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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] there is a result, as part of the implementation of the president’s message, the goal of developing our economy is achieved, but at the same time we live in the present day and of course we would like to look at the future so that many issues can be resolved, so the conversation will certainly concern not only the results, but also today, but also also prospects for the future. these were footage of meetings. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program
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besagon tv, will it be called? for crime, punishment. i hope, you you’ll understand why we named our
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program that way, and i’m looking forward to seeing you. hello, dear friends, once again, the fifth studio is on the air, we are talking about current international topics, especially since they are extremely relevant now, and it is clear that the israeli military dealt another blow to a sovereign country, syria, or rather, they even somehow two countries were hit, because while missiles from planes were flying over syria, this was one moment - the second moment they hit the iranian consulate, this is already territory, legally, the territory of iran, although it is, of course, in damascus, so the situation is extremely difficult, oil prices are now rising, more than 8 dollars per barrel, and there is a possibility that if the situation develops more seriously, everything is heading towards a big war in the middle east, of course, that this is, of course, still a hypothetical
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assumption, but... what is happening now speaks precisely to this, it is not for nothing that russia initiated today, and other countries initiated the un security council, that is, a very serious situation, and what is happening in the middle east, we'll ask a great specialist in these issues, andrei baklanov, deputy chairman of the association of russian diplomats, professor of the faculty of world economy and politics at the higher school of economics, andrei glebovich, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time. hello, hello, you are a great expert on this region, and i’ll ask you a question directly, do you want me to be responsible for everything that happens there, yes, yes, there will be a big war or not, that’s it, let’s start our conversation, please, well of all the parties that are there, in general, forceful actions initiated by israel, israel, the impression is that at some stage, probably
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it was... last summer, certain very powerful forces in israel came to the conclusion that all the central countries, including the united states of america, the russian federation, western countries are busy. other crises, and it is possible to solve a little , perhaps, some problems of such a national plan in the understanding that extremely rigid centers of power in israel have, so they decided to take advantage of this conjuncture, there was such a large-scale a provocation against israel, which gave an operational reason to
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expand a little... they are so cocky, but no one really wants to fight in the middle east, of course, they actually want to, because everyone understands that the situation could develop , absolutely not the way someone there wanted it, because , frankly speaking, all the political forces there are already scientists and know that once it has begun, it is very difficult to finish, people will die, they will criticize political figures, they will... all kinds of political and so on, but once it starts, you know, why a war is terrible, once it starts, it is then quite difficult to stop it, so we are in such an initial stage of a rather large,
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comprehensive, potentially military conflict of crisis in the middle east. andrei levich, do i understand you correctly, do not rule out such a development of events, we all understand that the lord god only knows everything, how everything will happen next, but... if we think logically, then this is likely, very probable , such, i would say, there is such an opportunity, such an opportunity, to unfortunately, there is, and the fact is that now the situation has already gone too far, too far, you see, they are already hitting the territory of various countries, however, i want to say that the israelis understand all this differently, their attacks, for example, on the territory syria, they say that we are not hitting syria. we hit the places where our opponents are , who do not hide their goals, they openly talk about this, the destruction of israel, that is, israel’s opponents, they also always have to somehow think about what they are saying, because when israelis meet, they
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present us with whole notebooks of statements, for example, from iranians and other arabs, where they really speak more than harshly about the existence and existence of israel. although we seemed to have agreed back in madrid at one time that israel is an integral part of the middle east, but now the israelis themselves are good, they are initiating this aggravation of the situation and are trying to get some kind of expansionary opportunities for their further existence. well, andrey glebovich, the israelis have an interesting logic, but it is very peculiar because it is theoretical. then it turns out that if we hit him on some base in poland, then it will not be a strike on poland, it will be on the troops who, well, or the equipment that will be sent to ukraine, well, it turns out from the same series, but israelis can
