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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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is russia changing in any structure? is evolution taking place? so, we continue: caring for air defense soldiers and their families should constantly be the focus of attention of regional authorities. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with temporary officials. 22 programs at once with a five-year plan to repair schools, healthcare and road infrastructure are a priority for the vologda region, which were reported to the president temporarily. acting
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governor. 5 months have passed since the appointment of georgy filimonov, which means preliminary the results of the work done are already there. we agreed with you that we would see each other when you accepted the business, so we are doing it. how do you feel there? dear vladimirich, yes, in my native land, in my native vologda region, there are preliminary results. i could tell you about them in great detail, but what is the highest priority in the near future? the priority is housing and communal services, the modernization of housing and communal services, this is healthcare, this is solving personnel issues in healthcare, primarily in rural areas, these are issues of providing new qualified personnel of the education system, this is very important, road issues, road repairs, transport issues, connectivity,
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so the issue of transport communication is one of the most important for the region and one of the programs proposed in rio by the governor, which involves six new ones , is aimed at solving it intercity routes, no less significant areas of work are support for participants in a special military operation and members of their families, about the needs of the needs. who will know what is called first-hand at personal meetings. we launched the principle of two keys, for each family, for each surname of our soldiers, we assigned a responsible curator from the regional government, for each family, on the one hand, on the other hand, for the same family, for the same surname, we assigned a representative of the department of social protection , that is, both curators must be available 24x7, have full knowledge... of information about
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what worries the family, first of all, i emphasize once again, this includes the formation of a package of documents for receiving payments, this and everyday issues, this is to contact the management company in order to conditionally repair the battery, well, support, full turnkey support until the problem is solved, i’m very good, we need to continue this work, this is how we built it, keep it that way, the main thing is not to let it go bar so that people feel constant attention. and one more area that the president drew attention to is tourism, eco-routes in the russian north, glamping sites, national parks, and of course, one of the main brand items, father frost. santa claus is coming to you, santa claus does it work here around the clock, does it go away in the summer or what? the task of developing domestic tourism is to ensure that father frost’s estate operates year-round.
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economic sense both for investors and so that not only in winter, but also in summer we can come to visit our grandfather frost, there is an economic sense, he will melt in the summer, he should be in an equally magical ice palace in the summer , where it will be possible to bring children, regardless of the time of year, in order to spend extensive interest. a deep educational excursion program, take a photo with grandfather frost and learn about the history and traditions of the culture of the russian people, the russian north. the mentioned economic sense, by the way, was also mentioned by georgy filimonov in his report, emphasizing that a systematic audit of the regional budget made it possible to verify every figure in an expenditure item so that funds were primarily directed to quotes where it hurts the most, with a view to resolving issues , the sensitivity of which is felt by residents. most acutely. anastasia
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efimova. news. by 2030, the russian economy should be among the four largest in the world. measures must also be taken to reduce the level of poverty among the population. the kremlin published a list of vladimir putin’s instructions following his address to the federal assembly. in total it contains 30 items. the first part of the document concerns the economic and industrial development of our country. so, the head of state instructed the government to bring the russian economy to a leading position in the world. no less than fourth place in terms of purchasing power parity. the cabinet of ministers should read about the successes. until march 31, 2025, and then make annual reports. in addition, the government should ensure that poverty in russia is reduced to below 7%. it was instructed to reduce the poverty level in large families to 12% and below. also, among the tasks before the cabinet of ministers
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is to increase the volume of production of agricultural products and reduce the share of imports of goods and services in the gross domestic product to 17%. vladimir putin assigned the responsibility. to the government to submit the national project “family”, within the framework of which the head of state ordered to allocate 100 billion rubles to increase the coverage of the population with social contracts. large families are a priority; in addition, at least 70 billion should be allocated until the thirtieth year to stimulate the birth rate in the regions; also on the list of instructions is the expansion of the network of antenatal clinics, the modernization of perinatal centers, and children's clinics in hospitals. by september 1st. is waiting for a report from the government on the development of the national project for a long and active life. here construction and repair of equipment for healthcare facilities is provided. it is planned to allocate at least 1 trillion rubles for these purposes. the head of state also instructed to continue funding projects to combat diabetes,
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cardiovascular, cancer, and infectious diseases, including hepatitis c. vladimir putin instructed the cabinet of ministers to also develop a national project for youth and children to extend the program. additional schools, in addition to existing ones. and from vladimir putin’s instructions, by 2030 our country should have at least 100 industrial and business parks have been built to accommodate small medium-sized businesses. also , appropriate
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infrastructure for eco-tourism will appear in all national parks. these are recreation areas, museums, visitor centers, ecological trails and tourist routes. the cabinet of ministers must provide for these purposes. additional funds from the federal budget in the amount of about 30 billion rubles. in addition, vladimir putin instructed the government to allocate at least 165 billion for construction, reconstruction and overhaul of cultural organizations, and starting next year, the zemsky cultural worker program will be launched in the donbass, novorossiya, novorossiya and the far east. well, moving on to innovations, what will change in the lives of russians with the arrival of april? indexation of pensions.
