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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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battle, when i learned that the decree was signed by the president, i was on a combat mission, i was very happy, very touched, it was a dream that was practically impossible to reach, major yurgin received a gold star, as they say, based on the totality of his merits, his the unit defeated more than twenty nationalist support forces, in one of the directions destroyed at least six units of the armed forces, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone... acted confidently, harmoniously, fear of course there was, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. we crashed all six elite units along with their commanders. igor yurgin graduated from the far eastern command school with a stand dedicated to the graduates as a hero, and now his photograph will appear. he was a very conscientious cadet, efficient and exemplary, that is, he studied with almost excellent grades. igor has grown up. in
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a working family, mother, crane operator, father, heavy truck driver, this is entirely his merit, and the fact that our parents grow up, educate, everything , and so everything else depends on him, the hero ’s bride is waiting at home, igor and daria have known each other since childhood, they plan to have a wedding after the victory, he has all his men at the front, and he says: what would happen without mine the guys won't get a girl 's wedding and, as if, as if something was wrong , probably, but very soon the lovers with...
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damage, first of all, to some suburban houses, it turns out, of course, symptomatic, because on the one hand the character, purely out of habit, he is trying to convict our army of imaginary war crimes, but on the other hand, they admit the real targets of massive attacks for a long time were key energy facilities, and they, as you know, are not located in private households at all, in principle they were built separately from residential areas, in general, there are serious problems with logic, but oh well, it is more important to emphasize that despite to a strict ban. ukrainian authorities talk about damage to energy centers, censorship is still being violated, which means now we can estimate what khrykiv residents are facing and what they should prepare for, evgeniy will give an assessment teshkovets. gloomy prospects for kharkov, which is drowning in darkness. the russian army continues to methodically knock out military installations in the former ukrainian city of millionnik. and these are the kharkov evenings now. the street lights are turned off, only the supermarkets shine brightly.
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the lack of electricity in the outlet in ukraine instantly closes a lot of serious issues regarding the military component, for example, factories, repair plants of the same kharkov, tractor kharkov, which was supposed to repair the same tanks, without they have electricity, it’s just a blaster, it’s been stable for more than a week in kharkov. is trying to explain what is happening, the local authorities are trying, but they can’t, it seems that they need to pull the line of propaganda that the russians are striking indiscriminately, but you can’t hide an awl in the bag and you have to admit that the targets of the strikes are strategic infrastructure, although the local mayor terekhov supports the usual new ukraine has a level of schizophrenia and adds, evacuation of the city is not required, this simply speaks of the degree of cynicism, these are traditional fairy tales,
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several days without normal sewerage, water purification , very unpleasant fauna begins to multiply in the collectors, bacteria that cause typhus, cholera, disenteria, all this ends up in the soil and water bodies, is mixed into the water supply system, in which by that time it will have already acquired its inhabitants, hepatitis or amblyosis, what is the risk for big city, it’s difficult to find an exact analogy, but i experienced something similar, plus or minus, during the second iraqi campaign.
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the constant fight against cholera, hundreds of thousands of its restoration, the result of a decade and a half of people falling ill and endless protests against pro-american administration. what is the time frame for these diseases to begin? i think it’s about two weeks a month, of course, maybe two months by summer, maybe, but they will start, that’s 100%. there are still weather conditions here, but now it will be warmer there and all this will happen accordingly. will accelerate, but the epidemic is only half the story, people will have nothing to eat while local supermarkets survive on their own generators. the product is in stock, for example, there is a whole shelf of carefully arranged russian sweets, as they say, who cares, to whom the mother is dear, but experts
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warn that sooner or later problems with food will begin, refrigerators will turn off, and food will spoil, and this against the backdrop of the fact that washing will become unaffordable. it can spread through the neck, this is also a quite serious problem, and people need to solve it somehow. however, there is one factor that will soften the impact of a blackout on city life, when... there are fewer people, less load on life support systems. in addition, according to data from that side, kharkov residents again began to actively leave the city, despite
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the squeals of the gouleiters. it doesn't seem like anyone else is listening to their words. today , zelensky’s term as president of ukraine expired. according to the law, it is april 1st.
