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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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historical science as such a symbol of political criticism. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother. in the donbass , you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there , to the gray zone, beyond this line you’ll become different, but what, that’s where my childhood was and youth, and now the enemy, everything, we disagree, terrible,
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enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are evil, they seem to keep all their shares for in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany, yes, i have here... they all broadcast a certain
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agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law , and it was me who was the victim. and why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, ’42, russian, your face is such that you could pass it off as anyone, well, practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, and this mikhail you do not they knew, no, no, she was making you a latino, yes, she was making you.
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with migration, although i didn’t intend to talk about it, but i provoked it, yes i provoked it, yes , well, to be honest, this topic, you won’t let me lie , i’ve been studying it, so to speak, for many, many years, to be honest, it personally hurts me a lot. that
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it took such a terrible terrorist attack for people to talk about it more, as if a lot, because this unsystematic nature has always threatened national security, this is a serious problem, but now this problem, well, it has gone quite far nevertheless, it can and should be solved, at least analyzed, looked at, because in the end we need something that will move russia forward, and not something that will turn it into a backward, so to speak, semi-criminal one bazaar-station, this is undoubtedly important regarding... who is interested, who is not interested, there i am not able to list all the names, as if yes, thank god, i don’t know them, how could that be why i’m still alive, so, but by the way, over these long years of studying this topic, to be honest, i received a huge number of all kinds of threats, and from those who are clearly involved in these matters, as if from those migrants we are talking about and so on, some wanted to tell me so, then attach article 282 , and others seemed to simply threaten and so on and so forth, but so to speak, god has saved, at least for now, but... regarding those who are interested,
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but in general there are people ideologically interested in the fact that in russia, well, to be honest, in my opinion, it became as less russian as possible and there was as much as possible there conflict situation on an interethnic basis, but in fact there is absolutely...
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yes, so to speak, in economic integration, in the organization of the united nations, just in case, hello, where are you, you won’t find them during the day, you will find them during the day you won’t find these wonderful types of friends, these things, some time the lever for transferring, for example , money from here to there, they pulled it, so they put on the brakes, these things, these things need to be solved, i have always said, including here , i say, even the archive of this program is possible, for example, armenia stops accepting peace cards, so what? i believe that in addition to the countries that are interested, for example, in all this, migration should undoubtedly be a political tool of pressure on those to allow transfers to armenia only using cards, the world, there are a lot of tools,
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if necessary, i will write to you not this same thing, 250 points, according to with which you can cap them, so to speak, but this is the same for any reason, when we need it , that’s why, but this is important, listen, again, when... he speaks, don’t talk about it, quietly, no, god forbid, what are you saying, it will be bad, it will be bad, but from the wrong side, that’s the thing, it will be bad from the inside, and the worst thing is, we can even win on the battlefield, but in the end lose from the inside, all that blood , all the sacrifices that we are shedding there, so to speak, they, they will turn out to be meaningless, they will turn out to be, so to speak, simply lost, i think this is very important, it is impossible not to talk about it, the second thing about this is really, here this one, so to speak, is just, in my opinion, very revealing. the antics of biden, who easter, and easter is the sunday of christ for christians, yes, so to speak, who doesn’t know, for catholics this year it was at the end of march, yes, so to speak, we will have it on may 5, by the way, this year an incredibly large gap, yes, i don’t attach any importance to this, but it’s still interesting, it
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’s so, well, that he appointed on this very day, considering himself a catholic christian, taking an oath on the bible, yes, in fact, so to speak, a celebration of sadomy, perversion...
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this is the purest waters of blasphemy, cynical, dirty, public, frank, he understands it, he doesn’t understand it, it’s hard for me to say, in theory he’s an old man, he grew up after all, so to speak, in some, well, probably the same old america, yes or no... this distortion, this is the pulling out of individual phrases, rearranging, so to speak, their places, nothing like
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let’s love transgender people, because they have the image of god, in fact, you won’t find it there during the day, it’s frank , yes, so to speak , perversion, and yes, indeed, i talk about it a lot too years, this is really on the verge of open worship of evil, which can also be called satanism, open deliberate worship, abuse of it with the aim of maximally perverting faith in... god as such, denying it, discrediting it, in the end, listen, if the lord is god , as if, if in these, in these, so to speak, people, it is precisely sin that is the image of god, then who is the lord god? and here , indeed, satan, as the father of lies , could not do without it, this is unambiguous, for me, as for a believer, this is absolutely definitely. by the way, speaking, uh, i think that it just seems to them that the era of their omnipotence has come, because, looking forward, well, it ’s clear, it’s clear what kind of life they are imposing on everyone.
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communication creation of a parallel intangible digital image, for example, for example, as one of, as one, as one of the ways, yes, of managing this society, yes, as one of the ways of implementation, although it is clear that if we take, so to speak, the apocalypse, revelation of the theologian, it is clear that we are talking about a specific person, we are not talking we are talking, so to speak, in principle, yes, not about any such virtual things, but this person will show such miracles that will seduce a huge number of people, these miracles, they are visible. the second, as if yes, the second line, so to speak: achieving eternal biological life
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here on earth, eternal biological life on earth, which will allow you to basically level out sin, because in fact, what all religions talk about, yes, they talk about the afterlife life, about your fate in the afterlife, but if there is no afterlife, then in in principle, you can screw up as you like, there are no sins, there are no crimes, in fact , no commandments are needed in principle, if you have secured for yourself, so to speak, some kind of scientific and technological progress and so on , eternal life is possible here. forever, so to speak, sinning, you can forever do whatever you want, murder, debauchery, so to speak, rape and so on and so on, this is the life for some, for some people they promote, in principle, they think that this is quite maybe, well, plus of course, yes to say, an unrealistic temptation by power, but if , again, in these depths, so to speak, you don’t go away about biden and this action of his, it’s so frank that it’s not even rational in my opinion, because even if you look from the point of view there's an election technologist, well, sort of...
