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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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russian special services brought gloves into the country, a foreign car with a deadly cargo capable of destroying a five-story building was detained at customs in the psov region, homemade bombs were hidden with special cynicism in icons and church utensils, how long did this car manage to cross the border and where did its journey begin? anton potkovenko with details. this car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2.0 km through several european borders and was nowhere to be found. stopped, but at the ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region on the border with latvia, employees of the fsb and the federal customs service noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer, with foreign license plates, was nervous, filling out documents for cargo, icons and church utensils, asking customs officers to let him through as soon as possible, saying that urgent delivery to moscow was arranged for him check. a customs inspection began, during the customs inspection, attachments and explosives were found in the icons. after which i was
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detained. hexagen in red and blue vacuum bags, camouflaged and thin oiled paper hidden on the back of the icons, 70 kg of explosives, which were more dangerous to waste. a high -power plastic explosive, hexogen, was found in the icon attachments. the power of this explosive is one and a half times greater than the power of waste. enough to blow up a five-story residential building. 27 icons are essentially turned into improvised explosive devices, this is hexogen on the inside of the frame, just insert the fuse and the bomb is ready. almost a hundred electric detonators were found in the car. the icons were found sabotage fuses of industrial production with sets of moderators, used by special units to commit sabotage. when the explosives forensics experts unpacked. large
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candlesticks, which are placed in front of icons in churches, they found in them a disassembled charge for an rpg-7 grenade launcher. judging by the markings, this entire batch was produced in kiev, then the icons and church utensils with explosives were sent to the city of chernivtsi, this is on the border with romania, from there they were transported through the international checkpoint in rubles to a warehouse in the romanian border town of feltecheni. the boxes with hexagen were marked and wrapped with black tape. arriving for loading on the territory of the republic of romania. to the city of kholtychen, uh, in this warehouse i looked, there was cargo, church buildings, dolls, loading was completed, uh, later they gave me the whole package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. a foreign car with a trailer full of terrible cargo drove from romania to hungary, passed inspection without arousing any suspicion, and went in transit to russia, through slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia. again, no questions about the pre-emptions. we were deceived. european
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customs officers either deliberately turned a blind eye, but our specialists cannot be misled by any disguise. in may of that year, at the verkhniy lars checkpoint, fsb officers detained a car with electric stoves that contained explosives for the resident of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, viktor podvalny. he was preparing an assassination attempt on the head of crimea, sergei aksenov, and other senior officials of the republic. in as a result, podvalny himself and his entire network of agents were exposed. the story with the icons also ends with a criminal case against the suspect. a citizen of russia and ukraine who was driving. he faces 7 to 12 years in prison under the article of illegal movement of explosives across the border by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. obviously, he was not the only one who organized all this. for the kiev regime, as well as for the european union, in the literal sense, nothing is sacred. anton potkovenko, lead. 12 injured in ukrainian drone attack in tatarstan people, among them seven students of a local politician. aircraft hit
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buildings in nizhnekamsk and elabuga in the morning. local businesses were targeted. anastasia aksyonova will talk about the condition of the wounded and the extent of the damage. it is known that the first pivotless vehicle entered the territory of tatarstan at 4 am 22 minutes, it tried to attack one of the enterprises in the city of nizhnekamsk, and as the mayor of the city ramil mulin said, all services worked promptly, the security system also worked, there was no serious damage, no casualties, the technological process is not violated, a little later at 5:45 two unmanned aerial vehicles attacked the building. dormitory in the special economic zone of alabuga, it is also reported that there is no serious destruction, the technological process has not been disrupted, the head of the republic of tatarstan, rustam melikhanov, was promptly informed about what happened, this morning at the republic enterprise in elabuga and nizhnekamsk there was an attack
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by unmanned aerial vehicles, there was no serious destruction, the technological process of the enterprise is not disrupted in yalabuga, unfortunately, there are victims as a result destruction of the premises, they are given all the necessary help. all services are on high alert. now it is extremely important to remain calm and not give in to the panic that those who committed this crime are deliberately trying to sow. in the morning , the respublika enterprise in yelapka and nizhnyakamsk was attacked by unmanned aerial vehicles. yelavue, unfortunately, there were victims as a result of the destruction of the premises. they are given all the necessary help. all services are on high alert, the statement says. comments. according to experts, the drones were converted aeropragt a22 ultralight aircraft, known as the flying fox. in this case,
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there was the use of an aeroprakt light aircraft converted into an attack drone, that is, a kamikaze drone. the ukrainian side, although not in the format of attack drones, had already used 22 ukrainian-developed aerial drones earlier during a special military operation, in particular last year - there was a recorded case when our border guards managed to land on our territory ukrainian aeroprakt take its pilot prisoner, why the car could fly, the fact that the ukrainian side, relying on the help ... of the western intelligence community, had a picture of the location of our radar coverage zones and air defense cover zones, which, accordingly, could be bypassed,
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understanding where so to say they are there, this is the first, second, as again, from the practice of using aerial drones over the border , it became clear if such... the engine flies at an extremely low altitude, literally at the height of the treetops, it’s enough to detect it difficult. the kremlin commented on the new terrorist attack by the kiev regime, this is what presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said. this is more a matter of the competence of the ministry of defense of our special services, which are resisting. activity of the kiev regime, but the kiev regime continues its terrorist activity, we, our military, first of all work to minimize this threat, and subsequently completely eliminate it. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away.
