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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in the regions of russia, floods are gaining strength in the orenburg region in the risk zone of more than 250 cities and towns in altai.
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in the risk zone, dozens of houses and streets have already been flooded, roads and bridges are blocked, there are power outages in many areas, our correspondent, maria valieva, is in direct contact with the region, maria, greetings, what is the current situation in the region and how is the evacuation of residents from for the affected area. yes, hello, we are now working in the village of krasnokholm, as you can see, the streets here are flooded, more than... ten streets in the village are flooded, but so far none of the locals have left their homes, two people are only in a temporary accommodation center that has been prepared for people, it is known that several houses are flooded here, but today we talked to a woman who works in the production of felt boots , she told us that right now she is on
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vacation due to... floods, we call the number of the head of the head himself, we call him, the tractor arrives, and groceries, a list of groceries, yes, groceries, yes, what you need, because they bring food , everything you need, they bring it, lilia kosova told us that now she doesn’t leave the house, there’s a tractor, and here... in the village, if you need something bring, she immediately calls the local administration, all the food, all the necessary things are brought right away, but i note that here next to the village there is the black river, the water level here is gradually increasing, the water has already reached several houses, the house was first raised by half a meter, raised the ceilings by half a meter, that is, i thought, well, at least...
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i think there won’t be so much water this year, the water is still coming, that is, the dam, why don’t they start releasing it in time, if maybe they would have released the water earlier, that is , well, this wouldn’t have happened, of course, moving on the roads now is not easy, because under your feet i feel the sand, somewhere else there is ice, people walk along the roadway only in rubber boots, some even have special suits. since the water level may increase, the flood situation in orenburg remains tense, the ministry of emergency situations has just reported that people are being evacuated now from snt, uralochka and rosinka, at the moment more than twenty residential buildings and 102 household plots have been flooded in the region, while local flooding is observed, but the ministry of emergency situations is ready that the situation can happen. thanks to
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our correspondent maria valeeva about the floods in orenburg. a high alert regime for floods is in effect in the saratov region. those who are now in the flood-dangerous zone have all been notified, we have contact with them, we have sms notifications, well, in accordance with the action plan, all activities are carried out here accordingly. four the low-level bridges in the area have already been flooded,
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fortunately the water has not yet reached residential buildings, transport travels along the bypass road, yet some residents are forced to get to the city center using a boat crossing organized by the regional rescue service. the morning from korchan now begins like this, with a breeze, because of the flooded ursa, part of the city was cut off from the school and hospitals, you can’t get to them, you have to go by boat. the crossing operates from morning to evening, during the day a rescuer transports about 60 people. we are also working according to schedule, people have not yet been evacuated, that is , the situation is normal, we are ready for anything, of course, yes, this is our job. according to the old-timers, the water will remain for about another week, but they are afraid so far... there is nothing, however, temporary accommodation centers for the population and animals have already been organized, just in case, well, we are not afraid, how can we say, we are preparing for this, at least our rescue service works well, our
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local administration carried out preventive measures from house to house, they said they explained how to act in these situations, and i believe that nothing terrible will happen, there was more water in those years, the water came and... closer to the houses, now i think that soon, soon it will begin to subside. in some places in other areas , adjacent areas, low-level bridges, and sections of roads and embankment dams are flooded. several boat crossings are operating, the situation is not assessed as critical, but the region is still on high alert. lusine okopyan, sergey efirsov, allahanova, lead saratov. because of the fast as the snow melts, the water in the rivers is rapidly rising, in some areas it is approaching critical levels, about 500 residential buildings, about 120 bridges, dozens of roads and almost 3,000 household plots have been flooded. these numbers could double in the coming days.
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the situation is still difficult in the altai territory, where drones and the national guard have been involved in monitoring the situation. department employees conduct aerial surveillance, help notify residents, and ensure order. in flooded areas, which is already 40 settlements. in many products and medicines are delivered by boat, people are being evacuated, and pets also have to be rescued. the lead came to the samara region, where the situation was further aggravated by record precipitation. big water in the tver region, bryansk region, mordovia and the moscow region. an increase in flooded areas threatens most regions of the central district. large-scale floods in kazakhstan, there are numbers there.
