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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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how this day is remembered in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, hello, april 2, 1870, a commission for the consideration of mediumistic phenomena, it was created by the russian physical society on the initiative of a scientist.
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to study spiritualism, which was very fashionable at that time, many considered it a science that uses previously unknown natural phenomena, but mendeleev was skeptical and, in order to expose all this, he decided to create a commission. 12 scientists from different fields studied the issue for almost a year, communicated with mediums, including the then very popular petty brothers from england, and a certain miss klaer. experiments with them have clearly shown that their ability to turn tables, remotely wet paper or make a bell ring is nothing more than sleight of hand, in other words, fraud. and finally, the commission of the russian physical society rendered a verdict. speretic phenomena arise from unconscious movements or conscious deception. aspiristic teaching is superstition. on april 2, 1948, the us congress passed the economic cooperation act. he gave the start implementation of the famous marshall plan.
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named after us secretary of state george marshall. the main goal of the plan was to restore the destroyed economy of europe after the war. however, an important political condition was the agreement of the recipient countries with the so-called truman doctrine. she meant that the united states and its allies must restrain the ussr and the social bloc in every possible way to fight for a unipolar world. eighteen european states agreed to participate in the plan. moscow is participating in the countries of the so-called eastern bloc. the ussr itself was also offered accept help based on the conditions of containment, but the kremlin refused. money from the united states was distributed unevenly. the largest recipients were britain and france. the marshall plan helped not only restore the european economy, but also strengthen washington's role in european affairs , reduce the influence of communists for all countries receiving us aid, and set conditions so that there would not be a single communist in their governments. and these are the conditions. was
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completed. on april 2, 1968 , stanley's 2001: a space odyssey premiered. kubrick, a film that became a milestone in the development of cinema science fiction and world cinema in general." it is based on the stories of the english science fiction writer arthur c. clarke. according to the plot, people of the future are trying to study several mysterious foreign artifacts, trying to get to one in the orbit of jupiter. but it turns out... under the control of a supercomputer with artificial intelligence. and in the confrontation with it, almost all members of the expedition die. the only survivor reaches the goal, but he is carried into the depths of the universe, and he is reborn into a star child. kubrick wanted to make a picture as realistic as possible. models of space technology were made by nasa specialists. the work on the special effects took almost 2 years. to imitate the surface of the moon, kubrick ordered several tons of sand to be washed and repainted. odyssey is a philosophical film set to classical music. the beauties
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of the universe slowly float by, leading the viewer to the question: where will the human intellect lead earthlings? there is little dialogue here, the viewer hears the first word only in the twenty-sixth minute of the film, but there is a lot of classical music, the most famous fragment from richard’s symphonic poem strauss, so said zrat ustra, written in 1896. on april 2, 1982, the volklen war began. argentina decided to regain control of the falklan islands, which in latin america are called the malvinas. they were captured by britain a century and a half earlier. in argentina, the military then came to power and general leopoldo galtieria decided to strengthen his image with a victorious war. buinosoros did not expect much resistance. margaret
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thatcher asked president ronald reagan to help, since it was closer to him, but the united states occupied neutrality, but britain did not tolerate humiliation and sent its troops. halfway across the globe to the south atlantic. two aircraft carriers, seven aircraft carriers, and three submarines approached the polklands and landed 22,000 soldiers. and a big battle began. after 74 days , the argentine contingent capitulated. the islands returned to britain, and galtieria was forced to resign. in britain, the victory caused an increase in patriotism and strengthened the position of margaret thatcher's government. now argentina is again calling on london to return the islands, although polls show a majority. britain doesn't want change. this is what this day in history was like. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. let's see. let's see. in
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the application or on the website.
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russia traditional modern. technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, parliamentary hour is on the air, hello! march divided the whole country. the task of criminals is to sow hostility, including on
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interethnic grounds. terrorists and those who behind them are, and this is the bloody regime of ukraine, washington, brussels, they hope. that through such terrorist attacks they will be able to split our society, strengthen security measures for cultural and mass events, and analyze legislation, it was decided in the state duma. we have gained good experience here in this convocation, solving complex problems with inter-factional groups. we will continue to work. for information on the consolidated work that has already begun, see our story. the work is based on exchange.
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i feel as safe here as they do vacation in crimea, and where was it better at school there or here, it’s better here, if at least i’ve been there, at least they don’t assign homework here, we’ll talk about the rehabilitation of children who suffered from shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, also about reducing the loan burden, guaranteeing labor rights, replacing elevators throughout the country, about this and more, see our program, the cowardly terrorist... act in the moscow region was condemned throughout the world, numerous calls, letters, notes, official appeals from heads of state and government, heads of authorities foreign countries, international organizations and simply concerned citizens began to receive information to the country's leadership from the first minutes after the attack on defenseless people in the cityholi crocus. the heads
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of parliamentary delegations of the csto member states issued a statement condemning the brutal terrorist attack in the shopping and entertainment center. parliamentary assembly. the whole country shared the moments of grief with the relatives of those killed at the hands of terrorists on march 22; people still bring flowers, soft toys and candles to the spontaneous memorial near the crocus city hall building. immediately in donated blood was collected at several points in moscow to help the wounded. the tragedy that occurred left no one indifferent. the first plenary meeting after the terrorist attack,
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the deputies began with a minute of silence. it is proposed to honor the memory of all those who died in the croque network. according to vyacheslav volodin, this terrorist attack was aimed at splitting our society and sowing. we rallied people, we united, no one could win, we have a huge consolidation of society today, it was precisely this consolidation that the terrorists hit, they hoped to blow up the unity. of the russian people. vyacheslav volodin noted that
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the kiev regime, washington and brussels were behind the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall. everything must be done to ensure that the consolidation of russian society only becomes stronger, said the speaker of the state duma. terrorists and those who stand behind them, and this is the bloody regime of ukraine, washington, brussels, hope that through such terrorist attacks they will be able to split our society.
