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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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any war is about infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, the enemy is squeezed out.
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the news from the middle of the hour is short: in the regions of russia, floods are gaining strength in the orenburg region in the risk zone. more than 250 cities and towns. in the altai territory, 40 settlements were flooded. in the european part of the country, the flood even reached the moscow region as soon as the bridge was lifted. tfsb blocked a large channel for the import of explosives into russia in the pskov region at customs , a foreign car with 70 kg of sagen was detained. homemade bombs capable of destroying a five-story building were hidden in orthodox icons. nato instructors train mercenary saboteurs. in russia in several
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countries at once, sabbeze of our country stated that the bloc is not encouraged to use terrorists, the alliance is de facto a party to the conflict in ukraine. the topic of the new meeting of the un security council will be the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus; the event will be held at the request of russia. tehran says it has the right to respond to the attack. to technology news, with them is philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program. philip, greetings. the famous artificial intelligence project gpt chat has canceled registration for users, does this mean that gpt chat is now available in russia? good afternoon, well , relatively speaking, yes, at least you no longer need any difficulties, such as getting a foreign phone number to register in this service, now access to chpt, although not the latest version, can be obtained through an existing google account and completely free, but just go in it’s better not from a russian ip address, but about russia a little later, let’s start with the incredible from the region. cybersecurity. the largest
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cyberattack in the history of the open source software community. in fact, someone has tried and almost succeeded in gaining unlimited access to servers running dozens of the most popular versions of the linux operating system. in other words, to most servers on the planet. at the moment it is known that a certain developer with the pseudonym jatan, who was responsible for the development of the data compression algorithm, in some moment began to gradually add to the set of tools he curated. undocumented functions, and since the algorithm is considered successful, it has been used for many years in almost all linux builds. in the most popular, for example, debin distribution, this library is also loaded into the csh server, which is used for remote server management. so, if the bookmark had worked, if it had been delivered to these servers, the attacker who was behind this entire operation could have access to servers. on the internet, simply using this
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undocumented opportunity, thus gaining full control for the day, these could be websites, these could be some big tods, basically linux now. used in all areas of cloud computing, this is also linux servers everywhere, almost all of them, one way or another, are controlled through csh, the very server in which this report could have ended up, and, according to the reports, the malware was in -firstly, it was well hidden, but undetected, it ended up in two dozen largest distributions, and secondly, it knew how to mask traces of its presence in the system, everything was revealed almost by accident, one of the users noticed a slightly increased load. on the processor and a barely noticeable delay when authorizing remote access to my server, i began to look for the reasons and discovered a bookmark. in fact, it appeared about a month ago, it managed to get only into those linux distributions that are updated very often, usually
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called unstable, that is, those distributions that are usually not used in real life. life, only enthusiasts who really want to get packages that, in general , have not yet been tested, have not yet made it into the bulk of... linux distributions, in this sense, of course, this is some luck, but thanks to the fact that found very quickly, there was no very big impact on the linux system. security experts call this type of cybercrime a supply chain attack, which is when some component of a trusted, reputable software product is compromised. this is not a new way but in this case due to the characteristics of distribution. open source turned out to be an attack not on one supplier, but in fact on an entire category of products. to give you an idea, the different versions of linux are almost all supercomputers and over 90% of the most popular websites. in this situation, even if you really wanted to understand who the attacker is, it is very
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difficult, because the final goal is not clear, because usually, if there is some kind of cyber attack, it is aimed at accessing some specific computers, some specific data , because the. the attack has just begun, it has already been discovered, perhaps we will never know what exactly we wanted, which servers we wanted to access, what information to delete or steal? well, a separate question, as security specialists say, is to somehow make sure that there are no similar bookmarks in other generally accepted linux components, that is, the question of trust in open source software and a little about generative artificial intelligence, more precisely about... limitations of this microsoft copilot technology no longer available to us congressional staff. copilot is a universal assistant built on the basis of the large gpt4 language model of hell and is actually built into the windows 11 operating system, well, in russia, however, it does not work. and now it doesn’t work in
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the american congress, at least on employees’ office devices. according to the publication axis, they decided to ban the world network assistant for security reasons, since it exists. risk of sending proprietary information to third-party gpt cloud services open ai itself was banned in congress a year ago, while no one is stopping anyone from using microsoft pilot and gpt chat on employees’ personal devices. this is all about technology for now. philip, thank you, we will continue, after the advertisement we will talk about forecasts for global economic growth. cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good that we have each other, what will show us on tv, we build happiness together, tell your wife that you caught it, we catch luck by the tail, well , i can’t, i have a delivery, we work, we enjoy life ,
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we are friends and take care of each other, magnet, 30 years next to you, your own sberbusiness for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about customers, comparison of indicators with competitors, finding the best place for a retail outlet, open an account with sberbank , use useful services for free forever, sberbusiness, what’s for you good car, mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, and we... where does all this come from, you’re retired, retired vtb rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year together everything will work out. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt,
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come out to win. what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems. these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. i consider the expanded social gasification program one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom, and now it is not widespread only for residential buildings, but for socially significant objects, educational, medical institutions, falmykelin, minikelin, minikelin, khaznatse davu khazyn.
