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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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she made you a person who has a latin-american character , latin-american habits, he told me, it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there was so much there, not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here, 98% , probably all of it came true, he had ukraine in his forecasts, this is approximately how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, and what does it have to do with it... it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. chasing views changes wholes locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change it.
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all fakes. let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello.
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on april 2, 1870, a commission to consider mediumistic phenomena completed its work; it was created by the russian physical society on the initiative of the scientist dmitry mendeleev, to study spiritualism, which was very fashionable at that time, many considered it a science that uses previously unknown natural phenomena, but mendeleev was skeptical and to expose all this i came up with the idea to create commission. 12 scientists from different fields studied the issue for almost a year, communicated with mediums, including the then very popular petty brothers from england and a certain miss klaer. experiments with them clearly showed that their ability to spin a table, the ability to remotely wet paper or make a bell ring, is nothing more than sleight of hand, in other words, fraud. and finally, the commission of the russian physical society rendered a verdict. peretic phenomena arise from unconscious movements or conscious deception. asperetic teaching is superstition.
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on april 2, 1948, the us congress passed the economic cooperation act, which launched the implementation of the famous marshall plan, named after us secretary of state george marshall. the main goal of the plan was to restore the destroyed economy of europe after the war. however, an important political condition was the agreement of the recipient countries with the so-called truman doctrine. she implied that the united states and its allies must restrain the ussr and socialism in every possible way. log to fight for a unipolar world. we agreed on the plan 18 european states participated; moscow prohibited the countries of the so-called eastern bloc from participating. the ussr itself was also offered to accept help based on the conditions of containment, but the kremlin refused. money from the united states was distributed unevenly. the largest recipients were britain and france. the marshall plan helped not only restore the european economy, but also strengthen washington's role in european affairs. and to reduce the influence of communists for all
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countries receiving us aid, they set conditions so that there would be no one communist, and this condition was met. on april 2, 1968 , the premiere of stanley kubrick's 2001: a space odyssey took place, a film that became a milestone in the development of science fiction cinema and world cinema in general. based on the stories of the english science fiction writer arthur c. clarke. according to the plot, people of the future are trying. study several mysterious foreign artifacts, trying to get to one in jupiter’s orbit, but a supercomputer with artificial intelligence goes out of control, almost all members of the expedition die in the confrontation with it, the only survivor reaches his goal, but is taken into the depths of the universe and is reborn as a star child. kubrick wanted to make the picture as realistic as possible; models of space technology were made by nasa specialists. the work on the special effects took almost 2 years. to imitate the surface of the moon, kubrick
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ordered several tons of sand to be washed and repainted. the odyssey is a philosophical movie, the beauties of the universe slowly float by to classical music, guiding. the viewer to the question: where will human intelligence lead earthlings? there is little dialogue here, the first word is the viewer heard only at the 26th minute of the film, but there is a lot of classical music, the most famous fragment from the symphonic poem by richard strauss, so spoke zrathustra, written in 1896. on april 2, 1982, the falklands war began. argentina decided to regain control of the falklan islands, which in latin america are called malvinas. they were captured by britain a century and a half earlier. in argentina, the military then came to power and
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general leopoldo galtierri decided to strengthen his image with a victorious war. not in buenos airos we expected special resistance. british prime minister margaret thatcher. asked president ronald reagan to help, since he was closer, but the united states took neutrality, and britain did not tolerate humiliation and sent its troops across half the globe to the south atlantic. two aircraft carriers, seven aircraft carriers, and three submarines approached polkland, 22,000 soldiers landed, and a big battle began. after 74 days, the argentine contingent capitulated, the islands returned to britain, and galtieria was forced to resign .
