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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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who are we dealing with? i liked the article
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, which is quite profound, what we are actually opposed to, of course, is classical satanism, and it’s interesting how it is increasingly acquiring its own true features, is already throwing off any coverings for itself, and not only is it not even shy about it, but flaunts it , well, i’m certainly not a catholic, which is obvious. but when they try to so cunningly excuse biden that easter, as it seems to me, is still a bright holiday and a great day for the convicts, they manage to say the day of visibility for transgender people, but this is no longer the category that biden is a catholic from a coffee shop who, as if on a menu, chooses from his faith, what i believe in, what i don’t believe in, no, he’s actually already a classic satanist.
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if you look, for example, at macron with his government of fagots, well, in general, you can treat this as you like, but it is obvious that this has nothing to do with christian france. the fall of germany began from the moment when, if i remember correctly, merkel, she also heads the party whose name contains the word christian when they voted on gay rights, when she was just being flirtatious.
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on such absolute satanism, but before moving on to our external affairs, i once again want to address the question, because now more and more details of the terrible terrorist attack are being hidden, i have a feeling that we may not see the forest for the trees, yes , the role of ukraine is obvious, just as the role of... the performers is obvious, to whom should we include those people who saw valuable specialists and gave the go-ahead for their presence on the territory russian federation, to a rapist, a man with a sixth-grade education, a man who did not read well and at home earned his living by doing odd jobs, these people who by some miracle ended up in russia...
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i don’t understand something well, but what else needs to happen in our country for us to finally bring order to this issue, that’s what else needs to happen, this is not the category of friendship of peoples. this is a national security category. national security requires a reasonable, precise, clear and transparent approach to the matter of attracting foreign specialists. we need highly qualified specialists, but we don't need terrorists. we don't need poorly educated, illiterate people. if we are talking about the category of refugees. and zones of armed conflicts, about humanitarian missions, this is a different question , there is a different attitude towards them, and there is a different understanding, but as i understand, these citizens, they were brought to russia or ended up in russia, as laborers, are so necessary for our country ,
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it’s amazing, yes, how easy it is for them to get in and how hard it is for our compatriots to get in, speaks brilliant russian?
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we should, i don't think it should be any part of our aid that goes to israel, to support our greatest ally, probably in the whole world, to defeat hamas, iran, russia perhaps, north korea, and also china who help hamas.
2:09 am
we shouldn't spend a cent on humanitarian aid. it should be like gosaka and herosima. get this over with quickly. the same should be in ukraine, defeat putin quickly, instead of spending 80% of our funding for ukraine for humanitarian purposes , we need to spend 100% on expelling russian forces, if this is what we want to do, when we talk about weapons of mass destruction, we have all this intellectual talk there, let my friend
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not we will do it, they perceive it as our weakness, there is nothing in their mentality that limits them in the use of any weapon.
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genocide, encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine,
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propaganda of war, justification, recognition legitimate, denial of russia’s armed aggression against ukraine, glorification of its participants. margarit sinovna we have connections, margarit sinovna, fools showed themselves on april fool’s day, it’s true, volodya, thank you for the broadcast. i apologize that i’m not with you , now, at first i actually thought that this was an april fool’s joke, i asked my guys and colleagues to check, but this was not published on the official website of the sbu, can you imagine that i called for murder, for the mass murder of ukrainian children , well, first of all, it’s clear that this has never happened, those calls of mine, they are always public, i am endlessly on your broadcasts, thank you very much for this, that you turned me on. i have social networks, it’s all easy to check, well then, if someone knows me for even one second they understand that this is just
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terrible nonsense, moreover, even if some officials in my country, in my country, who i always defend, not only because it is my job, but because my spirit is such, i cannot help but defend my homeland and i do not imagine myself outside my homeland, but even if you are my country , god forbid, through official lips. i would say something like that, i would, of course, publicly say that i am against it, any normal person has moments in life when a person is against it, because something, even what his beloved country is doing, contradicts his values, values this doesn’t change why they do this, it’s also quite clear to me, well, part of it can be attributed to the fact that spring has begun, this is already from the field of psychiatry, we all know that spring events happen... exacerbation during the presence of certain diagnoses, these russians apparently have more than one diagnosis, i am a small
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specialist, but specialists have something to work on here, the second reason, it is also secondary, they believe that they can hurt me, themselves, and other people who support their country , by the fact that they will prevent us from traveling abroad, but i was put on an international wanted list two years ago already. yes, and this is such a control in the head of this international search, that is , i can’t go, well, actually nowhere, like abkhazia, belarus, i’m not in anything i refuse, i want to publicly declare that i don’t give a damn , i don’t care at all if i never see ethyl’s arable land again in my life, i’ve seen it many times, well , now i’ll never see the colosseum, the museum in washington, florence again in my life, wherever, as they say, been there, don't that, that means i've been everywhere, seen everything, well, i can say that i was particularly impressed, the beauty, of course, is wonderful, but i want to live here, and i
