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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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there was my childhood and youth, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him . there is still hope, there is always hope, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, he seemed to foresee that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is no way to respect them, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we concentrated and angry. they seem to keep
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all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. april 2 is world autism awareness day. people with this feature often live their entire lives in social isolation. their 1% of the world's population
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is becoming more and more every year. autism spectrum disorder has no cure, but it is possible to live a fulfilling life with it if you create an inclusive environment. how people with such a feature can realize themselves in life, see the special report by dari goneeva. the lights hit me, i’m 13 years old and i do theater, i love it when i’m applauded and after the applause i ’m very happy, the problems are about the same for all children with autism, the sensory system suffered, but i didn’t allow myself to be stroked on the head, constantly asked.
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from 5 years of popularizing inclusive culture in society. children with developmental disabilities and neurotypical children play together on stage in the studio. it became easier to answer, drawn to people. the isolation that was there initially is gone; at first he only communicated with us. people with this feature make up 1% of the world's population. the diagnosis
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of autism spectrum disorder occurs in one child in a hundred, more often than childhood cancer, cerebral palsy and down syndrome in the area taken, and it is still unknown what causes it, it cannot be diagnosed in utero, it cannot be measured by any examinations, but it cannot be do, for example, a computed tomography scan and say: yeah, you have autism, but you can’t do an mri, you can’t do a blood test and confirm that you have autism spectrum disorder.
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but they react more sensitively to everything or, on the contrary, are insensitive to external stimuli, this creates serious difficulties in everyday life. i have anxiety, especially now. intensified, you know what events, that began in the twenty-second year, even 30 years ago such people were often misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and considered unteachable, but now through the efforts of parents, non-profit organizations and the state, everything is changing; centers, including federal ones, have appeared to organize comprehensive support for children and assistance programs with proven effectiveness. he...
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in general, not everyone is accepted by children and not everyone can work with them, but thank god, it worked out and somehow we found a common language, and the growth of the children is visible, and this is the most important thing, their socialization is visible, you can see how they they learn to communicate and work in a team, and this is the most important result at this stage, well... happened to fly in amid the noise, he asked him to solve his doubts, eldar gafurov is 15, he is a good student, he is especially good at mathematics, he draws well, plays video games, when he pronounces a memorized text on stage, it is difficult to understand
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how he differs from anyone , the so-called normotypical teenager. i've been training for about a year and a half, or two? i was interested because i want to become a director, why did you decide to become a director and not a programmer, well, it’s difficult for programmers there, but for directors, yes, just point out write scripts, according to his mother, eldar later began to speak, but still went to a regular school, however, because of his special view of the world, he was faced with...
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it’s difficult to start some kind of communication, it’s difficult to start interaction, and he’s not very good understands some allegorical things, he does not understand cause-and-effect relationships very well, he is more concentrated on some details, yum-yum, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum, work with autism must begin as soon as it is diagnosed diagnosis, diagnosis... in russia it is established by a psychiatrist, but the average the age when this can be established is about one and a half years old for a child, already at this time it is possible to record a difference in the child’s communication, a difference in social interaction,
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this place at first glance looks like a private kindergarten, but there is no group of teachers for each the child is presented with his own adult instructor, this is a family support center - naked hearts at the bottom. in novgorod, stop, you 're stopping great, well done, stop, good, you're going, smart girl, the girl came with rather low skills, she didn't... had, she didn't have there was no communication, she had no interaction with children or adults, and she could perform a very small number of tasks, that is, literally the very simple ones, like putting a cube in some basket or putting something else in there, she can do more now, she has communication, with the help of pex cards she can tell what she wants, i hope you put it in the same. i did it, super, for example, kirill works here, yes,
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smart, now he is going through his individual program, he has the program selected for him by the teacher, that is, the skills that he must learn, communication skills, academic skills, that is, we teach him how to interact with other adults, teach him some academic skills, such as understanding and knowing parts of his body, this card: it responds to the name, it doesn’t fulfill some simple, well, requests, come here, bring it, well
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, something like that, they don’t repeat some actions after us, now there are some doubts, suspicions, she was examined by a neurologist she said she suspected autism. irina smirnova, kirill’s mother, learned about the naked heart center from a psychiatrist. first, mirnova and i went through a program for parents - early bird. this program. allows the parent to understand what autism is, what sensory differences a child with autism has, how play develops in a child with autism, how communication develops, what are the differences and how can all this be applied in one’s life in order to normalize the child’s behavior, then this allows the family not to be closed within itself, but to go out into society, go out into shopping centers, entertainment venues, and then kiril... classes in the intensive early intervention program (4 hours 5 days a week. you have to learn the
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simplest things: wait, ask, ask, answer, act according to instructions. we all, regardless of whether a person has autism or not, yes, a person’s behavior in general is based on three things: i want to get something, and this is an action, an activity, an object.