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not child's play, in different parts of russia the rise of youth banks has begun to rise. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go, we’ll figure it out, we’ll talk to you there, yes , they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening , posted it on the internet, what are you accused of attempted murder, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer and you can cope with almost any person. a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, everything, everything, what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal charges? punishment, the sword shines under the ice, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. take suspicion away from kyiv. and
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maximize the false trail that leads not to zelensky’s special services, but somewhere else. this is exactly the task that european, american and ukrainian media are performing, literally overwhelming the information space. about the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, we will tell you more about everything right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, don’t you dare blame ukraine, the isis group is to blame. identical publications within a few days appeared in most of the most popular foreign publications, be it the german newspaper bild, the british guardian, the french france 24 or the washington post, whose authors, perhaps, worked out the methodology especially clearly, saying that russia was too deeply immersed in a special military operation. in ukraine and missed a blow from radical islamists. the narrative is obvious: it would be better if our military
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and security forces focused on militants with black banners instead of dealing with the ukrainian threat. it just sounds strange, firstly, because that directly in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there are enough characters with the symbols of the same isis, and , by the way, western media, for example, danish, talked about them, and secondly, in the version itself about the involvement of the salafis , something does not immediately add up . it lost the territory that it had just a few years ago, that is, in fact, as a territorial structure it has not existed for a long time, but in essence it is a networked international persian organization, of course a terrorist attack of such a scale, well with such an idea, carried out in such a way, that’s already a lot isis hasn’t demonstrated anything like this for years, and that means immediately declaring that it was him in the first minutes, but it was of course. very very suspicious, someone might object, if the pseudo-caliphate has nothing to do with it, then how can we explain
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the photo where the attackers on the crocus take the oath to him, however, here the content is frankly dubious, the oath is accompanied by the index finger raised in the air, of the left hand, it is considered in the east dirty, so you need to raise your finger to the right, the picture is definitely not mirrored, there is an arabic inscription in the background reads as it should from right to left, but if these are at least nuances for experts, then the video... in which isis seems to take responsibility, will be exposed by any amateur. we will kill kefirs and mushliks wherever we can until all muslim lands gain freedom and establish sharia law. allahu ak, this video, like any ukrainian fake that comes from tsypso, was made by hand, in a hurry, there are, of course, speech errors, there are inaccuracies, there is, among other things, an accent that does not correspond to those , who will be detained? this is a cover operation , but in order to show the whole world , look, our versions are still
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working, there are already videos where representatives of isis declare jihad, declare a holy war on the infidels, including russia, which fought isis. the long ears of the chick are visible to the naked eye, but, of course, kiev’s protectors in washington are visible. please note how the white house managed to change its shoes several times, at first they reminded that... obviously, in moscow and russia there are people who do not agree with the way mr. putin is running the country. we must assume a hint of some kind of internal resistance to the russian authorities, or, as they like to put it in the united states, to the so-called... and here, of course, the question arises: where did such
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assumptions suddenly come from even before the version about isis. please note that at the same time the attack on the belgorod region begins, at 19:55 there is an attack on the city hall, at the same time there is a powerful blow to belgorod and nakat, that is, they worked in two directions, and this version, it could have remained the main one if the militants had gone to the territory of ukraine and... it’s no longer clear what they would say there, they were preparing to greet them there as heroes, which means they would have been given a tribute, they could have told what they were against some kind of russian occupation, meanwhile, the count of small stuffing goes into dozens, if not hundreds, what is worth the speculation of garbage dumps, probably associated with the oligarch foreign agent khodorkovsky, in the spirit that police were on duty near krokhus and they did not come to the rescue, in reality, the van turned out to be not a carriage from a spoon, but the cunning schemers were not shy. cover up the cross on its back door and the typical ambulance markings on the sides, additionally, the special transport of the ministry of internal affairs has different
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glazing and body shapes, or so. foreign agents ilya korosilchik and morat gelman simultaneously write on social networks: the detained terrorists are not real, and their testimony was extracted from them by some kind of intimidation. by the way, the character did not delete his absurd posts even after a video from the phone of one of the criminals appeared in the public domain, where the identities of all four were clearly visible. compare the appearance of this person with the one who dug even deeper into the war on fake news to intercept terrorists in the bryansk forest, they differ in hairstyles, nose shape and
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physique, the first does not have a beard, and the second does, there is a conspiracy theory, and from it. .. not only normal people are shocked, but also the extremist and agent dobrokhotov, and he, being the chief editor of the foreign agent of the cia drain barrel, the insider, knows a lot about the wildest conspiracy theories. this is the narrative that is now beneficial for the split society, to show that presidents, authorities and security forces are separated from the people. this version, which was promoted and promoted by the opposition, which fled to the west during the beginning of the great patriotic war, is, in principle, typical. nothing has been forgotten, we, of course, remember, yes, how it was 20 years ago, more than 20 years ago, the same technologies are now being used, but the records of cannibalistic cynicism are perhaps being broken by the ukrainian agency unian, its editors imagined the movement of a body bag a person killed by terrorists, which means there is a living actor inside, tired of lying on the ground, but the truth is that in the full version of the video it is not difficult to notice that at the time of filming there was a strong wind blowing, from which
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part of the ill-fated bag swayed, and even with the banal geography of the well-known fake guns ... the route is much more difficult and unlike the federal highway you won’t get much speed along it, besides, according to alexander lukashenko, the belarusian security forces at that time were already aware of the events and were not going to open the window to the killers. why did they run
