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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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in the regions of russia, floods are gaining strength in the orenburg region in the risk zone of more than 250 towns and villages; in the altai territory , 40 settlements were flooded. in the european part of the country, the flood even reached the moscow region, and the bridge collapsed faster. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and opened the way for attack aircraft. the crew of the deeply modernized aircraft successfully completed the task. kt-80. the soldiers fired volleys at the target with direct fire. nato instructors are training mercenary saboteurs against russia immediately in several countries. the sabes of our country stated that the bloc does not hesitate to use terrorists. the alliance is de facto a party to the conflict in ukraine. the topic of the new un security council meeting will be israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. the event will be held at the request of russia; tagirani states that it has the right to respond to the attack. in altai
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, the consequences of the most powerful flood in recent years are being eliminated; dozens of settlements, hundreds of houses have been flooded, roads and bridges have been damaged. the most difficult situation in mikhailovsky area, the village of rakity has been cut off from the mainland for several days. our correspondent in the region, ksenia klimina, will tell you how residents survive and how rescuers help. kseniy, i welcome how transport links with the affected village are being restored. roman, hello, a state of emergency continues to operate in the altai territory , the mikhailovsky district suffered the most from the flood, dozens of houses here are still flooded, our souls hurt, we are sitting with strangers, but here our souls are all here, there is water in the house, there is water everywhere , one dog left, chickens drowned. the village of rocket was
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cut off from the mainland for several days, it was only possible to get here by boat, rescuers delivered food, medicine and water to people every day, now the regional highway washed out by melt water has already been restored, that’s what the road service employees told us, we’re bringing in construction materials. four pipes, now two more pipes are being brought in, and we are finally laying down the pipes, because the water is still rising at the moment, we decided to put in three more pipes, the mikhailovsky district territory has been flooding for four days now, although the water is retreating, but slowly, many houses are still flooded, and it is unsafe to be on the street; the day before, in the village of mikhailovskaya , a six-year-old child died, the baby fell in a trench. drowned, those whose houses were
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flooded, suffered the most, the most, from the flood, are now located in temporary accommodation centers, in the village of rakety, this is a local school, in the classrooms, old children live in the neighboring rooms, nothing but documents, nothing we didn’t have time to grab it, of course we want to go home, where can we go back now if there is water everywhere? administration mikhailovsky district, meanwhile , a special commission has been created in settlements where the water has already receded, they are conducting house-to-house visits and calculating the damage, regional authorities have already announced that those affected by the flood will be able to receive compensation in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles. in addition, people can get legal information for free...
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it is the spring flood already in 26 regions of russia, due to the rapid melting of snow, the water in the rivers is rapidly approaching critical levels in some areas: about 500 residential buildings have been flooded, about 120 bridges, dozens of roads, almost 3,000 private plots. these numbers could double in the coming days. the situation is difficult in the orenburg region, where the peak of the flood is expected this week, more than 250 settlements are at risk. dozens of houses and
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streets, bridges and roads have already been flooded, even the ural federal highway has been flooded, only the night before it was possible to restore traffic there, there are power outages in many areas, and the water has come close. to houses, flood waters came to the samara region, the situation there was also aggravated by record precipitation, high water in tverskaya, bryansk regions, mordovia and moscow region. an increase in flooded areas threatens most regions of the central district. but a state of high alert and flooding is in effect in the saratov region; dozens of settlements are practically cut off from the mainland; some villages can only be reached by boat. roads are washed away, bridges are under water, lucenas akapyan. a road under water instead of cars and boats, such a picture is already familiar to the otkar region; floods in these places happen almost every year, as residents say, it has been worse, but this time the rivers do not sleep, per day the bear’s crust rises by an average of 40 cm. residents, those who are
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now in the flood-dangerous zone, have all been notified, we have contact with them, we have sms notifications, well... in accordance with the action plan, all activities are carried out here accordingly. four low-water bridges in the area have already been flooded, fortunately the water has not yet reached residential buildings, transport travels along the bypass road, yet some residents are forced to get to the city center with the help of a boat crossing organized by the regional rescue service. the morning from korchan now begins like this, with the breeze, from the flooded waters of the bear, part of the city was cut off from the school and hospitals, you can’t reach them, you can’t get there, you have to sail by boat.
