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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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you are ready to die for someone, but somehow klitschko himself forgot that he promised to go fight for ukraine, because he imagines himself to be a gentleman, and not some serf, if military aggression begins, i, as a former soldier, will take a machine gun in my hands and go fight for ukraine. as a result, in the ranks of vysushnikov, not only there are no one close to zelensky, but also professional military personnel, in principle, you can count on one finger the number of cocktails and parties the children have. and the officials themselves in ukraine, you can lose count. basmanny court of moscow before may 22, he arrested the tenth person involved in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. it is alleged that he provided financial assistance to the perpetrators of the crime. earlier, the federal security service released footage. millet
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of several more alleged accomplices of the attack, they took refuge in dagestan, where they planned to carry out a terrorist attack themselves. details from egor grigoriev. he looks at the floor with his face, apparently, he tried to hide it with a hood, but it didn’t work out very well, yusufot, yakub jani, the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly, at the request of the investigation, they ask him to be arrested, as investigators believe, he transferred money to the militants to rent an apartment, buy a car and food. i transferred some of it to one of the performers afterwards. he will be in pre-trial detention until may 22, 2024, like nine others arrested in the case, he was charged under the article of a terrorist act, yakub jani was caught by accident during a raid on illegal migrants, he began to fight back, tried to hide from the police, during the check it was revealed circumstances of obvious involvement in a terrorist attack that will now be proven in court. the
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detention of three militants in dagestan led to the revelation of new circumstances of the terrorist attacks in a concert hall near moscow. one of those caught admitted that he helped his terrorist accomplices with weapons and money. i brought them weapons to these guys who attacked the building from etiol in the city of moscow. i brought them weapons from makhachkala and... footage from a cctv camera in one of the bank offices, the suspect is counting out five thousand dollar bills from a hefty stack, apparently then transferring them to someone from terrorists who attacked people in crocus cityhole, in this video that same white renault symbol, the terrorists’ car drives into the private sector, perhaps mytishchi near moscow, where accomplices of militants from dagestan delivered weapons, they themselves , after a bloody crime in the moscow region, tried to organize a mass murder in kaspiysk, where are the weapons? where's the bomb? in
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my apartment that they were going to blow up? embankment. the second point of the terrorist attack was to be victory park. pistols and machine guns were found in the rented apartments of militants in dagestan kalashnikov, almost 500 rounds of ammunition and an improvised explosive device. for obvious reasons, fsb and law enforcement officers are not hiding all the details, the investigation is ongoing, but the list of those arrested, accused of committing a terrorist attack in crocus cityhall and their accomplices, will obviously grow. egor grigoriev, news. the number of victims in belgorod as a result of the ukrainian armed forces attack has increased to 10 people. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this in his telegram channel. three of them were sent home for outpatient treatment, another seven remain in hospitals with chip wounds. all evening , ukrainian militants have been attacking the peaceful city. according to the ministry of defense, there was a large
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crater, a local cinema was damaged, and windows were broken in neighboring buildings. iran's ambassador to syria promised israel that tehran would retaliate after the air raid on the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. according to the latest data, as a result of the bombing , the extension to the iranian embassy building where it is located was destroyed. ambassador and consulate, like the moment when a meeting was taking place in the annex the media emphasize that the blow was struck specifically at one of the commanders of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps, by syrian officials. ksir has already confirmed the death of seven iranian military advisers, including the commander of forces in syria and lebanon, general zahidi and his deputy. 12 people were injured. reduce the poverty level to 7% and to... a sustainable
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increase in the birth rate by 2030. vladimir putin approved an instruction to the government based on the results of his february address to the federal assembly , among the tasks to increase the minimum wage wages up to 3500 rubles. extend the maternity capital and family mortgage programs, develop a new one for the resettlement of emergency housing, by 2030 russia should become one of the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity and begin to more fairly distribute the tax burden taking into account the amount of income, here are additional tax deductions for those who pass successfully passes the medical examination standards of the gto. the instructions also concern five new national projects and a complete list of them. is already on the kremlin website. how to light correctly information related to the terrorist attack in kroku city hall and its consequences. this was discussed today in the public chamber, where a meeting of the coordination council was held to improve the social efficiency
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of the media industry and its interaction with civil society institutions. representatives of the russian red cross also took part in the discussion. the conversation was not only about the work of journalists, but about how during... burns, someone received fractures while rescuing, i traced the fate of these heroes, what next, what next, how to help them, they also suffered, many of them, yes, someone got it , i think that we shouldn’t forget about them either, because in order for this not
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to happen, there could be many more victims, it is necessary to repeat, it is necessary to constantly beat ring the bell and talk about it with all the means that you and i have, now let’s burst into advertising, and after it watch the russia project. 62. this time we will talk about overcoming the cultural divide. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account for purchasing any stock get another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. the legend returns. the same one made from 100% malt baltika 3 non-alcoholic. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt,
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11:10 pm
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a schism occurred, well, not a church schism, in fact, this is, as one might say, secondary, in fact, but a cultural, civilizational schism. russia was divided into two parts: such a pro-western aristocracy, the elite and the people, then, in general, in some form this split has existed all the time and has survived to this day, in general it shapes the reality in which we live, so can you do something about it at all, overcome it somehow? in general, i would say, since our classes have disappeared, yes, then this split, which was largely between classes, has moved into our heads, and this is a split in our consciousness. that is, some part of our consciousness says that we are oriented to the west and we are part of the west,
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some part says that we ourselves on our own, and you still need to be yourself , someone says that we are generally the east, eurasia , and so on and so forth, here are all the historical events, the characters, they are also assessed from the point of view of these two half of our consciousness, therefore causes a lot of controversy, it is completely unclear how to overcome this, so we will find out, because it sets the agenda of today for the left-liberal ideology dominant in
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the west, soon any highest manifestation of the human spirit, culture, religion, science, will be banned, because it insults the mentally disabled. vladimir maslennikov, history teacher at the st. petersburg gymnasium and writer. the author of the telegram channels are both autogram channels so telegram channel people should have. with
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a simple question to yegor: is peter ii good or bad? i immediately remembered, ah, how, one of our outstanding hierarchs of the 18th century, huh? under elizabeth petrovna, he delivered such a sermon in the peter and paul cathedral and at some point he said, as if addressing the tomb of peter the great, rise up , see your devil on your throne and your deeds and so on, and accordingly at this moment count razumovsky, respectively. in fact , the husband of elizaveta petrovna, as it were, said quite loudly: “shchovkliche, if he
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gets up, we will all get it here, that is , this is the question that, accordingly, is risky to ask in this sense, that is, russian thought has given such a huge answer to it the number of answers, say, the answer is a year."
