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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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i know, another piece of advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how behave and what to say, find out more about this, well, you can tell me, they’ve jinxed you, no, tamara nikolaevna, know about this. more, no, so what am i talking about, that is, they killed their own, cut each other’s throats, yes, then they hide, then they run away, and now some other pilots are gathering.
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and, as i understand it, this was done deliberately, because really, well , how can it be, well, it turns out that we can declare martial law for as many years as we want, for 10, for 20, for 100, and there will be no elections at all, well, there was the hundred years war, well, yes, when it was going on there now, well, it was fake, on april 1, anything could have been going on, and maybe it wasn’t fake, maybe a quote appeared, then it was removed, supposedly attributed to ermak, that even after the end of hostilities,
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but he has such a hook on which he hangs, which at any moment the one who manages all the processes there in the west can pull, if he falls a little out of favor there somewhere, out of the right line, out of the right line of behavior, that’s it, the same west gives the go-ahead, that’s it, wait, we missed it , but he’s not the president now, yes, that is, in the end, they really can, as is provided for in the constitution, say, well, all the acting presidents and speakers are supreme...
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well, you must agree, no, there are also several, stefanchuk is there, and so that they don’t tell us, that we are only men, please, there is a woman bomb, headed by the holodomor museum, she is the size of a sostofanchuk, the ukrainian ambassador to the united states is also doing well, in general , the ukrainian elite is plump from hunger, it’s literally plump, and i’m paying attention, yes, now so i went through it and sorted it out.
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just today appeared in the times, in that same propaganda article, a great article, this is a victory, it says, ukrainian bears are winning, why are there fewer people, bears have begun to breed, wildlife is back, that means is blooming, the number of bears has increased in the carpathians, the number of lynx has increased,
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look how great it is, ukrainian wildlife is being revived, i’m serious, the article today, you know, it’s not april 1, that is, on... in all seriousness it’s like that, that is accordingly, the conclusion is, yes, we are for the green agenda, give ukraine more weapons, let them kill each other more, the ukrainian bears will live well, well, that is , the conclusion is that the ukrainian bears are ours, well, they are something of their side carpathian detachment of russian bears , by the way, it’s about the rusyns they say they are bears, vasil, keep in mind your bears, i know they claim our lynxes, and the lynxes are also our witch, but in yours, bear?
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they asked in all seriousness: why did you anathematize zelensky? i said, well, we are jews, that zelensky, that i, that we want, i don’t know, gordon, that maybe they should really carry out a ritual, sew it on, i just don’t even know what faith he is, god, he has a pyramid definitely put a pyramid on your head, secure it on top with a nail just in case, and the best screw. yes, please, well, yesterday in the indicated there was no constitutional election deadline, but the result was, yeah, yes, domestic terrorists, as biden once said of them, began to seize power, these are ongoing crimes, the end, it will end on
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may 20, so they began to seize power, that is, further they will govern according to concepts, this is how they have defined it, this is how they will interpret it for us, they are absolutely in favor of the constitution. today he doesn’t doesn’t react in any way ignores her, to put it mildly, to put it mildly, because the same zelensky said that he put it on pause a long time ago, there is no such term at all. v jurisprudence, well, he himself is not a lawyer, but the question is that ukrainian citizens are literate, they read and saw that there should be elections yesterday, and now this power for many citizens who understand, respect, at least their civil right to constitutional rights and freedoms, they also have the right according to the constitution, i, not to carry out obviously criminal orders, it’s written there, obviously criminal orders, you have the right not to carry out, but if...
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ends on may 20, we simply respect what they call the constitution, because for me after 14 words, come on, you as a lawyer, let’s just move the chips a little, come on, this has nothing to do with the kremlin, it has nothing to do with the ukrainian constitution, that’s right, we don’t have enough of that, as i if i remember correctly, there was a decision of the constitutional court of ukraine, when they tried to not give yanukovych an opportunity, where it was said that no, elections must take place, i’m interested in that now. it will turn out, well, for example, let’s say now biden signs some paper
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with zelensky, let’s say macron signs, the head of england signs there, and then they change there, and the next trump comes over and says, what kind of filkino is this literate, the person who signed this has no authority, he is illegitimate, you are absolutely right, this happens in our lives when you are making some kind of transaction, you must make sure whether this is the citizen, even if he shows you a passport, and the passport is not... fake, if it is fake, you will not sign, because there will be no liability of that party, well, except for fraud, therefore v in this case, this is how state institutions work, but i want to say that for me the constitution does not exist in 2014, when in less than 8 minutes, take this transcript, 2/3 of the constitution was changed without first sending the changes to the constitutional court, and so on, that is, this an empty document, but i already ignore my point of view and say, you at least go to them... well, even in this simple document, by chance zelensky in 1919 at an exhibition
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in lvov was given a children's book, this is a constitution for children, he never i read it, but i didn’t read it. now the question is that i carefully studied the conventions that meade referred to when sending a note, so to speak, within the framework of the international convention on combating terrorist bombings and financing terrorism there, i took it. i read, well, it’s interesting how lawyers and so on and in vain the sbu laughed there, it was not addressed to the sbu, let the sbu send its press service, so to speak, a review to the 95th quarter, it was sent through the ministry of government, so according to the convention the government is subjects, so the sixth article and the eighth clearly state that if there is such an idea, and there is an idea about the extradition of these terrorists, then... you are obliged to extradite, but if you see that it is necessary to sort it out, then you must begin
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an internal investigation, this is article eight, or you give or an internal investigation, and laughed, then russia said, we won’t stop there, and maria zakharova said correctly, these are procedural issues, we will go to court, and then i think there will be a decision, i assume so, because such correspondence with this gang is not an easy thing when everyone should look, but it turns out, they do not represent the state that signed this convention, because they are just impostors and a gang, so there will probably be some conclusions, including immediate ones.