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water bridges, sections of roads, embankment dams. several boat crossings are operating, the situation is not assessed as critical, but the region is still on high alert. lusine akapyan, sergey firsov, alla hurunova, host saratov. large-scale
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floods in kazakhstan, where the number of evacuated residents exceeded 14 thousand people. dozens of settlements were left without transport links. this flood is called the largest in several decades. in power. eight regions of the country, the situation is constantly monitored from the air, rescuers are working on the ground, including pumping out melt water, and have already removed more than 4.5 million cubic meters. in addition to the forces of the ministry of emergency situations , the military and the national guard were involved in eliminating the consequences. powerful explosions rocked ukraine, reports the night before came from several regions of the country at once. cases of detonation were recorded in dnepropetrovsk. similar messages came from zaporozhye. which is still under the control of the kiev regime. earlier, explosions were reported in krivoy rog. according to some reports, they could have been thundered at the airfield by ukrainian armed forces aircraft. around the same time, strikes were heard in militant-controlled kherson. since monday evening, an air alert has been declared in five regions of ukraine, as well as in the territories
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of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, which are now held by kiev troops. on in the artyomovsk direction, the russian military disrupted the rotation of enemy units to... ordinary reconnaissance using drones discovered the movement of militants near the forest belt, after which the crews of anti-tank grenade launchers and spg-9 quickly prepared to strike and opened fire, thereby preventing the regrouping of the nationalists. the observation post of the vso position was also destroyed. nato is not above using terrorists for its own interests. alliance instructors train mercenaries and saboteurs against russia immediately several countries. this was stated. security council secretary nikolai patrushev in an interview with the arguments and facts that he gave in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the north atlantic bloc. patrushev emphasized: nato is de facto a party to the conflict in ukraine; in total , the alliance has more than twenty major military operations, and this is not counting the actions of non-aligned coalitions, with the help of which the united states
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satisfies its ambitions throughout the world. nato's attempts to renounce the destruction of cities and the killing of thousands of civilians look ridiculous, patrushev also noted. the european countries of the bloc have largely lost their independence and are meekly implementing the plans of the alliance. their authorities strive to please washington, regardless of their responsibility to their citizens. the un security council is not yet planning meetings on ukraine in april, the permanent representative of malta told reporters when organizing next month this country will serve as chairman of the security council. meanwhile, experts call the upcoming situation in the ssu especially critical: what actions are western partners taking, victoria koroleva found out. armed representatives from every nato country are already present in ukraine. this statement was made by the minister of defense of estonia. however, he is a military man. the alliance agent, according to the minister, will under no circumstances agree to confrontation with russia. meanwhile, in
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switzerland he is collecting information about mercenaries who left without permission to fight in ukraine. according to the laws of the republic, service in a foreign army is prohibited. they now face legal proceedings in their homeland. if military justice receives information about possible military service swiss citizen abroad, then an investigation is mandatory and will be initiated. of the 1,300 foreign mercenaries who arrived at... will be stationed somewhere, say, near odessa, they will be destroyed. as soon as you set foot
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on ukrainian soil, the russians will know about it thanks to intelligence. but american patrons are again not ready for an answer. the house of representatives does not plan to vote on the ukraine aid bill until next week. lawmakers are currently on recess, although the white house continues to press to the congress. and we have repeatedly said that ukraine cannot afford any further delays. we see what 's happening in the last few weeks, the last few months in ukraine. congressional inaction has led to ukraine losing ground on the battlefield, that's what we've seen. meanwhile, american analysts doubt that the white house’s attempts to achieve an additional 60 billion will really help the ukrainian military; this will only delay the defeat of kiev, they believe. we hear again again, russia must lose, ukraine cannot be allowed to lose, you are hearing right now. this is from many americans and there is an attempt to get the us congress to approve an additional 60 billion.
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they say that this will change the situation, that this is the only reason why ukraine is not winning now, and if we just achieve this, then everything will change, but this not this way. according to experts, the price of such assistance is too high, the human and territorial losses. however, this is unlikely for western investors interested. victoria koroleva, news. “the un security council will today discuss israel’s attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, the meeting will be held at the request of russia, this was announced by the first deputy permanent representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. in turn , the islamic republic’s foreign ministry said that tehran has the right to resolutely respond to israel.” the iranian ambassador to damascus stressed that the actions of the jewish state violate the vienna convention on diplomatic relations. this is the first time israel has attacked an official diplomatic building. early and admitted committing a crime. certainly, the zionist regime
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knows better than anyone else that such crimes of violation of international law require a fitting response at the appropriate time. israel's actions were strongly condemned by several arab countries; the iraqi foreign ministry regarded the attack as a flagrant violation of international law and syrian sovereignty. in jordan they recalled the inviolability of the building of diplomatic missions, in saudi arabia they emphasized that the attack. meanwhile in israel there are several thousand regardless of the reason or pretext. well, people went to an anti-government demonstration. in jerusalem, protesters burned tires and built barricades. the main demand is the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the protesters were dispersed by the police, dozens of activists were detained. a los angeles judge rejected hunter biden's request to dismiss tax evasion charges against him.
