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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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that's it, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and it turned out to be me. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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major fire in yekaterinburg. according to preliminary information , a paint shop in an industrial zone is on fire. it all started with the roof. by this minute, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire had already covered 4,000 m2. it was previously reported that the premises belong to the ural mash plant, but this media information was denied by representatives of the enterprise. about fifty firefighters are on the scene and 17. units of special equipment. the place of the chairman
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of the supreme court of russia will most likely be taken by irina podnosova. her candidacy was supported by the supreme court and the council of judges. the opening of a vacant position was announced after the death of vyacheslav lebedev, who held his post since the ninety-first year. what is known about the applicant and what were the requirements of the applicant? egor grigoriev has all the details. vacancy for a position. irina podnosova. she holds the post of deputy chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation and heads the judicial panel for economic disputes. she is also co-chair of the scientific advisory council at the supreme court of the russian federation. experts call urina podnosova the initiator of the development of a number of bills aimed at easing the system of punishment for entrepreneurs and decriminalizing economic crimes. character, her
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total legal experience is almost 50 years, judicial experience is 35. podnosova began working in the supreme court as deputy chairman in 2020, before which she headed the second court of appeal of the general jurisdiction, even earlier the leningrad regional court. according to the law, the chairman of the supreme court is appointed for 6 years by the federation council on the recommendation of the president, but before this , the candidate for the position must receive a recommendation from the highest qualification board of judges, which conducts a competitive selection. the precedent is required to have a higher legal education, at least ten years of experience in the field of jurisprudence, no criminal record and citizenship of another state, he cannot be younger than 35 years old, according to all these parameters, irina podnosova of course, she fits, as was noted at podnosova’s meeting, she has proven herself to be a competent lawyer, she enjoys well-deserved respect among judges and can firmly defend her position, she knows the problems of the judicial community from the inside, her candidacy was supported,
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irina podnosova’s candidacy in the federation council, let me remind you, the chairman of the supreme court is appointed for a period of 6 years on the proposal of the president. egor grigoriev, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, diana makurina, news. and now the latest news: foreigners detained in dagestan participated in financing the provision of terrorists from the kroku. hola, and also
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prepared a terrorist attack in kaspiysk. the fsb reported this. on sunday morning , the national anti-terrorism committee reported that special forces blocked the terrorists into the apartment. industries in march, the pmi index rose to 55.7 points. this is stated in the analysis of snp global. according to the agency , production volume continues to increase, as does the number of new orders. this is due to the increase in the number of clients and increased demand. let me remind you that an index value above 50 points
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indicates an increase in business activity. russia's external debt at the end of the year decreased by almost 18% to $317 billion. this. the minimum figure since 2007, as stated in the annual report of the bank of russia. as for financial results, the regulator made a profit for the first time in 6 years; it exceeded 140 billion rubles. the central bank also noted an increase in interest in the system for transmitting financial messages. it is already used by more than 550 participants from twenty countries. wine supplies from the european union fell by almost 40%. for six months in about 5.5 million liters were imported into our country. this. the minimum volume over the past 6 years, writes rbc. latvia remains the largest supplier, followed by lithuania and italy. the fact is that the statistics are based on the countries where the wine is shipped, and not the actual origin. therefore, the leaders here are the baltic states, which have nothing to do with winemaking. among the states
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that have increased supplies are georgia, chile and south africa. and the russian economy is outpacing the growth rates of the g7 countries, despite the sanctions. the article says that the european union is shooting at itself in step, trying to isolate our country. restrictions against banks and asset freezes only helped moscow escape western control mechanisms. in addition, russia has become more actively cooperating with iran and china. it was economic news. short. the us will not help europe in the event of a military threat. the head of the arms concern rein metal stated this in an interview with the financial times. according to those who blocked military aid to ukraine, washington sent a clear signal to its allies that it no longer intends to pay for their protection. on this background military support for kyiv is also declining. as the british publication standard notes, the west is becoming increasingly aware that
