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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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the day of unity of russia and belarus also noted: coordination of efforts in foreign policy, defense and security gives good results, and the successful implementation of union programs ensured the unification of the legislation of the two countries in the most important areas, thereby creating the basis for a unified macroeconomic and monetary policy, creating a common socio-economic space. in turn, lukashenko emphasized: the union state is unique and is an example of the most successful integration in the post-soviet union. space, the accumulated experience allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the threat challenges faced by moscow and minsk. now let’s take a few minutes and then continue talking about the main topics of this tuesday. why were you given the title of hero sovetka? i don’t know, vosenkov, mikhail
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anatolyevich, 1942, russian, your face is such that you could pass it off as anyone, well, practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she’s from you were sculpted by a latina, yes she sculpted you a person who has a latin american character, habits, latin american, he told me, it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there was so much there, not all of his forecasts were convenient, that the information he sent here, 98%, probably all of it came true, he had ukraine in his forecasts, that’s roughly how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, what does latin america and the mausalle have to do with it. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when
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you only see part of the big picture. chasing views change entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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in moscow 9:32 onwards, briefly about the main thing. fsb officers have intercepted a channel for the supply of explosives from ukraine to russia under the guise of circus paraphernalia. a foreign car with dangerous cargo was detained in... the pskov region, about a hundred detonators were also found, it was established that the car was traveling to moscow from romania, where the explosives had previously been delivered from kiev. the detainee faces up to 12 years in prison. floods have already affected 26 regions of the country. the most difficult situation so far is in altai. the water entered approximately half a thousand houses, and more than a thousand garden plots were flooded. transport links have been disrupted and people are being evacuated. difficult situation. and in
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the orenburg region, more than 60 bridges and several sections of roads are closed. the situation in the central part of the country is worsening, with flooding in the moscow region, twerr, tours and other regions. in the kupinsky direction , russian pilots destroyed a group of uaf saboteurs using camouflaged equipment. to remain unnoticed by the enemy, the crews of the strike force moved to at an extremely low altitude, hitting targets with unguided missiles. the german economy is on the brink of the abyss, as the media write; industrial production in the country has fallen by 8% since the fifteenth year. gdp is declining, the purchasing power of the population is falling, given the integration of neighboring states, this indicates a crisis in the entire european economy.
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foreign sports officials are making every effort to disrupt the friendship games, which are scheduled to take place in russia in the fall. the leaders of the world anti-doping agency spoke about this confessed. special attention is paid to athletes from africa; emil mirsaev will tell you what political means the west is ready to use. no friendship with russia, even in sports, even with a third state. western officials are going to deliver such a tough ultimatum to the countries of the global south so that they under no circumstances participate in the friendship games that will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg in the fall. the head of the international olympic committee , thomas bach, is going to issue a statement condemning the kremlin's sports initiative. about he said this, following his colleague from the world anti-doping agency, vital dambanka, in an interview, as he believed, with a certain african politician. in fact, bach spoke with russian pranksters alexey stalerov
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and vladimir kuznetsov. according to the official , the initiative has already been supported by the vice-president of the european commission, margarite schinas. the document will be published soon. some states do not want to take any position in the ukrainian conflict, and i think that is very wise, but in this context authorities must realize that by taking part in friendship games, they are taking sides. now the illusory battle is unfolding primarily for the countries of africa, they can and want to send a sports delegation to russia, especially since the friendship games will be held later than the olympic games, that is , there will be no problems with the timing, but if this happens , the authority of the latter is feared by the official. this is a risk for the entire sports system, the friendship games are presented by moscow as games of the president of russia, his decree is the basis of these games, his government organizes everything, we perform i am categorically against these games, so these are political games like during the soviet
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union. but the truth is that both the soviet union and russia never mixed sports with politics, and therefore were always open to guests from other countries, even more so. conducted secret, tricky negotiations behind their partners’ backs in order to disrupt anyone’s sporting competitions. moreover, the organizers of the world friendship games back in november last year, when the first negative messages appeared from the side, responded to the committee that quote: they never wanted confrontation with the olympic movement, instead they only wanted to find mutual understanding and establish good relations. moreover, for russian athletes, isolated from major international competitions, the games are in moscow.