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towards ukraine, that’s what they wanted there to see and what they wanted to find, because they knew that they... were still expected in favor of the ukrainian version, the white house itself speaks, the white house itself actually confirmed the ukrainian trace, when from the first seconds it began to deny the participation of ukraine, and third, these are the mailings that they carried out for schoolchildren, but this is a classic scheme of ukrainian agents who are engaged in these psychological operations, this is to involve children, be that as it may, regardless of the enemy’s attempts to spoil the tasks and... no one has canceled, they are performed on a traditional scale. the epic explosions in the capital of square on march 25 could not be drowned out by zelensky’s total censorship, so mayor klitschko had to start the usual anti-crisis record. on the one hand, he reported that three missiles hit civilian targets, on the other hand, he immediately
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complained about the attack of debris from downed missiles and, apparently, did not understand how clearly this contradiction plays against him. professional liars, it even got to the point that they recently changed the speaker of their air defense, who could, in a report about one incident, give well exactly the opposite information, that is, it even fit in the head of one person , in fact, the greatest threat to civilians is the ukrainian air defense, often missiles, their condition, yes, their technical condition leads to the fact that they simply fall when taking off and thereby destroying houses, this... has been repeatedly captured on video, in photographs , however, if the peaceful buildings could really be damaged by the notorious calculations of the zaerk, then the targets of our high-precision weapons were military, amazingly, right under the house bahat. already after the arrival of the fire , secondary detonations are clearly audible, which is quite
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typical for places where weapons and ammunition are stored, and another building, which they wanted to pass off as literally... an element of a private residential sector, for some reason turned out to be surrounded by barbed wire, and indeed hit locations, no matter how much they are hidden, very eloquent in the pechersky district, next to the arsenalnaya metro station , the sbu department is located, and another headquarters of the kiev gestapo is located 2.5 km near the st. sophia cathedral, in addition, on mikhail boychuk street, according to available data, the civil defense headquarters was destroyed, where the sbu officers were again hiding. it was loud in the dnieper region, near rybalsky island. as you know, the office of gur, the terrorist budanov, operates there. there are interesting targets in the solomensky district, this is the patrimony of the ministry of defense of ukraine. and finally, the defeat of the zhulyany airport could not have happened. he considers. a convenient platform for air defense systems in an open area, nothing interferes with the radars; the vehicles themselves were repeatedly hidden in huge hangars, including by american patriots. we'll never get
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confirmation from the ukrainian side that they arrived at the sbu building, gur, at the airport where the air defense is located, because they learned to tighten the nuts so that even the rollers did not leak too much, this speaks about the work of our intelligence, that they do not eat bread and butter in vain. at the right moment, when no one was waiting, they fulfilled these goals. a similar picture in odessa: according to the assurances of the bandera authorities, russian weapons attacked a recreational area by the sea, which led to the injuries of four civilians, but let's listen: again a whole series of secondary detonations, hence the conclusion, were stored on the beaches, not at all umbrellas with sun loungers, but the regime is shaking not only for the safety of weapons, because... our daggers with iskanders are of less interest to energy units, which in recent days have also received their due, although ukrainian the departments responsible for their operation put
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a good face on a bad game, saying that the engineers manage to soften the shutdown schedules, or create some kind of backup schemes, in short, everything is presented as if the situation is under control, but in this case why did the junta increase the import of energy from abroad to record levels, and she herself admitted this, the same thing happened with... with the infrequencies that spread throughout kiev, the same thing happened with the kiev metro, metro, yes, that is , for any emergency, for any, but the problem that arises with the kiev regime, they keep saying, everything is fine, everything is under control, but there can be no other way, just the same, but - non-standards, not classical information sources, like how these are, strictly speaking, social networks, they serve as after all, it is a source of truthful information, and in some places the scale of destruction is so great that even the experts of averting eyes and... there is no way to hide a striking example in the consequences of the attacks on the dnieper hydroelectric power station. it is known for certain that ges-2 received critical damage, the turbine room there was blown up and
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electrical equipment was disabled. and the work of ges-1 was stopped even earlier. thus, the power system of the kiev regime lost about 1,600 mw, which is about 10% of the total generation. on paper it seems like a little since 50% is produced by nuclear power plants, and 40% by thermal ones. however. in fact, only the dnepro-hpp had the ability to carry out so-called energy maneuvers, for example, to cover the electricity shortage in the evenings, when everyone turns on the lights, in a matter of minutes. now ordinary coal generators will have to take over this function, and to increase power in order to compensate for the load, they need from 10 to 12 hours, so long-term blackouts are inevitable, especially since thermal power plants also came from the heart. main generating capacity kharikova was tc5.
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maybe even years, however, while the remnants of electricity and internet access, apparently, are still enough to concoct hacky fakes, here’s a new video with the participation of sergei lavrov, who allegedly swore in a recent interview with andrei kondrashov for the documentary belgrade. of course, politics is a dirty business and sometimes you have to work not just with morons, but with outspoken ones, what is there to hide? look at the same joe biden, self-propelled grandfather, doesn’t know where he is and... and i’m not even sure that he in general they wash, but i’m generally silent about the kiev farm, as smolensk square ironically noted, in essence
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, one could agree with much of what was said, but still the minister of foreign affairs prefers to keep his emotions to himself, and the video was re-voiced by artificial intelligence, we then declared loudly and it is open that we have no problems with the accession of countries to the european union, in contrast to... the expansion of the north atlantic alliance, but over the past few years, long before the special military operation, the european union has become different, what is there you say, another reason to remind you that these days, when everyone has learned to use neural networks, absolutely everything needs to be checked for authenticity, otherwise the risk of falling for ridiculous fakes or deep fakes is too great, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel
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i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program bissagon tv, it will be called, does crime have punishment? i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i look forward to seeing you impatiently.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out komikazas. when there is no escort, you go, roughly speaking , blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, let’s be brief, but i’m observing, the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, like you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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who are we dealing with?


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