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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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information picture of the day about the facts - this is russia-24 in the studio artyom yamshakov and olga armyakova. and that's what we'll talk about in this issue. the detainees give confessions, and another accomplice of the terrorists who committed a monstrous terrorist attack in the tikhol krupus has been identified. who delivered the weapons to the criminals and how, financing schemes have been revealed. terrorist cell. details of the special operation of the federal security service in dagestan. ukrainian presidential elections that did not take place. zelensky simply canceled them. quote: while the war is going on. this is what democracy means in ukrainian. meanwhile, the united states can no longer supply air defense systems to ukraine. washington simply doesn't have them. while zelensky is trying to cling to power. the sssu suffers catastrophic losses on the battlefield. a round-the-clock assistance system for... the families of special operation participants, as well as
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a single platform for delivering packages to soldiers at the front. this and more is about the footage of the working meeting between the president and the head of the vologda region. countdown: 2 days before the government’s annual report to the state duma. meeting mikhail mishustin with the new people faction. what issues were discussed? the beginning of the spring conscription. indexation of pensions, fines for flight delays. they came into force on the first day of april in russia. important laws, what will change for citizens, a detailed analysis of the april innovations, is it a joke, let's go for a record, april pampers us with unprecedented warmth. it’s +20 in moscow, motorists are advised to change winter tires to summer ones, what’s the weather like in other regions? and now the news agency has received literally recent information from the deputy head of the center. by
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serving educational organizations of the lugansk people's republic, valery chaiko died as a result of an explosion in starobelsk, the mayor of the city vladimir chernev told about this on monday. so, we are monitoring the situation and are continuing the broadcast now. foreign fighters, who had been detained in dagestan the day before, financed and supplied the attackers on crocus cityhall with everything they needed. this was reported to facebook. the detainees were also preparing a terrorist attack in kaspiysk, where they conducted reconnaissance and also purchased explosives and weapons, after planned attack, they intended to leave russia, they were planning a terrorist attack on the kaspiyskiy embankment in the city of kaspiyskiy embankment , or in the victory, i’m going to blow up and blow up and
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... to these guys who attacked the corcus in etihol in the city of moscow, i took them weapons from makhachkova and... according to the latest according to data, as a result of the tragedy in the concert hall , 144 people were killed and 551 were injured. nine accused of committing a terrorist attack have been arrested in moscow. the joe biden administration will try to distort the picture of the terrorist attack in kroku sitiholi. the state department and us intelligence services have been tasked with removing any suspicion of zelensky’s involvement in the tragedy in the moscow region. this statement was released by the russian foreign intelligence service. as part of the implementation
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of the received instructions, relevant american structures convey information to us allies and partners designed to convince them of responsibility for the afghan terrorist attack. branch of the terrorist organization isis velayat kharasan, banned in russia. to reinforce this version, the information field is filled with false reports that russia has long isis is targeting him for the war in chechnya, supporting bashar al-assad in syria and establishing connections with the taliban movement. representatives of the russian non-systemic opposition living abroad have been instructed to stir up the issue of the unfoundedness of attempts by the authorities of the russian federation to use a terrorist attack to justify a special military operation on... the investigative committee began an investigation after an appeal from state duma deputies about the need to investigate terrorist attacks by the united states, ukraine and western countries against russia. the department reported this today. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of deputies
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of the state duma, andrei krasov, nikolai kharitonov, yana lantratova and public figures alexander dugin and andrei derkach, regarding the need to investigate the organization. mida representative maria zakharova. according to her , the relevant documents are already being prepared. let me remind you that earlier the foreign ministry reported that a note had been sent to kiev demanding the arrest and extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks. among them are the head of the ukrainian security service vasily malyuk, who in interview on march 25, he admitted to organizing
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the bombing of the crimean bridge and revealed details of the preparation of other terrorist attacks. and today maria zakharova noted that this note does not contain demands for a terrorist attack in a crocus near moscow. documents regarding the terrorist attack will be transferred to kiev separately after the completion of the investigation . moscow also demanded that ukraine stop supporting terrorist activities and compensate the victims. the media recalled the murders of russian journalists daria dugin and vladlen tatarsky, the attack on zakhar prilepin, as well as about the killings of civilians that occurred during an attack by militants of the russian volunteer corps banned in russia. let's return to the main topic of the issue: a district official died in an assassination attempt in starobelsk, according to the lpr authorities; the deputy head of the center for servicing educational organizations, valery chaika, was killed in a car explosion. the explosion occurred near a branch of the lugansk pedagogical university, now
