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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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a minute of silence. muscovites have serious losses. disqualified korpukas and penyaev, teknyazyan and dzyuba are injured. it was dzyuba’s goal that brought lock victory in the first round. from the first minutes , timur suleymanov took the position of center forward and scored, but into his own goal. krasnodar closed, anton miranchuk tore open the visitors' defense with subtle passes, but when the defenders could not help, matvey safonov came to the rescue. in a man's hard game of two.
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you know, it’s always hard to play, well, i don’t know, now it’s hard to say something when it’s hot, but we’ll see, convince the capricious both teams tried to get the favor in stoppage time, but the locomotive ruined its own chance, and the goal attack of krasnodar was cut down by muscovites goalkeeper ilya lantratov. both teams lived through a draw in march without victories. today i think the game was good, well, the first half was very good, the second half was not so good, i think now everything will go from this draw. the best side. none of the favorites of the championship race in the russian premier league is ready to take on the burden of leadership. dynamo loses at home to rostov, and devastatingly. zenit doesn't copes with the wings of the soviets on the road, but krasnodar misses out on victory in cherkizovo. 18 million rubles, a million for each goal on the tour, will be transferred by the rpl to the russian red cross to help the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. among the results of other matches, we note the prolonged winter one.
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spartak's point. the red-whites cannot score or win in three matches in a row. sochi and cska scored four goals between them, but the winner was not revealed. akhmad has not been able to beat rubin for 11 matches. baltika gained important three points in the fight for survival. there is no less intrigue in the bottom half of the table than in the fight for the championship. zenit's pursuers did not take advantage of the champion's misfire, although the bulls came close to the leader, and the head-to-head match of title contenders will take place in krasnodar.
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what a wooden guy , and you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she molded you into latin americans, yes, she molded you into a person with a latin-american character, latin-american habits, he told me, it ’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i don't anymore i asked because i realized there was so much there , not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here, 98%, probably came true. ukraine was in his forecasts, this is approximately how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, what does latin america and the mausale have to do with it. any war is about infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go ahead, i'll come back for you, do you hear?
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starting today, new requirements for driver’s licenses and their receipt come into force, the changes affect foreign licenses, who needs to replace their license with russian ones and when, marya kudryavtseva will tell you in the instructions in the program. on april 1 , amendments to the road safety law came into force, along with new requirements for driving licenses issued abroad. who needs to change them to russian ones, and within what time frame? we'll tell you everything in this issue. instructions. so, which drivers are affected by the new requirements? the first category is foreign citizens and stateless persons who have become russian citizens or received a residence permit. the second is russians who received a driver’s license abroad. now about the timing, i’ll say right away, don’t worry, there is time to replace the rights. foreign driver's licenses received by foreign citizens or stateless persons who received a
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residence permit or acquired citizenship of the russian federation before april 2024, are declared invalid for driving vehicles on russian territory after one year. from the date of entry into force of this federal law, thus, exchange foreign driver’s licenses for russian national driver’s licenses, and such categories of citizens need until april 1, 2025. please note that russian citizens who received foreign driving licenses abroad will have to exchange them for domestic ones within one year after the date of their first entry with them to the russian federation. an exception is made for licenses issued in belarus; they are valid in russia until the expiration date, and if the owner decides to exchange them for russian ones, this can be done without exams. well, let me remind you that residents of new regions can cancel their driver’s license for a russian one without
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exams or medical certification; they only need a passport or residence permit and the license itself. let's move on to the procedure for replacing the license for other drivers. foreign license, in order to drive a moped, motorcycle and, most importantly, a car, you need to pass an exam on the theory of traffic rules, and also undergo a medical examination and receive a certificate in form 003ву. there is no need to pass the practical part of the exam, that is, without proudly, including in the most popular category b. citizens of states whose legislation establishes the use of russian as the official language, and this is the kyrgyz republic, kazakhstan, south. oseti, abkhazia, issuance of russian driver's licenses for on the basis of foreign driver's licenses, is carried out after successfully passing a theoretical exam without undergoing vocational training, while citizens of these countries must also present a medical certificate confirming that they have no
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contraindications to driving vehicles . issuance of russian national driver's licenses on the basis of foreign driver's licenses confirming the right to drive mopeds and motorcycles. passenger cars and issued in other states, except listed above, is also carried out after successfully passing a theoretical exam upon presentation of a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to driving vehicles without undergoing vocational training. what about bus and truck drivers? let 's figure it out, let's start with belarus, here again there is an exception: the license will be changed without training in a driving school and without exams, then there are four countries where... russian is the state or official language, these are kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, south ossetia and abkhazia. their citizens will have to pass the theory, but no retraining is required. but all other drivers who have foreign licenses to drive trucks, buses , vehicles with trailers, need to get a new
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vocational education, pass both theory and driving exams. and the road safety law now specifies who will not be given a license. these are those who are deprived of the right to drive vehicles, and those who did not fulfill the conditions for returning the license when the period of deprivation of the right ended, and also those who had administrative offense for drunk driving, and finally, those who are prohibited from engaging in activities that are directly related to driving. let us repeat the most important thing: by april 1 of next year, drivers who have become russian citizens or received a residence permit must receive one. an exception is made for belarus, the license issued there does not need to be changed; the rest will need to pass the theory to drive a passenger car, and to drive a truck and bus, go through a driving school again and pass practice too. here exception, countries where russian
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is the state or official language, you can exchange their licenses for russian ones without retraining, but you will have to take the theory. do you have any questions, do you want to keep abreast of transport innovations? don’t be left without wheels, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we’ll talk to experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next issues, instructions.
