half of the homeowners of the gardening non-profit partnership found themselves in the flood zone. many people, making sure that the water will not go away quickly, today agreed to the evacuation. but at the moment we have arrived in the village of ashchebutak , dambarovsky district, it is a real... archipelago. here the events
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develop even more dramatically. large waters came to dozens of houses. residents temporarily moved in with relatives. today it became known about the death of one of the residents of the village. the elderly man, despite... the fact that water came into his house, refused to leave him until the last minute; according to the preliminary version, the man had a heart attack. predictions on how it will develop the situation, alas, is still disappointing. the water, although not at such a rapid pace, continues to exist. in kazakhstan , more than 11 thousand people were evacuated due to floods, roads were washed out, bridges were left without transport links in 50 settlements. a republican coordination center has been created. headquarters chaired by the prime minister. the head of the central asian bureau, robert frantsev, will tell you more about the situation; he will join us. robert, greetings. how is the situation changing, what are the forecasts? hello vera, well, the forecasts are not very good comforting, the peak of the floods has not yet passed,
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the situation can worsen at any moment. this statement was made by the president of kazakhstan during a meeting of the republican headquarters for combating floods. takaev also noted that in kazakhstan the preparatory and forecasting work on preparing for floods, as well as measures to prevent melt water from spilling, were completely failed. as a result, 2/3 of the territory of kazakhstan were subject to very strong influence of floods. 12 regions of the republic are faced with a truly critical situation, entire villages found themselves under water in recent days, they are working at all... the ministry of emergency situations reports that at the moment about 13,000 people have already been evacuated from flooded areas. let's listen to the ministry of emergency situations' comments on how the work is going. in twelve regions of the country , more than 12,700 people were rescued and evacuated, of which
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4,728 were minors in the oktyubinsk, west kazakhstan, okmola, clostanal regions, 6,461 people are in temporary accommodation centers, of whom the situation, as i already said, remains really very difficult, more than 50 settlements remain blocked, and the water came so quickly and so unexpectedly that many residents did not have time to leave the flooded zones, the ministry of emergency situations publishes footage of people being evacuated from flooded villages using military helicopters and climbing equipment directly from the roofs of flooded houses, enough... such harsh footage from the karaganda region, where the highways were flooded and several heavy trucks were washed right off the road, we are talking about the yekaterinburg-almaty highway, fortunately no one was hurt, but the footage shows how drivers of one of the heavy trucks are pulled out of the cab using an excavator bucket.
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about 100 schools throughout kazakhstan have been transferred to distance learning. in addition, experts have serious concerns. this is caused by the fact that two cases of reservoir breakthroughs were recorded in the west of kazakhstan in the oktyubinsk region in the southeast of the country in the almaty region. now work is actively underway to eliminate the consequences of flooding, and preparations are also being made for subsequent waves of floods. a republican headquarters has been appointed to prevent these consequences. his prime minister of the republic aljaz biktenov was appointed head, here is his comment. the head of state held an operational meeting on the situation related to floods. a republican headquarters headed by the prime minister has been created in the government. all questions will be monitored 24/7. the guilty officials will be subject to
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disciplinary action. citizens who have suffered damage from floods will not be left unattended. all damage will be compensated. now, on behalf of the head of state, a calculation of the damage is already underway. damage, this applies to houses and livestock affected by high water, and from the footage that is now actively posted online, it is clear that a fairly large number of livestock died both in the west of kazakhstan and in other regions, in addition, on behalf of the president, the the issue of conserving water for... further use for agricultural purposes, since according to forecasts, kazakhstan may face a serious drought in the summer, but this is a matter of the future, now the primary task that faces everyone competent responsible authorities is to prevent the consequences of just such
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a sudden high water. faith? robert, thank you, robert frantsov spoke about the flood situation in kazakhstan. russia intends to appeal to international courts regarding ukraine’s involvement in terrorist attacks in russia. this was reported by mida official representative maria zakharova. according to her, the relevant documents are already being prepared. let me remind you earlier in medisa. ukraine vasily malyuk, who in an interview on march 25 admitted to organizing blowing up the crimean bridge and revealed details of the preparation of other terrorist attacks. moscow also demanded that kiev stop supporting terrorist activities and compensate the victims; the foreign ministry recalled the attempts on the lives of daria dugina, vladlin tatarsky, zakhar prilepin, as well as murder. the problem
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of the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky due to the failed elections could lead to a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, according to former deputy from the party of regions, oleg tsarev. in his opinion, ex-president peter will certainly take advantage of the situation poroshenko, tsarev spoke about this today in an interview with our channel. now the west is on the hook. it is enough for any western leader now to send a request not to zelensky or to turn to the head of state not to zelensky, but not now after may 20 , for example, to the speaker of the verkhovna rada, everything, zelensky has a disaster, not to mention what is now being prepared in the verkhovna rada such a mini-conspiracy, a domestic coup against zelensky, deputies, servants of the people , was taking shape. kolomoisky and bohdan, and there were many teams there, which were five or six
