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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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spring flood, from altai to the moscow region, where the situation is more complicated, how many houses are flooded and how they help people, live coverage from the spot. tankers clear the way for attack aircraft, our correspondent will show how t-80 crews destroy militant strongholds. an attack on an official diplomatic building, the un security council will discuss the attack today. israel at the iranian consulate in
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damascus. the great era is coming to an end, why the german economy is on the brink of the abyss due to anti-russian sanctions. and today is warmer than yesterday. in central russia there are still one day of real summer. then this weather will move to the urals and western sybil. spring floods are already in 26 regions of russia. due to the rapid melting of snow, the water in the rivers is rapidly approaching critical levels in some areas. 500 residential buildings, about 120 bridges, dozens of roads, and almost 3,000 household plots were sunk. these numbers could double in the coming days. an increase in flooded areas threatens most regions of the central district. a peak is expected in the orenburg region this week flood, more than 250 settlements are at risk. dozens of them have already been sunk. at night, in
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one of the orenburg microdistricts, melt and water flooded the boiler room; it serves almost fifty apartment and private buildings. our correspondent, maria valieva, has already visited the scene of the emergency; she is in direct contact. maria, greetings, how long will the restoration work last and how are they coping with the consequences of the flood in general in the region? yes, roman, hello, how long the restoration work will last, it’s hard to say yet, we are... right in orenburg, we move with the help of such a stick, because here under my feet there is somewhere asphalt, somewhere sand, somewhere ice, the stick helps in every possible way to prevent us from falling, more than 50 areas are flooded here, right next to us now oleg samadurov is located, i know that your place is completely flooded.
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flooded completely, yes, completely, half a meter of water, as you are now pumping out the water with a pump, a fecal pump, they brought it, my son brought a fecal pump, we are pumping it out, i know that you have a billiards, which is in the basement, how much is half a million rubles, that’s right, well, i don’t know how much it costs now, but i bought it 10 years ago for 350,000, we look at the water level here,
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it’s gradually increasing, well, yes, the water is coming, the water is coming, what do you plan to do next, wait, until the water falls, yes, thank you very much, we continue to work here in the air town microdistrict, well, we can say that the cars that pass here are literally already floating along the road, and some drivers still do not risk passing here. everyone turns back, no is working - the boiler room is currently turned off heating in the microdistrict, earlier this morning we worked in the village of krasnokholm, more than ten streets there are flooded, but residents are not in a hurry to leave their homes, it is known that only two people have decided to live in a temporary accommodation center for now, there a tractor drives around the village and if the residents need something...
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they need some products, things are quickly delivered to their home, we talked today with one woman who works at a felt-booth production enterprise, and she said that... to her during the floods they even allowed me to take a vacation, she has been on vacation for 5 days, and how long this vacation will last is difficult to say, so i’ll show you, now a car is driving, it will pass us, i don’t know if the driver will still decide to drive here along letnaya street , it seems to me that most likely he will turn around and go back, the situation with floods in the orenburg region.
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the village of rokety was cut off from the mainland for several days; it was possible to get here only by boat; rescuers delivered food, medicine and water to people every day. now the regional highway, washed away by meltwater, has already been restored. we are bringing in - well
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, a construction site, four pipes have already been laid, now two more pipes are being delivered and we are finally laying the pipes, because the water is still rising at the moment. we didn’t manage to grab anything except documents, of course we want to go home, where to go now, if there is water everywhere, the administration of the mikhailovsky district, in the meantime, a special commission has been created, in settlements where the water has already receded, they are conducting door-to-door visits and counting
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damage, regional authorities have already announced that those affected by the flood will be able to receive compensation in the amount of up to 3,000 rubles. in addition, people... can receive legal assistance for free, practicing lawyers, senior students help local residents draw up documents and record damages klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, lead the altai territory, and large-scale floods in kazakhstan, there are numbers the number of evacuated residents exceeded 14 thousand people, and dozens of settlements were left without transport links. this the flood is being called the largest in several decades. eight regions of the country are at the mercy of the disaster, the situation is constantly monitored from the air, rescuers are working on the ground, including pumping out melt water, and have already removed more than 4.5 million cubic meters. in addition to the forces of the ministry of emergency situations , the military and the national guard were involved in eliminating the consequences. russian special services