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what tv experts zelensky himself is silent about is that in the basic law, that is, in the constitution , there is no ban on voting during hostilities, but how did it all start? 5 years ago he took into his hands the symbols of power, the seal, the mace, which he now does not want to part with, the guarantor of the constitution, which is nakedly closed. the basic law does not answer the question: does it remain the current head of state is legitimate if the presidential elections were not held at all, but zelensky also did not turn to the constitutional court of ukraine for clarification, apparently fearing for
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an undesirable result for himself. officially, his five-year term expires after may 20, the new president-elect was supposed to take office on the twenty-first, so questions have already arisen about...
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which will happen in may, another reason why military aid should be stopped, an alternative would be to suspend martial law during the election period. alexey koshel from the committee of voters of ukraine sees kiev in the decision. political calculation, he believes that zelensky’s team initially wanted to hold elections because the president’s support was very high, but as his ratings began to fall towards the end of the year, the leadership cooled down to this idea. to stay in power, zelensky eliminated his most dangerous political rival, the popular commander-in-chief zaluzhny, by sending him resigned on the second attempt, which became one of the most discussed topics in the world media. it is not surprising that the regime, whose origins go back to the maidan coup, is once again experiencing a crisis of legitimacy. this discussion may spread to international maidans. this discussion may spread to
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international platforms, institutions, the un, the osce, and the parliaments of our foreign partner countries, for example, the united states congress. this could become a theme in the us election campaign. i don't rule it out either. and ukraine may be accused of some kind of usurpation of power. and the resignations continue only today, as if, in order to make it before may 21, zelensky fired five of his assistants, who, it is believed, did not get along with...
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illnesses that state department employees periodically complain about. for the first time , american diplomats in cuba noticed unexplained hearing problems, nausea and dizziness. the investigation has been going on for years, during which time many versions have already been born, including. as american intelligence reminded today in the russian media for some time i seriously suspected crickets, but now i switched back to searching for the notorious russian trace. the accusations were simultaneously published in several western publications, as alleged in the havana case. syndrome , some new evidence has appeared that points specifically to the russian special services, only
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foreign agents acted as experts in the pseudo-investigation, and evgeniy nipot studied what they are promoting under the guise of evidence. they announced a stunning story, but it turned out to be another cranberry authored by foreign agents dobrokhotov and grozev, they mixed it up, everything possible, from secret weapons to the silk road rally, presenting everything as a solution to the govan syndrome. myth about mystery. russian weapons that cripple the unfortunate american diplomats, some of whom even decided to take advantage of the situation, turned into a conveyor belt that american diplomats used to get themselves some kind of compensation and also undergo a free medical examination, but at the same time, yes, that’s of course what it is was seriously discussed, well , it shows the level at which american diplomacy is now. american intelligence declared govan syndrome a year ago. is not connected with the machinations of spies, but the agent groziev and dobrokhotov , playing into the hands of their american curators,
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decided to revive the topic, saying that the intelligence officers allegedly did not finish the work , they say that the same petrov, one of the pseudo-poisoners of skripal, was involved in the case, why come up with new ones, supposedly he not only dealt with poisons, but also used all sorts of emitters, according to the authors of the insider, recognized as an undesirable organization, traveled with his comrades world, let the unfortunate man boil his brains... this whole investigation is nothing more than an information operation, unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to understand this, it is extremely difficult to conduct an independent investigation, it is extremely difficult to conduct fact-checking, which is what ours are actually aimed at these foreign agents who are feeding us these narratives. the authors of nitlenka do not mention the names of the crippled people; they refer either to a man or a woman, or maybe even to a transgender person, constantly using the pronoun he she together, this is it he talks about a suspicious person whom he saw before the attack,
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identifies in a photo, she almost faints in horror, and the same thing happens to the other heroine, that is, the stories are the same, only the locations and details are different. by the way, to change locations, gru spies, according to the foreign agency version , are not looking for simple ways; they got to asia, in particular to china, with the help of the raleigh silk road, and how could it be otherwise, from the arguments of a photo mechanic whose car is passed off as an employee of the special services. concrete argumentation rali was first carried out in 2016. in the same year, american diplomats in china began to complain about health problems. although that year the russian national orchestra, the troupe of the vakhtangov theater and the children's choreographic ensemble coevals spy, get out also toured china. if you look at the material itself, you can see that everything is literally pulled together, everything is thrown into a heap, moreover, a very clear feeling is created that this was done on purpose so that
