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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and this victim turned out to be me. sergin's news in short: floods are gaining strength in the regions of russia in the orenburg region in the risk zone of more than 250 cities and towns.
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40 settlements were flooded in the chinese region . there is a flood in the european part of the country it even reached the moscow region, and the bridge collapsed faster. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and opened the way for attack aircraft. the crew of the deeply modernized t-80 tank successfully completed the task. the soldiers fired volleys at the target with direct fire. nato instructors are training mercenary saboteurs against russia in several countries at once. our security. the countries stated that the bloc is not encouraged to use terrorists. the alliance is the de facto country of conflict in ukraine. the topic of the new meeting the un security council will be an israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. the event will be held at the request of russia. tehran says it has the right to respond to the attack. in the european part of russia it will become sharply colder by the end of the week. we’ll tell you right away how long the summer warmth will last when the cold front arrives. after advertising your sber business for
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on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, where can she go away from this connection? hello, nowhere, lyusya, nowhere, because... the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but for a subscription save up your vtb savings account, replenish it regularly , you’ll save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s roll, yes... but we’ll save up quickly, open
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vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. copies, not your style, your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? we need kholva. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with the bank. the june warmth will leave very soon european russia, and this is bad news, and not only for residents of the russian plain. where will the source of the temperature anomaly go and what kind? this is the weather, a joint project
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of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, the first week of april in our country promises to be. warm, but this cannot be called unambiguously good news: the warmer it is, the faster flood processes develop. residents of southern siberia have already felt this fully. the footage shows the altai territory. by the beginning of april , almost fifty residential buildings had already been flooded in the region. houses, almost a thousand garden plots. the mikhailovsky district was hit the hardest. here the situation is continuously monitored by the ministry of emergency situations using drones. flooding is observed in other regions of siberia. this is how, for example, residents of omsk have fun. a huge puddle formed in one of the courtyards of the city. look at the traffic, how many people there are. there are real five-point five-point boat traffic jams here. floods are also developing in
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the european part of the country. in the orenburg region, 36 bridges have already been flooded, 18 in the ryazan region. 160 personal plots for water in the bryansk region. indeed, the russian plain at the turn of april and may was covered with summer warmth. in moscow, for example, the day before thermometers showed +21.5, this is, firstly, the norm for june, secondly, a new daily record, and thirdly, the earliest +20 in the meteorological history of the capital. and today it will become even warmer. the reason for this anomaly is the invasion of the russian plain by a portion of hot air from the eastern mediterranean. and this process continues. +25 will be in priozovye in the central region. russia's black soil is above +20, and minus will remain only in the far north. true, this won't last long. during today , a cold front is making its way to the north-west of the country. and by the end of the working week, cooler air masses will push the heat east, to the urals and
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western siberia. to the area of ​​a low-cloudy anticyclone, where the mediterranean air will warm up further due to the bright sun. but on the opposite side of the russian plain... inclement cyclones will rule, their clouds will limit solar heating. it turns out that the prognosis for everyone is unfavorable. to altai, today tomorrow the weather is still normal, in barnaul +6-7, light rain is possible, but then the temperature will shoot up, on thursday +12, friday, saturday already +15-16°. snow in the mountains will melt even faster, which could lead to worsening flood conditions. but in the central regions it will start normally. april in moscow is expected to hit a record again today, thermometers will show +22, which is 4.5° higher than the previous maximum. tomorrow it will be +15, and then +7.9, which is completely within the climatic norm. the melting of snow will contribute to the flow of water into rivers
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rains. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. and today we’ll take a look at imal. snowy expanse, and in the middle - a huge industrial facility, entangled in a network of corpses and gas pipelines. in the image , the utrenny terminal is part of the large arctic lng-2 project, within the framework of which, despite anti-russian sanctions, the first volume of liquefied gas was received at the end of last year. for this purpose, a unique platform weighing 640,000 tons was used. it is called the quote, the heaviest movable object in history of the global lng industry. u... that's all for me, goodbye. now economic news, mash, the forecast for the development of the world economy has been published. roman, it will grow even in difficult conditions due to the rise in china’s gdp. russia has good prospects. the world economy will grow confidently in 24-26,
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despite geopolitical instability. in this case, the main factor will be china's gdp. the forecast, built on the basis of neural network programming, is provided by the institute of economic strategy. in particular in this year in gdp. china should increase by almost 6%. the russian economy will show growth rates of over 4.5%, while the us is expected to grow at less than 2.5%, and the european economy will generally enter a period of stagnation. such forecasts are quite natural, especially taking into account the indicators in the energy sector. what's important to look at when you look at the economy is energy consumption. if it stagnates, as in europe, energy consumption has been in europe since the beginning of the 21st century. fell by 7.6%, in the united states it fell by 1.5%, while in our country it grew by 22%. this suggests that the economy, and energy , is precisely the indicator that speaks about the level of development of production, the quality of
