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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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now footage from the government house. dear alexey gennadievich, dear colleagues, today we continue meetings with factions of the state duma, which are traditional.
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we are holding before the government report in the state duma, and we have already discussed with parliamentarians a whole range of issues and proposals, i am absolutely sure that the ideas and developments that will be presented to the faction by new people will also contribute to constructive interaction and finding new effective solutions. the priorities voiced by deputies largely determine our decisions, after all.
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a proposal to support entrepreneurship to create conditions for the development of private initiative in russia, which, by the way, is reflected in the amendments that were presented for the second reading. together with other deputies , measures were taken to create a training system for highly qualified personnel, and an additional 9 billion rubles were provided for educational production centers; colleges and enterprises will help at these sites. students gain the necessary experience, but also, which is very important, knowledge technical sciences and technological processes. we have almost doubled funding for two-year courses, where high school students and students of secondary vocational education organizations can study. there, the guys will have the opportunity to master programming languages, which is of course of interest to both young people and employers. of great importance is the promotion of research in universities and in the federal budget.
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one and a half billion also looked at the creation or development of an engineering development center. the funds will also be used for grants for the acquisition of high-tech equipment and advanced software; they will be available not only in higher education, but, which is very important, also to scientific organizations of various profiles. such support is a real investment in the future successes of domestic industry, science and education, and i want to give you
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the necessary knowledge once again... the necessary knowledge, a very necessary, important project, and a year ago, during the same meeting, before the government report, you invited me to attend the finals of this program, and i had great pleasure in may last year i talked with its participants in the moscow technopark, we heard and saw many new interesting projects, developments, the guys who work there are open, energetic and so very...
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supporting small medium-sized businesses there, together with deputies from other factions you provided the necessary amendments to legislation. in general, in general, promoting private initiative is very important, especially now, when strengthening our technological, financial, economic, industrial sovereignty, and new people, of course, make an active contribution to solving such problems. at the same time, your faction does a lot for industrial development, i will say separately about a direction such as domestic tourism. the profile committee of the state duma headed by sangadzhi. torbaev successfully interacts with my deputy dmitry nikolaevich chernoshenko and the ministry of economic development, i would like to separately note the promotion of such a new direction as agrotourism. this can be really extra, including including a source of income for citizens, and also contribute to the popularity
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of regional brands and food products. last year, i know that 73 such projects were already supported, and this was in more than half of the constituent entities of the russian federation. i would like to thank you for your assistance with the government initiative, which expands opportunities for entrepreneurs in this area, the document has already passed the first reading, and it was created following meetings with industry representatives. farmers were worried that there was no right to provide services before on, as you remember, temporary accommodation of guests in residential buildings, but now the bill is being prepared for the second reading, we expect that it will be adopted in the near future. ah thank you.
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the topic of entrepreneurship, industry, support for entrepreneurs, and i believe that you and i need to actually show that these are
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responsible, future-oriented entrepreneurs, those who modernize their enterprises, build new ones, export our russian goods abroad, and that’s it. .. it’s also a challenge for us to give it all green light, i must say that the government also worked a lot on this topic, last year we held parliamentary hearings on smes, andrei removich belous is sitting here,
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thank him very much for devoting so many 4 hours to this whole hearing, viktorovich volodin led brilliantly, our faction proposed, but of course a better leader than vyachesla. this is also very inspiring, for example, in three readings the state duma has already adopted a law on increasing the thresholds of damage for economic crimes. 9 months after the government the first reading was finalized , i must say that i also told the president that this is the case when, even though it
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takes 9 months to give birth to something good, i don’t know, but they added new articles where these thresholds are raised, then the government is also doing its job. this is also one of the examples of interaction. we have practically agreed on a bill on tax breaks for evening investments. we expect it to be delivered soon. government withdrawal, the private equity market is really looking forward to this law, it is clear that everything will not change in seconds, but at least there will also be a fair wind to this. i know that the government is preparing measures to support entrepreneurs who continue to work in the border areas, there are enterprises in the belogorod and kursk regions, despite the shelling, they work, people are paid salaries, and i propose that we may also focus on that package of measures. who was for enterprises during covid, everyone also remembers him
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with a kind word, and of course, the governor of the belgorod region, he also found some opportunities to help enterprises from regional budget, but it seems to me that, so to speak, it would be correct for this to be federal funding too, well , here we will wait for the package that you are preparing together, if we talk about our strategic priorities, russia always has a lot of them , and i would like to limit our attention to two of them in this meeting today: this is the first topic - this is artificial intelligence, we in russia are already quite good at artificial intelligence, our frontier companies are doing well, but what i see is now starting to sound all there are more calls to regulate this area , not only do communists not like dvonkov, but artificial intelligence should also be disliked , so let us... look carefully here, because there are already examples, for example , of the european union, which has regulated all
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artificial intelligence there, and that we we see that companies are simply moving to other countries, and there, starting from the uk and ending with others, our national companies, they understand all the risks, they are very responsible, and have now themselves adopted a code of ethics in the field of artificial intelligence, i i propose that in russia... we should follow the path that some countries are also taking, where there is more space for experimentation, it is important for us that russia becomes a leader in this market, maybe we are already feeling good now, but we need to be there , this is probably comparable to, a phase transition begins, this is approximately how the pre-manufacturing, and even single- factory, economy was, this is not an area where we need to go into regulation now, moreover, we see, for example, our neighbors, china ...