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here he openly spits in the face of a huge part of america and says: i don't give a damn about you, you don't even interest me as a voter, everything you think about this is like yes, i'm in a coffin i saw, yes, here is my flock, so to speak, here are... my it’s like these dirty sheep, so to speak, and here i am with them, i’m with them, i ’m with this, so to speak, with this new church of perversion, and here, of course, again , if we put it back on political tracks - well, of course, we should absolutely it’s obvious who we’re dealing with, that is , these are the ones with whom we are definitely not on the same path at all, this is this collision, it would still be inevitable, because a normal person, even let’s say, is a believer and an unbeliever.
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isis in syria and had this information, not donated, did not share with their colleagues here in russia, so the same questions must be asked here too. now, regarding some foreign policy issues, yesterday, today all israeli newspapers, topic number one is netanyahu’s successful hernia operation. and under
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the guise of this operation, the white house decided to supply new ones. large shipments of weapons and ammunition, 1,800 m-84 aerial bombs and 500 e-82 aerial bombs will be supplied. the m-84 is a deadly weapon; not all armies in the world use it in urban areas. israel - one of the few that he uses. the explosion of this bomb destroys entire neighborhoods. the funnel remains more than 12 m wide and 3-4 m deep. it breaks through the thickness. concrete 3 m 36 cm, how much is there in spent equivalent , that is, the equivalent, but there is an increased power of the explosive about 500 kg, this is of increased power, it penetrates a large layer of metal, and most importantly, it penetrates deep into concrete structures, the explosion already occurs from the inside, it's actually like an earthquake, the building that
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remains on the ground they collapse, so in addition to this... the states will supply israel with 25 modern f-35a aircraft with spare engines for a total of $2.5 billion, it turns out that, on the one hand, biden and blinken are demanding that atanyahu quickly conclude military operations in the gas sector, on the other hand throwing logs into the fire thus kills palestinians. to date, the palestinian casualties are 3,500 killed, 75%. official data on civilian casualties as a result of the ukrainian-russian conflict is largely yes, but no one calls israel’s actions cruel, that is, somehow
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the white house is silent about this, the white house and europe are silent, meaning the official european authorities. europe, the council of europe, yes, they are probably talking about how terrible it is, they are probably showing the unfortunate children who are already eating. which was committed by the ukrainian nazis, they blame it on us, but they are silent about the tens of thousands of killed palestinians, so madame fondelien, of course, should have gone
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there, gone to see there, and not done a picture of when she was brought to the future , oh-oh, what did they do here, she said that they are all israelis now, that she is everything, that is , there are no brains there, well, she came then, she stated this, everything in this regard surprises me -the silence of the arabs and muslims.
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they say: why did you decide that the tragedy began on october 7? here it turns out that no one hears each other, they say: wait a minute, but you
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killed our children, women, everyone was silent, they said that it was possible, how many thousands are you keeping us in prison, and here this is a story that does not end never, but in fact we see how the de facto destruction of the palestinians is going on, and the arab street is generally silent, it doesn’t care at all, they did not impose any sanctions against israel, they don’t tell anyone anything, they wash their hands, but only pour weapons in there, there were agreements more than once, but each time israel or hamas refused this , so they wage this verbal duel with each other, but neither of them think about the fact that people are dying, normal, ordinary people. now, regarding syria, sunday, there was an explosion in azad car, loaded with explosives , many did not... figure it out, they asked me how this could happen, i had to explain that this is a territory that is not controlled by the syrian government, it has long been occupied by the turkish army, in
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this territory there is a showdown between two extremist terrorist groups, the former annusra front, hayatah arsham now, which is called, and the so-called syrian national army, as a result, people are dying, they are fighting for power, most importantly, control over... russia and iran will not allow this, china will not allow this. it’s not there, it’s not so simple, it’s not simple, but on the other hand, if necessary, we can transfer it there. now there is
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panic in israel due to the alleged fact that the russian military will set up another eleventh observation post on the dutch heights. and secondly, they began to communicate there with the entrance of the red sea to a detachment of warships of the pacific fleet. cruiser avaria. and the frigate shapochnikov, but did you notice, the houthis, the russian naval flag we saw, we calmly accepted everything, if only the fighting in the gas sector had stopped now, i guarantee that navigation in the red sea would have been restored immediately and the world would have been different, because we tried and we helped and took an active part in ensuring that... negotiations to free the hostages, we did it, a number of hostages were freed with the help of russia, but then from whose side did the hysteria start, that you are
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like this, you are like that? not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of youth bank. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take the territory under their control, let's go and sort it out, we'll talk to you there, but they
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were jealous, that's all. they filmed what was happening and posted it on the internet, what are you accused of? these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he is in belgorod for 2 days, just like that, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the sky shines under the sun, we took on this matter and carried it out.
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we open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety
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starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called: does crime have punishment? i hope, you you’ll understand why we named our program that way, and i’m looking forward to seeing you. i stood my ground that i was right; time will tell; the president signed a decree on the autonomy of moscow university. hooray! i decided to resume tatiana’s day and come up with some kind of tradition. i have a feeling that all this has changed, which means that something is still
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being created here. we prove that if they are looking for someone who supported hamas, then they directly state to turkey, they support hamas, muslim brothers, what are you telling me this, no, well, i’m telling this to the audience, just so that the audience doesn’t forget, well, because sasha.


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