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length of service for calculating an insurance pension, as well as people with disabilities who have lost their breadwinner. a social pension is also paid to military personnel and volunteers who have become disabled as a result of a military injury, as well as to some other categories of citizens. in total, the increase will affect about 4 million people; more than 37 billion rubles have been budgeted for this. also , from april 1 , the salaries of doctors and nurses will be increased in all russian regions. citizens whose social pension is less than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region receive a social supplement, which allows them to increase their pension provision to this level. among the citizens for whom pensions will be increased from april 1, there are over 3,400 thousand recipients
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of social pensions, as well as almost 700 thousand recipients of state pensions . many innovations in april will affect future drivers. we are talking about changes to the practical part of the license exam. now it will be easier to get the coveted card, since the exam will no longer be counted with five penalty points received, but with seven. in this case, the retake period will increase significantly. if previously, after three unsuccessful attempts, you could try again, after 3 months, but from april the next exam can take place only in six months. will change deadlines for passing the exam and after deprivation of the license to drive while intoxicated. such drivers will not be allowed to take the test for a year after the expiration of the license deprivation period. we do not allow persons who have been deprived of management rights to take exams. let us suppose.
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levying vat on the resale of used cars and motorcycles for dealerships, now they will pay tax on the difference between the sales price of the purchase, and not on the full cost of the car, in order for there to be any benefit, it is necessary to charge some amounts and selling these cars is much more expensive, all this prevented dealers from reselling cars to each other, and in order to avoid this double vat, various... gaskets were used in the form of individuals, well, in general, it was such a slightly dark gray scheme. as of
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april 1, administrative liability will be established for violating the requirements for the production or circulation of tobacco products, for example, for the circulation of products without labeling or sale to a minor; a fine of up to a million rubles will be imposed. besides criminal liability is introduced for smuggling large amounts of alcohol and tobacco products across the russian border with countries. russian economic union. in addition, starting today, the process of gradually introducing labeling for red and black caviar, as well as an experiment on labeling general educational printed publications, will begin. it will last until august 31st. well , about one more topic that was actively discussed in the state duma at the end of last year. these are the so -called lefties and the problems they bring. due to constant complaints from residents apartment buildings on noise and disturbances due to the sale of alcohol at night, a law was passed that. from now on, it will allow regions to set their own requirements for the sale of beer, cider and other
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low-alcohol drinks in catering establishments located in such houses, you are from here, i say, of course, from here, grandfather, and you like fishing or tinkering more, receiving a pension from the post office bank, of course, after all , there are benefits there, transfer your pension into rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, receive your pension profitably in the mail bank, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, there are a lot of vacancies at avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, it's not the first day of butter, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, transfer it better. with vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is someone else
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who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, under the silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, perfect, plunder, airy, natural, a happy myth in the heat july brings a silver bullet, catching the feather of a bird of fire is not easy, but everyone can get a fever with... the rate on a deposit at gazprom bank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on if you get up more than twice at night - afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, a trial lesson
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i liked it, but you can save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time, we’ll buy it quickly, open a savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, you made a wish , discounts, how much are you? up to 50% discount on huawei nova y91 smartphone for only 15.999 in embi and eldora. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment and easily shared. the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. source of joy in you. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off. making purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy
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with halva. if you have rice national in your kitchen, it means it’s uzbek. fishing or japanese sushi, now it’s not someone’s national pride, but yours personally, and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in retirement vtb the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the year vtb together everything will work out , what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, grandfather, should you rather fish or tinker? i like receiving my pension from the postal bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and get 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car, receive a profitable pension at the post bank.