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and even more so, of course, this is a loss of sponsors for the olympics, because if some games are held in russia, some sponsors may come there, and accordingly, money from all these international organizations may go away, no matter what the western ones try to do sports officials, now it is clear that the world friendship games will be held in russia on a large scale, as was the case with the recently held games of the future in kazan, where representatives from over 100 countries took part. in moscow and yekaterinburg, athletes will compete for awards in thirty-three disciplines. the competition will take place from september 15 to 29, and of course, as is customary among polite people, friendship will always win. the ministry of internal affairs will today sum up the work for the past
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year, the results will be discussed at an extended meeting of the ministry board. his employees not only revealed loud crimes and neutralized gangs, but also more than once acted as rescuers. margarita semenyuk has all the details. come on, come on, come down. in this footage, police rescue residents from a burning house in syktyvkar. state traffic inspectors. we were the first to arrive at the fire, people were being evacuated from the smoke-filled entrance, the unconscious victim was being resuscitated, someone bring a wet rag, police lieutenant anton razmyslov, police sergeant ruslan zaboev , they saved the lives of two people, 50 more were evacuated, they ran to the fifth floor, to on the fourth floor, a girl met us and said that there were people left on the fifth floor, there was practically nothing visible on the staircase, since it was dark, smoke was pouring out of the door, they saw that a man was standing there, they immediately took him out, a police lieutenant... despite at the risk of his own
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life, the policeman managed to get as close as possible to the weakened man, handed him one end of the branch, he grabbed it and i slowly began to pull him towards the shore, after which an ambulance arrived , state traffic inspectors in novokuznetsk kiril korchagin and stepan khromov saved a two-year-old boy, the child pushed a mosquito net out of the window into his love. he fell on the path, dmitry kacher, who was on duty at the station , rushed to help and saved this man. the rescuer laid the citizen down, tried to pull him and the civilian closer to the head of the train, and began applying emergency braking to the electric train with his hands. the operational work was no less successful; for example, in the krasnodar territory, security forces tracked down and detained a suspect suspected of
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involvement in the murder of a deputy head of the department for mobilization work of the krasnodar administration stanislav rzhitsky. it was possible to uncover a gang that operated in several regions and committed over thirty serious and especially serious crimes. participants were detained. the gang included about twenty people, among them active employees of the internal affairs bodies. including special purpose units and state traffic inspectors. among the most high-profile cases is the fight against fraudsters and schemers, in particular in november last year they detained popular blogger ayaz shabuddinov, who, according to investigators, thanks to aggressive marketing, created a false impression among people about getting rich quickly. the police worked actively with interpol, for example, they managed to extradite their names from montenegro. he is accused of committing a number of particularly serious crimes. margarita semenyuk. news. and now let's talk about the weather. the first +30 degrees are forecast today in
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crimea, extreme heat will continue in other russian regions. we will find out all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina gregorova. she joins me. katya, good morning. good morning. well, it’s warm, to put it mildly, in moscow, and for crimea it’s +30. this is a record for april. yes, and this is not only a record for a specific day, but it is a record for the entire month. the fact is that the temperature will approach the absolute maximum for april. so. in simferopol already the day before, some tourists were wearing shorts, the air at the height of the day warmed up to a record 27.1°. at the same time, in the foothills, in the central part of crimea, only a few tenths were not enough to reach the first +30. in nizhnegorsk, thermometers showed +29.8, in belogorsk -29.6. the first day of april 2024 will be remembered for dozens of temperature records. there are so many of them that we decided not to provide information on individual weather stations. to group 16 records by districts in the center of the country,
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the north-west is in second place in terms of updated maximums, record warmth reached the volga federal district, one temperature record went even to the far east, it was set in kolyma. in moscow yesterday, thermometers stopped at +21.6, which also became a record. today at 9 am it was recorded temperature +15.6. and today another record is under threat. it was installed on april 2, 1951 , and then the air warmed up to +17.4. in orenburg, against the backdrop of positive temperatures , the flood continues to develop; at night , the air town in the village of pristantsionny within the boundaries of orenburg, as well as two snts, were flooded. of these , 14 people were evacuated, including four children. in total, there are 21 residential buildings, 102 personal plots and 19 low-level bridges in the water in the region. spring has begun to make itself known. in the region with the harshest climate in yakutsk appeared the first thawed patches and puddles. the thermometers
