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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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when there is no escort, you go , roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what ’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, angel, let’s be brief, yes, i observe that the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, this is the pace we entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails, i ’m not afraid. i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear.
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caring for air defense soldiers and their families should constantly be in the focus of attention of regional authorities. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the acting governor of the vologda region. anastasia efimova will tell you all the details. 22 programs at once with a five-year plan in mind. renovation of schools,
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this is very important, issues of road infrastructure, road repairs, issues of transport, connectivity of territories. the vologotsk region is almost 145,000 km, say, from vytegra to veliky ustyug, about 8 hours by car, so the issue of transport communication is one of the most important for region and it is precisely at its solution that one of the programs proposed in rio by the governor is aimed at, which involves six new intercity routes. an equally significant
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area of ​​work is supporting participants in a special military operation and members of their families, whose needs are learned, as they say, first-hand at personal meetings. we launched the principle of two keys, for each family, for each surname of our soldiers, we assigned a responsible curator from the regional government, for each family, on the one hand, on the other hand, for the same the family, with the same surname, assigned a representative. must be accessible , have full information about what worries the family, first of all, i emphasize once again, this includes the preparation of a package of documents for receiving payments, these are everyday issues, this is contacting the management company in order to conditionally repair the battery, well support full turnkey support until the problem is solved, it is very good to continue this work. like this, this is how
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you built it, hold it like this, the main thing is not to lower this bar so that people feel constant attention, and another area that the president paid attention to is tourism, eco-routes in the russian north, glamping sites, national parks, and of course, one of the main branding, santa claus, santa claus is going on vacation with you, santa claus works for us around the clock, he goes on vacation in the summer or as a task. by developing domestic tourism, to ensure that the patrimony of father frost operates year-round, this makes economic sense both for investors and so that not only in winter, but also in summer one can come to visit our santa claus, that makes sense, he will melt in the summer, he should be in an equally magical ice palace in the summer, where you can... learn about the history and
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traditions, culture of the russian people, the russian north. the mentioned economic sense , by the way, was also mentioned by georgy filimonov in his report, emphasizing that a systematic audit of the regional budget made it possible to verify every figure in an expenditure item so that funds were primarily directed to quotes where it hurts the most, with a view to resolving issues , the sensitivity of which for residents feel it most acutely. anastasia efimova, lead. mikhail mishustin met with the leadership of the new people faction. the prime minister expressed gratitude to the deputies for their work on the federal budget, as well as for initiatives in the field of entrepreneurship in education. the meeting took place ahead of the government's report to the state duma. he is in 2 days on april 3rd. anna
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voronina will tell you more. mikhail mishustin began his meeting with representatives of the new people faction by discussing the changes that became possible thanks to the proposals its deputies. we are talking about introducing amendments to the federal budget through the ministry of finance and the ministry of education and science, as well as about the development of domestic tourism and the training of new personnel. for example, we almost doubled funding for two-year courses for high school students, where students can master programming languages. together with other deputies, measures were taken to create a training system for highly qualified personnel, and an additional 9 billion rubles were provided for educational production centers, at these sites, colleges and enterprises will help students acquire the necessary experience, but also, very importantly, knowledge of technical sciences and technological processes. in turn, representatives of the faction proposed to pay attention to the development of entrepreneurship,
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especially in border areas. as prime minister, they proposed focusing on business support measures that were developed during the pandemic. in addition, the party calls for more attention to be paid to robotization. industry, including through the development of artificial intelligence, they propose to include the study of a new direction in the school curriculum and refrain from strict restrictions in this area. a phase transition is beginning, it’s something like the pre-manufacturing and manufacturing economy, this is not an area where we need to go into regulation now, moreover, we see, for example, our neighbors, china, increasing their efforts in this direction, there they chose their priority areas, consolidated them, secured them. the largest companies, they gave them carte blanche, there are orders for breakthrough solutions, they propose to move not only in the same logic, but also in a more advanced way. i note that representatives of the communist party faction , on the contrary, advocated the development of measures that control artificial intelligence. they
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voiced their proposals to mikhail mishustin last week. the communist initiative concerns investment in science, modernization of housing and communal services and support for large families. at a meeting with the a just russia faction, they were voiced. proposals from deputies on the formation of a federal alimony fund, from which payments to single people will be made to parents, representatives of the ldpr, during a conversation with mikhail mishustin, noted the importance of supporting single working parents; proposals for the implementation of family and youth projects in russia were also voiced by deputies of the united russia faction at a meeting with the prime minister. party representatives have already submitted more than 80 bills for consideration this year. mikhail mishustin, in turn, noted the importance.
