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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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i asked my assistant to film the trip, no one was guarding anything, they got into the car and drove off, i don’t know what to do next, what to do, with such security, with such people , the head of the department, of course, returned the car to the fire department, however, according to local media, inspections are now being carried out in the fire departments of the rostov region; employees who do not keep track of special equipment face penalties. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is led by an honest detective on duty, follow along with us. that's all for us, tatyana was with you petro, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. there are enough traitors for the rdk,
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the terrorists of russia are diluted with personnel fighters and polish mercenaries, why doesn’t it help, the exact goal: one strike minus one bridge, as russian strikes paralyze ukrainian logistics from its western borders to the line of combat contact. the kharkov city hall is preparing the population for dark times. almost the entire energy system has been destroyed, the city already has problems with water, but how many?
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is positioned as supposedly consisting entirely of russian citizens, like a snake the sun has come out , damn, it’s already warm, maybe i can fall asleep, it’s cold, well, actually, everything is clear without unnecessary explanations, they speak ukrainian language , obviously, it is the main language of communication for them, so it doesn’t even look like a traitor from among our former compatriots, but
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simply regular members of the armed forces of ukraine, well, on the one hand, real russian soldiers, of course, absolutely don’t care who they destroy for tank shells, artillery and bombs, the difference between there are no known vlasovites, but at the same time , certain conclusions from what was seen and heard still arise, and anton potkovenko is ready to explain what exactly we are talking about. are the russian terrorist rdk as kiev would like, the russian volunteer corps banned in our country, or simply put:
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next to the rdk fighters, they call themselves volunteers, like all foreign mercenaries who come to the north military district zone, but in fact they are ordinary hunters behind the heads, murderers, without whom rdk would be much fewer in number. obviously, the rdk is experiencing a personnel shortage, since they allow themselves to hire persons with polish citizenship as military personnel, as fighters, why poles at all. and not only now, since 2014, but they have been participating in this conflict. in the process of catalization, these people acquired a completely wild and such hatred, animal hatred for the russians, if the orthodox are understood as sub-russians. the poles are going to the rdk, going to fight against russia, against the russian world. the neo-vlasovites had to create the illusion of some kind of, in quotes, liberating, partisan movement.
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before the attack on the belgorod village of kazinka, one of the militants is sleeping in the sun, the other, as if as a joke, will sing a song in ukrainian language, dawn, prozori night, can you sleep or can’t sleep? this is oleg vinnik's song, wolf. the ukrainian performer, by the way, left for germany and has no plans to return, but that’s not the point. i agree, a strange repertoire for supposedly
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russians who are fighting the regime. among the rdk terrorists, many, if not the majority, are vseushniks, ukrainians, and, judging by their dialect, westerners. there are mostly westerners there and... the poles, who at the genetic level hate russians, so they actually formed a russian volunteer corps from them, they will be more cruel, that’s why they are accepted there and presented as a large group created from russian volunteers, well, here’s another video of them before the attack they stayed in our territory, they are afraid to stick their nose out somewhere and for good reason, this group was destroyed, let's go here to the store, let's go to the store, maybe for what? no, no money, their main goal was to record a video, for this purpose the phone there will be a video that allegedly captured a russian village, like this figure from the so-called legion, essentially the same rdk, the same terrorist-traitors, allegedly he and his accomplices were operating in our village of tyotkino, in fact
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he was in ryzhovka in the sumy region . dani tammam akel, the call sign apostle has been eliminated, this is confirmed by the militants of the legion banned in russia, this vlasovets. appeared on the internet after he fled our country, tried to recruit traitors among the russians, but did not succeed. our people don't go to collaborating units do not fight against civilians in our country; this is not the custom here. who does the rdk consist of? empty-headed traitors, if rdknik is captured by us, he will answer for everything according to the laws of the russian federation. and our law is quite strict towards traitors, thank god. no extras of zapodens. polish and other mercenaries in vorussia even represent little in the media, on the battlefield on the belgorod border we saw how they were thrown back by the vlasovites, gurovites, wild geese, the iskanders would fly at them all the same.