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near the airport station now show -4. the south of eastern siberia and the far east is under the influence of anticyclones, they provide partly cloudy weather that allows the strong rays of the spring sun to melt the snow even in yakutia, and to the south rivers of melt water flow. the russian plain remains on the path of the south and south. western winds, the center of the country, they push mediterranean and even african warmth into the center of the country. the ovvection of this heat is facilitated by both the powerful atlantic cyclone and the anticyclone in the south, which... allows the sun to warm the earth more and more. warming will reach its peak today. it's july heat in crimea, we're expecting the first +30 this year. in the lower reaches of the don -25, from smolensk to the astrakhan region +15 +20. from pskovskaya to kirovskaya +10-+15. however, tomorrow the warmth will have to recede. the atlantic cyclone continues
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to move east and soon the russian plain will be under the influence of the rear, cold part of the vortex. the wind will change direction to northwest. june weather in the center of the country will be replaced by normal april weather. from the heat in st. petersburg is already leaving, yesterday it was +19 on the shores, today during the day it is only +6, with a strong north wind. in the evening there will be heavy rain, tomorrow in the afternoon there will be rain and sleet, and just snow, and freezing rain is not excluded, wind with gusts up to 17 m/s, around zero in the daytime, by tomorrow evening it will get colder to -3°, well, cloudy on thursday with clearing, light snow possible, around zero in the daytime. will be on friday, but without precipitation. the cold snap will even reach crimea. today in simfepol there is record heat, sunny, the air will warm up to 30°. and tomorrow clouds will roll in, there will be short-term rains and the maximum temperature will not exceed 15°. on thursday-friday, with partly cloudy weather , the air will warm up to 19-20°.
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it's also record warm in moscow so far. today it will be slightly cloudy, the air will warm up to 23°. tomorrow in the capital. bad weather will come, it will rain during the day, the wind will pick up, gusts up to 20 m/s are possible, but the maximum temperature is only +15, on thursday afternoon partly cloudy, intermittent rain, temperature +8, and this weather is much more, corresponds to the calendar, your own sberbusiness for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, finding the best place for a retail outlet, open an account in sber, use useful services for free forever sberbusiness, for emfreshness products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, em freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet under
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and this is a repeat of the record. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague danil makharin, he’s joining me. dani, good morning. well, were the club happy with this performance? sasha, good morning, the head coach of philadelphia said that he was delighted with the debut of fedottov and that in the second period he played almost alone. the national hockey league set the best result in 20 years for russians involved in one season, after goalkeeper ivan fidoty. debuted for philadelphia, he became the sixty-third russian player in the nhl. the debut of the now former cska goalkeeper took place in a home match against the new york
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islanders. however, neon started the match, and swede erson, who managed to miss two goals in 20 seconds. in the second period, with the score 1:2, fedotov came out for 37 game minutes, he stopped 19 shots, but still missed two goals. one of them happened in overtime and philadelphia lost. you only need to score two points to set a new russian record for the most points in a single nhl regular season, surpassing your own achievement set several years
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ago. sergei zvyagin was approved for the position of head coach of the omsk avant-garde, despite the team's elimination from the gagarin cup playoffs. zvyagin replaced michael krovets during the series with the yaroslavl locomotive and equalized the score series, but still could not advance with the vanguard to the semi-finals of the tournament. as a result, instead of amyachi , lokomotiv from yaroslavl will play in the 1/2 finals, which today will begin its next series with a home match, this time against the chelyabinsk tractor, well, the second semi-final will take place tomorrow, where magnitka, which snatched the victory from spartak, will meet with the main sensation of the season, the ekaterinburg motorist. in the russian football cup , the next stage for the regions starts today - this is the 1/4 finals, in the rpl path it is the semi-finals. due to problems with the state of the field in khabarovsk local tale plays with dynamo in st. petersburg, khimki will host rostov in its arena. these are two quarterfinals of the regional path, which consist of one meeting. the
