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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it’s 10 in moscow, we continue the morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. the fsb has blocked the supply channel for military supplies. in the pskov region
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, 70 kg of hexogen, about a hundred detonators and 27 homemade bombs were discovered. they tried to smuggle the dangerous cargo under the guise of an icon and church utensils. as the fsb clarified, the car was transporting the animals to moscow. the driver was detained and faces up to 12 years in prison. the head of the international olympic committee admitted that the west is trying to put pressure on athletes who... plan to participate in friendship games, thomas bach made such a statement during a conversation with pranksters mawan and lexus, believing that he was communicating with a certain african politician. the head of the world anti-doping agency previously voiced exactly the same position. let me remind you that the friendship games will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg from september 15 to 29. in twenty regions of russia, spring floods are becoming more severe. the most difficult situation is in the altai territory. there, the water
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has already entered more than 400 houses and flooded about a thousand household plots. due to blurry roads, many residents cannot get out of their villages. in the european part of the country, the flood even reached the moscow region; a bridge collapsed in istra. a meeting of the un security council in connection with israel's attack on the iranian consulate in syria will be held today at the request of russia. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of our country to the organization , dmitry. bolyansky, the president of the islamic republic has already stated that the attack will not go unanswered. according to the latest information, at least 11 people were killed in a missile attack in damascus, including citizens of iran and syria. and lebanon. in moscow and minsk, despite the difficult international situation, they managed to do a lot to develop communications in the union state. vladimir putin congratulated alexander lukashenko on the day of unity of russia and belarus. also noted:
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coordination of efforts in foreign policy, defense and security gives good results, and the successful implementation of union programs ensured the unification of the legislation of the two countries in the most important areas, thereby creating the basis for a unified macroeconomic and monetary policy, as well as to create a common socio-economic space. in turn, lukashenko emphasized: “the union state is unique and is an example of the most successful integration into office.” space. the accumulated experience allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the threat challenges faced by moscow and minsk. and to other topics. a large channel for the import of explosives into the country was stopped by russian special services. a foreign car with a deadly cargo capable of destroying a five-story building was detained at customs in the pskov region. homemade bombs were hidden with particular cynicism in icons and church utensils. how many borders has this car managed to cross?
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anton potkovenko will tell you where her journey began. this car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2.0 km across several european borders and was not stopped anywhere. but at the ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region on the border with latvia, employees of the fsb and the federal customs service noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer, with foreign license plates, was nervous when filling out documents for cargo, icons and church utensils, they ask the customs officers to let it through as soon as possible, saying that it is an urgent delivery to moscow.
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the power of hexogen, and the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power consumed, the mass of the seized explosive is enough to... blow up a five-story residential building. 27 icons are essentially turned into homemade explosive devices, this is hexogen, on the inside of the frame, just insert the fuse and the bomb is ready. almost a hundred electric detonators were found in the car. industrial sabotage fuses were found in the icons. production with sets of retarders, used by special units to commit sabotage. when forensic bomb technicians unpacked the large candlesticks that... in churches they place them in front of icons, then they found in them a disassembled charge for an rpg-7 grenade launcher. judging by the markings, this entire batch was produced in kiev, then the icons and church utensils with explosives were sent to the city of chernivtsi, this is on the border with romania, from there they were transported through the international checkpoint porubnoye to a warehouse in the border romanian city
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feltecheni. the boxes with hexagen were marked and wrapped with black tape. arriving for loading on the territory of the republic of romania, er, the city of faltecheni. uh, in this warehouse, i looked there, the cargo was church utensils, icons , loading was carried out, and then they did not issue the entire package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. a foreign car with a trailer full of terrible cargo drove from romania to hungary, passed inspection, without arousing any suspicion, went in transit to russia through slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia, again, no questions in the preliminary inspections, european customs officers were deceived or deliberately turned a blind eye, but our specialists cannot be misled by any disguise. in may of that year, at the verkhny lars checkpoint, fsb officers detained a car with electric stoves that contained explosives for viktor podvalny, a resident of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. he was preparing an assassination attempt on the head of crimea, sergei
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aksenov, and other senior officials of the republic. as a result, podvalny himself was revealed his entire network of agents. the story with the icons also ends with a criminal case against a suspect, a citizen of russia and ukraine. who was driving, he faces from 7 to 12 years in prison under the article of illegal movement of explosives across the border by a group of people by prior conspiracy, clearly he was not the only one who organized all this, for the kiev regime, as well as for the european union, nothing is sacred in the literal sense . anton potkovenko, lead. this morning, ukrainian drones attacked an enterprise in tatarstan. drones exploded in nizhnekamsk and yelabuga. in were injured as a result of the strikes.