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the kremlin promised to make a statement regarding the expiration of the term of office of vladimir zelensky as president of ukraine after analysis of the situation. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov ; natalia solovyova has all the details. never before have there been such heated discussions about a presidential election that is not happening. today kiev was supposed to announce the voting results, but they did not appoint one. officially, ukraine is larger. not a democracy, its president is a man of dubious legitimacy. in the president section of the constitution, there is a clear indication of the term of office of the president, this is article 103. it says that the powers of the president extend to 5 years, everything is short and
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categorically. the authors of the constitution, by the way, i am one of the authors of the constitution of ukraine, participated in its development and adoption, clearly provided that... as expected, they supported the martial law in the country, zelensky is a legitimate president, everyone who doubts is agents of the kremlin . ukrainians had two things that they were proud of: the right to choose, yes, and freedom of speech. neither one nor the other is left in ukraine today. in fact, from april 1, we can consider that the period of usurpation of power has begun zelensky regime. of course, its legitimacy is it. is in great doubt and it will directly depend on the situation that will develop on the battlefield, and it
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is not developing in favor of kiev, while ukrainian troops are retreating, leaving one settlement after another, zelensky’s comrades are also retreating to pre-prepared positions in deep in the european rear. over the course of 2 days, two of the ten deputy heads of the presidential office, andrei smirnov and alexey dneprov, and four freelance advisers lost their status: sergei shefir, oleg ustenko, mikhail radutsky and sergei trofimov. he said that zelensky is going the wrong way, that this will all end very badly, that
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the west will let him down, there is no hope for the west. the west turned a blind eye to such a violation of democratic foundations, although their thesis was crumbling , democratic ukraine is opposed to totalitarian russia, as experts note, the real reasons for the cancellation of the presidential elections are not in martial law or mobilization, primarily in the low ratings of zelensky himself, for him it is war - this is power. he doesn't... world - a quote even with the bald devil, but zelensky 5 years ago promised to negotiate and refused to talk about him even with the pope, now it is completely impossible to conduct even hypothetical negotiations with the president on a bird's rights, he becomes an impostor, illegitimate, a person who has usurped.
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development will draw conclusions. through the voting , the turkish people conveyed their message to the politicians, so regardless of
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the results, democracy is the winner. obviously, we will discuss the reasons for the decline in support levels and conduct necessary work. even in the stombul district of uskedar, where erdogan’s apartment is located, the opposition won, egging on the president, the city of the country’s largest city. ekrim and maglu have been one of the most popular politicians in the country for several years now; he beat his closest pursuer by a million votes. in last year's presidential elections, imam uglu was unable to run due to a court case, now the mayor of istanbul is spoken of even more confidently as the most obvious favorite in the 2028 race, the president was never... able to reclaim istanbul, where 30 years ago he himself was mayor, even prayers in sofia on the evening before the vote did not help. imam gluu's victory speech sounded as if he already felt like the head of more than just one city. the nation gives orders, not the individual. rulers receive instructions from the people. now the term of trusteeship by one person
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has ended, the republic and democracy of today have declared, full speed ahead. under control. republican people's party, which was created by the founder of the country in its modern form, mustafa kemal, is now 35 cities of turkey at once, the best result of the kemalists in more than 30 years, calling the results catastrophic for erdogan, bloomberg emphasizes that the same istanbul, a metropolis of sixteen million, is in a serious cost of living crisis. over the past 5 years, the national currency has fallen in price against the dollar by 5 and a half times, the key rate is 50%. the turkish government tried. prove to the turkish voter that municipal elections should not be considered as national elections, that is, we are not talking about the regions, i don’t know about external ones the policy of the country as a whole, about the economy of the country as a whole, this is just electing local technocrats who will deal with the improvement of cities, as it turned out,