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prevented a major terrorist attack in the pskhovo region, on the border with latvia; officers of the fsb and the federal customs service detained a foreign car, and tens of kilograms of explosives were found in it. homemade bombs had fuses hidden inside orthodox icons. it has already been established that the dangerous cargo was sent from ukraine to moscow, and the route ran through european countries. anton potkovenko has details. this car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2.0 km across several european borders and was not stopped anywhere. but at the ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region on the border with latvia, fsb and federal customs service officers noticed that the driver was micro. bus with a trailer, with foreign license plates, nervous, filling out documents for the cargo, icons and church utensils, they ask the customs officers to let him through as soon as possible, saying that there is an urgent delivery to moscow, they gave him an additional check. a customs inspection began, during the customs inspection
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, attachments and explosives were found in the icons, after which i was detained. hexagen in red and blue vacuum bags, camouflaged and thin oil paper, the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power of the spent explosive, the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. 27 icons in fact turned into improvised explosive devices, this is hexogen on the inside of the frame, just insert the fuse and the bomb is ready. almost a hundred electric detonators were found in the car. industrial sabotage fuses were found in the icons . with sets of retarders, used by special units to
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commit sabotage. when forensic explosives experts unpacked the large candlesticks that are placed in front of icons in churches, they found in them a disassembled charge for an rpg-7 grenade launcher. judging by the markings, all this the batch was produced in kiev, then the icons and church utensils with explosives were sent to the city of chernivtsi, this is on the border with romania, from there they were transported through the international checkpoint by ruble to a warehouse in the border romanian city. currents, the boxes with hexagen were marked, rewound with black tape, having arrived for loading on the territory of the republic of romania, in the city of foltecheni, i looked at this warehouse, there the cargo was church buildings and icons, loading was in progress, then they gave me the whole package of documents, after which i moved to russian territory to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. a foreign car with a trailer full of terrible cargo drove from romania to hungary and passed inspection. without arousing any suspicion, she went in transit to russia through slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia, again, there were no questions in
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the preliminary inspections, the european customs officers were deceived or deliberately turned a blind eye, but our specialists cannot be misled by any disguise. in may of that year, at the verkhny lars checkpoint, fsb officers detained a car with electric stoves that contained explosives for the resident of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine viktor podvalny, he was preparing an assassination attempt on the head of crimea sergei aksenov and other senior officials. as a result , podvalny himself and his entire network of agents were exposed. the story with the icons also ends with a criminal case against the suspect, a citizen of russia and ukraine, who was driving. he faces 7 to 12 years in prison under the article of illegal movement of explosives across the border by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. obviously, he was not the only one who organized all this. for the kiev regime, as well as for the european union in the literal sense nothing is sacred. anton potkovenko, lead. powerful explosions occurred in ukraine the night before, reports came
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from several regions of the country at once. in case of detonation, it was recorded in dnepropetrovsk. similar messages came from zaporozhye, which is still under the control of the kiev regime. earlier, explosions were reported in krivoy rog. according to some reports, they could have thundered at the airfield with ukrainian armed forces aircraft. around the same time, strikes were heard under militant control in kherson. an air raid alert has been announced in five regions since monday evening ukraine. in the territories of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, which are now held by kiev troops. the russian military achieved new success in the southern donetsk direction, tankers opened the way for attack aircraft. to achieve this , the crew of the deeply modernized t-80 destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. and soon the attacks on the troops of the kiev regime will become even more powerful ; new equipment has arrived in the units. our war correspondent eduard punigov talked with the tank crews.