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teams, approximately , that formed the government, the lists were now in power, but now ermak has squeezed everyone out, everyone else is in the opposition, kolomoisky is in prison, bogdan is in the opposition and the rest are also in the same position, for this reason there is no understanding between zelensky and the deputies of the servant people. you no longer have votes in parliament, and poroshenko should become prime minister, and if
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poroshenko becomes prime minister, he is an experienced politician, he eats people like zelensky for breakfast, a rescue operation at the pioneer mine near blagoveshchensk, where they ended up 13 miners were blocked and stopped due to a threat to the lives of rescuers, the press service of the pokrovsky mine reported this. podnosov's candidacy for the post of chairman of the supreme court of russia. now she holds the position of deputy
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chairman of the supreme court and heads the judicial panel for economic disputes. our correspondent egor grigoriev worked at the supreme court building. he'll tell you everything. the high qualification board of judges opened a vacancy for the post of chairman of the supreme court on march 1. today a month later , irina podnosova’s candidacy was considered for this position. she holds the post of deputy chairman of the supreme court. of the russian federation and heads the judicial panel for economic disputes, she is also co-chairman of the scientific advisory council at the supreme court of the russian federation. experts call urina podnosova the initiator of the development of a number of bills aimed at easing the system of punishment for entrepreneurs and decriminalizing crimes of an economic nature. her total legal experience is almost 50 years, and judicial experience - 35. podnosova began working in the supreme court as deputy chairman in 2020, before that she. headed the second court of appeal of general jurisdiction, even earlier the leningrad regional court. according to
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the law, the chairman of the supreme court is appointed for 6 years by the federation council on the recommendation of the president, but before this, the candidate for the position must receive a recommendation from the highest qualification board of judges who conduct a competitive selection. the applicant is required to have a higher legal education, at least ten years of experience in the field of jurisprudence, no criminal record and citizenship of another state, he cannot be less than 35 years old. irina podnosova, of course, fits all these parameters. as noted at the meeting, podnosova has established herself as a competent lawyer, she enjoys well-deserved respect among judges, and can firmly defend. her position, she knows the problems of the judicial community from the inside. her candidacy was supported by the supreme court, the council of judges and unanimously supported by the highest qualification board of judges. the high qualification board of judges of the russian federation, on april 1, 2024, acting as members, considered erina's application,
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recommendations of a candidate for the position of chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation, and heard the applicant's recommendations. the approval of irina podnosova’s candidacy in the federation council is ahead; let me remind you that the chairman of the supreme court, upon the proposal of the president, is appointed for a period of 6 years. egor grigoriev, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, diana makurina, news. alpha investment is to money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. dad, are you going home soon?
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hey, oil isn't the first thing. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way. it's faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, in moscow they have developed electric tractors for working on railway tracks, despite their small size, such machines are capable of replacing an entire shunting locomotive. the tractors are completely designed and produced in russia. created in moscow, the module is already actively used at enterprises, for example, in the service center of the new nizhegorodskoye electric depot, the capital 's metro. this module, the length of which
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does not exceed 2 m, weight 4 and a half tons, currently moves eight cars of the moscow 2020 train, weighing approximately 300 tons. the tractor was developed and produced by the moscow production and design bureau antey with the support of the agency. initiatives and the skolkovo foundation. one such device can move objects weighing 250 tons, and with some modifications, a total of more. the machine is completely developed and manufactured in russia, made from domestic components. accordingly , there should be no problems with the supply of foreign components. in certain tasks such a machine replaces an entire shunting locomotive. when working with small weights, it dramatically reduces costs. no need for a whole team, much lower fuel consumption. and the device itself is very environmentally friendly. from the point of view of the relationship between the diesel locomotive and this design, we can say that we have achieved great success. modern enterprises
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of the transport complex are equipped with just such tractors. there are two of them at the service center. employees nicknamed the units industrial ants. when the car came to us, it seemed to us that how could this little ant move such a train of eight carriages. but when they started moving, we thought, we can get away with it, but we can stop it. nowadays, antey, for example, helps deliver compounds to turning machines for maintenance. the biggest advantage is its compactness, our power traction comes from electricity, it moves, takes 300 tons with it, it can move the entire train, this is logical, one operator moves the entire train. it is controlled using a special remote control, speed modes are indicated by turtle and cheetah, slow. how long have you learned how to operate the module? one working day is completely theory, practice is already enough to start. the operator can be located up to 250 m from the machine.