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do this, they believe that when they talk about it, this does not mean that this is an example for other countries to follow, in this case the logic of the israelis, but they are still very close partners of the united states in america this is how it is for others. in this matter more actively than it was now, i mean the gas sector, in general, an attack on israeli territory, well, chrizbala can fit in, although in principle, if they could
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do something very serious, then they would have already would begin to give this kind of injections, such more painful ones, but then they would stumble upon the retaliatory
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actions of israel, israel still exists. iran, but on the other hand, this is a clear provocation of iran to intervene, and will the iranian leadership have enough restraint? in this, in these conditions, because on the one hand they need to respond, on the other hand, not to fit into a big war, and well, there are two questions, well, firstly, these strikes, they still have a certain... here now there is such a forceful mutual
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prevention of pushing for a certain - uh, well, probably, this will not be formally announced somehow, but for some compromises, but this whole very dangerous game can lead to a sharp increase in the scale mutual, mutual military strikes like this, that’s what... what we have begun, indeed, then the region may plunge into another, and perhaps even more severe, military rift. andrey glepoch, thank you very much, we really hope that this will not happen, although the situation is indeed extremely dangerous, extremely explosive. thank you very much, andrey boklanov was the liaison, professor at the faculty of world economy, world politics, higher school of economics,
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deputy chairman of the association. deadlines have been established, and secondly, they are appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, therefore the decree illegal, and accordingly, from this moment the countdown begins, which will characterize zelensky’s management of ukraine as illegal. now, as far as permutations are concerned, well, permutations are a thing, they are, they do not have a fundamental character in
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my opinion, let’s say. such a tenacious commander, but all the time the so-called patriotic public spoke out against him, held demonstrations, demanded his resignation, and, apparently, so to speak, in order to... get at least some advantage in the work of his administration irmak decided to fire his deputy, but fundamentally this does not change anything at all, which means neprov was in charge of his administrative work, that is, he was the head of the office staff, and as we know, this position is unprincipled and not a political position, as for smirny, who led
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the judicial system, this is also a well-known, relatively well-known person, he also
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worked in our system, which means he has been ordained. therefore, it is unlikely that ustenko could change anything there. now, as far as predictions go, maybe i don't think anything will happen, since already in the fourteenth year, when on february 22 the verkhovna rada of ukraine, after the coup d'etat, it means, made an absolutely unconstitutional decision, illegal, not fitting into any framework of the constitution on the removal of yanukovych, yes, well, nothing. happened, all, so to speak , europeans, all americans, everyone supported, although before that they, so to speak, worked with yanukovych, but in any case they pretended that everything happened correctly, for 10 years now, in fact, the illegal kiev the authorities ruled the country, well, together, of course, with
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nothing happened by the americans, or more precisely under the leadership of the americans, the same can be said now, why? yes, because, despite the fact that zelensky is becoming. absolutely unconstitutional, illegitimate leader, all his normative and legal acts, such as orders, decree, appointments, and so on and so forth, are no longer effective from may 21, just to clarify, because it is on may 21 that his five-year term of office expires, they are illegal and constitutional and will have no legal effect, that's all understand perfectly well, and it is natural that now among the apparatus in among... so to speak, this so-called, well, i don’t want to use a grave word there, but among all this, so to speak, the so-called pseudo-elites will begin, of course, of course, there are such hesitations, because in general they understand, it’s like twice 2:4, so, but at the same time, the firm leadership
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of the americans, which it controls completely, i will remind you that in ukraine there is one of the most largest embassies in terms of number of the united states of america abroad, which is in charge of almost all areas of activity, i think that they will keep this zelensky until the expiration, maybe biden’s term of office, but then we’ll see, that is, you are predicting that after all, no ex-actions will be carried out after on may 21, and demonstrations there and so on, this large american embassy can very quickly organize in ukraine. but the americans will not organize, because if they wanted to replace zelensky, the elections would take place on march 31, this is absolutely obvious, and the verkhovna rada decided to hold elections, this election campaign was launched, and now there would have been someone else, which means a candidate, well, more precisely, not
