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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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from a dream to a home, one house-click, what are men silent about?
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appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will cut it down, eat door sausages will help, buddy, hi, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, the oil is not in the first place, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online , it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is who else taught whom, vtb, all together. one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because megafon can pick up even here, megafon - mobile operator number one in terms of coverage and speed, who is always in a hurry to help, there is pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, it doesn’t matter if the shoulder fails, we’ll call the pentalki as soon as possible. extragel extragel against
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pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. sport. master media is articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. take a look at cean and choose an apartment for rent based on real photographs. with cean it is safe and convenient. well, are there any credit card debts or interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, and divide them by 24 months. you can conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts easily. all methods are good, when you want a special barbecue bacon steak, instant cheese, bacon and smoky sauces and barbecue, what are you ready for? for constipation, slabilen can help
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tradition, we ask our guests to take one thing to the studio that they would take with them if they were directly teleported to russia in 2002, vladimir, what would you take with you? yeah, when i found out that such a subject was needed , i basically had no doubts, i immediately chose it, but then i watched one of your recent episodes where there were foreigners, and i was a little upset because they beat me to it , and then on the contrary, i was happy because there one of the participants, one of... took the gospel with him, in general, i also wanted to take it, on the other hand, the more people take 262 gospels to russia, the better it will be, it ’s very symbolic, yes, yes, of course, it has a slightly different story, the fact is that i found it, in general, this is a book from 1908, well
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, it was printed in 1907, in general it came to its owner in 1908, i was on my way. in my native residential area, this is quite a long time ago, back in my student years, i saw on the lawn in front of one of the houses, there was even a pile of books next to the trash, i have my eye was hooked, well, in general , it clings to books for me, it was hooked on this book, i saw that it was the gospel, without thinking, of course i took it right away, because well, it was going to rain at the end after all, as always happens in st. petersburg, and secondly, in principle, it is not good for the gospel to remain lying somewhere there on the lawn. almost among the garbage, i took it, well, i saw that the book was obviously old and put it in my backpack, then i opened it, leafed through it, saw that it was more than 100 years old, there, well, i try read, every day, well, of course, in pre-revolutionary spelling with dubbing in the national circus slavic language, and
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there is an ink stain on it - here on the outside, that is , it is written here that this book was given as a gift for the first confession of 1908, that is, it was given to some child. well, it turns out he was born somewhere in 1901, actually the same age as the century, and i always think about the first owner of this book, that is, what happened to him in general, because this is a man who, well, i hope, survived several revolutions, several wars, god forbid a blockade, and i see in this a certain symbolism, continuity, that a book written like that was written there thousands of years ago, and printed 100 years ago, and passed... with our country there with my city across the whole she survived the hardest 20th century, she fell into my hands there, i turn to her regularly and got the opportunity to take her with me to the program, this is a symbol of such a bright
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continuity of tradition, russian tradition, christian tradition, which, i hope, will continue in 2062, egor, and you well, you know, i honestly admit, i'm kind of lazy. this cane somehow happened that since about 2010 i got used to walking with them, i feel much calmer, more comfortable and so on, i understand why, say, our ancestors there, russian townspeople of the early 19th century walked with with these canes, but actually even before that, many walked there with one or another stick, rod, and so on.