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the son of the head of the white house faces up to 17 years in prison. economic news, maria filipova joins me. mash is good. morning, the federal dark field service summed up the results of the first month of exchange trading in fuel on the derivatives market. roman, good morning, yes, about a thousand contracts have been concluded for delivery in the coming months, this is undoubtedly a stabilizing factor. for the domestic market. russian oil producers sold more than 42 thousand tons of fuel on the derivatives market in march, the federal antimonopoly service reports. this was the first month of action of the order on sales standards in the derivatives market. it was approved in february by fas and the ministry of energy. this section of the exchange contains contracts with delivery within a certain period, for example, in a month or two or three.
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so, according to the new rules, oil companies must allocate 1% of the mandatory standards to this market. as the service clarifies, this standard is currently sufficient, but it may be increased in the future. the presence of a constant supply of fuel on the derivatives market makes it possible to ensure the sale of goods for a period of three months or more, as well as to pre -plan the delivery calendar in the short-to -medium term. bank of russia published a summary of the key rate discussion following the meeting on march 22. emphasized that only maintaining the indicator at 16% was considered. participants in the discussion remain unanimous in their opinion that, in the current environment, the period of maintaining tight monetary conditions should be prolonged. at the beginning of the year, domestic demand grew faster than the bank of russia forecasts, and this is one of the key pro-inflationary factors. most sustainable inflation indicators remained in the 6-7% range.
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in addition, in the first months of this year, economic growth accelerated again and this may reflect. on price dynamics, experts have no doubt that our country’s gdp will continue to gain momentum, but, for example, the forecast of western analysts, others, they leave us somewhere around 2.5%, i think they are wrong again, and growth will be about 4%, especially since if we are talking about recovery growth, about how many new capacities will be introduced, about the fact that consumer demand is also becoming a very important driver of growth, not only government orders, then it is possible that this year we will show a record, maybe we will become the third fastest growing economy in china and india. the russian ministry of finance paid the coupon in rubles for eurobonds maturing in 2030.
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the amount exceeded 19 billion rubles, which in terms of dollars is almost 208 million. funds. fully transferred to the national settlement depositary. let me remind you that foreign investors cannot receive payments from russian eurobonds in dollars and euros due to western sanctions. despite this, the ministry of finance continues to fulfill its obligations by transferring funds to a special account in rubles well, the end of the dollar exchange rate today is 92 rubles 29 kopecks. euro 99 rub. 56 kopecks roman, mash, thank you, now with the latest message. 26 regions of russia are in the grip of spring floods, and its peak is still ahead, in the orenburg region. this week the water may rise to critical levels. more than 250 settlements are at risk. dozens of houses, streets, bridges and roads are flooded. russian pilots destroyed camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and a group of saboteurs in the kupinsky direction in order to remain unnoticed by
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the enemy, the crew of the strike detachment moved at an extremely low altitude, hitting targets with unguided missiles. the german economy is on the brink of an abyss, as the media write, industrial production in the country has fallen by 8% since 1915, gdp is declining, the purchasing power of the population is falling, given the integration of neighboring states, this indicates a crisis in the entire european economy. charges of tax evasion against hunter biden will not be dropped, a los angeles court decided after rejecting the us president’s complaint. let me remind you that we are talking about the amount of 1,400 thousand dollars. spent money on drugs and escort girls instead of paying taxes, he faces up to 17 years in prison. the ministry of internal affairs will today sum up the work for the past year; the results will be discussed at an extended meeting of the ministry’s board. its employees not only solved high-profile crimes and neutralized gangs, but also more than once acted
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as rescuers. margarit semenyuk, more details about everything. come on, let's get down! in this footage, police rescue residents from a burning house in syktyvkar. state traffic inspectors were the first to arrive at the fire from people are evacuating a smoke-filled entrance and the unconscious victim is being resuscitated. someone bring a wet rag. police lieutenant anton razmyslov and police sergeant ruslan zaboev saved the lives of two people, and 50 more were evacuated. we ran to the fifth floor, a girl met us on the fourth floor and said that there were people left on the fifth floor. there was practically nothing visible on the staircase. it was dark, smoke was pouring out of the door, they saw a man standing there and immediately took him out. police lieutenant nikita lartsev, moscow region, saved a man, who fell through the ice 30 m from the shore, despite... for his own life, the policeman managed to get as close as possible to the weakened man, handed him one end of the branch, he grabbed it and i