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it would be impossible to follow the logic of the events taking place, that is, on the reader a bunch of names come crashing down, a bunch. refers to data from tracked phones, how to check them, take them on faith, because why would these holy people lie while serving other people’s interests, however, they could serve more diligently, for example, another piece of evidence in quotes: russian spies allegedly flew from dushanbe, where it is unclear , but on the same day from dushan. there would have been a flight to belgrade, where a week later an attack of the syndrome occurred in a cia employee, shah imat. by the way, about cia employees, in sync with the work of foreign agents, materials were published in german spigen and american cbs, where the former head of the investigation claimed that high-ranking american intelligence officers were also attacked. the impact
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was such that intelligence officers and diplomats serving abroad were removed from their posts with traumatic brain injuries. research into this whole phantasmogoria with supposedly russian emitters, and the foreign agent dobrokhodov even declares that all this is generally a reason to declare war, in fact, he is the same specialist in international law as in super secret russian weapons. the quality of the investigation was instantly appreciated on social networks, mentioning that dobrokhotov was again praising the gru with western money. the author
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of the dear persimmon channel even called the agent almost a champion in... pulling an owl onto a globe, noting what kind of acoustic weapon russian spies use against suffering americans. as a result, foreign agents announced a world sensation, made another cheap thing with a bunch of cliches, confused as a cranberry thicket. the syrian ministry of defense and ministry of defense confirmed this evening information about the strike by the israeli armed forces on the iranian consulate in damascus, the building is reported to be completely destroyed. its rubble could have killed several people, and although tel aviv has so far refrained from commenting, information about the intended targets of this attack has already appeared; we learn everything that is known from the report of the chief of our bureau in the middle east and north africa, alexander belibov. these are the first minutes after the strike that the israeli air force carried out on the syrian capital damascus, in the frame of the iranian embassy building, or rather, what’s left of it is that
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israel has long opened a hunt for military advisers from tehran on syrian territory, it’s no secret, but that’s how it is. as a result of this strike , general mohammed zahidi of the islamic revolutionary guard corps was killed, seven more people were also killed, and the iranian ambassador to syria was not injured. it is already clear that the main target of the attack was zahidi. a seventy-nine-year-old general, he commanded the alkuts special forces in lebanon and syria. previously ... in a word, the figure is more than iconic and significant, and the elimination of such a person for the idf, of course, was a desired goal, and the loss would be devastating for iran and the islamic revolutionary guard corps, quite comparable to the death of general qassem soleimani, who was killed in
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an american drone strike. the order to liquidate sulaymaniyah was then personally given by us president donald. the children of ukrainian politicians are out of politics, but in an alcoholic stupor, klitschko’s daughter and son, sitting in germany, showed how they treat
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a route with signs to the communes of the cote d'azur, on one side the foot of the alpine mountains, somewhere in the distance among. the sea, well, in the foreground a luxury car, accompanied by a policeman, makes a maneuver escort. a video from monaco, in which at first glance nothing special happens, just a scene in the dolcevita genre.
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but if you take a closer look at the rolls-royce, the driver of which moves so sharply to the right to overtake, as we see, the license plate number comes into the frame, and if you check it, you can find registration on the territory of ukraine, precisely in the city of kiev. but we are talking about a car worth half a million dollars, it is unknown who is driving, but without a doubt this is another representative of the new ukrainian elite, this category, unlike ordinary citizens of the square, it is not at all necessary to go into the trench. while the slaves are fighting.
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in a whirlpool of alcohol and grimaces, it is quite possible to distinguish the children of the mayor of kiev, well , let's be more detailed: this is elizaveta klitschko, 21 years old, previously received higher education in the netherlands, what he is doing now, besides parties is unknown, and this is maxim klitschko, he will turn 19 this year he is reported to be a professional basketball player and entered a private boarding school in america last year. why not ukraine, the greatness of which his dad talks about? the question is simply total. the hypocrisy of ukrainian society, when travel abroad is completely prohibited for the male population, where people are grabbed right on the streets by military registration and enlistment offices, a further split in society, it will only grow, of course we need to be able to take advantage of this split, be able to twist it for the interests of russia, this party itself, according to ukrainian media, took place in hamburg,
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the ex-wife of vitali klitschko lives in germany and, accordingly, mother...
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the basmanny court of moscow, until may 22, arrested the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhol, allegedly, he was the perpetrator of the crime.


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