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investigators, police and the national guard are working on the site, all the circumstances of what happened are being clarified. the russian military has improved the situation in... the donetsk and yuzhnodonetsk directions. this was reported to the ministry of defense. and in the ovdeevsky direction, units of the center group took up more advantageous positions and repelled two enemy counterattacks. we will learn more about the situation in the special operation zone from our colleague alekseev. we are waiting for your details. how is the situation on the fronts? well, let's start with something extremely interesting. this is not the first time that kharkov authorities have reported the destruction of much of the critical infrastructure. cities, but this the result of a series of high-precision strikes on our part, everything is natural here, that not every day arrivals at a strategic object are recorded. what’s interesting is this: it seems that this has become a favorite tactic of official kiev, when it flies to where it really didn’t want to go,
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statements appear in all ukrasmi, like a carbon copy, saying that everything possible has been destroyed, but in reality this behavior only confirms that our reconnaissance at altitude continues to provide missilemen and pilots with precise coordinates to... important rear facilities, here is fresh footage from ministry of defense, in kharkov, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries has been eliminated , which was obviously very necessary for ukrainian commanders in that area, since they were placed in a de-energized city, but it didn’t work out, data on the situation in the artyomovsk direction is updated every day, where our airborne units are rapidly approaching chasyaru, according to various estimates, about a kilometer remains in the donetsk direction. units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line defeat of the formation of the thirty-first mechanized and ninety-second assault brigades in the areas of konstantinovka and novodmitrovka. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 510 military personnel, three tanks, four armored combat vehicles, including btrm13, and 27
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vehicles. there are areas where you can avoid long battles, diligent artillery barrage, and save. own resource first of all, our military is trying to do this: it is enough to cut, for example, the transport artery of the armed forces of ukraine, to confuse all their plans and make them think about further attempts go ahead. is it necessary, as here one aerial bomb was enough, here it is only necessary to note the mass of 3 tons to destroy the bridge under gulya-pole, which led to a disruption in the supply of the ukrainian group operating south of the settlement. what do ukrainian commanders generally supply their formations with in other directions, yes, all the same, they are gathering reserves of foreign equipment that they simply cannot cope with. our ministry of defense confirmed the destruction of another abrams tank at ovdeevsko. direction, light up like matches, polish self-propelled guns, american
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armored personnel carriers remain to rust on the battlefield, and howitzers like m199 or m37, and in general the favorite target of our counter-battery warfare crews. the russian military might like to see and take note of something similar in the nato equipment that the armed forces of ukraine abandon, but each time they only find another confirmation that western armor in the ukrainian steppes is no more than a chest broom. cross-country ability is zero, we regularly trophy more and more new samples, here in the footage of bmp murder, this another bradley, pay attention , there is a tape for the machine gun, there is a tape for the cannon, plus a cannon, a machine gun, smoke grenades, well, everything is complete, absolutely everything is complete, yes, more and more often vehicles are abandoned with full ammunition, that is, you... tseushniki each time they make grandiose plans, place gigantic hopes on nato weapons,
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but it is not possible to carry out the assigned tasks, sometimes morale is not on the rise, sometimes the weather is not the same, but more often than not, abilities are simply at zero. let's study the political consequences, give an assessment, and this is the reaction press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov when asked about the legitimacy of the ukrainian president. elections in ukraine were supposed to take place on march 31, that is , the day before, but they were canceled, citing wartime, and now the ukrainians and their sponsors in the west are trying to understand how legitimate zelensky is now? yes, indeed, an important question. so, there has not been and will not be any voting in ukraine. this applies not only to presidential elections, but also to elections of deputies to the verkhovna rada. the decision was made by the office of the head of the kiev regime. special there were no disputes or discussions, and there was no one to discuss with. in may , zelensky’s powers in office officially expire, and after that he will be the head of ukraine no longer according to
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the constitution, but according to wartime laws. moreover, as political scientists note, zelensky’s office, justifying its decision, refers to both world practice and the country’s constitution, but the ukrainian constitution does not contain a clause banning elections in wartime. yes , but references to world practice also look, to put it mildly, strange, especially against the background of accusations of the kiev regime and its western curators addressed to russia that...