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ukraine could be defeated in just a few months. more and more voices are being heard in favor of resolving the conflict through negotiations. the topic will be continued by artyom krosulin. ukraine risks losing key allies in the eu as early as june. such an unfavorable forecast for the kiev regime is published by daily telegraph columnists. the publication cites opinion polls that predict victory for eurosceptics in the upcoming elections to the european parliament in at least nine countries this summer. the leaders of these parties oppose military assistance to ukraine, and some of them, as journalists note, call for the lifting of anti-russian sanctions that are harmful to the economy. about the funds allocated to the ssu. does not bring the desired result, forbes analysts say. they note that the ukrainian army and equipment cannot do anything against russian guided bombs. experts call them miracle weapons, thanks to which the ukrainian armed forces were knocked out of the fortified avdeevka. the authors emphasize that kiev brought
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expensive western air defense systems, including american patriots, closer to the front, but eventually lost them. now zelensky’s hope is connected with f-16 fighters, the supply of which the west is postponing... there is no way under any circumstances that would allow ukraine to win. not a single real option. there is nothing magical about the f-16. they can be shot down like any other plane. russia has about a thousand combat aircraft, and even an entire squadron of f-16s will not change the strategic balance. this topic is developed by former cia analyst larry johnson. according to him, western tanks are stuck in... poland and romania, according to the expert, will expose themselves to enormous danger if they station american fighters at their bases that will be used in ukraine. poland and romania in this scenario will become
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russian targets, if nato declares war in response, every military facility in europe will be targeted by russian missiles, while russia has enough capabilities to hit targets. the gloomy prospects for confrontation with moscow are understood in berlin; despite the enormous profits of military-industrial concerns, chancellor scholz is in no hurry to transfer long-range taurus missiles to kiev. the production of these missiles was simply stopped. the media explains this by saying that it is prohibited to produce such weapons without a government order. the protesters are also calling for kiev to refuse military assistance. easter marches for peace took place in dozens of german cities, including amsterdam
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more than a thousand people came out to protest against arms supplies to ukraine. after the rally , demonstrators marched through the city center with signs saying “no nato, no war” and no weapons for peace. the desire of the united states and allies to fight to the last ukrainian - explained professor of economics at sarbone university, claudia senik. in her opinion, the west is trying to fight because of its own powerlessness in the new world order. the western world is under attack for its values ​​and for its hegemony. the west is losing its relative material, symbolic power in the face of new emerging powers. there is no optimism in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces themselves. new york times journalists write: officers complain that their subordinates are old, sick and do not want to fight. according to media reports, on average, out of 200 mobilized in ukraine, only 25 people are truly motivated to take up arms. artyom krosulin, anton dadykin, host. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan admitted the defeat of the ruling justice and development party in
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municipal elections. for the first time in 20 years , the people's republican party won victory in almost all the largest cities of the country. the consignment. after 90% of the ballots are counted, she wins more than 37% of the votes. representatives of the opposition won the mayoral elections in istanbul and ankara, and were also able to achieve success in cities that had traditionally given up. the issue of creating an air corridor for the delivery of humanitarian aid to residents of the gas sector from chechnya was discussed by representatives of jordan
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from the head of the region, ramzan kadyrov. the chechen republic was visited by a delegation of the kingdom led by prince hashem bin al-hussein. in addition to the negotiations, the guests visited the special forces university in gudermesia, in grozny we listened to a concert of national performers. report by artur mustaev. the corridor is clean. number four. upon arrival in the republic, the prince of jordan visited the russian special forces university, the guests showed how volunteers are trained before being sent to the north military district zone. the training includes a whole range of theoretical and practical training, including fire tactics, medical and engineering training. hashem bin al-hussein not only got acquainted with the capabilities of the center, but also tested the wind tunnel for training of paratroopers. then the prince of jordan was warmly received by ramzan kadyrov, who invited the guests to...