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critical marks. the most difficult situation is rising, in some areas the situation in the altai territory has already reached more than 400 houses and a thousand personal plots in the water, roads have been washed out and... the mikhailovsky district has suffered the most, in places where the water has left, they are already beginning to calculate the damage. a difficult situation in the orenburg region, under the threat of flooding of more than 250 settlements due to overflows, 60 bridges of road sections are closed, about one and a half thousand power line supports are under water. getting worse the situation in the central part of the country, flooding in the moscow region, tver, tula and other regions. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar is trading around 92.5 rubles, the euro costs about 100 rubles. and for yuai they already give 12 rubles. 80 kop. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading at 10 am moscow time was 3.368 points and the rts 1135 points. well, it’s also worth
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adding that barrel oil brand is already over $88, and these values ​​are for the first time since the end. now let's switch to advertising, then the program "fifth studio" will be on air. mine sberbusiness for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, search for the best location for a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sberbusiness. magnet - the price is what you need. and we with the gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, vtb pensioner the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the year old, together everything will work out, all the ways are good, when you wanted to be a special barbecue bacon, whipped steak, instant cheese,
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hello, thank you for finding time for us, these are difficult times, as usual, we are discussing very sensitive topics, but i’ll start with this, for our tv viewers who don’t know, russia has requested a meeting of the un security council in connection with the blow. israel at the iranian diplomatic facility in syria, it will take place today on april 2, at approximately 10 o'clock in the evening moscow time, of course, and therefore this is a difference in new york due to time, there will be discussing a military strike on, and let me remind you, a diplomatic mission is the territory of another state, that is, israel struck on the territory of iran, this must be understood and i say it for context. well, i would like to hear a comment from you, what do you expect from
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this un council, the americans will block it again, probably condemnation of israel, as i understand correctly, well, i would say that this is what happened in the last hours, this is a flagrant violation of international law , a flagrant violation, because the strike was by israeli aircraft on the embassy, ​​you they said correctly, this is actually a strike on the sovereign territory of iran. people died, in my opinion, there were 11 victims, including two high-ranking generals from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, in a word, an emergency of international scale occurred, i think that the security council was absolutely correctly convened, together, we acted in this case together with our iranian colleagues , i hope,
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the conflict will be carried out, and both those who organize it and those who implement it should remember this; in short, an emergency of international scale has occurred. we need to figure this out. grigory, well, you rightly noted that this is an emergency on an international scale, which could lead to a big war in the region. the war is already going on in the middle east, this is understandable, but so far large countries, such as iran, have refrained from direct participation, assistance, to the gas sector and so on, well, directly, i mean, now there are just such
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considerations that israel specifically dealt this blow in order to untie. for this war and cover up their crimes in the gas sector. it's hard for me to judge what motivated him israel, its armed forces, leadership, but everything that happened, once again, is an emergency, this is a serious violation of international law and must receive an appropriate unified assessment by the international community, otherwise we will go too far to where it will be difficult to return. yes, tehran said at the same time that the united states must answer for the strike, the united states must answer for israel’s attack on the iranian consulate in syria, as the iranian foreign minister noted during a meeting with an employee of the swiss embassy, ​​as a representative of us interests in iran, and was the scale of israel's attack has been explained, but what do you think, such a powerful statement from
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tehran, will there be a corresponding response from the united states or? or will this discussion be conducted simply at the diplomatic level? recently, the reaction of the united states to various types of crimes that, at their instigation , occur in various regions of the world, is very peculiar, they either remain silent, or try to pass it off as something happening without their participation, or if their participation is proven, they begin to energetically justify your actions. let's see what happens this time, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but i hope that the discussion will be tough and serious, and i also see news that hezbollah said that israel is waiting for retribution for the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, the shiite party noted the contribution to strengthening the military potential of their formations in lebanon, which was made by two iranian generals from the
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islamic revolutionary guard corps who died in the attack, is certainly a hunt. there is no other way to say israel to high-ranking officials iran, it, of course, did not start today, it has been going on for a very long time, iranian nuclear scientists died under strange circumstances and so on, then israel openly said that they liquidated them, gregory, why is israel not called a country of terrorists? , well, you know the story as well as i do, israel always.