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the turkish voter does not share this position of the authorities, the guardia report tells the opposition. even erdogan's loyal electorate is leaving. lemont even calls the triumph of the kemalists historical. he does not hide his joy at the defeat of erdogan’s supporters in israel. the turkish president, one of the world's main critics of israel's actions in the gas sector, and the head of the country's foreign ministry now hopes that official ankara will change its policy. however, turkey’s international agenda is shaping up in such a way that the current government itself is taking steps towards the west and its partners. it is enough just to point out that on may 9, president erdogan is expected. the poet in the usa with washington will meet with joe biden, which, generally speaking, does not happen so often, but the fact that the current turkish opposition from the republican people's party, a prominent representative who is both cream and mom's corner, is still pro-western people this is completely obvious. however, it is also not
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necessary to say that the triumph of the opposition in the municipal elections will lead turkey to instant changes on the brink of upheaval. an adviser to president erdogan has already rushed to assure early elections. there will be no state in the republic. ilzeta khramtsova, evgenia zemtsova, diana devyatkova. news. meanwhile, the boeing corporation continues to be rocked by scandals. over the past week alone, three more incidents on board have become known. what problems have arisen this time and how are they going to be solved? the management of the company, ekaterina shamaeva will tell you. this is no longer turbulence, a rapid dive. boeing didn’t have time to carry out anti-crisis pr and displaced. from the positions of leading managers, as a new scandal erupted around the company, literally dirty. a plane flying from frankfurt to san francisco was forced to turn around mid-air and return to frankfurt after feces leaked from the toilet into the cabin, filling it with an unpleasant odor. the boeing circled over the north sea for some time while the crew examined options. technicians were unable
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to quickly find a solution to the problem. on the same day, another boeing was flying from san francisco to paris. i had to make an emergency landing in denver due to engine problems; at the same time, an incident occurred in south sudan. the boeing cargo plane lost control and collided with another plane on the ground. i 'm alarmed, for many decades boeing has been the preeminent american company with excellence from an engineering standpoint. they lost their way and quickly regained their position will not work. we need to create a culture of safety. the main priority should not be financial considerations, but the safety of clients. unfortunately, this is not the case now in all of our large companies. a clear confirmation of this is the list of incidents with boeing. just since the beginning of the year , we have already counted about ten emergency situations: the landing gear will break, a wheel or a piece of a wing will fall off, or a crack will be discovered in the cabin. the most notorious incident was on board alaska airlines, when a part came off during the flight.
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fuselage. former boeing employees believe that the corporation is experiencing systemic problems. some days you can. does his job conscientiously, in some cases he doesn’t, you won’t have a quality control specialist standing behind you, and a former boeing quality control engineer also reported on unfair assembly of aircraft; right in the midst of litigation with the aircraft manufacturer, john barnett was found dead in in your car. he talked about problems with quality, non-compliance with procedures, and various simplifications. indications barnett is also confirmed by current employees of the corporation. on condition of anonymity, such a deadline has been established for the company. us federal aviation administration. there are many complaints about the supplier of boeing fuselages. the texas attorney general has launched an investigation against the company. however, analysts believe that
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much is being done to divert attention. it doesn’t matter who built the plane, according to their logic , the heads of other departments should leave. boeing needs to calm angry customers who spent billions of dollars just to... to see endless headlines about planes constantly falling apart. they also need to reassure regulators. this is how everything happens in...