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thank you very much, we are very pleased with your visit to our long-standing brotherly relations. at the table with national dishes, the parties discussed the work to deploy joint humanitarian assistance to palestinian refugees by air. in addition, they talked about the prospects of creating a branch of the chechen pedagogical university in jordan. a concert program was also prepared for the guests, the best creative groups performed incendiary numbers on the stage of the grozden palace of celebrations named after dagun amayev. praise be to allah , there are special warm relations between jordan and russia, in particular with the chechen republic, which we will only develop. chechnya has served as an important bridge between our countries for many years. and today we were also able to discuss important issues of mutual support. relations between jordan and the chechen republic have deep roots. since the 19th century, the kingdom
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has been home to a large chechen diaspora, with regular visits by the parties to strengthen cultural and humanitarian ties. so in 2014 year, king abdullah ii personally visited grozny, where he was received by the head of chechnya. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan laluev, lead grozny. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i... oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the near future. 40 years, see you in the future, now shots from the presidential press service, see you, when you took over the affairs, here we are doing it, how do you
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feel there, dear, in your native land. one for me, the vologda region, there are preliminary results, i could talk about them in great detail, since these tasks relate to the housing and communal services sector, the improvement sector, and the social sphere, that is , healthcare, and staffing issues , primarily in healthcare and education in rural areas , and support for our soldiers, participants in a special military operation, and the construction complex, and energy. roads, transport, there are a lot of questions here, i prepared with my colleagues 22 the programs that i am launching, this year these programs are designed for a five-year period, in total we are allocating 28 billion rubles from the regional budget for the implementation of these projects, 5 billion rubles already for this year, again this also applies to this case, you
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open the page, where we illustrate our overhaul program. schools - in total it is planned to renovate 75 schools, 23 already this year and 59 gardens for 2 years, and this also concerns issues in the housing and communal services complex, we have allocated 6 billion rubles for these needs this year alone, we are going to shift 84 km of heating networks, the fact is that the problem of housing and communal services, as always, is within the perimeter of our priorities, in the perimeter of my special attention, i keep the topic under... control, there were no rolling blackouts of major problems, but at the same time, naturally, accidents happen, in order to take a comprehensive approach to the modernization of utility infrastructure, this year we are financing this area in the amount of 6 billion rubles. and, as i already said, we are going to carry out work on relaying 84 km of heating networks,
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having repaired or built 80 objects communal infrastructure, the topic also concerns staffing. modernization is healthcare , it is solving personnel issues in healthcare , primarily in rural areas, it is issues of providing new qualified
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personnel for the education system, this is very important, issues of road infrastructure, road repairs, transport issues, connectivity of the territory, the fact is that the territory is huge, 144,500 km, within the framework of these new programs in strategy 2.0 i reflected as one of the programs that aimed at ensuring the connectivity of the territories, six new intercity routes, we financed 100 million a year so that from west to east, there is about an 8-hour drive by car, excellent...
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personal meetings with the spouses of mobilized soldiers in the region since the beginning of the special military operation, such meetings are being held for the first time and based on the results of these meetings, in which about a thousand people took part, we decided to launch a regional dispatch service and a single call center for issues of the siberian federal district based on number 122. now this project office works 24x7, accepts calls around the clock and anyone who applies is primarily concerned with this. assistance to the families of mobilized soldiers who ask questions about some everyday tasks, for example, if we are talking about forest or rural areas. bring firewood, and bring food, help with the repair of cold and hot water supply, household, basic utilitarian tasks, but this is our direct sacred duty, and therefore
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and we launched this issue, the project office works around the clock, as a result of these meetings one important initiative was born, and as i said, about a thousand people took part in these meetings, i met with the spouses and relatives of our mobilized soldiers in cherepovets in vologda. these are wives, mothers and, unfortunately, widows of mobilized soldiers, contract soldiers, volunteers, and we launched the principle of two keys: for each family, for each surname of our soldiers, we assigned a responsible curator from the regional government, for each family, on the one hand, on the other hand, a representative of the social protection department was assigned to the same family under the same surname, that is, both curators must be 24x7. are available to have full information about what worries the family, first of all , i emphasize once again, this includes the preparation of a package of documents for receiving payments, these are everyday
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issues, this is contacting the management company in order to conditionally repair the battery, well, support, full turnkey support until the problem is solved, we have created a unified platform for receiving applications for in order for correspondence, in order for parcels to reach... our soldiers with things, equipment, equipment, this is exactly what there is a big request for, because, unfortunately, parcels are often lost, letters are lost, so this is a single a platform that aggregates applications without unnecessary bureaucratic red tape, failures , sending correspondence to the fighters , parcels and a separate front of work, collecting applications for the acquisition of a direction in the military unit of equipment, loaves, urals, uazi.