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to work to meet the targeted needs of business and economics. what support measures help? create breakthrough technologies when unique drugs to fight cancer appear. and unmanned robotaxis will massively transport passengers. and how future scientists are trained from school. watch the program for a solution with maria kudryavtseva. do you press the pedals? completely above advice. we are going to the first shooting location, now there is a tester in the driver’s seat, he may not hold the steering wheel, the taxi is unmanned.
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an ideal place for testing, there is good road surface and at the same time...
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for the next 10 years, we will try to develop a program that would help maintain interest in scientific activity. the history of the sirius educational center dates back to 2015, a year after the olympics. since then , more than 70,000 students from all over the country have received unique knowledge here, and regional centers based on this model have been launched in 79 regions. in 2019 , the innovative scientific and technological center sirius appeared. initially , six companies became its residents. now there are already 77 of them. in just 4 years, the increase is almost 13 times. and in 2020 it appeared the country's first federal territory is sirius. an experimental legal regime has been created here. what does this give? for example, a talented tenth grader may be accepted into a university. there are also
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special conditions for innovative businesses. what equipment do you manufacture? cameras are our development, there are nine cameras in the car to see traffic lights, well, identify some objects. all signals are reduced to a large computer, and the computer is also a domestic development, 50%, created on the basis of our servers, well, it probably understands better our russian driver is probably anton chastyakov, operational manager of the unmanned fleet, the robotaxi project was launched on federal territory, the experimental legal regime turned on the green light. transport of the future, there are about twenty drones in the fleet, nine are already transporting tourists and local residents. can we say that you are partners of sirius? sirius gives us the opportunity to test driverless technology, and we give sirius the opportunity to increase its safety, tourist attractiveness, and we are also changing the road infrastructure, for example, we can pass the same intersection a thousand times a day , we understand that it may not be effective,
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for example, at one of the intersections there is not enough left turn arrow, and we suggested installing sirius. with cancer, the approach that we plan to use is the so-called mrna vaccine, probably a cancer vaccine, yes, that’s right, it tunes the immune system to fight the tumor, when can this drug come to market, how long will it take, usually needed many years 8-10 at least years, thanks to the special legal regulation of the federal territory of sirius , we will be able to minimize the
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period from identifying a tumor to administering the drug to the patient. and we really hope that this will become a reality in the next 3 years. roman ivanov, director of the center for translational medicine at sirius university. under his leadership, about ten unique drugs are being developed. before coming to the university, roman worked in pharmaceutical production for 15 years and focuses his team on targeted market requests. in our country, science and medicine are traditionally very much separated. science and production are even more separated. here in the service we are trying to create an ecosystem that... allows you to do exactly what the economy needs, what people need, it’s hard, the gears creak, when this, of course, creaks, but now there are very good helpers in the person of, for example, the russian science foundation, they have launched. pilot project for grant support specifically for applied research in the interests of russian companies, which allows motivating universities for applied developments specifically in the interests of specific
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companies. an example of real support: a university receives a grant for the development of a unique domestic drug, a business becomes a resident of an innovative scientific and technological center , receives free land for the construction of an industrial pharmacy, builds its own facilities, and sirius helps to do without bureaucracy. here we are talking about interaction with companies for water, heat, networks, and we understood that if we went into this history only ourselves, and knocking on the thresholds of all these organizations, we have no complaints, but we would go into a very long history, this section of production that we will have here is unique innovative project, we will also attract graduate and undergraduate students who are already participating in this project, that is, the university is also a source of personnel, but why did it even appear? the idea to create an innovative scientific and technological center sirius began with distant children, educational center, and why business , the creation of an innovation center and the creation of a university is a direct order
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of the president, every month guys from absolutely all regions come here who have already achieved outstanding results to learn from the country's leading teachers, and these teachers represent not only academic structures, but also high-tech companies and research centers. all wednesday.