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the information i received, their first task is to maintain the situation by any means until the elections, they will do it, don’t care about the law, mobilization, then they plan to create a government in the country if they suddenly suffer defeat, that’s why the embassy sends the most inveterate scoundrels there , who will not
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take them for luzhny in any way whatsoever, well, i’m telling you, england probably doesn’t want luzhny, but if they are, if he tries to escape.
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you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, yangel, let’s be brief, let me observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are working no less than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace, they entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails. syrsky has very different ideas about what is happening on the front line, the commander-in-chief and those people who are actually there, that is, diametrically opposite, it turns out that syrsky seems to be winning more every day than they are losing, to which people write to him, well , well, well, you, do you even understand what you’re talking about? , so syrsky, a witch, is
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a heavy drinker or a crazy person, but you shouldn’t think that everything is easy there. the battles are very difficult, and the ukrainian army has fpv, and artillery in those directions where it is needed, and there are still enough people, that is, one should not underestimate their stubbornness, stubbornness, so that our guys fight every day, they fight valiantly, hard, heroically and our deepest bows to them, by the way, that is why it is especially important...
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requires the most severe assessment, just as it is obvious that if there are any problems, if somewhere specific bureaucrats don’t understand something, what kind of help do the soo heroes need, all of our ssu participants are not heroes, which means we need to listen carefully to the president, who said that the feeling, please come, that is, there is no place for bureaucracy, there is for everyone levels, everyone should do, i really i liked it, i showed it yesterday, but the ministry of defense issued an amazing one, this is now a participant’s card from their, well , there’s a veteran, where you have everything in this card, and discounts, and money comes there, that is, it’s
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so think about zelensky regime as a dying creature who will grab everything he can find? he has no real options left on earth, he can barely defend what he has, so he turns to other forms of action, such as a terrorist attack or the use a large number of drones against civilian targets in russia. today there is again a terrible shelling of belgorod,
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i would make a number there for dialing those who want to enter this corps for the liberation of kharkov, recruit separately volunteers to give and solve this problem. please, the battles will really be very difficult and you need to understand that, of course, this is a dying animal. but this is a very powerful animal that sells itself dearly, we must understand that here we win not first of all, not even so much in spirit, which is very important, we win system, because what is currently at war is the system, the system into which everything goes, starting from how the military-industrial complex works, we, by the way, have seen, again, here we say, we often praise, but we have seen how tough it can be our minister, then, when it is necessary... to ask, oh yes, there was even a whole discussion here, i remember that it is so, especially people who do not know history very well, that how is it so, the shaigu is even there, since the entire military-industrial complex is private, he
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he can’t even remove the director, i had to remind him how during the great patriotic war there was a whole story with fighters, and in golovanov’s memoirs, when stalin had to be dealt with personally, i then reminded that zhukov did not remove the directors of the plant, zhukov’s task was to fight. to manage the rear - this was precisely the task of the headquarters, the task of the state defense committee, well, here it should be noted that denis valentinovich mantorov and the team of lawyers are working brilliantly, because a number of factories belonged to people who fled abroad, and did everything possible to ensure that the defense order was not fulfilled, so now these factories have been returned to the state and work is actively underway to accomplish what the homeland needs, at the same time, that is, if earlier. let's say, we have very clearly traced, let's say, military science, military industry, there was still a whole such a long transition between them, but today , in fact, it's all merged together,
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the factories themselves are undergoing continuous modernization, i was at one of our military factories, they say, that we are actually modernizing military equipment right now in batches, that is , a month ago we produced with only parameters, now, in fact, without any long delays or anything else, it just appeared... by the ukrainian army, you need to understand that 30-40 km, today they say that the depth of our work with front-line precision weapons is 90 km, and of course, in this case
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, it’s a huge problem for them, what’s happening to that is, what they used to have, no matter how strange it may seem, was the closest term that allows them to understand, without any kind of derogation or anything... then, this is such a term, as everyone knows its box office gap, for them, today there is a cash gap at the front, because the system is... accumulation of losses in every sense, loss of armor, loss of equipment in general, lack of a set of ammunition, lack of necessary repair regulations, all this leads to, again, the lack of a full amount reserves, all this leads to the accumulation of such large systemic problems that it will not be possible to solve them even immediately, as soon as i suddenly think that money will be given to them one way or another, because, for example, it’s not a set of personnel in brigades, in combat units, at the moment there are 200,000, they set the task in 3 months, and were not able to form six new brigades, that is, they started them, they are still in the formation stage, but
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they should have been there a long time ago. uh, an important strategy that we are certainly carrying out is the fight against air defense, over the last month and a half we have been seeing this, that is, there is a real hunt for ukrainian air defense, real air offensive operations are underway, why the operation is very interesting are being carried out, again, i watched, i was there, i told you, i was at one of our command posts, and i saw how well thought out everything was, when the simultaneous strikes
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that are carried out on strategic... there are also several additional tasks included in it, in including the opening of air defense, and not just opening, at the same time , missiles are already launched, which are aimed at the opened air defense from the combat duty area, suppressed accordingly, and happens at the same time, that’s when we see, the night has passed there, there is no minus power plant, no minus the plant, but at the same time there is no minus ten, at least various air defense systems, radar stations, launchers.
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they are going the hardest, but in these battles ukraine suffers losses at least two to three times more than russia suffers, that is, in fact, the war is one of attrition. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program. besagon tv. it will be called: does crime have punishment? i hope you will understand why we named our program this way. and i'm looking forward to seeing you.
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hello, the on-air legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. a major corruption scandal in chuvash, the now former deputy prime minister of the republic pavel danilov was sent to pre-trial detention, he is accused of bribery, we are talking about 32 million.


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