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maura, this is sandareva mountain, these are eco-routes, eco-trails, these are glampings, this is a program for parks in the forest using the example of the moscow region program for parks in the forest, that is, we are trying to borrow best practices from other regions and now begin to implement this in order to develop domestic tourism, but for the development of domestic tourism there is still a very important circumstance, which i now wanted to talk about, if you allow me, and having covered the most important third presentation, the third material, in fact, for the sake of... all year round,
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so that the estate of father frost works , the task of developing domestic tourism is to ensure, this makes economic sense, both for investors and so that not only in winter, but also in summer we can come to visit our santa claus. this makes sense, it will melt in the summer, it should be in a no less magical ice palace in the summer, and where it can be brought - regardless of the time of year, and children in order to conduct an extensive, interesting, deep, educational excursion program, take a photo with grandfather frost and learn about the history and traditions, culture of the russian people, the russian north. since the volga region is the soul of the russian north, it is one of the places of power of the russian world, as we positioned it at the russian exhibition at the dnh. these were shots from
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the meeting of vladimir putin with the acting head of the vologda region georgy filimonov. and again to the topic of the last minutes: foreign fighters, who were detained the day before in dagestan, financed and supplied those who attacked crocus city hall with everything they needed. and besides, they themselves were preparing to carry out a terrorist attack in places where civilians are crowded , as the fsb reported today, for this purpose captured makhachkala and caspian extremists conducted reconnaissance of the area, made a homemade bomb and acquired machine guns. immediately after the planned attack, they intended to leave russia. they planned terak naberezhny for the city of kaspiyskiy naberezhny or
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... presidential elections were held, but they were canceled, despite the fact that the west even called for a vote to be held, which means that already in may zelensky will cease to be a legitimate head of state, what is this for can lead - found out evgenia petrukhina. march 31 in ukraine is the day of failed elections, president zelensky’s term expires on may 20, 5 years after his inauguration in 2019, the elections in the square
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were cancelled. signed a memorandum stating that presidential and parliamentary elections would not be held, but that they would be held after martial law ended, in 6 months. zelensky’s team refers to article 108 of the constitution of ukraine, saying that the president exercises his powers until the newly elected head of state takes office, but he does not. the fact that zelensky is unlikely to be re-elected especially after unfulfilled promises of peace with
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russia and merciless mobilization. endless communal collapse in the country , the protege of the extremist kolomoisky and washington, it seems, clearly understood, and now he, apparently, is at a dead end, our opponents are forced, at least even, if not to recognize, then to realize that the past presidential elections in russia demonstrated a phenomenal support of the entire population, which rallied around its leader; against this background, the ukrainian president has now turned into a into a dictator and a tyrant, in these conditions... it is quite possible to play with him against him, to get rid of him, that is , the west will decide whether or not zelensky will be at the head of ukraine, and zelensky is still imitating vigorous activity, carrying out a purge in his office , takes his friends out of the game, but why did he dismiss his first assistant and friend shefir and eight other officials? shifir is his closest comrade, it is essentially zelensky’s wallet,
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everything is registered to him. meanwhile, zelensky in kiev, sitting on a modest office chair in the background destroyed house, is already telling the cbs television channel that he is supposedly ready for negotiations without the condition of ukraine returning to the borders of the ninety-first year, will he really cancel his own decree. the ukrainian government is at a dead end, it wants to survive, it is ready to do anything. the west really has two tracks, one is war with ukraine to the end on the line.
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build production sites, hire people, launch rockets. such a business requires long-term contracts, which means a protracted war to fulfill the order, but the west looks like it's not ready yet. as for ukraine, zelensky, apparently, is not leaving elections to it, but there are those who are ready to joke about it. ballots with the name of only one candidate were posted in dnepropetrovsk and they did not forget to mention his stage past. perhaps only the ukrainian dancer, who appeared on the air of the german tv channel ard, could surpass this. during the broadcast of the good friday service. the girl twitched as if in convulsions, rolled on the floor and scattered white powder. the audience instantly analogies and even wrote: they say, here he is, the next president of ukraine. ukraine was simply not allowed to elect a president this sunday. evgenia petrukhin, olga alvukhina, lead. and


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