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the night before, messages came from several regions of the country at once; several cases of detonation were recorded in dnepropetrovsk. similar messages came from zaporozhye, which is still under the control of the kiev regime. earlier, explosions were reported in krivoy rog. according to some reports, they could have thundered at the airfield with ukrainian armed forces aircraft. around the same time, the strikes rang out in kherson, controlled by militants; an air alert was announced in five regions of ukraine, as well as in the territories of kherson, from monday evening. in the kupinsky direction of the special operation, the strike group of the russian aerospace forces destroyed camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and a sabotage and reconnaissance group. a signal was received from the command post detection of saboteurs. the pilots advanced
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to the target at an extremely low altitude and struck using unguided s8 missiles. after successful combat work, the crews performed an anti-cancer maneuver and returned to the posi airfield. the crew carried out preparations for a combat sortie in the shortest possible time, then the groups took off, flew at an extremely low altitude, taking into account the folds of the terrain, covering themselves and... he adjusted the crew to the gunners in flight, told us on the air about the movements of the divisional reconnaissance group, further carried out firing of unguided aircraft missiles from a nose-up position, an anti-aircraft missile defense maneuver, and during the withdrawal the aircraft gunner reported that the sabotage production group had been destroyed. the russian military achieved new success in the southern donetsk direction, tankers opened the way for attack aircraft. for this purpose, the crew of a deeply modernized vehicle. 80 destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, and soon the attacks on the troops of the kiev regime will become even more powerful.
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the unit received new equipment. our war correspondent eduard punigov talked with the tank crews. the crew of the t-80 bvm tank goes on a combat mission. according to reconnaissance data, there is an enemy stronghold nearby that is hindering the advance of attack aircraft. tankers get as close as possible to enemy positions. hit with direct fire, quick reload, second shot, objective monitoring equipment confirms the hit, the crew immediately turns the tank around and quickly returns to cover, t-80 bvm vehicle, modified tank, fresh, behaves well, reliable gas turbine the engine, the car is still new, passable, my task is to bring it to the point and drive the car out. well, if there are any arrivals, but they , i really don’t notice them, i don’t
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pay attention to them, the tank commander is an indisputable authority for his subordinates, the tank crews carry out his commands harmoniously, everyone understands that the life of the entire crew depends on the actions of everyone, for what purposes are you working, for different purposes, for equipment, for armored vehicles, enemy manpower, branding, the car is not friendly at all, the t-80 bvm tank, in principle , during the operation of its own, it showed itself at all. on my best side, the tanks are constantly being fired back, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers, there were mortars from the 120th, well, there ’s such a small amount of fire on board, the tankers are on duty along the entire front line, quickly traveling to different areas to help the assault troops units that are conducting fierce battles on the line of contact. the t-80 bvm tank is one of the main attack vehicles in the vostok group, this is a model.
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work in all times and weather conditions, he has a device that allows him to see there is a thermal imager both night and day, the situation is tense. but the enemy’s forces are weakening, victory will be ours, the armored units of the eastern group regularly receive reinforcements, new volunteers, ammunition and equipment. this vehicle has just arrived at the disposal of the fifth army from the primorye region. the tank is absolutely new, in perfect condition, the soldiers have already installed additional protection on it, the so-called brazier against drones, very soon the tank will go to the front line. on account of the tankers of the fifth army from primorye... hundreds of targets hit. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. nato is not above using
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terrorists for its own interests. alliance instructors are training mercenaries and saboteurs against russia in several countries at once. this was stated by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev in an interview with arguments and facts that he gave in connection with the 75th anniversary of the north atlantic bloc. patroshev emphasized: nato is de facto a party to the conflict in ukraine. in total, the alliance has more than twenty major military operations, this not counting the actions of non-aligned coalitions with the help of which the united states satisfies its ambitions throughout the world. nato's attempts to disavow the destruction of cities and the killing of thousands of civilians look ridiculous. patrushev also noted that the european countries of the bloc have largely lost their independence and are meekly implementing the plans of the alliance. their authorities strive to please washington, regardless of their responsibility to their citizens. north korea tested a medium-range ballistic missile, the south korean news agency renhab reported.