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next day , ural and lokomotiv will fight in the same format, and a little later akhmat will fight with orenburg. on wednesday , spartak zinit and baltika will begin a two-game confrontation with cska. two matches were held in the vtb united basketball league. samara beat the moscow runa on the road. 81:67 , thereby breaking their two-game losing streak and winning their twentieth victory of the season. cska meanwhile , lokomotiv kuban beat lokomotiv kuban on their own floor with a score of 86-73, despite the fact that the starting quarters were left to the guests. the army team left for the long break with a nine-point gap, but then csk began to sharply come back, mainly with the help of three-pointers. the third quarter ended with the defeat of lock 30. 2:16, and then the advantage grew to +15. lokomotiv kuban is famous for often winning back in different situations, but this time
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there was no intrigue. the moscow army team won their twenty-fifth victory of the season, catching up in unix table, and cska head coach emil raikovich won his 100th anniversary match in the vtb united league. that's all for now in the sport. thank you, it was danilo makharin and sports news. and now we return to the attack of ukrainian armed forces drones on the cities of tatarstan. aircraft exploded in nizhnekamsk and elabuga, there are injuries. our correspondent, anastasia aksenova, is in direct contact with the scene. anastasia, hello, how many people were injured and what is their condition? alexander, hello, we haven't yet at the scene of events, only on the way, that’s what is known at the moment. this morning at 5:45, two drones attacked. publication of the special economic zone dormitory. it is reported that there is no serious damage, the technological processes of the enterprises have not been disrupted. rais of the republic
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of tatarstan, rustam minikhanov. and nothing is in danger, three have already been released home, the remaining three are also planned to be released home after a medical examination, that’s all for me, alexandra, thank you, i told you about the drone attack on tatarstan our correspondent anastasia aksenova. a new music school has been opened in beslan,
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and it has no analogues in the south. one of these days another educational institution will begin operating in north ossetia. alexander kundukhov will tell you all the details. the new school is designed for 200 students, which is more than enough for the village of brut, which has about one and a half thousand residents. the school took 2 years to build, during which time both children and teachers had to travel to the neighboring village. and we didn’t have time to work extra with the children. i think, i don’t think so, but it must be so that we additional training was provided to children to improve the quality of education. the bright , spacious building is equipped with the most modern requirements, it has everything you need, the classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, computers, the labor training class is equipped with new machines, and has its own kitchen. it’s a very good stove, there’s an oven there, we’ll cook here, there’s a deep fryer there.
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there is a whole sports school at school. complex, a football field with tracks and a multifunctional gym, everything here is absolutely convenient, especially for children, we have luxurious changing rooms for children, there are showers, a bathroom, then, as for the equipment, the lesson itself, we are fully equipped, a new music school is opening in beslan, the building was built according to an individual project, there are no analogues in the south of russia, well... from life, this is the first music school, so large, beautiful, bright, which was built specifically as a music school. this is great happiness; in my opinion, there is nothing like this in the south of russia. the classrooms have reliable sound insulation, a large concert hall, classes are taught by experienced teachers. the school is equipped with new musical instruments, including folk ones. well, we have the second floor - this is the pianist’s wing, everyone is on the third floor.
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these are pianists, the people's department, teachers, the people's department also has new instruments, the first composer class in the republic is opening here, classes in both schools in brut in beslan will begin in the coming days. two more secondary schools have been built in the northern network and are ready for commissioning, one in beslan, the other in the village of kizlyar mozdok district, both with 550 places, moreover, several more schools at various stages of active construction.
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at moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here ’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. the fsb has blocked the supply channel in the granules.


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