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there is enough experience to calculate an insurance pension, as well as people with disabilities who have lost their breadwinner. a social pension is also paid to military personnel and volunteers who have become disabled as a result of a military injury, as well as to some other categories of citizens. in total, the increase will affect about 4 million people; more than 37 billion rubles have been budgeted for this. also from april 1 , the salaries of doctors and nurses will be increased in all russian regions. citizens whose social pension is less than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region receive a social supplement, which allows them to increase their pension provision to this level. among
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the citizens for whom pensions will be increased from april 1, there are over 3,400 thousand recipients of social pensions, as well as almost 700,000 recipients of state pensions . many innovations in april will affect future drivers. in particular speech we are talking about changes to the practical part of the license exam. now it will be easier to get the coveted card, since the exam will no longer count with five penalty points received, but with seven. but the retake period will increase significantly. if previously, after three unsuccessful attempts, it was possible to try again after 3 months, then from april the next exam can take place only in six months. the deadlines for passing the exam will also change after the revocation of a drunk driving license. such drivers will not be allowed to pass exam within a year after the end of the period of deprivation of rights. in our
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country, those persons who were deprived of the right to drive are not allowed to take the exams, well, let’s say, people who had a foreign driver’s license, then were trained at a driving school in russia, they took the exams, it turned out that they were deprived of the right by a russian court management, persons who are criminally liable will also not be allowed. who were given additional punishment in the form of a ban on driving means. transactions for the sale of used vehicles will become easier. the double collection of vat on the resale of used cars and motorcycles for dealerships is abolished. now they will pay tax on the difference between the sales price of the purchase, and not on the full cost of the car. in order for there to be any benefit, it had to be.
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as of april 1 , administrative liability will be established for violation of requirements for the production or circulation of tobacco products, for example. for the circulation of products without labeling or sale to a minor, a fine of up to million rubles. in addition , criminal liability is being introduced for large-scale smuggling of alcohol and tobacco products across the russian border with the countries of the eurasian economic union. in addition, the process of gradually introducing labeling for red and black caviar, as well as an experiment on labeling general educational printed publications, starts today; it will last until august 31. well, about one more topic that was actively discussed in the state duma at the end of last year, these are the so-called left-handers, which bring problems because
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permanent, because of permanent. complaints from residents of apartment buildings about noise and disturbances due to the sale of alcohol at night, a law has been adopted that will now allow regions to set their own requirements for the sale of beer, cider and other low-alcohol drinks in catering establishments located in such buildings. in the orenburg region, river levels have risen to critical levels, and vehicle travel on 34 bridges has been restricted. the power substation went under water, and there was a lot of water in the samara region. where the abnormal amount fell precipitation. the last time such an indicator was recorded was 90 years ago. well, in the moscow region, serpukhov, lukhovitsa and kolomna were in the risk zone. more details, margarita semenyuk. big water seems to be coming. there has not been such a flood in the mikhailovsky district for the last 40 years. in the altai territory, where a state of emergency has been introduced, 32 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed.
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there are almost over 500 buildings in the water. in many areas we are now determining the boundaries of the emergency regime in our settlements, which suffer the most in order to immediately make a targeted decision to provide assistance and support from the state to those who have suffered. people are being evacuated in the region and 32 temporary accommodation centers have been set up. they put us here right away, we just didn’t have time to get out into
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the car and here. the difficult situation in the village of rakity is due to water; it is cut off from road communications. rescuers on motor boats are inspecting all the flooded streets, bringing food and medicine to people. livestock is also being rescued from flooded areas. before river levels in the orenburg region rose to critical levels. the fact that there was a road here just a couple of days ago can be understood from the power line. now the route is under water, people are being transported by tractor. due to overflows , traffic on thirty-four bridges is limited and the situation will only worsen in the coming days, the peak of the flood, forecasters expect only in two days, so in the moscow region serpukhov, lukhovitsy and kolomna are in the risk zone. last year, due to spring floods, the bridge was already flooded, and the water in the rivers of the moscow region became rapidly rise, in a couple of days its level increased by 4 m. the water element is also raging in kazakhstan.
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water is observed in 22 regions of the country; in some places houses, bridges and sections of roads are flooded. in the leningrad, novgorod, and vologda regions, flooding of the river floodplains will continue; some deterioration, according to forecasters , is possible in kareli; in the central federal district, the flood will begin partially in the kaluga and smolensk regions in the list of riska-bryansk and tverskaya. it will flood in some areas and the moscow region. difficult situation in privolzhsky and siberian federal districts. there is a lot of water in the samara region, where there was an abnormal
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amount of precipitation, this is the last time this happened. the indicator was recorded almost a century ago in 1933. margarita semenyuk, olga prokanova, daria bratukhina, news. foreign fighters detained in dagestan gave money and weapons to those who attacked crocus city hall and themselves prepared a terrorist attack. the fsb reported this. let me remind you that the special detention operation took place the day before in makhachkala and kaspiysk. operational shooting footage in the material.


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