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infrastructure is perhaps somewhere for our students or undergraduates or graduate students. move up and develop business where it’s easier and faster when there is a ready-made infrastructure and support measures. as a resident of the sirius innovation science and technology center , the income, property and vat tax rates are zeroed for 10 years, and you can work in modern laboratories and resource centers, which are provided to participants. preferential conditions, and what happens here , you do it yourself, we make the equipment ourselves, we make all the consumables ourselves, and what does
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residency in sirius give you, the opportunity to live here at preferential prices, people live on the third, fourth floor, goes down to the office to the second floor in slippers, if you wish , you can always take the bus to go to the beach, and how far is it from here to the beach, well, about five minutes. andrey tronin became a resident of the innovative scientific and technological center sirius and received... along with tax and insurance benefits, a resource base next door, the team created a device for quickly diagnosing the health status of animals or plants, you can determine the composition of even ordinary sausage. we will need our device to determine if there are any undeclared products, for example, for example, chicken, for example, soy, so, start, let's start, one and a half minutes. taking a sample and 26 for analysis for comparison, the classical method would require experienced laboratory assistants and about 2 seconds per hour, what do we see? chicken,
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pork and soy found, how can businesses use this? our pcr analyzer, it is universal, it can be used, it is already used in many veterinary clinics, in fact, to detect diseases of domestic animals, it is used in various poultry farms for... the use of our pcr method itself the device allows you to reduce all this to 18 hours. are you a russian company and want to become a resident of an innovative
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science and technology center? you can register in your personal account; it’s easy and convenient to apply online directly on the website. and, by the way, sirius is not only a unique world-class research. the annual main event of the decade of science and technology, the congress of young scientists, is also held here, a platform where businesses can find ready-made personnel and solutions. last year, 23 agreements were signed here with educational centers and technology companies. and the journey of young scientists begins at school. i understand correctly that business here essentially receives comprehensive support, we perform, probably, these are the tasks of the focus, well, how does it work? it is important to create a very mobile infrastructure that responds to requests, when custom research comes to the university, and our graduate students and undergraduates work on it, the company does not need to create entire departments, there is no need to certify the equipment of the environment,
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study. searching and purchasing consumables, we take care of all this , we are conducting more and more applied research that really allows us to implement developments in the literal sense of changing the quality of life, the most important thing is focusing, focusing on fundamental tasks, where we see a breakthrough, sharing here this knowledge in technological products into improvements of some existing products. and you have a dependence on physics, there is a dependence on physics, yesterday you rolled a wheel on table and decided to find the trajectory of a point on the wheel, for three hours they drew this line, they drew it , almost, a little bit left, why is there a goose, a goose, this is my mascot, i’m at all the olympics with him, he used to have a butterfly and he looked like business goose, and how you use it, but i can use it like this, i can
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use it like this, when i think, it... helps, helps, can i try, now you have to write the olympiad to the maximum. ninth-grader leonid filipenko, twice winner of the final stage of the maxwell olympiad in physics, and a whole list of others university tests. part-time winner of international music competitions, this is his fourth shift at sirius. what changes when you return? the perception of the world changes, you organize your time better, here you live strictly according to a schedule, at home you start in exactly the same way. and you will study in the future. and projects, in general i would like to build a rocket engine, i will continue, i’ll start assembling it with my hands, well, after sirius i already started a little, i made a combustion chamber, a fish stadium, a large ice palace and the iceberg and even the hotel on the roof of which we are now located, all this was built for the 2014 olympics, and today this infrastructure is not only in demand, sirius managed to reconfigure the use of facilities for new tasks, be it training
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personnel or developing new ones... and this is what the very thing is a solution that has an effect for the whole country.
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vladimir putin made a number of instructions following his address to the federal assembly, so over the next 6 years the government will have to reduce the poverty level in russia to less than 7%, in large families to twelve below additional.


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