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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can cope with almost any person, well, i didn’t kill him either, a similar situation in ulyanovsk. and tambov regions, what goals are the thugs pursuing , will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the sword shines under the ice, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. 24. we’re used to installing,
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household waste, who does this, how to find such a company, conclude an agreement with it, and what are the special features for residents of private houses, maria kudryavtseva will tell you in the instructions in the program. owners of private houses must take care of the removal of household waste themselves; for this they must enter into an agreement with a regional operator. we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. let's start with the definition of msw. solid municipal waste is generated in residential areas during the process. don’t think that you can get rid of simple household garbage yourself and save money. by law, all owners of private houses are required to enter into an agreement with the regional msw operator. this can be done in two ways, directly or through a gardening partnership. there are a great many country houses in russia. therefore, regional operators, again, unilaterally comply with the law. regional operator
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within 10 working days from the date of approval of a unified tariff for the msw removal service , publishes in the print media on its website a proposal for consumers to conclude an agreement and the text of a standard agreement. within 15 working days from this moment, the consumer must send an application to the operator to conclude an agreement. if necessary , requesting changes, if this is not done, a standard contract is concluded, it comes into force on the sixteenth business day after the operator publishes the offer, but in such a situation it remains possible to change the conditions, in accordance with paragraph five of article 24.7 a federal law no. 89, and the contract for the provision of solid waste management services is concluded in accordance with the standard one. an agreement
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that is approved by the government of the russian federation and the agreement for the provision of waste management services can be supplemented by agreement of the parties with other provisions that do not contradict the legislation of the russian federation , that is, after concluding an agreement with a regional operator, changes can be made, and also by submitting such an application yes or a statement, but with the regional operator in this case an additional agreement will be concluded. if you want to demand changes, remember that you can only agree on more frequent garbage collection, and the service will become more expensive; you cannot request a frequency below the minimum prescribed by law, much less refuse the service completely. you can independently conclude a potoko agreement in order, for example, to clarify the number of residents as follows: on the website of the regional division of the ministry of construction, find an operator and the same information can be clarified in the local administration, then direct. a written application for concluding
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an agreement, the operator considers it within 15 days. to complete the application, you will need a package of documents, this is the owner’s passport, supporting documents. ownership of the house, a certificate of the number of people living in the premises and a technical passport of the property. if there is no information or document from the list, the operator has the right to suspend consideration. he is obliged to identify deficiencies within 5 days, then sends a corresponding letter to the consumer, you there will be 15 days left to eliminate the shortcomings. otherwise, the application is considered invalid. what to do if you bought the property from the previous owner, the contract has already been concluded. here we need to turn to another regulatory act , which is called the rule for the management of solid municipal waste; in paragraph 82 of these rules it is said that when the ownership of a building,
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structure, structures or land plots is transferred to a new owner, such owner within 3 days is obliged to notify the regional the operator regarding such a transition is entitled to ... a corresponding agreement with him. in our telegram chat there was a question about what to do if the contract dated 2023 includes payment for the period starting from 2019. it is highly recommended that in such situations, first of all, contact the regional operator for clarification. if january 1, 2019 is mentioned, yes, this is when this whole reform started working, yes, we switched to a new system. and most likely, a regional operator was chosen, and it was he who... and made the accrual, concluded an agreement in the current version 1 august twenty-third and, in fact , from that moment on, an obligation arises, but in this case it is still necessary to find out what happened before that moment, perhaps the house was not built, or there was another house, let’s say,
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existed on this plot of land , and the obligation of these owners or possessors, it has not gone away, we repeat the most important thing, an agreement on the removal of solid waste must be concluded: every owner of a private residential building, personally or collectively, through the management of snt. you cannot refuse the service. if the consumer has not requested changes, a standard contract is automatically concluded, but an additional one can subsequently be added to it. the new owner of the property must notify the operator of the transfer of rights within three days and sign a new agreement. still have questions, want to know more about the rights and responsibilities of property owners? subscribe to our. telegram ask, and we will talk with experts and tell you everything in the next issues, instructions. let’s do this again, and now brutishly, there are other ideas, of course, let’s do it
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everything will work out, russia, belarus today celebrates the day of unity of peoples. on april 2 , 1996, two independent states signed an agreement, which resulted in a union state. our countries are actively interacting and building. between the republic of belarus and the russian federation, year after year, connections are maturing, economical connections are maturing. for punctuation analysis, the teacher of the fourth minsk gymnasium chose a sentence about a strong union of belarus and russia, so
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they decided to celebrate the day of unity of the peoples of the two countries. the belarusian language teacher yegor nekhvidovich, although he looks young, is already an experienced teacher. his students regularly win competitions at olympiads. i decided myself that i would become a teacher. sitting at a desk, the subject chose a special, native language. this is our self-awareness, this is the baggage that our ancestors collected, and we must...
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it is very important that these projects have specific practical benefits. this year
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a consolidated student detachment of the union state will be created. the best fighters from all regions of russia and belarus will build a republican patriotic center in the brest fortress. it is symbolic that it was the descendants of the victors who took responsibility for the revival, continued memory. our countries have always treated its preservation with a certain trepidation. the square itself is a victory monument.