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he expresses his desires, that is he studied alternative communication little books with cards, that is, he, if he needs something, he doesn’t shout there, and you don’t understand what needs to be done, but he specifically shows the card, you understand what the child wants, everything is calm, everything is fine, everything is in love , so to speak, it has become easier to dress, well , it helps me, put on tights, kiryusha, put on, put on tights, i try to ask him more - to do something, he helps as best
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he can, the head of the center anna bobrova herself is the mother of a special son, only in times from his childhood there were such programs in nizhny novgorod did not have. then, more than 20 years ago, there were only two ways: register the child as disabled and, instead of leaving maternity leave, stay at home with him, or send him to a psychoneurological boarding school. 37% of children are now in these institutions with living parents. anna chose the third option, to try to create a free system for helping children with autism in their hometown. as a result, through the efforts of parents and philanthropists of natalia vodianova’s charitable foundation , naked hearts. a family support center opened in 2011. now there are new shots from the house government. dear colleagues, tomorrow the government will report to the state duma, and we will tell deputies in detail about the results of our activities over the past year, about the steps
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that have been taken in all key areas. first of all, on the decisions and instructions of the president, i just finished a meeting with the chairman of the state duma , vyacheslavomovich volodin, we talked in detail about how preparations for the report are going, about the consultations that took place with factions of the state duma, we discussed with they are all topics of priority importance for the lives of people for the development of our economy, i know that all members of the government actively participated in working with the structures of the state duma in relevant committees , this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to the opinion of our parliamentarians , they will voice all their questions, including during the report, ask them to me, we need to give comprehensive answers to them. we have absolutely
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common tasks here, this is the development of our country, this well-being of people, and today we will just discuss how... this preparation, let's get to work. these were personnel meetings to prepare for the government’s report to the state duma. now the continuation of the special report by daria goneeva, the world from a special perspective. the center has a program for adults, this is a program that is aimed at social employment, supported employment and leisure activities. we will walk together. for several years together we have been friends with the family support center for a long time, we have been doing facilitated excursions, and on these on excursions we use visual support materials dariarenkova worked as a teacher and
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decided to take part in the inclusive school project as a volunteer. the meeting place is at the nizhny novgorod arsenal, a branch of the pushkin state museum. first, i learned to introduce art to the blind and hearing impaired, and then i got a job at the arsenal and started doing inclusive excursions, including for people with autism. this is the largest painting in the exhibition. look, guys, it even consists of two canvases, you see, one part, here there is such a gluing in the center, yes, because there was no such canvas, such a size, and therefore it was necessary. to compose it from two, and this painting by the artist eugenia voyner, which is called alice of the middle zone, something similar to alice in wonderland, who knows the fairy tale of alice in wonderland, raise your hand, so, we started our acquaintance with the exhibit of the book, at the end we also collected our book, so
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it turns out that the beginning of the excursion and the final master class are connected together, and we repeat what... these are similar moments, which were met throughout the exhibition. the first page of our book answers the question: where does the event take place in the book, that is, we will draw some place. it is important to find out what kind of group there will be, to collect as much information as possible, often the guys who come are just starting to engage in inclusive activities, they are afraid to ask, for fear of hurting or offending, but when there are curators, accompanying people, tutors, it is worth collecting as much as possible more information about this, here. wow, it’s definitely worth writing yourself a plan, choosing several stops, like today we worked at the exhibition in just one hall, we had four stops. on the excursion, the children are accompanied by tutors, employees of the family support center and volunteers, they also help
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the wards in the search. six months, it was difficult to find a job, how did you find it, yes, i don’t remember, it was a long time ago, viktor kuzmenko is 20 years old, he likes to watch football and hockey matches, he supports the torpeda club, he graduated technical school with a specialty in finishing work, i really wanted to find a job, we actually went to different enterprises, looking for some kind of work. feasible for victor and quite by chance we arrived at the same address, we went, hello, this is this enterprise, they told us, yes, yes, yes, well, apparently the guard didn’t hear, so we walked through...