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the crew of the t-80 bvm tank goes on a combat mission. according to reconnaissance, there is an enemy stronghold nearby that is hindering the advance of attack aircraft. tankers get as close as possible to enemy positions and hit with direct fire. quick reload second shot. objective control means confirm the hit. crew immediately. the lives of the entire crew depend on the actions of each person. what goals are you working towards? according to various things,
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in terms of equipment, armored vehicles, enemy manpower, dugouts, the vehicle is not friendly at all, uh, the t-80 bvm tank, in principle, during the operation of the layer, showed itself in general from the best side. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. the arrivals were 120 mortars, well, there was such a small amount on board. tankers are on duty along the entire front line. they promptly travel to different areas to help assault units that are engaged in fierce battles on the line of combat contact. tank. t80 bvm is one of the main attack vehicles in the vostok group. this model is significantly superior to its predecessors in terms of dynamics and acceleration, which gives tankers a huge advantage, because on the front line you need to work as quickly as possible. the crews are always in full combat readiness. they can have up to five trips to the front line per day. we work during the day, we work at night, the machine allows us to work at all times and
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weather conditions. he has a device that allows him to see. both night and day with thermal imaging, the situation is tense, we are working, but the enemy’s forces are weakening, victory will be ours. armored units in the eastern group regularly receive new volunteers, ammunition and technique. this vehicle has just arrived at the disposal of the fifth army from primorye. the tank is completely new and in perfect condition. the soldiers have already installed additional protection on it, the so-called anti-drone grill. and very soon. the tank will go to the front line. tankers from the fifth army from primorye have already hit hundreds of targets. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. nato is not above using terrorists for its own interests. alliance instructors train mercenaries and saboteurs against russia in several countries at once. this was stated by secretary of the security council nikolai
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patrushev in an interview with the arguments and facts that he gave in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the north atlantic bloc. stressed: nato is de facto a country of conflict in ukraine. in total, the alliance has more than twenty major military operations, and this does not count the actions of non-aligned coalitions, with the help of which the united states satisfies its ambitions throughout the world. nato's attempts to renounce the destruction of cities and the killing of thousands of civilians look ridiculous. patrushev also noted that the european countries of the bloc have largely lost their independence and are meekly implementing the plans of the alliance. their authorities strive to please washington regardless. roman, good morning, yes, about a thousand contracts have been concluded for delivery in the coming months, this is undoubtedly a stabilizing factor for the domestic market. russian
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oil workers sold more than 42 thousand tons of fuel on the derivatives market in march, the federal government reports. stake service. this was the first month of action of the order on sales standards in the derivatives market. it was approved in february by the faz and min energy. in this section of the exchange , contracts are concluded for delivery after a certain period, for example, in a month, two or three. so, according to the new rules, oil companies must allocate 1% of the mandatory exchange trading standards established for gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas to this market. as the service clarifies, this standard is currently sufficient, but it may be increased in the future. the presence of a constant supply of fuel on the derivatives market allows us to ensure the sale of goods for a period of three or more months, as well as plan the supply calendar in advance in the short- to-medium term. the bank of russia published a summary of the discussion of the key rate following the meeting on march 22. the regulator emphasized that only maintaining
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the indicator at 16% was considered. the panelists remain unanimous in their opinion that in the current conditions. the period of maintaining tight monetary conditions must be long. at the beginning of the year, domestic demand grew faster than the bank of russia forecast. and this is one of the key pro-inflationary factors. most sustainable inflation indicators remained in the 6-7% range. in addition, in the first months of this year , economic growth accelerated again, and this may affect price dynamics. the fact is that our country’s gdp will continue to gain momentum. experts have no doubts, unlike the forecasts of western analysts. they leave us with about 2.2%, i think that they are wrong again, and growth will be about 4%, especially since if we are talking about recovery growth, about how much new capacity will be introduced, that consumer demand is also becoming a very important driver of growth, not only
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government orders, it is possible that this year we... china and india. the russian ministry of finance paid the coupon in rubles for eurobonds maturing in 2030. the amount exceeded 19 billion rubles in dollar terms - that’s almost 208 million. the funds were transferred in full to the national settlement depositary. let me remind you that foreign investors cannot receive payments from russian eurobonds in dollars and euros due to western sanctions. despite this, the ministry of finance continues fulfill your obligations by transferring funds to a special account in rubles. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 29 kopecks, the euro is 99 rubles. and 56 kopecks. novel. mash, thank you, we continue. the un security council will today discuss israel's attack on the iranian consulate in
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damascus. the meeting will be held at the request of russia. this was announced by the first deputy representative of our country, dmitry polyansky. in turn , iranian diplomats said that tehran has the right to respond decisively to israel. according to them , responsibility for the strike should carry washington too. the actions of the jewish state were condemned by several arab countries. olga panomareva has details. tehran's diplomatic mission in damascus is two in one. the embassy is in the main building and the ambassador's residence along with the consulate is in the adjacent building. it was at this point that f-35 fighter jets fired six missiles, reports tal rabeya, citing iranian data. israel precisely chose the place at the time when commander ksir zahidi was meeting in the building with regional officials, writes the british newspaper express. as a result, the commander was killed iranian special forces. syria zahihidi, his deputy has five advisers. the ambassador was not injured; he had a day off due to one of the days of ramadan commemoration, but the head of
