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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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they hid bombs in icons, a large channel of high-tech explosives into the country was stopped by the russian special services, a foreign car was detained at customs in the moscow region, where was the dangerous cargo transported from? the active phase of the spring flood in twenty regions of the country, in orenburg several dozen houses were left without heat, 60 bridges of road sections are closed, the situation is difficult in the altai territory, the situation in the central part of russia is worsening. israeli attack on iran. the consulate in damascus was strongly condemned by several arab countries, russia requested a meeting of the un security council, what will be tehran's response to the attack? foreign sports officials are making every effort to disrupt the friendship games, which are scheduled to take place in russia in the fall. what other topics did the russian prometer manage to get the leaders of the world anti-doping agency ioc to talk about?
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russian intelligence services discovered a large batch of explosives that were being transported to moscow. the fsb reported this. the explosives were discovered during an inspection at a checkpoint in the pskov region. it was hidden in icons and church decorations that were imported from ukraine through the countries of the european union. anton potkovenko has details. this car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2.0 km through several. in the pskov region on the border with latvia, employees of the fsb and the federal customs service noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer, with foreign license plates, was nervous, filling out documents for cargo, icons and circus paraphernalia, asking customs officers to let him through as quickly as possible, saying there was an urgent delivery to moscow, he was given an additional check. customs inspection has begun, during the customs inspection in icons attachments were identified. the substances
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were fuses, after which i was detained. hexogen in red and blue vacuum bags with camouflaged and thin oil paper hidden on the back of the icons, 70 kg of explosives, which was more dangerous to waste. in the attachments of the icons, a plastic explosive of increased power, hexogen, was found, and the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power of tnt, ae. the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. 27 icons in fact turned into improvised explosive devices. this is hexogen on the inside of the frame, just insert the fuse and the bomb is ready. almost a hundred electric detonators were found in the car. industrial sabotage fuses with sets of moderators, used by special units to commit sabotage, were found in the icons. when forensic
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explosives experts unpacked the large candlesticks that are placed in front of icons in churches, they found in them a disassembled charge for an rpg-7 grenade launcher. judging by the markings, all this batch was produced in kiev, then the icons and church utensils with explosives were sent to the city of chernivtsi, this is on the border with romania, from there they were transported through the international checkpoint in rubles to a warehouse in the border romanian city of faltecheni. the boxes of hexogen were labeled and wrapped with black tape. a foreign car with a trailer full of terrible cargo drove from romania to hungary, passed inspection, without arousing any suspicion, went in transit to russia through slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia, again, no questions.
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in the preliminary inspections, european customs officers were deceived or deliberately turned a blind eye, but our specialists cannot be misled by any disguise. in may of that year, at the verkhniy lars checkpoint, fsb officers detained a car with electric stoves that contained explosives for viktor podvalny, a resident of the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense. he was preparing an assassination attempt on the head of crimea, sergei aksyonov, and other senior officials of the republic; as a result, podvalny himself and his entire network of agents were exposed. the story with icons also ends.
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water came from the suburban village and is expected in the region this week. the region is expecting peak flooding this week due to overflow closures. maria, hello, what is the situation in the region at this moment? yes, vera , greetings, we are currently working at snt energy construction, we went into one of the flooded houses, as you can see, it is even impossible to get here in ordinary rubber boots, the ministry of emergency situations employees provided us with a wetsuit. there are toys floating everywhere here, this was a construction set, you can catch it a baby stroller, things are scattered , it will still take quite a lot of time to eliminate the consequences of the flood, and of course it is necessary for the water to
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leave the house as soon as possible, here is the victim olga next to me, olga, i know that you have two children, tell me , please, where are they now, who is helping you sort everything out here? to sort things out, i know that you are alone, your husband is in the zone of a special military operation, yes, the children, since they are very sick, are currently staying with relatives, are staying with relatives, because we can’t do them every day, we try to save at least something of what’s left in our house, but there’s nothing to save in the house, my husband is a participant in a special military operation, unfortunately, we’re practically left behind. without help, just ordinary people who have suffered just like us help. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 26 people were evacuated from snt, and i also know that they helped evacuate pets as well?