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which produces hygiene products, now victor is a general worker at a company warehouse and is already dreaming of a vacation to go on a trip to kamchatka. what attracts you to kamchatka? kamchatka has great nature there, but i won’t go to these bears. because they are evil, people can attack them. what do you usually do on vacation? well, i’m resting, my daughter started sleeping, then after the vacation i work and go out again. victor cannot yet go on a long journey on his own ; he is poorly oriented in unfamiliar places, but he quickly learned to get to the warehouse alone; his work features, on the contrary, advantages. victor is very
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efficient, punctual and honest, this is his distinguishing feature, wanted to work, yes, he wanted to work too, too much, yes, sometimes he even doesn’t have enough work to fully discover his potential, now there is really a very large shortage of personnel, if there is an opportunity and... these guys should come to work, and most importantly with the desire to come to work, yes, then i think that many vacancies, many places where they can show themselves, this is just, objectively, it is, do you want to somehow in the future , i don’t know, live separately or something else, well, this when i need money, when i will live separately, well, money, well, now you see, you started earning money, it turns out you’re already starting to receive something, well, i’ll just transfer 30,000 to my mother, i transferred it all to her, well , that’s now, but your... your career will develop , what are your plans? well, well, when i wanted to buy an iphone for my mother, well, it worked out, well, it hasn’t worked out on the iphone yet,
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he sends me how he’s driving home from work, well , just out of habit, it’s not even necessary anymore, he does everything completely on his own , that is, he knows how to get there, what to get there, but he it will pass to me, here i am standing in a traffic jam, what makes me most happy is probably the message when he receives his salary, it feels as if it comes to me, to be honest, to get a job for people with mental skills.
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the special ceramics workshop at vdnkh in moscow is another place where people work from time to time; it arose in 1998 on the basis of the center for curative pedagogy, one of the oldest organizations in russia that deals with helping children with special needs; over a quarter of a century it has grown from purely therapeutic activities for teenagers in a full-fledged working studio. the twenty-first college took us in, in the twenty-first college a special department was opened for students so...
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to find a girl in this, i found ira, yes iri, the training apartment that kolya is talking about is a place where people with special needs live accompanied by tutors or volunteers. in order to gain independence skills, the relationships that the guys developed, of course, are also special, he called, he wrote me letters, there were these
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huge posters that...
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irumami at the station when we go home , when we lived in the training apartment, i even carried everyone two heavy bags from the store in my hands so as not to burden ira, well, yes, i want to marry ira and live with her in the apartment since the birth living in the future, but kolya understands that living without outside help is their future. her mother admits, the girl hardly speaks, instead of a certificate of secondary education, she only has a certificate of completion of the eighth grade of school, kolya is of course more independent, ira herself is especially, well, for...
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to put it on the social map too, however , with due support for creating an accessible environment, even minimal training for employees of the same multifunctional centers, such people can lead a completely ordinary lifestyle and bring benefit to the state and society with their skills, am i modeling or not , asked an angry in fact, i believe that the stage revealed him, and i am very happy to see my brother, really... on stage, because i myself am passionate about this area of ​​theater, i am an actress myself, and i am very pleased to see that my brother is learning roles, the fact that he performs among other guys, indeed, this is truly sincere happiness for him, for some the inclusive theater studio is just a hobby, for them it is something more, having overcome the fear of the stage, crowds of people, the light of sofitov, eldar, igor and others kids with autism, as their parents say, have become '.
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it’s safe to go to shopping centers, museums, cinemas without stress, take on new things and start communicating with people, this is worthy of applause. russian intelligence services discovered a large batch of explosives, which were taken to moscow, the fsb reports this. the explosives were discovered during a search at the checkpoint. in the pskov region, it was hidden in icons and church utensils that were imported from ukraine through the countries of the european union. anton potkovenko has details. this car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2,000 km across several european borders and was not stopped anywhere. but at the checkpoint.


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