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the basmanny court of moscow today placed under arrest another, now the tenth, defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall; according to the investigative committee, this suspect transferred money to the direct perpetrators of the crime. to rent housing and purchase a car, while the federal security service , meanwhile, established a connection between the tragic events in krasnogorsk and the activities of a cell of foreign fighters who had been detained the day before in dagestan. details from egor grigoriev. he looks at his face on the floor, apparently he tried to hide it with his hood, but it turned out special. yusufot, yakub jani, the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly, at the request of the investigation, he is being asked to be arrested; as investigators believe, he transferred money to the militants to rent an apartment and buy cars. he will be in pre-trial detention until may 22, 2024, like nine others arrested in the case, he
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was charged with an act of terrorism, yakubjani was caught by accident during a raid on illegal migrants, he began to fight back, tried to hide from the police, circumstances were revealed during the investigation obviously involvement. a terrorist attack that will now be proven in court. the detention of three militants in dagestan led to the revelation of new circumstances of the terrorist attack in a concert hall near moscow. one of those caught admitted that he helped his terrorist accomplices with weapons and money. i gave them weapons to these guys who attacked the korkuhol in the city of moscow. i brought them weapons. footage from a cctv camera in one of the bank offices, the suspect is counting out five thousand dollar bills from a heavy stack, apparently then transferring them to one of the terrorists, attacking people in crocus cityhole, in this video that same white renault symbol,
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the terrorists’ car drives into the private sector, perhaps mytishchi near moscow, where accomplices of militants from dagestan delivered weapons, they themselves, after a bloody crime in the moscow region, tried to... arrange massacre in kaspiysk, where are the weapons? where's the bomb? in my apartment that they were going to blow up? embankment kasfiski. the second point of the terrorist attack was to be victory park. they were going to bury the cluster of people. pistols, kalashnikov assault rifles, almost 500 rounds of ammunition and an improvised explosive device were found in the rented apartments of militants in dagestan. for obvious reasons, fsb and law enforcement officials do not disclose all the details. the investigation is ongoing, but the list of those arrested, accused of committing a terrorist attack in crocus cityhole and their accomplices, will obviously grow. grigoriev, news. a column of smoke up to a kilometer high and a spherical explosion with
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multiple flashes of fire. this is allegedly objective control footage from sumy region, where the russian military allegedly used odap 1500, that is , a volumetric detonating aerial bomb. the difference from the well-known fabs is that such ammunition is filled with a thermobaric mixture. first, it penetrates the slightest gap over a wide area, and then literally ignites. burning out everything from the inside, from enemy equipment to defensive structures, in short, it acts on the principle of tos sunfire shells, only much more powerful and more terrible for enemy personnel, although the good old ones high-explosive bombs with a planning and correction module still work perfectly. here, for example, is the consequence of the fap-500 being dropped at the vcu position; our serviceman was standing not far from there, who was actually thrown into the air by the blast wave. accordingly, imagine what effect the boys felt directly on site. arrival, and in general it is not difficult to notice that the range of high-precision weapons is constantly expanding in
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the arsenals of the fatherland; there will certainly be everything necessary to perform any tasks, including attacks on important logistics facilities, stanislav bernwald will confirm. in addition to the problems with weapons, the problem with the logistics of supplying the armed forces of ukraine is noticeably slowing down. road and rail transport is the backbone of ukrainian military logistics from this point forward. points of view, railway and road bridges across the dnieper, for example, are of decisive importance in supplying groups of ukrainian troops on the left bank; it was thanks to these structures that simultaneous rapid transfer was previously possible significant volumes of military cargo and heavy equipment, now everything becomes much more complicated for ukraine. mosk, destroyed in the city of gulyaypole, zaporozhye region, controlled by the kiev authorities, cannot be restored in the short term. it's about. about another major transport artery of the enemy, which has now been severed as
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a result of the precise work of russian aviation in the zaporozhye direction. the destroyed bridge was used by ukrainian formations in the gulyai pole area, this inevitably led to disruption of the supply of the ukrainian group of troops in this direction. the most important thing is logistics, the most important thing is supplying the army with fuel and ammunition. if the logistics are disrupted, then of course this strengthens... negative trends, which means in the ssu, and this certainly plays into our hands and into the operational space, because we have just improved the logistics of using cancer roads, the use of already after the liberation of avdievka, a large railway junction. according to open data, now , to one degree or another , from 20 to 25 bridges across the dnieper alone are used for supply in the river, presumably the most... the transfer of military cargo across the cable -stayed bridge, the breobrazhensky bridge
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and the dneprogress platinum in zaporozhye can have a strong impact on the operational situation, as well as the southern, and mifera-kherson, amur and kaydak bridges, bridges on the platinum of the middle dnieper gesa on the t-0412 highway in the dnepropetrovsk region. also of great importance are the kryukovsky bridge and the bridge across kremenchukskaya hydroelectric power stations - all these objects are our legitimate goal. the situation that hits... the hurricane destroys the bridge in kurakhovo, and it, by the way, served as the largest
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railway crossing, which the enemy actively used to transport bulls and equipment, as well as to move personnel . as a result, after an accurate hit, it was precisely the supports of the bridge itself that were destroyed, and this means that its restoration could take many months. the highest priority target is bridges, and of course it is advisable to hit the supports, because of the span.