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yes, employees of the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations in the orenburg region evacuated 26 people, primarily there were people with limited mobility, children. and the animals evacuated them afloat in vehicles with high cross-country ability. emergency situations ministry employees are closely monitoring the situation; the situation in the orenburg region is tense. today, in the aviation town microdistrict , several areas were also flooded, private houses were also flooded, about 50 were not working due to flooding, the boiler room, people were left behind. without heating, there was also, there was no light for 13 hours in the orenburg microdistrict, it was spring, the situation here is tense now, they say in the ministry of emergency situations. we we are in the bulatsky district of the orenburg region, here
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the water comes close to residential buildings, as we see, it is no longer a few meters from residential buildings, as it was yesterday, but today it has already entered the local areas, a dam is being filled here, which... designed to protect nearby streets from the onset of high water, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the situation is now very tense in those areas that are close to the border with the republic of kazakhstan, but in the akbulak district, 48 people and 22 pieces of equipment are currently working. faith. maria, thank you, maria valeeva. monitors the flood situation in the orenburg region. the investigative committee is investigating the drone attack in tatarstan, will establish all the circumstances of the incident and the persons involved in the commission of the crimes. this was reported today by the department's press service. in the morning , ukrainian drones attacked enterprises in
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nizhnekamsk and yelabuga. as a result of the attacks , seven people were injured, all of them students of the local polytechnic. doctors provide them with all the necessary assistance. several buildings had their drains knocked out. hello buddy, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. uh, hey, oil is not the first day. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is who else taught whom. vtb. everything will work out together. just like that, no need. you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, at the megamarket, lancom brand products are discounted up to 35%. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is accruing, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay off, make purchases
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originals are now more accessible on avita premium. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive a pension from post bank? of course, there are benefits there, transfer your pension to pochtobank and get 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably from postal banks. this night our friend has already i have to get up several times. to admire the stars, my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, apalaza at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. magnet - the price is what you need. certified ekomyuk 29.99. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and at vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. everything will work out together. in moscow and
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minsk, despite the difficult international situation, they managed to do a lot for development of relations in the union state. vladimir putin, in his congratulations to alexander lukashenko on the day of unity of russia and belarus , also noted that coordination of efforts in foreign policy, defense and security gives good results. and she ensured the successful implementation of union programs. will sum up the work for the past year, the results will be discussed at an extended meeting of the ministry board. its employees not
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only solved high-profile crimes, neutralized gangs, but also more than once acted as rescuers. margarita semenyuk, about everything more details. come on, come on, come down. in this footage, police rescue residents from a burning house in siktyvkar. state traffic inspectors were the first to arrive at the fire, and injured people were evacuated from the smoke-filled entrance. another 50 were evacuated. we ran to the fifth floor, on the fourth floor a girl met us and said that there were people left on the fifth floor, there was practically nothing visible on the staircase, since it was dark, smoke was coming out of the door, they saw that a man was standing there and they immediately took him out. police lieutenant nikita lartsev in the moscow region saved a man who fell through the ice at thirty. from the shore, despite the risk to his own life, the policeman managed to get as close as possible to the weakened
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man, pulled him one end of the branch, he grabbed it and i slowly began to pull him towards the shore, after which an ambulance arrived, in novokuznetsk state traffic inspectors kirill korchagin and stepan khromov saved a two-year-old boy; the child pushed the mosquito net out of the window and could have fallen from the second floor at any second. kirillchagin climbed up the ledges to... picked up the baby, in moscow a man at the belorusskaya metro station became ill, he fell on the tracks, dmitry kacher, who was on duty at the station , rushed to the rescue and saved this man. the citizen was laid down by a life-saver. tried to pull him and a civilian closer to the head of the train and began to apply emergency braking to the electric train with his hands. the operational work was no less successful; for example, in the krasnodar region, security forces tracked down and detained a suspect in involvement in the murder of the deputy head of the department for mobilization work
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administration of krasnodar stanislav rzhitsky. managed to open it. which operated in several regions and committed over thirty grave and especially grave crimes. participants were detained. the gang consisted of about 20 people. among them are current employees of internal affairs bodies, including special forces and state traffic police. among the most high-profile cases is the fight against fraudsters and schemers. in particular, in november last year , popular blogger ayaz shabuddinov was detained, who, according to investigators, thanks to created aggressive marketing. the police worked actively with interpol, for example, they managed to extradite the names of the black man; he is accused of committing a number of particularly serious crimes. margarita semenyuk, news! now is the time for economic news: sales of new passenger cars in russia at the end of the quarter doubled to 356,000,
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rbc writes about this, citing sources. among the reasons is the new tax calculation scheme, which began to operate in april. they didn’t expect cars to go up in price and actively bought them. the bulk of sales came from chinese brands. the most popular were jilli, havaill and cherry. owners of kivi wallets will be able to return money online. the application can be submitted on the service website. review period is up to 30 days. according to the dia, the total volume of qiwi obligations to clients is several tens of billions of rubles. users lost access to money from qiwi bank electronic wallets on february 21, when the central bank revoked its license. the pepsika company launched the first line of a plant for the production of salty snacks near novosibirsk, about tas reports this. for now, the enterprise will produce up to 60,000 tons of snacks per day. in the future, the volume may increase to 260,000. the plant will use potatoes grown in siberia. as previously reported, investments in the project exceeded 12 billion rubles. and
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the dollar’s ​​share of world reserves has fallen to its lowest level since 1995. in 2023 it dropped below five. usa, to cover it , washington constantly has to borrow more and more money. the country's national debt now exceeds $34 trillion. it was news economy. short. in kaliningrad , pink flowers bloomed 2 weeks earlier than usual. sakura you can admire them, for example, on the peter the great embankment. by the way, this year sakura turns 20 years old. last year they bloomed twice , in spring and autumn, and the buds opened even in windy zelenogradsk. apparently, this year it’s also a matter of the temperature last weekend in kaliningrad being more than 23°. this is a record, according to statistics since 1968.