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then it is necessary to stop such similar decisions, such actions, since they directly threaten the world order, peace on earth, not only in the middle east. grigoriyvich, well, let's wait for the security council, un, maybe something will be discussed differently there, but a few more topics that i would literally like to touch upon in our conversation is a statement from russia, russia demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities , and accordingly hand over the organizers of the terrorist attacks, do you think it will happen, well, the fact that they won’t hand over anyone is understandable, i would like to understand why we are taking such
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diplomatic steps, well, we must, you know, persistently strive to. .. evil acts on the territory of the russian federation, posing as a hero of the confrontation, this is ugly, and this leads to the fact that, so to speak,
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it turns out that this is legal chaos, within the framework of which completely incomprehensible developments take place and incomprehensible decisions are made. and grigoriych, i understand correctly that russia’s position is now being developed such that after may 20, and we will consider zelensky an illegitimate representative of ukraine, the president, he will be considered an illegitimate president first of all ukrainian voter, because war, various kinds of internal developments should never interfere with the holding of full-scale presidential elections, if a person leaves these elections, it means he is nervous, he is not
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entirely sure, and maybe not at all sure of his positions, you see how he quickly pushes military and generals and secretaries of the national security council to ambassadorial posts, either in order to strengthen diplomacy.
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which obviously indicates that the warsaw pact organization was created as a reaction to the creation of such a bloc, which clearly wanted to restore dominance over european territory first of all and in the north atlantic in general, but it did not succeed then, after this events followed that we know well, but... the main main mistake of the north atlantic bloc, the american, by the way, political scientists and government officials themselves say this, it was a very ill-considered decision
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after the collapse of the soviet union, to begin moving the nato bloc towards the former soviet borders to the territory of the russian federation, having at the same time relied on such major work on ukraine, everything will be changed, it will still return closer to international law and the atmosphere of international interaction , then you can look at the word ominous date,
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let’s see how it will be , by the way, it echoes the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato bombing of yugoslavia, that is we have continuous continuous dates, they all indicate that the nato bloc is a very aggressive component of the international structure, which, unfortunately, for all peoples living on earth, continues to expand. yes, gregory, well , we’ll really see how events develop. thank you so much for commenting and answering our questions. all the best. and now there is footage from the government press service. we have tomorrow. there is a government report in the state duma, we were preparing for this report, met with representatives of all factions of the state duma in the relevant
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committees, my deputies. what needs to be done for this, well, let’s just say there were enough discussions constructive, because despite what is normal, absolutely debates on different approaches, we manage to find an appropriate, effective solution, including solutions that are then embodied in bills. last year, the government sent 300 bills to the duma and 200 of them have already become federal laws, this is a very active
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process, and between... parliamentarians and members of the government such effective, constructive relationships have developed, they work a lot, in this sense we constantly feel, in that including parliamentary control, which is absolutely normal and correct, and i want to thank you for such a constructive mechanism that has developed in the work of the state duma and the government. dear mihai vladimirovich, you correctly said that we have completed preparations for the government report, tomorrow it will take place, but i must say that... this preparation meant a lot to us, firstly, over the past time we have reached a different level with the government relations, the most important thing is that now both deputies and the government are responsible for the final result decisions being made, which means their quality will be much better, so when this dialogue was being built and the ministers literally
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lived in the state duma for more than a month, met in relevant committees, you met with factions, this gave a lot, because thanks to this conversation we are able to make decisions decisions, and the basis for the conversation is the appeal of citizens to us, during this dialogue we collected questions, then systematized them, analyzed topics that require solutions, about 14 thousand appeals were received, people know that...
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on the other hand, to create additional opportunities to solve the problems of our citizens, there is a topic that comes up quite often in requests, we see it, we analyzed it, we believe that it is correct to voice it, these are... issues of the state of personnel in healthcare, or rather their shortage, this the topic is present, and we, for our part , also need to provide assistance to the regions, their powers, but at the same time we see that they cannot cope with solving these problems on their own, therefore, when we talk about the report for last year, we certainly need to sum up, they are there, we all answer
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that... there is a really serious result within the framework of the implementation of the president’s message , the goal of developing our economy is being achieved, but at the same time we live in the present day and of course we would like to look into the future so that many decisions can be made questions, so the conversation will certainly concern not only the results, but also today, but also prospects for the future. this was footage of a meeting between mikhail mishustin and chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. now for a couple we’ll break in a minute, then the fifth studio program will be on air again. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program.


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