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development and implementation will begin faster products, there are already a lot of good products for the financial sector, but we also see for industry and for construction and transportation, agriculture, but we need, i think, such solutions for healthcare and - public administration, maybe why someone wants to regulate everything, maybe some deputies are afraid that they simply don’t need an artificial intelligence station, but our faction is not afraid of this, i think the government is not afraid of this either. yes, at the same time, of course, there are some new threats from
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artificial intelligence, in march, there are hundreds of cases where scammers using artificial intelligence are already faking a person’s voice, calling his family, but regulation won’t help here either, a big information campaign is needed here, telling people about what new dangerous schemes have appeared, what risks are associated with voice, there may be different areas here, let's discuss it there, remember them honestly. for example, it does sms mailings, but here are notifications to people, maybe these forms, maybe others, but this is on the one hand, on the other hand, we also need to show our people, how such developments make life easier , how they improve the quality of services, last year we applied to the ministry of education to include the study of artificial intelligence in the school curriculum, well, it is clear that this is not a quick solution, and there is a real problem that there is no one to teach. that’s why we ourselves have now created the neurostart program , this is a free course to train schoolchildren
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, students, anyone who wants to work with neural networks, that’s when, but i think that this is still a systemic issue, here the state will not replace the party project, in addition, artificial intelligence is important for the second large-scale task, this is the actual robotization of industry; by 2030, russia should enter the top 25 countries in the world in terms of the number of industrial robots.
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and i also know that one of the breakthrough projects in this particular area is being prepared here, well, and also later today i will convey to you our proposal, because we believe that this is also the place where the future is forged. dear mr., thank you very much for your participation in the events of our educational program , i am in the business, when the president supported it, this very... made it possible to increase the number of participants in the program, we previously worked there in 150 universities, after the support of the president, the volume increased there last year to more than 500 universities in the country, but when you came we talked with the guys, winners, finalists , now everyone also wants
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to participate, to win, we didn’t promise that you would come again, but everyone is already waiting... i think life will show whether there will be an opportunity for this, whether there will be time for this, and indeed, can you imagine that many of what you and i said today, and stories show that we cooperate very actively, thank you very much, our faction is in the state duma for the first time, so we had to learn a lot, learn - teach us, and this...
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and of course there is something to discuss, so i am with you broadly on all issues now i have spoken with pleasure and will present the floor to the members of your faction. these were footage of mikhail mishusin’s meeting with the leadership of the new people faction on the eve of the government’s report to the state duma. it will take place on april 3. foreign fighters, who were detained in dagestan the day before, financed and supplied all. the fsb reported this; the detainees were also preparing a terrorist attack in kaspiysk, for which they conducted reconnaissance and also purchased explosives and weapons; after the planned attack, they intended to leave russia. we planned terak on the kazbiyskie embankment in the city of kazbiyskie embankment or in parpovedi.
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we were going. blow up blow up and blow up a crowd of people, a crowd of people, during the arrest, during the arrest , two kalashnikovs and a 460 bullet were found in the apartment, i took them, took them weapons to these guys who attacked the building from etiol in the city of moscow, i took them they...weapons got dirty and leaked. according to the latest data, as a result of the tragedy in the concert hall, 144 people were killed and 551 were injured. nine accused of committing a terrorist attack have been arrested in moscow. the joe biden administration is trying to distort the picture of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. gazda and
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us intelligence services have been tasked with removing any suspicions about zelensky’s involvement. to the tragedy in the moscow region. this statement was released by the russian foreign intelligence service. as part of the implementation of the instructions received, relevant american structures convey information to us allies and partners designed to convince them of responsibility for the terrorist attack by the afghan branch of the isis terrorist organization velayat kharasan, banned in russia. to reinforce this version, the information field is filled with false reports that russia has long been under the gun of isis for the war in chechnya. support for bashar assad in syria and establishing links with the taliban movement. representatives of the russian non-systemic opposition living abroad have been instructed to fan the theme of the unfoundedness of attempts authorities of the russian federation. use the terrorist attack to justify a special military operation in ukraine. the investigative committee began an investigation after an appeal from state duma deputies about the need to investigate
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terrorist attacks by the united states, ukraine and western countries against russia. the department reported this today. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of state duma deputies andrei krasov, nikolai kharitonov, yana lantratova and public figures alexander dugin. derkach regarding the need to investigate the organization, financing and of terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries directed against russia, a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. as part of the investigation, the investigation will carefully study the data presented and make a procedural decision. vladimir putin gave a number of instructions following his address to the federal assembly. so, over the next 6 years , the government will have to reduce the poverty level in russia to less than 7%. and in large families up to 12 and below. additional measures of state support for families with
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children must be extended until the end of 2030 . the family mortgage is also extended for the same period. as part of the new national project family , more than 100 kindergartens will be built; the regions will be allocated over 50 billion rubles for this. almost another 100 billion is expected to be spent on capremon. kindergartens until the thirtieth year, the government has exactly one year until the end of next march to prepare measures for russia to join the four largest economies in the world. much earlier, by august , ministers and parliament will have to adjust the country's tax system. there will also be new tax deductions, including for those undergoing medical examination and passing the gto standards. the parameters of the tax amnesty for the business that used it will be determined. crushing schemes during growth, criminal liability for this violation will be excluded. in general, according to putin’s instructions, it is necessary to ensure the allocation of money for the implementation of the message with the report before october 1. the care of
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iswo fighters and their families must be a constant focus for regional authorities. about vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the acting governor of the vologda region. the president, how his region supports the participants of the special military operation and their loved ones, they also discussed issues of socio-economic development of the vologda region. anastasia efimova will tell you more. immediately 22 programs with a five-year plan, including school repairs, healthcare and road infrastructure, priority areas for the vologda region, which the interim reported to the president.