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the new people faction proposed revising the regulatory framework on the circulation of weapons and
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requirements for private security. according to deputies need to take the burden off the national guard and provide security companies with real opportunities to counter terrorist threats. we believe that a problem that threatens millions of citizens is illegal arms trafficking. we advocate new measures to combat the black market in weapons, relieve the workload of law enforcement agencies, and simplify the work of security forces. supervisor. united russia faction vladimir vasiliev called on deputies to work together to develop specific effective solutions. there are no easy solutions. this is the time. there are no easy solutions. eat decisions that will give an effect, then you will need to look further, and those that will give the opposite effect. we have gained good experience here in this convocation, solving complex problems with inter-factional groups. we will continue to work. the opinion was supported. the speaker of the state duma instructed to create a working group to analyze legislation in the areas of security and
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migration policy, it will be headed by irina yarovaya, and specialized committees will deal with issues of strengthening the security of cultural and mass events, representatives of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of culture and rosgvardia. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, vladislav alekseev, duma tv. parliamentary hour. format of work of the state duma and government. deputies note that now it more involves an exchange of views on consolidation and improvement of joint work on bills, they said this week during the preparation for the report on... the government , representatives of factions met with the head of the cabinet of ministers mikhail mishustin, the participants discussed the interaction of the state duma and ministries, summed up the results cooperation for last year, agreed that the executive legislative branch of government should continue to actively coordinate decision-making. read more about the meetings maria burkova. the position of deputies is largely formed on the basis of the needs
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of citizens. therefore, the government pays special attention to the opinion of parliamentarians, the prime minister noted. at meetings with duma factions on the eve of the report, such a comparison of watches is necessary. the effectiveness of the format of work between the state duma and the government, which involves an exchange of views, the head noted duma faction united russia vladimir vasiliev at a meeting with the prime minister. over the years 22–2, the state duma held 18 government hours, five national reports, which were preceded by meetings of their deputy ministers. such coordinated work of departments affects productivity; more than a third of laws have been adopted. so consolidated, noted vladimir vasiliev. what has been done is integration, socio-economic restoration into the development of new regions, 62 laws have been prepared. support for sbo participants, more 90 laws. support for the russian economy is about 200. in total, over these years, twenty- second, twenty-third, 1,347 laws were adopted. the dialogue is taking place at all levels
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as openly as possible, the prime minister noted. in specialized committees in parliament. hearings during government hours, and the decisions that are made based on the results, allow us to confidently carry out the tasks that the president sets for deputies and ministers. thanks to united russia, the main financial document of the country for the current two years has been supplemented decisions that matter to people. the amendments exceeded 138 billion rubles. they covered the integrated development of rural areas and the fight against cardiovascular diseases. of course, a very important topic is science education. the duma faction of the communist party of the russian federation sent almost 140 questions to the government during preparation for the report. at the meeting , gennady zyuganov paid special attention to the sphere of education, demography, financial and economic policy, housing and communal services and training for the industrial sector. we must take action on time. the political system must meet
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new challenges. our team is ready to help as much as possible. support, we believe that your team has all the conditions to solve the most complex problems. let's really unite as much as possible to solve these problems. the prime minister praised the work of the faction. legislators from the communist party of the russian federation make proposals for the development of domestic industry and strengthening of russia's technological sovereignty, and also actively contribute to the preparation of government initiatives. for example, in this year with the support of the communist party of the russian federation were. budget allocations have been made for workers in the agro-industrial sector in new regions of the country. the factions are doing a lot in the social sphere; together with your parliamentarians, we have created a solid legal basis for defenders who are participating in a special military operation, for their loved ones. during his speech, the head of the duma spravedrossov sergei mironov proposed that the government consider the faction’s initiatives
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in the areas of education, mortgage lending, pensions, demographic policy, as well as support for participants. a constructive dialogue has been established between the faction and the government, you and i have a lot of work ahead of us to solve the tasks that the president of the russian federation set for the next 6 years in his message to the federal assembly, and we are ready for such work. the prime minister highly noted the work of the faction in adjusting the legislation on the national payment system. in particular, an obligation has been introduced for operators when transferring funds between accounts individuals. check and suspend suspicious transactions, this allows you to protect citizens from fraudsters, it is important to think about how to legislatively increase security in all aspects of life, in connection with recent events, said mikhail mishustin. i am sure that your faction also intends to present a package of proposals, especially taking into account how attentively and fairly russia treats its
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parliamentary duties in the regions and maintains feedback from citizens. leader of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky highly appreciated the government's work in all areas. he noted that cooperation takes place almost daily. the faction works with all federal ministries and departments. the government hears our proposals. 41 of our legislative proposals became laws during the spring session of last year, 19 during the autumn session, a dialogue that was difficult in some ways. there is a discrepancy on issues, this is how it should be, when the government works with the opposition party, this is completely normal, but in the dispute the truth is born, the head of government in his own in turn, he especially noted: the faction’s proposal when preparing the draft budget, in particular the initiative to increase funding for the system of assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities. this made it possible