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is it necessary at all in the future and is it possible in the future, this kind of, well, reconciliation, perhaps in our heads in relation to historical characters, and the distant past, and some not so distant past, because i already said that in a family you can quarrel about ivan the terrible, but if he says about lenin that there can be a quarrel in this studio, probably yes, if a person can already be and made the wrong decision from our point of view, but it remained somewhere in the distant past, maybe you can... treat it calmly or not, or maybe it’s part of russian culture in general, to be so restless in relation to some then
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the characters? it seems to me that for now the families continue to quarrel over ivan the terrible , peter the great and so on, we, on the contrary , have a future, that is, it will be bad when they stop quarreling about this, when it doesn’t matter, but for now it doesn’t matter, that is, this is not the worst option to discuss with each other within the family. as for the attitude towards the characters, well, a rather simple banal thing, then... i made t-shirts there with a group of people and we placed different characters,
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famous people who were in pereslavl and it will turn out very different there and nikolai ii, like lenin too, and yuri gagarin, and well, i didn’t even put alexander nevsky there , just in case, so that questions would immediately arise, why did you put them together, and there, well, in general, that’s all, and well, i’m getting to that now i say that it’s clear that he said don’t put lenin, someone said don’t put nicholas ii, but there was even a person who said i’ll put lenin and nicholas. okay, well, there is no peter i, that’s how it is, people are being excommunicated in peredslavl, it seems to me that in a sense this is the richness of russian history, what it contains a large, large palette, a large kaleidoscope of different characters, and we are all different people and of course, we choose the one who is closer to us, russian history gives us, including today, and will give our descendants in the future, to choose the one who is closer to you , and although in my lifetime i will probably
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not be able to reconcile with certain characters of russian history, but at the same time i cannot erase them from our past, that is, they will not be canceled, no, no, no, no, no, this is such an imprint of the history of russia in eternity, such here is a russian myth, in which there is a place for a lot of people, and accordingly, any person, good or bad, living in our country, he can look into this russian mirror. the myth will be reflected in itself, so there will be a certain reconciliation in this, and even if this conflict, it will remain only in the mode of certain family rubbish, there for one day to another.
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you know, he was such a crazy, slightly abnormal person, soviet historiographical science portrayed him this way, that in the beginning, in childhood, someone he was frightened there, a boyar uprising, so he moved with his mind, and the further, the worse, this is such a dark russia, he will say, no, wait, but in france there was st. bartholomew’s night at that time, and there are historical statistics, in my opinion, if i ’m not mistaken, more people were killed in one night than in... the entire reign of ivan the terrible died in all sorts of vicissitudes, then the person, probably, if it’s normal to teach history, what’s my point, he’ll just think, why is it really ivan the terrible thinks he’s kind of crazy, but with whom was she there? vrafnov night there is louis the ninth , and marie de medice, and here they are, they are considered absolutely normal, just historical
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characters of france, well, of course, they also seem to me, in fact, not quite... normal historical characters, but look, here is the next thing , and first of all, when we talk about france of the 15th century, we should not focus at all only on st. bartholomew’s night, it was a bloody massacre that lasted more than 70 years, it was a permanent civil war, where , accordingly, the huguenots, that is, protestants, radical...
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history teaches us and history nothing. they don’t teach us, they also live in our heads at the same time, if we say, for example, you know, history is an objective examination of documents, it is an objective assessment of lenin, and stalin, and ivan the terrible, and nicholas i, and so on, and there is no need to stigmatize, because history still teaches nothing to anyone, and another person will say, no, guys, look, we can objectively consider any - well, events, stories, but only an assessment. we need to give, because history teaches us that this is ours awareness of what happened in our country, what needs to be repeated, no need to repeat, how to act and so on , well, i’ll start with vladimir now, and then the same question for you, history is certainly taught, so it is necessary to give an assessment, something else the thing is that not everyone agrees to study,
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that’s the thing, as in any educational process, that’s probably why among our moderns there are those who are ready to study for... this is our individual and collective cultural state consciousness, then there is, roughly speaking, after the fact that...
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i shouldn’t, well, okay, at least i didn’t agree with something, yes, thank you very much, thank you, all the best.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized.
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the basmanny court of moscow, until may 22, arrested the tenth defendant in the department for the terrorist attack in the sitikhol building; it is alleged that he provided financial assistance to the perpetrator of the crime. earlier, the federal security service released footage of the interrogation of several more alleged accomplices of the attack. they took refuge in dagestan and planned there. commit a terrorist attack themselves. details from egor grigoriev. he looks into he apparently tried to hide his face with a hood, but it didn’t work out very well. yusuf zod, yakub jani, the tenth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly, at the request of the investigators, they ask him to be arrested, as investigators believe , he transferred money to the militants to rent an apartment , buy a car and food. the part was transferred to one of the perpetrators after a terrible attack.


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