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i would like to tell you in very detail, but what is the most, the most priority in the near future, the priority is housing and communal services, modernization of housing and communal services, this is healthcare, this is solving personnel issues in healthcare, primarily in rural areas, these are issues of providing new qualified personnel for the education system, this is very important, road maintenance issues, road repairs, transport issues, connectivity of the territory. the gotha region is almost 145.00 km, say, from vytegra to veliky ustyug, about 8 hours by car, so the question transport links are one of the most important for
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the region and it is precisely to solve this that one of the programs proposed by the rio governor is aimed at, which involves six new intercity routes. an equally significant area of ​​work is supporting participants in a special military operation and their family members, about the needs of which... they learn, as they say, first-hand at personal meetings. we launched the principle of two keys, for each family, for each surname of our soldiers, we assigned a responsible curator from the regional government, for each family, on the one hand, on the other hand , a representative of the social protection department was assigned to the same family under the same surname, that is, both curators must be available 24x7 and have full information. what worries the family, first of all, i emphasize once again, is the preparation of a package of documents for receiving payments, these are everyday issues, and this is to contact the management
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company. in order to conditionally repair the battery, well, support, full turnkey support until the problem is solved, and very well, we need to continue this work, so so, this is how they built it, how to keep it, the main thing is not to lower this bar, so that people feel constant attention, and another area that the president paid attention to is tourism, eco-routes in the russian north, glamping sites, national parks, and of course, one of main brand names, father frost, father frost.
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in the summer it should be in an equally magical ice palace, where children can be brought, regardless of the time of year, in order to conduct an extensive, interesting, deep, educational excursion program, take pictures with grandfather frost and learn about the history and traditions, culture of the russian people, the russian north. the mentioned economic sense , by the way, was also mentioned by limonov in his report , emphasizing that a systematic audit of the regional budget made it possible to verify every figure in an expenditure item so that funds were primarily directed to those quotes where it hurts the most, meaning the resolution of issues, sensitivity which residents feel most acutely. anastasia efimova, lead. and an urgent message from the tas agency, a regular bus and an ambulance
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the train collided in the village of berendey. yaroslavl region, five people died, two were injured, this was reported to the operational services, details have not yet been provided. now it's time for economic news. sofcombank received permission from the central bank to purchase home bank, formerly home credit. the potential deal was also approved by the federal government. monopoly service. as a result of the merger, sofcombank expects the number of clients to increase by one and a half times. the volume of retail loans should grow by a quarter, and the deposit portfolio by 20%. on following this news, sofcombank shares rose by 4% to a record 20 rubles. for the paper. business activity in the manufacturing industries is growing in russia. in march, the pmi rose to 55.7 points. this is stated in the analysis of snp global. according to the agency
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, production volume continues to increase. like the number of new orders, this is due to an increase in the number of customers and increased demand. let me remind you that an index value above 50 points indicates an increase in business activity. at the end of the year, moldova’s external debt increased by 9% to $10.5 billion, this is data national bank of the country. most of this amount is 6.5 billion. private sector obligations. there is an increase of 5%. about 3.5 billion more. public debt, it grew by 17%. last year, the main creditor of moldova was the international monetary fund. us east coast ports are changing their operating hours to accept cargo from baltimoor, where a bridge previously collapsed. bloomberg writes about this. experts believe that gavani is able to cope with the load. more serious may be the long-term consequences due to the lengthening of the route. losses from stopping the port at baltimore are estimated to cost up to $200 million per day,
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rebuilding the bridge will cost approximately. at 2 billion. this was economic news, briefly. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai ribinin. your brother is in donbass, you need to go there, you should go, just so passengers can ride here. “i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to the gray area, behind this line, you’ll become different, but then what, that’s where my childhood and youth were, and now it’s dark, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no ,


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