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so, we continue the broadcast, today a new procedure for calculating the recycling fee began to take effect, the import of cars from the eurasian economic union. if the cost was underestimated, then when imported into in russia, underpaid taxes will be added to the recycling fee. christina kuruma joins with details. christina, hello, how will all this affect the cost of cars? hello, new rules. the government has tightened control over the payment of customs duty on imported cars. from april 1, some cars imported from eu countries under gray schemes will increase in price from 10 to 30%. for those imported through russian
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customs, the price will not change. a government decree comes into force, according to which when... importing cars from russia into countries of the customs union, the difference in the payment of vat and excise taxes, as well as the difference in the calculation of customs duty, which is obtained due to the undervaluation of the car, will be added to the recycling fee, and this applies to both new and used cars. there was a certain volume of cars that were cheaper than the same cars on the russian market, that is, it was possible to buy some gili manjara a little cheaper than in the official showroom. now these cars, well, if the rule comes into effect, they will cost, in fact, the same as all geelys manzhara, accordingly, well, in general , this will not affect the market in any way, it’s just that those cars that were cheap will disappear. customs payments in all eec countries amount to 15% of the cost of goods, however, with cars there are different ways to reduce the final
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bill, for example, lower vat rates, discounts for various categories of citizens, according to. specialists, first of all, the new rules will affect prices for chinese electric cars in the segment from 5 to 10 million rubles. basically ziker models of chinese car may increase in price may neysans will increase in price, and even gili , which was previously imported also with certain discounts, will now with a high probability also begin to rise in price. according to the autostat agency, last year a fifth of new imported cars were brought to the russian market through eu countries, out of 707 cars, 8%.
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expensive cars were cleared through customs in this way, there were more than $70,000 per car, so this is simply not an evasion of duty, a reduction of this duty by 50%. the machine intends to control the cost in declarations using a unified control system risks. every month, the customs authorities of the countries of the union will send to the eurasian economic commission data on the average declared value of goods imported from third countries, and if anywhere. it will be significantly lower, an inspection will begin, and restrictions may be imposed on the car before full customs duty is paid. a small percentage of cars imported through
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parallel import will still remain, experts say. however, they do not have a manufacturer’s warranty and are not even adapted for the russian market. michael mishustin met with the leadership of the new people faction. the prime minister expressed gratitude to the deputies for the development of agrotourism. for initiatives in the field of entrepreneurship. let me remind you that the head of the cabinet of ministers is holding meetings with parliamentary factions in anticipation of the government’s report to the state duma. it will take place on april 3. so, today mikhail mishustin held a meeting with members of the new people party. during the conversation, the prime minister noted the role of the faction in supporting business development in donbass and novorossiya. and besides, he expressed words of gratitude for your active participation in the preparation of the federal budget for the current and next two.
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people's issues, and as the president noted, it is important to use this feedback to work together and achieve our goals. one of the significant examples of such cooperation is active participation in the preparation of the federal budget for the current and the next two years. your faction conducted an active dialogue with the ministry of finance, with the ministry of economic development, you promoted various proposals on entrepreneurship support. our main assessment. work as a guideline for such a development guideline is the president’s message to the federal assembly, we also see there a very high assessment of many things that have been done,
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the president paid great, great attention to the topic of entrepreneurship, industry, support for entrepreneurs, and i believe that you and i we need to actually show that there are responsible, future-oriented entrepreneurs, this all speaks very well of what we have... the government, the people have such partners with whom the country can be further promoted. well, last week mikhail mishustin alternately received representatives of the communist party of the russian federation, the liberal democratic party of russia, fair russia and united russia. at the meetings , interaction between the state duma and ministries was discussed, and the results of cooperation between the government and factions over the past year were summed up. special attention was paid to supporting special operation fighters and the development of donbass and novorossiya. well, now to other topics, technological ones, the launch of the reactor of the first unit of the rupur npp is planned for this year.