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cash withdrawals and transfers in excess of up to 10 million rubles. free, all methods are good when you want to be the first to try the new big special barbecue bacon, with a large beefsteak, instant cheese, bacon and pumpkin sauces and foreign sports officials are making every effort to disrupt the friendship games, which are to
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be held in the fall in russia. leaders about this international olympic committee , world anti-doping agency, said in a conversation with pranksters. in addition, sports officials admitted that they monitor the political statements of russian athletes, including with the help of representatives of ukraine. imeli has details. no friendship with russia, not even in sports, not even as a third state. western officials are going to give such a tough ultimatum to the countries of the global south so that they under no circumstances participate in the friendship games that will be held in the fall in moscow and yekaterinburg. the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach, is going to issue a statement condemning the kremlin's sports initiative. he announced this following his colleague from the world.
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the decree is the basis of these games, his government organizes everything, we are categorically against these games, so these are political games, like during the soviet union. but the truth is that both
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the soviet union and russia never mixed sports with politics, and therefore were always open to guests from other countries, especially did not conduct secret, tricky negotiations behind the backs of their partners in order to disrupt whose on-board competitions. moreover, the organizers of the world friendship games back in november last year, when... the first negative messages from the ioc appeared, responded to the committee that quote: they never wanted confrontation with the olympic movement, instead they only wanted to find mutual understanding and establish good relations, therefore moreover, for russian athletes, isolated from major international competitions, the games in moscow and yekaterinburg will become the most important event. in in a private conversation, the head could have reached them. it turns out that living in harmony with your state from the point of view of the world.
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that sport is very strong in russia, and i think that is why they know that they need to promote sport, for them sport is very important, that is why they need to make sure that this event does not have any impact on the olympic games. those who pranked both sports officials are confident; the rhetoric of the latter speaks of the cynicism of the western sports system. this is some kind of collective western russophobia, that everything that contradicts, everything that can threaten, as they consider,
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typical. this was the case with the recently held games of the future in kazan, where representatives from over 100 countries took part. in moscow and yekaterinburg, athletes will compete for awards in thirty-three disciplines. the competition will take place from september 15 to 29, and of course, as is customary among polite people, friendship will always win. the head of rusatom, alexey likhachev , is on a working trip to bangladesh.
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today he met with the prime minister. people's republic of sheikhasin. they discussed issues of russian-bangladeshi strategic cooperation in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. we offer bangladesh the full range of our supplies, our competencies. this includes the construction of small nuclear power plants, including floating ones, and the creation of centers for nuclear science and technology, in the interests of nuclear medicine, in the interests of agriculture, in the interests of research. research, a separate topic is the further development of cooperation specifically in the nuclear field energy, meaning the expansion of the number of nuclear power plants. in this regard, there are some considerations, and of course, the general scheme for the development of electricity generation in bangladesh implies not only one nuclear power plant and not only two power units with a capacity of 1200 megawatts.
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it will definitely appear behind the first two russian blocks. new power plants, there are certain agreements, we will work on them, meet regularly, and prepare for the main event, key in the life of a nuclear power plant, the beginning physical launch, we plan to carry it out in december of this year, welcome.
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that's it, we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard to get used to, passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn't intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we concentrated and angry, they seem to keep all their shares in the west.


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