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the diplomatic mission arrived at the destroyed building to get in touch by phone with the iranian foreign minister and give a comment to the media. this crosses all the red lines, that the target of the attack was a diplomatic mission, this is a violation of international law, this is a crime that demonstrates the true nature of the zionist regime. iran never abandoned its crime. not without an answer this time israel should expect proper retaliation. iran will choose the right place and time for this. next to the bombed iranian embassy in damascus is the canadian diplomatic mission, where the windows were broken. but ottawa was literally lucky to remain on the sidelines. the embassy has been empty since the evacuation in 2012, but israel’s allies, the americans , will not turn away from questions, since this airstrike reminded everyone of the death of another as a result of an american attack. iran retaliated against american bases in iraq without further action. now, against the backdrop of a blazing
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conflict in the middle east, the united states fears a much worse scenario. we are aware of the attack on the consulate and are working with our partners in the region to gather more information before drawing any conclusions. until then, i cannot comment on this blow. of course, we are concerned about the possibility of escalation. the attack on the diplomatic mission in damascus has already caused spontaneous popular protests in iran. protesters gathered in tehran 's palestine square and chanted the death of america. just during the bombing of the iranian the us embassy, ​​according to the white house, conducted online negotiations with israel about the idf's plans to conduct a ground operation in rafah. there are a million palestinian refugees in this area of ​​the gaza strip near the border with egypt. and, according to the israelis, hamas militants are allegedly hiding among them, he has already warned that the consequences of the military operation in rafah will be catastrophic, and, apparently, the situation is getting worse throughout
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the middle east. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, news. north korea tested a medium-range ballistic missile. about this was reported by the south korean aryonghab news agency , citing the committee of chiefs of staff of the armed forces. according to media reports, the missiles flew about 600 km and fell.
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the son of the head of the white house faces up to 17 years in prison. sports news will be presented by danila makhalin. good morning. the continental hockey league yesterday fined st. petersburg ska half a million rubles. good morning, the fact is that the chairman of the board of directors. alexander medvedev criticized the work of the referees after the fourth defeat from the motorist. continuing the khl theme, sergei zvyagin has been confirmed to the position of head coach of the omsk avant-garde, despite the team's elimination from the gagarin cup playoffs. zvyagin replaced mikhail krovets during the series with yaroslavl lokomotiv, equalized the series score, but still could not advance with the vanguard to the semi-finals of the tournament. as a result, instead of amyachi , lokomotiv from yaroslavl will play in the 1/2 finals, which is already playing at home today. will begin its next series on seros against the chelyabinsk tractor, well, the second semi-final will take place tomorrow, where magnitka , which snatched victory from spartak, will meet with the main sensation of the season is ekaterinburg.
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motorists. the national hockey league set the best result in 20 years for russians involved in one season. this happened after goalkeeper ivan fedotov made his debut for philadelphia, becoming the sixty-third russian player in the league. the debut of the now former cska goalkeeper took place in a home match against the new york islanders, but neon and swede erson started the match, who managed to miss two goals in 20 seconds. in the second period with account.
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scored an assist and scored 127 points of the season, once again equaling the leader of the scoring race, canadian nathan mackinnon. moreover, kucherov now needs to score only two points to set a new russian record for the most points in a single nhl regular season, surpassing his own achievement set several years ago. in the russian football cup , the next stage for the regions' path starts today - this is. 1/4 finals, on the way rpl is a semi-final. due to problems with the condition of the field in khabarovsk local ska will play with dynamo, st. petersburg, khimki will host rostov in their arena, these are two quarter finals of the regions, which consist of one meeting. the next day , ural and lokomotiv will be born in the same format, and a little later akhmat and orenburg. on wednesday , the two-game confrontation will begin between spartak and zenit and baltika and cska. in the vtb united
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basketball league. there were two matches. samara beat the moscow fleet 81/67 on the road, thereby breaking its two-game losing streak and winning its twentieth victory of the season. cska, meanwhile, beat lokomotiv kuban on its own floor with a score of 86-73, despite the fact that the starting quarters were left to the guests. the army team went into the long break with a nine-point gap, but then cska began to sharply come back, mainly with the help of three-pointers from the third. the quarter ended with the defeat of the lock 32:16, and then the advantage grew to +15. lokomotiv kuban is famous for often winning back in different situations, but this time there was no intrigue. the moscow army team won their twenty-fifth victory of the season, caught up with unix in the standings, and cska head coach emil raikovich won his 100th anniversary match in the vtb united league.
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that's all about sports for now, see you. in the next hour.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with kamikazas, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, yangel, let’s be brief, yes, i’m watching, the people who are here at the checkpoints control, they make no less effort than attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, we entered at such a pace, the work is completed, the work is on the rails.


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