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time, for centuries, we are united by a lot of things , it goes, in fact, it all happened , religion unites us, you know, orthodoxy, christianity, that is, not only wars, but also reflections, helping each other in these matters, a common culture, the interconnection of people , the general principle of honoring memory, i would say that we honor what our ancestors left, and we do not rewrite history, common history, common faith, common victory, and equally both in minsk and in
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moscow, they honor the heroes who died in this great patriotic war. in the museum of memory there are two heroes, both died during the great patriotic war, one is an ethnic russian near minsk, and here today a street and a school are named in his honor, the second is belarus near leningrad of a sniper duel, a monument was erected to him in st. petersburg, and also they named the street in his honor. there are museums and victory squares in moscow and minsk. the names of central streets and avenues are also mostly similar. we have one scientific school, knowledge, which succeeded after the collapse of the soviet union. save and increase by a few. russia and belarus deposited the accumulated potential into the single scientific space of the union state. strategic civilizational objectives were approved by national leaders. and now the community of the two states are together looking for solutions to the problems of shortage of drinking water, climate change, energy hunger and others. today in russia
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a unique program is being developed by presidential decree, the creation of mega-installations. these are expensive installations which are worth billions of dollars. not experience, for example, a branch of the kurchatov institute with all the material resources was opened in minsk, a number of laboratories were formed, the strategy of a single scientific space was approved by the supreme state council of the union state in january of this year, now scientific schools, academic institutes and advanced scientists will be able to benefit from the results of each other’s work . on the eve
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of the day of the unity of nations, the topics of scientific and industrial production, personnel and their potential were discussed in moscow, on one platform, by ministers, deputies, scientists and public belarus, like russia, is a multinational and multi-confessional state, freedom of religion is enshrined in law, canonical churches with golden domes can be found both in minsk and moscow,
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the apostles, and specifically in our history of our country. the most important thing is spiritual unity, and if we live and work in the name of these ideals, then we will always be united.
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at the bolshoi theater of belarus there is a ballet based on a story by russian writer anton pavlovich chekhov. anyuta is one of the local’s favorite productions viewer. art without nationality. the artists convey emotions that are accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they are performing opera or dancing. when we exchanged tours with the bolshoi theater of russia, these were actually the first exchange tours in my life, directors of the bolshoi theater, our visit to the bolshoi theater of russia. the screening of the opera in the belarusian language caused a reaction that we didn’t even suspect; it was the audience who liked everything, liked the scenography, liked it. the plot, of course, we prepared and brought a duplicate line with a translation into russian language, during the break i heard a comment , you shouldn’t have done that, belarusian speech
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sounds beautiful, we understand it perfectly, unity through culture is brought by its figures, musicians and dancers, singers and artists, last week an exhibition was held in moscow at the uzuraba tserelli art gallery works by artists from two countries of the union state, a master from... himself attended the event, despite his venerable age, as if surrounded by creative works, drawing strength. i believe that this is like a main point in the body that stabilizes relationships between all the organs that are inside, the heart, the brain, the blood vessels, uh, this is the foundation on the basis of which the future, unity, will develop. unity will only grow, but while maintaining its individuality and independence.
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dozens of substantive areas: economics, industry, but the most important culture, and this is not only what the ministry of culture will write in its directives, this is what we all put together as a single cultural space, respect for history, for those the works that the masters presented here today, to those that we have not seen yet, but the fact that this is certainly dear and valuable to us, this is the most important component of our cooperation over the past centuries and those future, coming ones, without which we cannot exist we see progress, this is also
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true. originality and individuality do not influence adherence to general principles. the countries of the union state, as individual entities in the international arena , use the same rhetoric. we do not pass we only have consultations on all issues of foreign policy, international relations.
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coincide or are largely close in the interests of forming a truly multipolar, democratic and fair world order system, ensuring equal and indivisible security, we will work together. it is important to strengthen the international positioning of our union, as we are trying to do with the eurasian economic union. the main task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation in the field of imports for...
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from such small walk-behind tractors with the power only nine horsepower and i would like to say endlessly, but no, up to 360 horsepower they produce equipment at the minsk tractor plant, look how big it is. national line, but that’s not all , equipment is supplied from more than 50 countries of the world, with whom there are agreements, up to 3.00 units come off the assembly line just a month, there are completely unique samples, such as
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this more than... more than 400 horsepower tractor , but it is a single copy and is used by industrial tourists for rides around the plant. for an industrial tourist, it is important to learn how and what works, the physical and chemical processes are clearly demonstrated: mechanical engineering, food production specialists are developing and are already introducing entire routes, well, he will feel like a tractor assembler, but what kind of moscow manager can experience this in everyday life, try it on assume the role of confectioner. more than 200 thousand industrial tourists visit the republic annually, a quarter more than 2 years ago, large and small in large cities and small settlements, 130 enterprises that ready to welcome travelers, industrial or traditional tourism is the most important source of income for the budgets of both
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countries, and therefore investments. sometimes billions of dollars, including state funds, for creating the necessary infrastructure are also important, and a return is expected from this; already in this decade, according to vladimir putin, the contribution of domestic tourism to the country’s gdp should double.
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dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program bissagon tv, it will be called, do you have crime, punishment. i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.
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a large channel for the import of explosives into the country was intercepted by russian special services; a foreign car with a deadly cargo was detained at customs in the sovsky region.


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