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slowly began to pull him towards the shore, after which the squad arrived ambulance, in novokuznetsk, state traffic inspectors kirill korchagin and stepan khromov saved a two-year-old boy, the child pushed the mosquito net out of the window and could have fallen from the second floor at any second. kirill korchagin climbed up the ledges on the façade and picked up the baby. in in moscow, a man at the belorusskaya metro station became ill and fell on the tracks. dmitry kacher, who was on duty at the station, rushed to help and saved this man. the rescuer laid the citizen down, tried to pull him and the civilian closer to the head of the train, and began to apply emergency braking to the electric train with his hands. the operational work was no less successful. for example, in the krasnodar territory, security forces tracked down and detained. suspected of involvement in the murder of the deputy head of the department for mobilization work of the administration krasnodar stanislav rzhitsky. it was possible
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to uncover a gang that operated in several regions and committed over 30 serious and especially serious crimes. participants were detained. the gang included about twenty people, among them active employees of internal affairs bodies, including special forces units and state traffic police. the police actively worked with interpol, for example, they managed to extradite igraf from montenegro; he is accused of committing a number of particularly serious crimes. margarita semenyuk, news. in kursk state medical university developed and...
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weather, in any temperature conditions, you can this product can be used in any use directly during the evacuation of the wounded. niket is applied, since it is universal, we have the opportunity to apply it both to the lower limb and to the upper limb. sports news, in the studio danila makhallin, good morning, three points by hockey player vladimir tarasenko did not save florida from defeat in the match with toronto. with what score did it end? meeting? good morning, florida lost to toronto 4:6, goalkeeper ilya lyubushkin made 26 saves. there, in the national hockey league , they set the best result for. 20 years of russians involved in one season, this happened after goalkeeper ivan fidotov made his debut for philadelphia, becoming the sixty-third russian player in the league.
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the debut of the now former cska goalkeeper took place in a home match against the new york islanders, but neon and swede erson started this match, who managed to miss two goals in 20 seconds. in the second period with with the score 1:2, fedotov saved 19' in 37 game minutes.
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with the vanguard in the semi-finals of the tournament. in the end , i evened the series score, but still couldn’t get through . instead of goals in one second, lokomotiv from yaroslavl will play, which today will begin its next seras series against the chelyabinsk tractor with a home match, well, the second semi-final will take place tomorrow, there is magnitka, which snatched the victory from spartak will meet with the main sensation of the season for ekaterinburg motorists. russian cups. football starts today the next stage for the journey regions - this is the 1/4 finals, on the way the rpl is the semi-finals, due to problems with the condition of the field in khabarovsk, the local tale plays with dynamo in
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st. petersburg. akhimki will host rostov in their arena, these are two quarters of the regional finals that will take place in one meeting, the next day ural and lokomotiv will fight in the same format, and a little later akhmat will fight with orenburg. on wednesday, the two-game confrontation will begin between spartak and zenit and baltika and cska. two matches were held in the vtb united basketball league. samara beat the moscow rune 81/67 on the road, thus interrupting its own two-mat. kuban with a score of 86-73, despite the fact that the starting quarters were left to the guests, the army team left for the long break with a gap of 9 points, but then cska began to sharply come back, mainly with the help of three-pointers, the third quarter ended, the third quarter ended in defeat , loka 32:16 to +15, locomotive
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kubai. the president signed a decree on the autonomy of moscow university, hurray, i decided to resume tatyana’s day and come up with some kind of tradition. i have a feeling that all this has changed, which means there’s something else here is being created. great attention is paid to ensuring that students receive a fundamental and classical university education. but
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the cancer was my first, and the guys. i'm trying to be good, so please, session, goodbye. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin! your brother is in the donbass, you have to go there, you have to go, just for passengers to ride here, not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to a gray wife, beyond this line, you will become different, but what
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happened there my childhood and youth. all, we’re leaving, scared, no, it’s hard to get used to, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there’s still hope, right?
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sergin's news in short: in the regions of russia , floods are gaining strength in the orenburg region in the risk zone of more than 250 cities and towns.


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