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our country, we have no barriers, what about the debts of hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we have interest on credit cards? you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months and repay them conveniently, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. batrider is an innovation in plant protection that will instantly identify and destroy major pests vegetable garden, safe for humans, batrider will defeat pests. magnet - the price is what you need. cervous acocom 29,999. try sushi, try all the salads, try soup, soup, everyone needs it, i need it, again
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it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback for alpha, yandex food, you get 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any alphabank card, and if there is no card , order a free alpha card, this is the ivanovs, the average russian family, per year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could result in: 21 a backpack for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort your waste, give things a new life. now economic news has published a forecast for the development of the world economy. roman,
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it will grow even in difficult conditions due to the rise in china’s gdp. russia has good prospects. the world economy will grow confidently in 24-26, despite geopolitical instability. in this case, the main factor will be china's gdp. the forecast built on the basis of non-network programming leads institute of economic strategy. in particular , this year’s gdp is skyrocketing. should increase by almost 6%. the russian economy will show growth rates of over 4.5%. while in the us growth is expected to be less than 2.5%. the european economy will generally enter a period of stagnation. such forecasts are quite natural, especially taking into account the indicators in the energy sector. what 's important to look at when you look at the economy is energy consumption. if it stagnates, as in europe. in europe , energy consumption has fallen since the beginning of the 21st century. on 7.6% in the united states fell by 1.5%, while ours grew by 22%, suggests
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that the economy, and energy, is precisely the indicator that speaks about the level of development of production, about the quality of the economy, shows that we are on a growth trajectory, no matter how they try to knock us off that trajectory with a wall war. the further development of artificial intelligence will become golden. era for natural gas, according to the financial times. estimated international energy agency, the global demand for electricity from data centers by the year twenty-six may exceed 1.00 watt-hour, which is twice as much as in 2022, and this is what, for example, all of germany now consumes. of this total amount, almost half will come from the united states, where gas generation already provides over 40% of electricity consumption. another 20 new gas ones. power plants must come online this next year to meet demand, including
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by high-tech companies. due to anti-russian sanctions, the german economy is on the brink of an abyss, as the spanish media write. the great era made in germany is coming to an end, the country's industrial production has fallen by 8% since 1915. it is also noted that a crisis in germany is always a european crisis, given the integration of neighboring countries in the supply chain. let me remind you now. the german economy is experiencing a serious crisis. the country's gdp in the twenty-third year decreased by 3% year on year. ukraine sent to the black sea ports grain, which. previously went in a western direction, in particular, the cargo flow now goes in the direction of the sea ports of greater odessa, said the ukrainian railways . at the same time, a decrease in the volume of grain cargo transfers to hungary, slovakia, poland and romania is recorded, whose farmers are demanding that the european market for food from their eastern neighbor be completely closed. and it seems that they are actually achieving their goal. the flows were redirected, despite the fact that
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the european union extended the unlimited duty-free import of ukrainian goods for another year. agricultural products. completion of exchange rates, dollar today 92 rubles, 29 kopecks, euro 99 rubles 56 kopecks. roman, mash, thank you, we continue. a repair base has been deployed in the donetsk people's republic for equipment that was damaged in battles at the front. there is all the necessary equipment to not only return combat vehicles to working condition, but improve those. about the difficult work of repair companies. alexander podopri mountain. the sound of hammers and the crack of welding, signs of non-stop work, repair companies, here combat vehicles wounded in battles find new life. the repair base is equipped with all the equipment to carry out high-quality repairs of equipment. combat vehicles here are brought to almost new condition, engines are overhauled, weapons are serviced, because nothing should
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fail in battle. like on a battlefield, order reigns here. every engineer and mechanic of the ninth brigade of the first army. is responsible for his sector, understands that not only the completion of a combat mission, but also life can depend on the slightest mistake; additional armor protection, so to speak, was added to equipment, and repair work planned for the maintenance of equipment, so there is an oil change, adjustment of the fuel system, and the necessary additional adjustments, the work here is truly intense, many have decades of experience.