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the economy, shows that we are on a growth trajectory, no matter how they try to knock us off that trajectory with a sanctions war. the further development of artificial intelligence will be. a golden era for natural gas, according to financial times. according to estimates by the international energy agency , global demand for electricity from data centers. by the twenty-sixth year it may exceed a thousand herbs per hour, this is twice as much as in the twenty-second, and this is now, for example, consumed by all of germany. of this total amount, almost half will come from the united states, where gas generation already accounts for over 40% of electricity consumption. a further 20 new gas- fired power plants are due to come online this next year to meet demand, including from high-tech companies. the german economy due to anti-russian sanctions. ended up on end, the country's industrial production is on the brink, as the spanish media write,
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the great era made in germany is approaching the fifteenth year, fell by 8%. it is also noted that a crisis in germany is always a european crisis, given the integration of neighboring countries in the supply chain. let me remind you that the german economy is currently experiencing a serious crisis; the country’s gdp in the twenty-third year decreased by 3% year on year. revenue from novorossiysk marine. such data is provided in the company’s report, but net profit decreased by 13%. in the notes to the figures indicate that the group has to work under the restrictions imposed by western sanctions pressure. the country's economy, like global logistics, is adapting to changing conditions. to complete the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles, 29 kopecks. euro 99 rub. 56 kopecks. roman, masha, thank you, we continue, removal of household waste, who
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does it, how to find such a company to enter into an agreement with it, what are the features for residents of private houses, we will tell you in the program the instructions after the advertisement, grandfather, and if you prefer to fish or do crafts , receive your pension from the postal bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank. vision, and who doesn’t have it, through an auto library according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy a car with an auto
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library at ovito, it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom bank, a fire rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit of 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on, i’m on my feet all day, my back gets tired, because of work i’m driving sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support healthy joints. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this and like that. i liked the trial lesson, but you can save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16%
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faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s spin it and buy it quickly, open a savings account with rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out, copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium, original things. famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avita app. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. well, there are credit card debts and interest rates, you need some halva. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with halva.
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owners of private houses must take care of household waste removal. to do this, you need to conclude an agreement with the regional operator. we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. let's start with
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the definition of msw. solid municipal waste is generated in residential premises during the consumption of citizens. don’t think that you can get rid of simple household garbage yourself and save money. by law, all owners of private houses are required to enter into an agreement with the regional msw operator. this can be done in two ways, directly or through gardening partnership. there are a great many country houses in russia. therefore, regional operators, again by law , can unilaterally by default.
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requesting changes, if this is not done, a standard contract is concluded, it comes into force on the sixteenth business day after the operator makes the proposal public. but in such a situation, it remains possible to change the conditions. according to paragraph five of article 24.7, federal law no. 89, the contract for the provision of solid waste management services is concluded in accordance with the standard agreement. which is approved by the government of the russian federation and the contract for the provision of waste management services can be supplemented by agreement of the parties with other provisions that do not contradict the legislation of the russian federation, that is , after concluding an agreement with the regional operator, changes can be made and also by submitting such an application or
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application in this case , an additional agreement will be concluded with the regional operator. if you... want to demand changes, remember, you can only agree on more frequent garbage collection, and the service will become more expensive, it is impossible to request a frequency lower than the minimum prescribed by law, much less refuse the service completely. you can independently conclude an agreement on this in order, for example, to clarify the number of residents as follows: on the website of the regional division of the ministry of construction, find an operator, the same information can be clarified in the local administration, then send a written request... to conclude an agreement, operator at home , a certificate of the number of residents is considered within 15 days. for when drawing up an application, you will need a package of documents, this is the owner’s passport, documents confirming ownership of the premises and a technical passport of the property. if there is no information or document from the list, the operator has the right to suspend the consideration, he is obliged to identify the deficiencies in
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5 days, then sends a corresponding letter to the consumer, you... the structure of the structure or land plots to the new owner, such owner is obliged to notify within 3 days regional operator to conclude such a transfer of rights with the corresponding agreement. in our telegram chat there was a question about what to do if the contract dated 2023 includes payment for the period from 2019. roskachestvo advises