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haven’t been going anywhere for a long time, even when it was possible, but if my relatives deny me entry krasnodar region, i officially declare this, i won’t survive, everything else doesn’t bother me at all, but this is a secondary reason, there is a primary reason, both for you, volodya, and for me, as you, unfortunately, well know, have already happened ... several preparations for assassinations, they are preparing more, and what are they doing? they dehumanize us; it’s one thing to kill a journalist, a woman. a mother of many children, well , it’s somehow unsympathetic, many may think it’s unsympathetic, public opinion may even look at it this way somehow gloomy, but if you kill a person who called for the mass murder of children , of any kind, ukrainian, whatever, a person who somehow, sitting
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in his office or sitting at home, manages to carry out genocide with a third hand, then it looks... as calm as possible, i can’t say, i won’t boast, it doesn’t bother me at all, but i believe that everything is in the hands of god, and most importantly, god’s judgment is in the hands of god, god, they they will not be able to avoid it either, as our great michael wrote yuryevich, but there is also god’s judgment, it’s true, he waits, he is not subject to the ringing of gold and
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he knows thoughts and deeds in advance, and so on, as we all remember, with the schoolboy. margarita, thank you very much. dmitry, yes, but, and i’ll tell you this, look what a difference there is in the accusations that are thrown at margarita simin, and vladimir rudolfovich, and many other russian public figures, politicians from ukraine, and not only, and not only, but also...
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in the blood of special services, some western states, here it is, this is such a rabid beast, it can shed a lot of blood, but i will still return to the issue of interethnic politics, literally two comments, well , they say that here is an investigation of various types of crimes committed by migrants,
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tightening the screws on migration to the russian federation violates the friendship of peoples. an absolutely uncontrolled, uncontrollable migration policy, it undermined this friendship of peoples like nothing else, no, no xenophobes. homegrown or imported from the west, they
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did not cause such harm, excuse me, to interethnic relations, such as uncontrolled migration and weakness of state power, because i will tell you so, i have a lot of questions for migrants, for these ethno-criminal communities and for these fraternities, and so on , i don’t understand at all what this is and what they are doing here, but i have many more questions...
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they didn’t pass a law stating that in connection with
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a criminal offense a person can be deprived of citizenship, in principle i understand why you don’t at, but nevertheless, friends mine, the situation, yes, but that’s all, it all ends up in the same place, that is, you deprived him of his citizenship, and what are you doing with him, well, then he’s stateless himself, has he become better? and then you’ll excuse me, visa-free entry , but even you enter visa-free for tourism purposes, even into some very friendly country like sri lanka, you indicate who
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invited you, where you are going, you show that you have money, you show that you have a return ticket, and any person who has entered somewhere without a visa can do this confirm, but without calling us it’s not clear where he entered? it’s unclear why he moved in, and it’s unclear, the main thing is when it will come out, well , it’s like, this is some kind of, excuse me, confusion instead of music, yes, trying to replace this with the chaotic adoption of ringing public legislative acts, for which there is simply no implementation mechanism, well, this is all very frivolous, no, you can leave tourist entry without a visa, but again with fingerprinting, with a photographer.
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there is no need to reinvent the wheel here, here you can use our foreign experience experience, i don’t understand what the problem is, maybe there really is a problem in some surnames and patronymic names, as lazar mysevich koganovich said, but at one time, every problem has a surname.
2:26 am
i absolutely agree that those managing this process are people who have crossed the line of good and evil, who, for the sake of their political survival, saving money, they are ready to do anything, they are absolutely already, as they say, in the dark,
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and here i want to say, i’m now looking at the situation in international relations, just a trend, and look at how many people are ready to cover up their political failures with blood, who are ready to cover up their political mischief with the ruins of a big war, well, look, what ’s happening in relations between israel and iran, look, well, macron has already
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discussed. okay, this is a completely different story, but here’s an even more dangerous example: look at what’s happening on the border of ukraine and belarus. well, zelensky doesn’t have a lot of problems, or what? no, he is going deliberately, i am absolutely sure that he is deliberately going to aggravation of the situation on the border, yes , look what the rulers of moldova are doing , they are completely bankrupt, as leaders of the state, well, it’s better...
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you have to go there, you should go , it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, behind this line you will become different, but what, there was my childhood and youth, and now the enemy, we are all going our separate ways, terrible?


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