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the question is whether there would be a choice to be unmagnetized, or no longer to be, perhaps already at that moment there was solely a question, to be magnetized to under what conditions, this is the tragic split in russian culture that arose, arose, well, let’s say, due to the fact that peter really chose such a model, i would say, aggressive...
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as far as the result of their failure, that is, the fact that perhaps, in some aspects , great russia was created by peter precisely because he did not have time to break and was unable to break, that’s how much, say, it was created in subsequent reactions, there under peter i, under elizaveta petrovna, let’s say , under elizaveta petrovna there was a powerful
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cultural reaction, when we returned to the five-domed, traditional orthodox , when... st. george returned to russian coins, that is, when petrine russia again began to be still holy russia, that is, roughly speaking, one thing is absolutely certain, that is there is no need for this exaggerated, enthusiastic triumphalism, the image of this peter the great propaganda, the creation of russia from nothing, this image... turned out to be extremely destructive for russian culture, for russian self-awareness, in general, he continues undermine us until now, that is, when we were faced with some kind of madness of reformism in the nineties, then we ended in the nineties, and then we ran with one reform, then with another, then with educational reform, then with some other
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, there was such pathos in all this that, except with the help of radical reforms according to... absolutely such a social thinker karl polanyi in his book the great transformation, where he talks, say, also about the rapid changes in england, the tudor and stuart eras .
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very little, very little is present, that is today's history education in school, it largely inherits soviet education, and everything there continues to be the same. soviet mainstream , that is, peter's reforms lend themselves in the key of modernization and in the key of glorifying modernization, and the schism that occurred in society is spoken of primarily as a schism in the church, at the level of individual quotes, small assignments for paragraphs there, history textbooks, given, there are different, well , different opinions of historians who say that this was a big social split, that there was a split there between the elite, between the people, well... this is approached from different points of view, but the main line, it remains rather the same, that is, it speaks of peter’s reforms as such
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an inevitable path of modernization, a path progress , this episode is viewed in a more positive way, but here, of course , a lot depends on the teacher, on the one who gives this material, because a certain freedom is preserved here, so you, for example, as a teacher, how far you get from this line, so to speak? should the party retreat, how far can it be retreated? well, here about the party line, in principle, a teacher is needed in the classroom, to creatively comprehend the material that is given in textbooks, provided by the state, and here the main thing is to maintain such a golden mean, because many of the students who listen to this, they then have to take the unified state exam, but in the unified state exam they need to decide.
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and the nobility, then the intelligentsia, on the contrary, they were, well, brought up in greater to this western degree, but then
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you can’t say that... we now have a class society, yes, and it seems to me that this split has moved into our heads, yes, now the question is that this split in our head, and every time it comes out, well , for example, in assessing the figures of our history, or the events of our history, completely irreconcilably, sometimes with my family we were just sitting in the village, some holiday, we are sitting there at the table, but not god willing , a conversation about history begins, so... it will be, well almost teasingly, but it often turns out that the conflict takes place in connection with some memory about i don’t know alexander ii , about catherine ii, about ivan the terrible, they remembered they quarreled over this, they didn’t talk for a month because of the lorismerik constitution, but in reality, let
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’s first of all...
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it’s successful and it’s a failure, we actually have a two-part cultural excavation, because everyone forgets that along with the cultural split under peter the great, we had, i would say, the opposite cultural split, just under nikolai pavlovich, the unforgettable emperor , this is what happened, because mikhail pogodin formulated it very clearly, that before...
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this is, i would say, a stylistic russian reaction, when this empire style, the unrestrained empire style of classicism, is replaced by national russian style , that is, and it is built from above, first the emperor says why we are not building churches, like somewhere in yaroslavl or vladimir, and only then they begin to build them, but the fact is that
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really... everyone accordingly was formed as if the mind and soul, there, remembering with a soul directly from gottingen and so on, suddenly a significant, huge part of these people, who sincerely imbued with these european principles, realized that this, like a russian train, was now traveling in the other direction, already not from moscow to st. petersburg, but from st. petersburg to moscow.


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