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, first of all, in such situations to seek clarification from the regional operator. if january 1, 2019 is mentioned, yes, this is when this whole reform started working, yes, they switched to a new system, and most likely a regional operator was chosen, and it was he who made the accrual, we signed the agreement in the current version on august 1, twenty third years, in fact, from this moment the obligation arises, but in this case it is still necessary to find out what happened before this moment, perhaps the house was not built or there was another house. private residential building personally or collectively through the management of snt. it is impossible to refuse the service if the consumer has not requested changes;
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a standard contract is automatically concluded, but an additional one can later be added to it. the new owner of the property must notify the operator of the transfer of rights within three days and sign a new agreement. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about the rights and responsibilities of property owners, subscribe to our telegram. dmitry mendeleev, to study spiritualism, which was very fashionable at that time. many considered it a science that uses previously unknown natural phenomena, but mendeleev was
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skeptical and decided to create a commission to expose all this. 12 scientists from different fields studied the issue for almost a year, communicated with mediums, including the then very popular petty brothers from england and a certain miss klaer. experiments with them clearly have shown that their abilities in the table are verchie. and finally, the commission of the russian physical society rendered a verdict: peuretic phenomena arise from unconscious movements or conscious deception; aspiretic teaching is superstition. on april 2 , 1948, the us congress passed the economic cooperation act, which launched the implementation of the famous plan. marshal, named after us secretary of state george marshall. the main goal of the plan was to restore the destroyed economy of europe after the war. however, important political
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the condition was that the recipient countries agreed to the so-called truman doctrine. she meant that the united states and its allies must restrain the ussr and the social bloc in every possible way to fight for a unipolar world. 18 european states, the countries of the so-called eastern bloc, agreed to participate in the plan. moscow forbade participation; the ussr itself was also offered to accept assistance based on the conditions of containment, but the kremlin refused. money from the united states was distributed unevenly. the largest recipients were britain and france. the marshall plan did not help only to restore the european economy, but to strengthen washington’s role in european affairs , to reduce the influence of communists for all countries receiving us aid, they set conditions so that there would not be a single communist in their governments, and that. the conditions were met. on april 2, 1968, the premiere of stanley kubrick's 2001: a space odyssey took place,
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a film that became a milestone in the development of science fiction cinema and world cinema in general. it is based on the stories of the english science fiction writer arthur c. clarke. according to the plot, people of the future are trying to study several mysterious foreign artifacts, trying to get to one in jupiter's orbit, but a supercomputer with art goes out of control. intellect, in a confrontation with him, almost all members of the expedition die, the only survivor reaches the goal, but he is carried away into the depths of the universe, and he is reborn into a star child. kubrick wanted to make the film as realistic as possible. models of space technology were made by nasa specialists. the work on the special effects took almost 2 years. to imitate the surface of the moon, kubrick ordered several tons to be washed and repainted sand. odyssey is a philosophical movie. in classical music , the beauties of the universe slowly float by, leading the viewer to the question: where will human intelligence lead earthlings? there is little dialogue here, the viewer
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hears the first word only in the twenty-sixth minute of the film, but there is a lot of classical music, and the most famous fragment from the symphonic poem by richard strauss, so spoke zrathustra, written in 1896. on april 2, 1982, the volklen war began. argentina decided to regain control of the falklen islands, which in latin in america they are called malvinas. they were captured by britain a century and a half earlier. in argentina, the military then came to power and general leopoldo galtieria decided to strengthen his image with a victorious war. there were no special expectations in buenos airos. resistance, british prime minister margaret thatcher asked president ronald reagan to help, since he was closer, but the united states took neutrality, and britain
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did not tolerate humiliation and sent. his troops across half the globe to the south atlantic. two aircraft carriers, seven isminets, three submarines, 22,000 soldiers landed, and a big battle began. after 74 days, the argentine contingent capitulated. the islands returned to britain, and galtieria was forced to resign. in britain, the victory caused an increase in patriotism and strengthened the position of margaret titcher's government. now argentina is again calling on london to return the islands, although... britain does not want change. this is what this day in history was like. not childish fun , the growth of youth banks began to rise in different parts of russia. belgorod
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youths, having watched enough films about dashing the nineties, they decided to take the territory under their control, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that was happening, posted it on the internet, what they accuse you of is an assassination attempt, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can handle it. with any person, well, i killed him like that, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, everything, everything, what are the goals pursued by youngsters, whether they can avoid criminal punishment under a lot of brilliance, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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spring flood, from altai to moscow region, where the situation is more complicated, how many houses are flooded and how they help people, live broadcasts from the spot. tankers clear the way for attack aircraft, our correspondent will show how t-80 crews destroy militant strongholds. attack.


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