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to expand our pilot project in this area not only to 34 regions, but to all others, as well as to provide social services to needy participants in a special military operation. this approach will help us ultimately build a system of long-term care for older people, and of course improve it. before the countdown government in the state duma, mikhail mishustin will still meet with the new people faction. at the ready, the head of the cabinet of ministers will speak to deputies on april 3. maria burkova, maxim kou, liana melikyan, sergei vergunov, duma tv parliamentary hour. on the eve of the government report , federal ministers met with relevant state duma committees. what topics did the deputies raise in the areas of science, education, information policy, culture, problems of the far east and the arctic? yana dobrovolskaya will tell you. about the key areas of work in the field of science and
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minister of higher education valery folkov reported to the deputies of the relevant committee. particular attention is now being paid to the development program for engineering schools. by 2030 , more than a hundred modern universities, centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country should be formed in russia. the priority is still the open and rich dialogue with the government in this regard, noted the head of the relevant committee olga kazakova. all questions were sent to the government,
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there were 308 questions, yes, 38 of them related to how times in our sphere, that is, almost even more than every tenth question, is a question about education, because sergei sergeevich we have no one in the room who is truly indifferent to the education system. last year , state duma deputies adopted a number of important laws. for the development of the education system, one of the key decisions is to return the educational function to schools, the minister emphasized. conversation lessons are important. career guidance, labor training, labor, the subject of the basis of security and defense of the homeland, raising the national flag, execution national anthem. and today they take place not just formally, but already in the soul, in the heart. the ecology committee and the relevant ministry last year worked together on initiatives on extended producer responsibility, the development of eco-tourism, stimulation
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of geological exploration and environmental monitoring. issues that require further attention concern the msw management systems of wastewater treatment plants, deputies believe. of particular concern is the exploitation of so-called temporary msw disposal facilities, the validity of which has been extended until january 2026. the committee notes that there are risks of non-compliance with the deadlines for the creation of replacement facilities in the krasnodar, altai, primorsky territories, omsk, bryansk and novosibirsk regions. there are risks of failure to achieve targets for reducing polluted wastewater. supporting the economy, improving people's quality of life. key tasks for the territory of the far east and north. this was discussed at a meeting of the relevant committee with minister alexey chakunkov. recently, the state duma has adopted more than 80 laws for the development of these regions. last year it was a historic law on northern delivery. this was discussed a lot at
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all levels, but we are glad that our committee made a worthy contribution, and deputies, especially those elected from the north and far eastern regions, actively participated. on april 1 , the federal law comes into force. work is currently underway to create a state information system. northern delivery should become. transparent, be put on digital platform, the creation of supporting infrastructure is envisaged, the first government act has already been adopted. the ministry of digital development continues large-scale work to eliminate the digital divide. at a meeting with deputies, the head of the department, maksud shadayev, said that the ministry paid special attention to small settlements. in the twenty-third year we connected to lte. this means that the networks were provided with the opportunity to receive high-speed mobile internet in 2865 settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people. the number is growing in the country.
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it is important to continue working to protect the personal data of our people. one of the main issues at the meeting of the culture committee with minister olga lyubimova was the shortage of personnel. the regions require about 19 thousand cultural workers, the main shortage is in recreation centers and libraries. the zemsky cultural worker program should help solve the problem. according to the minister, the regions are already ready to get involved in this work. over the past few weeks, deputies have met with
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the minister at the okhotny row. almost every day. and here is a series of working meetings, representatives of the cabinet of ministers with specialized committees ended. preparations for the government report to the state duma are at the finish line. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, dumatv, parliamentary hour. the state of the housing and communal services sector was discussed at a meeting of the specialized working group. the deputies drew attention to the main problems of the industry, which require prompt changes in legislation. there is more on the list.
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confirmed that the lifting mechanisms are in how pressing is the problem? is it time to change most regions? the answers of citizens and the parliamentarian are used in further work. in the second part of our program, see: two
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records. for the year, the accounts chamber reported to the state duma. crimes against children in kiev continue, how are those who survived being rehabilitated? protection of labor rights, benefits on loans, advertising on spaceships, what laws do deputies pass? not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films of the rogue nineties, decided to take the territory under their control. let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes they got jealous. they filmed everything that happened and posted it on the internet. what do you want? these
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actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can cope with almost any person, well, i loved him so much, similar the situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the sword shines under the sun, we took up this matter and carried out yours.


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