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governor of the region vyacheslav glodkov, seven of them currently remain in hospitals with stab wounds, 19 shells fired by the ukrainian armed forces from czech mlrs were shot down over the belgorod region in the evening, another 17 missiles and two drones were shot down by russian air defense crews this afternoon. our correspondent alexander rivunov is monitoring the situation. once again the canada is in the sky over belgorod, this is again
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an attack of vampires. 17 missiles were fired from ukraine, most of which were hit. on approach to the city, one of the shells detonated in the parking lot next to rusich cinema, 5 m away, hence the children 's playground, the area is still cordoned off, an explosive technician is working there now, he is inspecting the area for unexploded ammunition, holes in the armored glass, but none of the spectators were injured, the staff managed to take everyone out of the hall , there were spectators and visitors who were all uh in the basement went down in our basement well. whoever is not injured, it’s okay, everything is fine with us. on the playground, shrapnel broke the chains on the swings, logs were drilled to fly out, but mothers with strollers continue their walk. belgorod residents know that 2 hours after shelling is the safest time, although you always have a first aid kit with you. this is free time, about 2 hours, which we can spend outside. we don’t go out without means that can
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save lives. that is, take a first aid kit with you, already know how to use it, yes, of course, yes. we arrived in the school yard and took off. the windows in the classrooms were damaged, the façade was damaged, teachers and parents came here after the air raid warning ended to restore order, they called out so that someone could come, help, well, only if you wish, there is a desire, but now parents are gathering , we saw it for ourselves, parents are coming to help, teachers are coming to help, the façade has been damaged, mostly these are english language classrooms, a labor training classroom, a mathematics classroom, there was a very big explosion , as a result of this shelling, apartment buildings were damaged,
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the best bank in every office. within 24 hours, fighters from the southern group of russian troops destroyed over 500 ukrainian armed forces militants and three tanks, and also improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction. special operations at the avdeevsky site in the area of ​​responsibility the enemy's loss of the center group amounted to almost 300 manpower. in addition, the american aberns tank was taken out of service. and in the kherson region, in addition to successes at the front , there is tangible progress in restoring the rear, leonid muravyov was convinced. this is our projectile, a thermoboric rocket. 217 kg. six strong paratroopers can hardly lift the heavy shell. loading the santsepek flamethrower system is extremely demanding. accuracy and coherence of actions, inside the two-hundred-kilogram giant there is an aerosol explosive, when detonated it creates colossal pressure, and most importantly, a monstrous temperature of 4,000°. this is the main
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fuse for a rocket projectile; because of it, the projectile itself detonates after impact. safely hidden under the treetops at dusk, santsepek is preparing for a combat exit. the gunner with the call sign "hare" checks all systems, the commander is also in place, just like that with his shoulder. shoulder, they have been serving in the special operation zone for 2 years, we started our journey, respectively, from artyomovsk, then from kremyana, and then now we are working in the kherson direction, if we compare it like this, i mean the activity, respectively, of fp drones, in this particular direction on kherson, well, we encountered a large number, with the last rays of the sun a command to leave was received, installed on the platform. the t-72 tank, a heavy flamethrower system, confidently overcomes any off-road conditions and feels good on the muddy banks of the dnieper. 24 shells in a matter of