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with reference to the committee of the chiefs of staff of the armed forces. according to media reports, the rocket flew about 600 km and fell into the sea of ​​japan. all ule responded by increasing their level of preparedness in case of subsequent launches from a neighboring state. well, i’ll add that the current tests of a benyan ballistic missile are already the third since the beginning of the year. this is footage from israel, where about a hundred orthodox jews blocked one of the main highways. thus, activists expressed dissatisfaction with the supreme court’s decision to freeze funding for jewish seminaries.
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reports the federal antimonopoly service. this was the first month of action of the order on the standards for sales in the derivatives market; it was approved in february by the fas and the ministry of energy. in this section of the exchange, contracts are concluded with delivery after a certain period, for example, in two or three months. so, according to the new rules, oil companies must allocate 1% to this market.
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on march 22, the regulator emphasized that only maintaining the indicator at 16% was considered. the participants in the discussion are still unanimous in the opinion that in the current conditions, the period of maintaining tight monetary conditions should be long. at the beginning of the year, domestic demand grew faster than the bank of russia forecast, and this is one of the key pro-inflationary factors. most sustainable inflation indicators remained in the 6-7% range. moreover, in the first months of this year. economic growth has accelerated again and this may affect price dynamics ; experts have no doubt that our country’s gdp will continue to grow, well, unlike forecasts from western analysts, they they leave us somewhere around 2.5%, i think they are wrong again, and growth will be about 4%, especially since if we are talking about recovery
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growth, about how much new capacity will be introduced about... about that that consumer demand is also becoming a very important driver of growth, not only government orders, it is possible that this year we will set a record, perhaps we will become the third economy in terms of growth rates in china and india. the russian ministry of finance paid the coupon in rubles for eurobonds maturing in 2030. the amount exceeded 19 billion rubles in dollar terms is almost 200. the funds were transferred in full to the national settlement depositary. let me remind you that foreign investors cannot receive payments from russian eurobonds in dollars and euros due to western sanctions. despite this, the ministry of finance continues to fulfill its obligations by transferring funds to a special account in rubles. the net profit of the mineral fertilizer manufacturer evrkhim in the twenty-third year decreased by 37%. this is
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reflected in the company's reporting. revenue too decreased by 8% year on year. the un will today discuss israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. and we with the gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the year , together everything will work out, on vibot it’s easy to find your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i’m now i won’t be late, mom, guess who
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the first day. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from btbon, it’s faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is who else taught whom. vtb, together everything will work out. 26 regions of russia are in the grip of spring floods, its peak is still ahead, in the orenburg region, this week the water may rise to critical levels, more than 250 settlements in the zone risk, dozens of houses, streets, bridges and roads have already been flooded. russian pilots destroyed camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and a group of saboteurs in the kupinsky direction in order to remain unnoticed by the enemy and the crew of the strike force. moving at an extremely low altitude, hitting targets with unguided s8 missiles. the german economy is on the brink of the abyss, as the media write; industrial production in the country
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has fallen by 8% since the fifteenth year. gdp is declining and the purchasing power of the population is falling, given the integration of neighboring states, this indicates a crisis in the entire european economy. tax evasion charges against hunter biden will not be dropped, a los angeles court decided by rejecting the petition. son of the us president. let me remind you that we are talking about the amount of 1.4000 dollars. according to prosecutors, hunter spent the money on drugs and escorts instead of paying taxes. he faces up to 17 years in prison. the un will today discuss israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the meeting will be held at the request of russia. this was announced by the first deputy permanent representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. in your in turn, iranian diplomats said that tehran has the right to respond decisively to israel. according to them, washington should also bear responsibility for the strike. the actions of the jewish state were condemned by several arab countries. olga panomareva has details. tehran's diplomatic mission in damascus