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a candidate, but so to speak, the elected president would already have been, but all this would have taken place , i have no doubts, second, after all, that parties cannot be banned, this is directly contrary to the constitution, and so on, opposition channels, they operated there after all under poroshenko, then zelensky is an absolute lawless man, he did that.. .what the americans told him, but for americans don’t need any opposition movements, because their goal is different, they don’t have a goal to create ukraine or
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transform it there, make it a normal country, a democratic country there, although i am very skeptical about this, but nevertheless, that means they did not have such a goal, they did not have a goal to create the economy of ukraine, they had a different goal, to drag this country, so to speak, into a war with russia, what they managed to do, they are implementing it. in the states, we'll see after the november elections, if something will change, maybe for the better, then we can talk about some changes that will happen in ukraine, but for now all this is so tightly controlled that i don’t see any demonstrations, protests, appearances of any kind there are movements, they simply have nowhere to come from , by and large. yes, nikolai yanovich , you rightly noted, they didn’t want to create a prosperous ukraine, they had 10 years for
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this, well, almost 10 years, they could have made some kind of showcase, well, at least some kind of half-poland, or something, and not they wanted to do this, and the ukrainian people were simply deceived, and the ukrainians do not understand this, this is the most offensive thing, that they are simply being used, nikolai yanovich, thank you very much, we will watch the development of events, thank you for taking part in our program. let me remind you, mykola azarov , prime minister of ukraine, we had contacts for the tenth and fourteenth years, this was the fifth studio, all the best, our own savings business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, finding the best location for a retail outlet, open an account with sbery , use useful services for free forever. business from dreams to home one home-click, what men are silent about, painful
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quickly, there is a search by car brand on avito. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you on pensions, vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 8% a year , together everything will work out today russian actor anton shagin turns 40 years old, the master of disguise has more than once surprised audiences with his roles in theater and cinema, now on the stage of lenkom, where he has already served for 15 years old, he rehearses hamlet, on the big screens he can be seen in the film as a passenger who talks about the events in the donbass, the artist himself regularly visits his zone, brings help and reads poems of his own composition to the fighters. next, anastasia’s report litvinova, and with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, good news. here we have a room where, before
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the performance, we are already in costume, waiting to go on stage. we follow. anton shagin takes us to the linkom stage, where the scenery is being assembled for the evening performance. the theater starts with temperatures of 39 already higher, higher, higher. this is not a comfortable existence, it is always a struggle. and shagin strives for such intensity in every role he plays. today he is a lopahin in chekhov's cherry orchard. in his filmography there are calm similar
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i can't find any characters either. in general, thank god, but when you see shagin in the image of ivan from russian fairy tales, it seems that this is precisely his strong point. the tsar, he gave me an assignment, so, who’s going to catch the hot bird? anton is certainly a very talented person, purposeful and very honest in his work. his success story could also become the basis for a film script, he lived in a small town in the bryansk region, studied at a vocational school as a mechanic and even worked for a year in
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his specialty, but... changes the hero so much that the nickname he received at the beginning becomes his call sign, i present to you a new soldier, rebinin nikolai sergeevich, shagin himself first came to donbass long before the start of filming. after the first trip, i returned as a completely different person, when i saw the eyes of the people living there, this needs to be filmed and this tragedy needs to be told about this pain, he participates in training camps for soldiers , brings help to donbass, comes to the wounded, and also writes: piercing poems and reads them to the soldiers: at dawn he goes into the forest along the sandy bottom of a ravine; he only has a cross on his armor. anastasia litvinova, konstantin morozov,
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nikita korneev and elena fenoshina. news. they hid bombs in icons large. the channel for importing explosives into the country was stopped by russian special services; at customs in the moscow region, a foreign car was detained, from where the dangerous cargo was being transported. the active phase of spring floods in twenty-six regions of the country. in orenburg, several dozen houses were left without heat, 60 bridges on road sections were closed, the situation in the altai territory is difficult, the situation in the central part of russia is worsening. israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus was strongly condemned by several. arab countries russia has requested a meeting of the un security council, what will be tehran's response to the attack? foreign sports officials are making every effort to disrupt the friendship games, which are scheduled to take place in russia in the fall. well , what other topics did


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