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managing the module is quite simple; we do it in the presence of a responsible employee. here, in fact, is a control panel with joysticks, and you can maneuver at different speeds. no cables. antey runs on powerful batteries. in enterprise conditions is about eight hours of work, that is, this is a work shift of the enterprise, but in general, according to our experience, the battery capacity the battery is enough to last up to a week at low intensity , but how long does it take to recharge? depending on the type of battery, if these are classic senso-acid batteries, charging can reach 8-10 hours, 8-10, if these are lithion batteries, then the charge takes up to 2 hours, while the tractor can move either on rails or on other surfaces in order to quickly maneuver from workshop to workshop, it is in demand at the largest machine-building plants and enterprises of the transport complex. in first of all, this is a
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railway transport enterprise, depot, electric depot, metro, urban transport, and industrial enterprises where railway traction is used. on board the tractor, which is a symbolic bear, the vehicle was developed by russian engineers for russian industry. news. june warmth has arrived in the european part of the country. forecasters are predicting a series of temperature records. at the same time, in many regions of the center of the country there is an orange level of weather danger due to flooding. we'll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigoreva. ekaterina, greetings. but is there anything left to melt, or are there any more snowdrifts with this weather? yes, there is still a lot of snow. a little later we will provide data on the depth of snow cover in different regions, but in the central region today. you can see this picture: on one bank of the river there is a ski slope, although mostly with artificial snow, on the other there are people sunbathing, the author of the video claims that these shots were filmed today in the capital region. summer time
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it's warm in moscow now. according to the latest data, the air temperature at the main weather station of the capital, vdnkh, rose to +20° for the first time this season. the daily maximum temperature record has already been broken. previously it belonged to 1983, when thermometers in the heat of the day. flood processes have intensified in the moscow region; in the ramensky district , the setovka river emerges from its banks and the surrounding area is flooded. the following footage was taken on the border of bashkiria and the orenburg region, where courtyards and houses in the village of mambetovo were flooded. the flood situation has worsened in kusbas, in the village of bungur, 48 houses are flooded, water is approaching the houses and in neighboring settlements, due to overflows, passage along some roads is blocked. geography is expanding. flood in the altai territory a funnel formed near a flooded road in the romanovsky district, the most difficult situation remains in the mikhailovsky district in promoina on the highway to
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the village of rakity, pipes were laid today for passage. previously, they tried to fill the hole with earth, but the water washed it away. so, the south of siberia, the southern urals, the caucasus, the shores of the caspian and black sea seas under the influence of an anticyclone. the strong, bright sun turns snow cover into melt water. a small cyclone in the urals inhibits the advance of heat. here is a vast atlantic vortex with a center over the baltic , on the contrary, directing more and more portions of mediterranean air inland. this afternoon in the kaliningrad region in the west of the central region in the black earth region. in the lower reaches of the don and kuban the air will warm up to 20-24°. from st. petersburg to astrakhan +15-20. from petrozavodsk to orenburg , the thermometers will rise above the mark +10. under the influence of cyclones there will be no precipitation. see how they are distributed. warm air seems to push snowfalls to the northeast, but the rain that will fall in the north of the russian plain in southern siberia will only
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speed up the melting of the snow. i will inherit. on the map, the forecast for the destruction of snow cover; the solid line indicates the boundary of the snow cover according to data as of march 31, that is, to the east of this line the snow still lies, to the west it has already melted; the dotted line indicates the forecast for the position of the boundary of the snow cover as of april 3, that is, 3 day, the spring sun will have time to completely melt 10-15 cm of snow, in the moscow region there is almost no snow left, in the west of the vladimir and... regions there is little snow, but in the east of the regions the snow cover today is even more than 20 cm. on the territory of tatarstan, the snow depth is from 12 to 71 cm. half a meter of snow lies on the fields in some areas of the samara region, in the novosibirsk region, the height of the snow cover varies from 1 to 70 cm and all this snow will melt in the near future. well, in moscow today until the end of the day it will be partly cloudy, possible
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intermittent rain is possible. the first thunderstorm, its probability is 70%. at the same time, the temperature still remains at a record level, with a high degree of probability, the statistics will be rewritten tomorrow, when the air warms up to 21°, there will be no precipitation tomorrow, only on wednesday, under the influence of an atmospheric front, rain will resume in moscow and the maximum temperature will be +15 , well, in the future the temperature will return to the more usual april values ​​of +8 +9 in the daytime. ekaterina, thank you, grigorova spoke about the record heat in the center of the country and floods in russian regions. this weekend, the leaders of the russian football championship competed for the top spot in the table. krasnodar had a real chance to bypass the st. petersburg zenith, for this it was necessary to defeat moscow lokomotiv away. stas redikultsev saw how this meeting ended. kebabs, street fun on a warm sunday evening put the fans in
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a relaxed mood, although the match between moskovsky and
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the loss of the disqualified korpukas and pinnyaev, teknyazyan and dzyuba were injured, it was dzyuba’s goal that brought lock victory in the first circle, from the first minutes timur suleymanov took the position of center forward and scored, but into his own goal. krasnodar closed, anton miranchuk tore open the visitors' defense with subtle passes, but when the defenders could not help, matvey safonov came to the rescue. in a tough men's game between two equal opponents, yellow cards flew from left to right. even musaev grabbed his warning. marvelous. that the teams finished the match with equal strengths, it became even more fun in the second half: lokomotiv increased the pressure, krasnodar was about to catch the hosts counterattacks, but the goal was rightly canceled due to offside; in the next episode, maxim glushenkov used a cool pass from sarveli and dealt with safonov 1:1. an interesting game...


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