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postbank. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. hello, i'm an employee bank, do you confirm the transfer? you usually call, oh, they can’t reach you now, of course, you have the safest operator, we’ll warn you about unwanted or blocked calls, enable call protection in the my security service in the beeline application for free, who knows, you can handle this without me. beeline is the safest operator. you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try
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and we just received footage of a conference call from the ministry of defense, which was held by sergei shaigu. dear colleagues, good afternoon, let’s get to work, i’ll start with the situation in the zone of a special military operation. after the failure of the counteroffensive, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on certain positions, but has not achieved its goals in any of the directions. groups of russian troops continue to push ukrainian formations westward. thanks to the courage and professionalism of our military personnel. month in the donetsk people's republic , the settlements of nevelskoye, orlovka,
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tonenkoye, krasnoye, zaporozhye region were liberated, the village of mirnoye, since the beginning of the year, a total of 403 square kilometers of the territory of new regions of the russian federation have come under our control. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january , the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 1400.
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great, it is intended for the black sea fleet, today we are assessing the implementation of the shipbuilding company, the work schedule, and we will outline steps to optimize it. next, we will discuss the development of a network of training grounds for the armed forces to provide troops with training facilities. this is the line of business is one of our priorities. if in 2012 we had no more. 100 training grounds, today there are 240 of them. they make it possible to solve the entire range of combat training tasks, including groupings of troops in areas of special military operations. in particular, in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics , the construction of two training grounds has been completed, and five more are planned to be built by the end of the year.
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i would like to note that the new facilities have significantly improved the conditions for accommodating work. personnel, we also continue to improve the technical basis of combat training, in 2023, about 600 modern training equipment were supplied to the troops, this year their range will be expanded, about 200 simulators will be supplied to the training network for training the crew of infantry fighting vehicles with a combat module for combat vehicles. floods due to the rapid melting of snow, the water level in rivers is rapidly rising, in the regions of the country the active phase of spring in some areas has already reached critical levels. the most difficult situation in
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the altai territory in the water, more than 400 houses and a thousand personal plots are washed away. and bridges. the mikhailovsky district suffered the most. in places where the water left, they have already begun to calculate the damage. the situation in the central part of russia is worsening. thus, in the tula region, 15 low-level bridges in eight municipalities were flooded. well, in the regional capital you won’t be able to walk around the batashashovsky garden on the embankment in the city center. the upa river rose almost 4 m. a local cafe and children's playground went under water. a sharp and strong warming in the tver region led to the active destruction of ice on rivers and lakes. the regional ministry of emergency situations reports that flooding of household plots has begun. almost one and a half hundred houses were in the danger zone. in orenburg, due to the flood , several dozen houses were left without heat, melt water
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flooded communications, boiler houses and station equipment were stopped. peak spring floods are expected in the region. this week, but already 60 bridges on road sections are closed due to overflows, and about one and a half thousand power line supports are under water. and now our special correspondent, maria valeeva, is in direct contact. maria, greetings, what is the situation at this moment? yes, alexander, hello, we are currently working in orenburg, in the aviagorodok microdistrict, where the boiler room flooded today, and also today. 26 areas were flooded here, people were left without heat for some time, heavy work, as we see, behind my back they dug up the airfield to the district.
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arenburg region, today 83 people, including 28 children, were evacuated in these municipal territories, the main flood is now occurring in ukbulagsky, surletsky district, surletsky district and legsky district. in addition, there are overflows on the roads, we have 42, two low-water bridges , traffic is limited and blocked, and 40 road overflows directly in twenty-four entities of the arenburg region. yes, please tell us how the evacuation of people took place. as i understand it, a door-to-door search is being carried out, people are being warned and
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offered to move to a safe place. yes, first of all, we had a thorough inspection, and summonses were also sent, where people were once again told that there would be flooding, because today we are talking about thirty- one residential buildings, municipalities , the peak of the flood has not yet arrived, so there will be flooding in a number of areas, therefore. first vice-governor of the orenburg region sergei balykin. alexander, maria, thank you, maria valeeva, she is monitoring the flood situation in the orenburg region. now a short
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1:26 pm
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but on... vtb savings account, replenish regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, we’re spinning the debt, we’re saving quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. in moscow and minsk, despite the difficult international situation, they managed to do a lot to develop communications.
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the union state is unique and is an example of the most successful integration in the post-soviet space. the accumulated experience allows us to quickly and effectively respond to the threat challenges faced by moscow and minsk. the government is completing preparations for a report in the lower house of parliament; mikhail mishustin will present his report in the state duma tomorrow, but today the prime minister met with...
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to work out a solution on them, it should be noted that there are key topics, and they show how effectively we are working somewhere, and where we are not working enough, or we see how much the regional level of power is sagging. the state duma speaker added that citizens receive many questions regarding housing and communal services, especially from the regions, as well as regarding the shortage of personnel in healthcare. parliamentarians and mikhail mishustin also prepared their questions. during a meeting with the cabinet of ministers in preparation for the government report noted that feedback is very important. i know that all members of the government actively participated in working with the structures of the state duma, worked in relevant committees, this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to the opinion of our parliamentarians, they will voice all their questions, including during the report, will ask them to me, we need to answer them exhaustively...
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answers. prime minister.


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