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one way or another, zelensky retains power, according to media estimates, including western ones, this looks like a desperate attempt to hold on to power at any cost. even the american russophobe senators who came to kiev told the ukrainian leader that it would still be better to hold elections just to create at least the appearance of that very legitimacy. but zelensky, apparently, was afraid, as the media wrote, then the head of the general staff valery zaluzhny was predicted to be his opponent, and some polls showed that zelensky was losing. was left without presidential ambitions, so zelensky, as political scientists note, is clutching
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at the remnants of his power, acting within the framework of the legal lawlessness that has reigned in ukraine since 2014, if not earlier. and the reluctance to negotiate is also partly understandable; as long as the fighting continues, zelensky will try to remain in power. if at first he somehow tried to correspond to the new image, entered into it, then over the years that have passed, it means that he has slipped into exactly the image from which he came out, he can change his decisions, almost every hour, his cadres begin to pine, expel some, appoint others, he is surrounded by people. absolutely unworthy , i think that many of those around him have long regretted joining his team, i am a new nice active gel, when your back hurts, i easily penetrate the source of pain and quickly disappear, it’s time to train, meet the new one nice
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the title of hero of russia, health and good luck to you for all of us, and of course, victory. awards were presented to lieutenant colonel leonid pashkkevich and major igor yurgin, who showed courage and heroism. in addition to the stars, the heroic officers received personalized weapons from the hands of the minister of defense. leonid pashkevich an officer's saber, and igorin a pistol for yarygin. i received the task of occupying a defense area in the area of ​​one populated area. the enemy attempted to break through the positions with battalion forces. in seven infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 100 people in enemy manpower, but thanks to coordinated action battalion, this attempt was prevented and... the enemy forces were destroyed, over the next three days, the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion’s defenses, it was revealed that
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the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. the battalion performed tasks according to its mission; this high award was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of all battalion personnel. very year. i see for the first time what the minister of defense of the russian federation presented to be honest, i still haven’t understood it live, that i am a hero, six elite units stood, but we crashed all six elite units together with the commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously , there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%, the composition fully supports, fully supports the goal of the special military operation, all the people go, unquestioningly carry out combat missions. control will be strengthened
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the period of stay will be reduced, the ministry of internal affairs has sent new proposals on migration legislation to the government. the bill proposes to reduce the period of temporary stay of foreigners to 90 days during the calendar year. let me remind you that now migrants can stay in russia for up to six months from the moment they cross the border, and this period can be extended to a year if an employment contract is concluded. also from the proposal of the ministry of internal affairs to strengthen control over employers who attract foreign labor, and also introduce the so-called digital profile of a foreigner and biometric identification when entering russia. a loyalty agreement is also provided. foreigners will be required to sign a consent to possible restrictions on them.
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citizens, strengthening control over employers, customers of work or services that attract foreign labor, in russia certain categories of foreign extrajudicial restrictions on the rights of illegal migrants, as well as a ban on government bodies, organizations, individuals and legal entities providing violators with migration legislation of any services. in the orenburg region, river levels have risen to critical levels, vehicle travel on 34 bridges has been limited, and an electrical substation has gone under water.
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there has not been such a flood in the mikhailovsky district for the last 40 years in the altai territory, where an emergency regime has been introduced and 32 temporary accommodation points have been deployed in the water, over 500.
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here is a difficult situation in the village of rakety, because of the water, it is cut off from road communications, rescuers are on motorized boats inspect all the flooded streets, bring food to people and medicines. livestock is also being rescued from flooded areas. the level of rivers in the orenburg region has risen to critical levels; the fact that there was a road here just a couple of days ago can be understood from the power line; now the route is under water, people are being transported. due to overflows , traffic on 34 bridges is limited and the situation will only worsen in the coming days; forecasters
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expect the peak of the flood only in two days. so, in the moscow region, serpukhov, lukhovitsy and kolomna are in the risk zone. the last time the bridge was flooded due to spring floods. water in the rivers of the moscow region began to rise quickly, in a couple of days its level increased by 4 m. a water disaster is also raging in kazakhstan, the situation is critical, 50 settlements were left without transport links, 1,300 people were evacuated from flood zones. more than 12,700 people were rescued and evacuated in 12 regions of the country, of which 4,728 were minors in the oktobe, west kazakhstan, okmola, and kustanal regions; 6,461 people were in temporary accommodation centers, of which 2,570 were children. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the active phase spring floods are observed in 22 regions of the country, in some places houses, bridges and sections of roads are flooded. in the leningrad, novgorod, and vologda regions, flooding of river floodplains will continue, with some deterioration according to weather forecasters
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. possible in karelia in the central federal district, the flood will begin partially in the kaluga and smolensk regions, in the list of risk, bryansk and tver. it will flood in some areas and the moscow region. the situation is difficult in the volga and siberian federal districts. there is also great water in the samara region, where anomalous rainfall occurred. last precipitation amount. this figure was recorded almost a century ago in 1933. margarita semenyuk, olga prokanova, daria bratukhina, news. the death toll increased to eight. in the event of a collision between a bus and a train in the yaroslavl region, such figures are provided by the ministry of emergency situations. the cause of this accident was the departure of a passenger bus on the track in front of the approaching train number 15, arkhangelsk-moscow. the driver applied emergency braking, but the distance was insufficient and a collision could not be avoided. unfortunately, it didn't work. rescuers and psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations are working at the scene of the tragedy, a total of 24 people, as well as seven pieces of equipment.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you. in future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable replace foreign suppliers. all resources must be mobilized. give me the recipe
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in general, here’s how to achieve it. so, we continue, care for air defense soldiers and their families must be constant. to be the focus of attention of regional authorities, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the acting governor of the vologda region. georgy felemonov told the president how his region supports the participants in the special military operation and their loved ones. they also discussed issues of socio-economic development vologda region. anastasia efimova will tell you more. there are 22 programs at once with a five-year plan, overhaul of schools, healthcare and road construction.


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