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seconds go towards the right bank of the dnieper, the sun hits one of the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine. the observation copter records the hit using a thermal imager. on an area of ​​4 hectares, after volumetric explosion and combustion, at ultra-high temperatures there is not the slightest chance of salvation. let's go back. jet snipers are returning from a rotten position to a reserve position from a combat mission, as the crews of anti-tank missile systems call themselves; if the sanitary attack works over an area, then the truba and uruguay fighters fire point-by-point from anti-tank missile systems. the day before, these two disrupted the rotation of an entire ukrainian battalion. first, a reconnaissance drone recorded movement in the trenches on the front line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. when minibuses with soldiers appeared on the horizon, it was the decision was made to strike. you can see how the military who were waiting for evacuation run away in horror, those who came to their shift do not have time to get out of their cars, that day our fighters, pipe and uruguay destroyed four
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enemy vehicles. the specific thing is that their shore is at a height , we are at the bottom, so we can’t see a lot of things, that’s why it is very important for us to conduct observation, and after we have seen the enemy’s movement or observation post, find the necessary position , so that there is direct visibility from there, through the efforts of the military personnel of the dnepr group in the kherson direction , the ukrainian command does not carry out active operations, successes at the front are felt primarily in... spring sowing work in the fields is almost finished, with the arrival of warmth, large-scale repairs of the routes began. most of the region's roads have not been repaired since soviet times. over 30 years of neglect they have fallen into disrepair. now teams of workers have to restore everything with almost zero. this year they intend to lay more than 300 km of road surface. teams from different regions of russia are working. if road workers from donetsk and lugansk are already
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accustomed to front-line work, then the rest.
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defense center sergei shaigu presents the highest state awards for courage and heroism shown in the battles of the gold star heroes of russia to the awarded lieutenant colonel leonid pashkevich and major igor yurgin. a personal gift from the minister of defense - a national weapon, an officer's saber and a pistol, as signs of special respect for the feat of our soldiers. i am from i sincerely congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, the titles of hero. russia, health to you and good luck to all of us, and of course, victory. leonid pashkevich talks briefly about the details of the battle for which he received the award: the section of the front in the zaporozhye region, assigned to the battalion combatant and his battalion, was attempted to break through by ukrainian nationalists. the enemy's first attack was repelled by grenade and anti-tank missile fire. do you have it? but the enemy, not considering huge losses, continued to attack. over the next
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three days the enemy also. made eight attempts to break through the battalion's defenses, it was revealed that the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. leonid pashkevich was born in primorye, served in the military there, and in 2016 volunteered for the donbass. at the beginning of the special operation , he was appointed commander of a motorized rifle battalion. last summer, the unit defeated all attempts at the so-called counteroffensive into the ukrainian armed forces on the vremevsky ledge. high state award, emphasizes the battalion commander, he shares with all his subordinates. the battalion performed tasks according to its mission; this high award was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of all battalion personnel. another hero is igor yurgin, originally from yakutia. the major began his service in the northern military district zone as a senior lieutenant. in the first days of the special operation, evozvod liberated several settlements. now 29, yurgin commands an assault battalion. when i
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learned that the president had signed the decree, i was on a combat mission, i was very happy, very touched, it was a dream that was practically impossible to reach, major yurgin received a gold star, which is called based on the total merits of his unit, which defeated more than twenty nationalist support forces, and in one of the directions destroyed at least six units in the armed forces of ukraine. the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently and harmoniously. of course, there was fear, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. we crashed all six elite units together with the commanders. igor jurgen graduated from the far eastern command school, a stand dedicated to the graduating heroes, and now his photograph will appear. he was a very conscientious cadet, efficient and exemplary, that is, he studied with almost excellent grades. igor grew up in...


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