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and set up workplaces, there is even a stand for checking engines, which was assembled from the base of a decommissioned infantry fighting vehicle. testing is already underway at the stand, the fuel system, oil and also coolant are being connected, at the stand we are already checking the work that we have collected, this one the engine has already gone through the whole process, now it starts up, works, you can already install it on the car and the guys will go into battle, the brigades are working. in enhanced mode , they can only allow a break for tea or coffee. the crews, whose equipment has just left the operating table, are already ready to go to the front again. by the way, they will be there in a few hours. in the neighboring rooms , another formidable weapon is put into action - 2b9 cornflower. used by the soviet army in afghanistan, does not
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give up position during the special military operations. this particular unit was unlucky; the ammunition flew into the chassis. well, this is all being done in a new way, everything has been restored, we are now assembling it, well, i think we’ll finish it today, we’ll go on to fight. every bolt is prepared, every checklist is the most important element in a single training chain; the professionalism of repair companies often remains in the shadows, but it is precisely this that becomes the foundation on which the efficiency and reliability of our armed forces stands. alexander podoprigora, victor voloshin, lead donetsk, donetsk people's republic. in the european part russia will get sharply colder by the end of the week, how long will the summer warmth last when the cold front arrives, we’ll tell you right after the advertisement, who is always in a hurry to help, especially pain, knee pain, back pain,
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only dad will tame it. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open investment account. and for purchasing any share you get another one as a gift. alpha there are many profitable routes, before the trip, select the appropriate one in the maps, if you want to listen to the podcast, get there without transfers, or finally take a walk, build routes that are closer to you, yandex maps are an application for the city, and we are with gifts, where does all this come from, you’re retired , vtb pension rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account. you can get up to 18% per annum, together everything will work out when buying a car, you can do without a car service if you have scanning vision, even if
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you bought one, and those who don’t have superpowers have an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria, it’s calmer, buy with an auto library on avito, grandfather, and you like fishing or tinkering more, receive a pension in postal banks , of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably at the post office bank. the june warmth will very soon leave european russia, and this is bad news, and not only for residents russian plain. where will the center of the temperature anomaly go and what impact will it have on the course of the spring? high water. this is weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello. the first week of april in our country promises to be abnormally warm. but this
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cannot be called unequivocally good news. the warmer it is, the faster flood processes develop. residents of southern siberia have already felt this fully. the footage shows the altai territory. by the beginning of april , almost fifty residential buildings had already been flooded in the region. almost a thousand houses. plots. the mikhailovsky district was hit the hardest. here the situation is continuously monitored by the ministry of emergency situations using drones. flooding is observed in other regions of siberia. this is how, for example, residents of omsk have fun. a huge puddle formed in one of the courtyards of the city. look at the traffic, how many people there are. there are real five-point, five-point boat traffic jams here. floods are also developing in the european part. countries in the orenburg region, 36 bridges have already been flooded, 18 in the ryazan region, 160 household plots have been flooded in the bryansk region. not surprisingly, the russian
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plain was covered in summer heat at the turn of april and may. in moscow, for example, the day before, thermometers showed +21.5, this is, firstly, the norm for june, secondly, a new daily record, thirdly, the earliest +20 in the meteorological history of the capital. and today it will become even warmer. the reason for this anomaly. this is an invasion of the russian plain by a portion of hot air from the east of the mediterranean, and this process continues: +25 will be in the ozovo region, in central russia the black earth region will be above +20, and the minus will remain only in the far north. true, this won't last long. during today , a cold front is making its way to the north-west of the country. and until the end of the working week , cooler air masses will push the heat to the east, but the urals to the west. siberia, in the region of a low-cloudy anticyclone, where the mediterranean air will warm up further due to the bright sun, but on the russian plain opposite
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, stormy cyclones will dominate, clouds will limit solar heating. it turns out that the forecast is for everyone adverse. in altai today, tomorrow the weather is still normal, in barnaul +6-7, light rain is possible, but then the temperature will shoot up, on thursday +12, on friday, saturday already +15-16°. snow in the mountains will begin to melt even faster, which could lead to worsening flood conditions. but in the central regions a normal april will begin. in moscow today he is expecting again.
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a huge industrial facility, entangled in a network of corpses and gas pipelines. in the image, the utrenny terminal is part of the large arctic lng-2 project, within the framework of which, despite anti-russian sanctions, at the end of last year the first volume of liquefied gas was received. for this purpose, a unique platform weighing 640,000 tons was used. it is called quote: the heaviest moved object in the history of the global lng industry. that's all i have. goodbye.
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russian special services prevented a major terrorist attack at customs in the pskov region and detained a foreign car with explosives. in the regions of russia, floods are gaining strength, spring floods are already in 26 regions. where is the most difficult situation? the russian economy continues show growth. colleagues from the economic editorial office will tell you all the details. today the ministry of internal affairs will sum up the results of the work for the past year, colleagues of the ministry will talk about this at an extended meeting, what topics are in the spotlight? the un security council will discuss israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. russia requested the meeting. record warming in moscow. how long will the thermometer remain above
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the 20° mark again? a large channel for the import of explosives into the country was stopped by russian special services. detained at customs in the pskov region a foreign car with a deadly cargo capable of destroying a five-story building. homemade bombs were hidden with particular cynicism in icons and church utensils. anton potkovenko will tell you how many borders this car managed to cross and where its journey began. this load. explosives, a car from ukraine drove 2.0 km across several european borders and was not stopped anywhere, but at the ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region on the border with latvia, fsb and federal customs service officers noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer with foreign license plates, is nervous when preparing documents for cargo, icons and church utensils, asking customs officers to let him through as quickly as possible,


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