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is two in one. the embassy is in the main building and the ambassador's residence along with the consulate is in the adjacent building. it was at this point that f-35 fighter jets fired six missiles, reports tal rabeya, citing iranian data. israel chose the exact place and time when it was going on in the building team meeting. zahidi, his deputy , five advisors. the ambassador was not injured, he had a day off in connection with one of the days of ramadan commemoration, but the head of the diplomatic mission arrived at the destroyed building to get in touch with the minister by phone and this crosses all the red lines, that the target of the attack was the diplomatic people's law, this is a crime. which demonstrates the true nature of the zionist regime. iran has never left his crime unanswered and this time israel should expect a proper response. iran will choose for this
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right place time. dipmissekla is located next to the bombed iranian embassy in damascus. but ottawa was literally lucky to remain on the sidelines. lucky to stay away. the embassy is empty after the evacuation in 2012. but israel’s allies, the americans , will not turn away from... questions, since this airstrike reminded everyone of the gitaki of another high-ranking general ksir, regarding sulaymaniyah, then in january 2020 iran launched a retaliatory strike on american bases in iraq, without continuations, now, amidst the raging conflict in the middle east, in the middle east, the united states fears much worse, about a strike on the consulate, we are working with our partners in the region to gather more information before doing anything like... conclusions, until then i cannot comment on this strike, of course, we are concerned about the possibility of escalating the conflict, the strike on the diplomatic mission in damascus has already caused spontaneous popular uprisings,
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spontaneous popular uprisings in iran. protesters gathered chanting death america. just at the time of the bombing of the iranian embassy, ​​the united states, according to the white house, was conducting online negotiations with israel about the idf’s plans to conduct a ground operation in rafah. there are a million palestinian refugees in this area of ​​the gaza strip near the border with egypt, and, according to the israelis, hamas militants are allegedly hiding among them. he has already warned that the consequences of the military operation in rafah will be catastrophic. and, apparently, the situation is getting worse throughout the middle east. evgenia zemtsova, lead. on now sports news in danila makhalin's studio. good morning. russian kirill marchenko repeated a rare achievement in the history of columbus. what did he do? good morning, he became the second player in the club's history to reach the 20-goal mark in two consecutive seasons since starting his league career.
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they installed it there in the national hockey league. for 20 years on the number of russians involved in one season, this happened after goaltender ivan fedotov made his debut for philadelphia, becoming the sixty-third russian player in the nhl. the debut is now the former cska goalkeeper took place in a home match against the new york islanders, but neon started the match, and swede erson, who managed to miss two goals in 20 seconds. in the second period, with the score 1:2, uzhetov came out and...
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zvyagin replaced mikhail krovets during the series with yaroslavl lokomotiv, equalized the series score, but still could not advance with the vanguard to the semi-finals of the tournament. as a result, instead of amyachi , lokomotiv from yaroslavl will play in the 1/2 finals, which will begin its next series against seros today with a home match chelyabinsk tractor. well, the second semi-final will take place tomorrow, where magnitka, which snatched victory from spartak, will meet with the main
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sensation of the season, ekaterinburg. motorists. the next stage of the russian football cup starts today. for the regional route, this is the 1/4 finals; for the rpl route, this is the semi-final. due to problems with the condition of the field in khabarovsk, the local skaz plays with dynamo in st. petersburg. and khimki will host rostov in their arena. these are two quarter finals of the regional path, which consist of one meeting the next day in the same format, they will fight ural and lokomotiv, and a little later akhmat and orenburg. on wednesday the two-game confrontation will begin between spartak and zenit and baltika and cska. two matches were held in the vtb united basketball league. samara beat the moscow fleet 81:67 on the road, thereby breaking its two-game losing streak and winning its twentieth victory of the season. cska, meanwhile, beat lokomotiv kuban on its own floor with a score of 86-73. despite the fact
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that in the opening quarter it was left to the guests. amin the army team left for the big break with a nine-point gap, but then cska began to come back sharply, mainly with the help of three-pointers, the third quarter ended with the defeat of lock 32:16, and then the advantage grew to +15. lokomotiv kuban is famous for often winning back in different situations, but this time there was no intrigue. the moscow army team won their twenty-fifth victory of the season and caught up with unix in the standings. cska head coach emil raikovich won his 100th anniversary match in the vtb united league. that 's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour. why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know. all in all.


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