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alse likhachev, head of roscosmos, announced this in bangladesh today. he visited the construction site, where he assessed the progress of the work. but evgeny davidov is monitoring the trip of the head of rosatom. the most important energy project of russia and bangladesh, the rupur nuclear power plant is at the finish line of the first launch. the power unit behind me are the tallest structures in the republic, cooling towers of a nuclear power plant, each 175 m high, three of them have already acquired their final form, the fourth is being completed. the block control panel, one might say, is the brain of the first power unit, from here they come all teams, all technological systems are managed. the process does not stop for a minute. emergency cooling systems and the operation of pumping units of safety systems are being checked.
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here we really see great unity between two teams, russian and bangladeshi, each team consists respectively of specialists of different profiles, different competencies, but this unity and work as a solid team, despite certain language barriers, it is obvious, and this allows us to keep very tall the pace of work and...
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with the uniform, now it has become a little better, there are guys who pick it up very quickly, very quickly, but i would also like to say that they have an interest in this, this is the most important thing, then everything will get used to it, nothing under under our control, we will teach them to do everything, future employees of the nuclear power plant will practice all the skills that will be useful to them during the operation of the nuclear power plant, more than a thousand bengalis have already completed training. evgeny davidov, vladislav dadonov and valeria, news from bangladesh. in the european part of russia, rivers overflowing its banks amid record heat. we’ll talk more about this with the presenter, a specialist at the fova center, evgeniy tishkovets. evgeny, welcome, tell us about temperature records in moscow, it’s very warm, for example, +22 tomorrow, like in summer. good afternoon, colleagues, of course, by this time the meteorological statistics have already been updated in 10 regional centers, by the end of the day their number may increase further. we are waiting for details. in
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moscow, the weather chronicle was rewritten by noon; by this time the temperature was the main weather station of the capital vdnkh rose above +20. at 15:00 the thermometers already showed +21.5°, which is almost 4° higher than the previous record for the first day of april. the same excess of previous maximums was noted in voronezh, bryansk, and orel st. petersburg. serious record-breaking warmth also came to vladimir today. ryazan, kursk, tambov, smolensky and tver. against the backdrop of extreme heat, the flood situation is worsening. this video is from the ryazan region. a flooded river washed away a pedestrian bridge in the kasimovsky district. one of the villages is cut off from the outside world. in the urban district of kashira, the river suddenly eroded a dam, part of it collapsed, and passage through the dam is closed. also in the vicinity of kashira, some roads began to flood.
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the same situation is developing in new moscow. in the istra area, part of the bridge collapsed, according to eyewitnesses, its supports, the water flow began to wash away with redoubled force due to an unexpected obstacle that appeared, at night a car fell from the bridge and blocked the river bed. meanwhile, some rivers in the middle the strip has just opened up, the flood will come there later, these shots are from the tver region, a thick ice drift passed on the medveditsa river. that's it. the ice has started to move, the machine has started to move, the ice is gone, the river has risen, there are such blocks of snow, meanwhile, the reserves of snow that rostaev will feed the rivers are still large in the european part of russia, in the west of the vladimir and vologda regions, for example, there is already little snow, here on in the east the snow cover today is more than 20 cm, in tatarstan
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the snow depth is from 12 to... 71 cm, half a meter of snow lies on the fields in some areas samara region. at the same time, tomorrow extreme warming on the russian plain will reach its peak, summer temperatures will reach another 100-200 km to the north, if in the far north it is still cold like march, in the daytime -4 +1, in the ninets district up to -5-10, then in the rest of the russian north and in the lowlands it’s already +5-10, in the south of the region in the volga region up to +11. 16. in central russia, the air at the height of the day will warm up to +18-23, unprecedented at this time. in the chernozem region and between the volga and don rivers up to 20-25°. so, another episode is expected temperature records.


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