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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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in the ssu, after the failure of the counteroffensive, they try to gain a foothold on certain lines, but do not achieve the goal in any of the directions. sergei shaigu at a conference call at the military department like this. he also noted that our
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units are pushing kiev troops to the west; in march , five settlements of the dpr and zaporozhye region were liberated from neo-nazis. since january, the enemy has lost more than 80 thousand people and 14 thousand weapons, including tanks and other armored vehicles. the kiev regime responds with terrorist attacks on civilians. despite the lack of results on the line of combat contact , kiev is still trying to convince. his western sponsors, the ability to resist the russian army, for this he is trying to transfer military operations to the territory of our country, resorting to acts of terrorism and shelling of civilians. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such a crime by ukrainian militants. in march , high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles carried out 190 group and two massive strikes on ukraine. military
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energy infrastructure facilities were hit. another topic of the meeting was the construction of new ships for the navy. to increase the potential of the navy, we continue to equip it with ships carrying long-range precision weapons, in particular small missile carriers of the karakurt type. the lead ship of this series is a cyclone. the fleet successfully fulfills its assigned tasks. by the end of the year, the zelenodorsk plant named after gorkov should deliver three more such ships to the sailors. the company also conducts serial production of patrol ships of project 22-160. the construction of the fifth of them, victor the great, is in its final stages. it is intended for the black sea fleet. large channel of explosives.
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russian special services prevented entry into the country, a foreign car with a deadly cargo capable of destroying a five-story building was detained at customs in the psov region, homemade bombs were hidden with particular cynicism in icons and church utensils. how many borders did this car manage to cross and where did its journey begin? anton podkovenko with details. this a car loaded with explosives from ukraine drove 2.0 km across several european borders and nowhere. was not stopped, but at the ublinka checkpoint in the pskov region on the border with latvia, employees of the fsb and the federal customs service noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer, with foreign license plates, was nervous, filling out documents for cargo, icons and church utensils, asking customs officers to let through to hurry him up, they say urgent delivery to moscow, they arranged an additional check for him, customs began inspection, during the customs inspection , attachments, explosives were found in the icons and... after which i was detained. hexagen in
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red and blue vacuum bags, camouflaged and thin oiled paper hidden on the back of the icons, 70 kg of explosives, which were more dangerous to spend. a high-power plastic explosive (rdx) was found in the icon attachments. now broadcast on our channel. comrade officers.
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we will continue this discussion at an extended meeting with colleagues of the ministry of internal affairs, please pay special attention to attention to such priorities as ensuring public order and combating extremism. suppression of illegal migration, the work of local services, as well as the actions of the ministry of internal affairs to neutralize organized crime, bearing in mind that such groups, and sometimes we are talking about real criminal syndicates, are often cross-border in nature, operating hand in hand with foreign intelligence services and missars of international radical extremist structures, such:
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but they are not isolated, also in this professional environment one can say that you you know this well, in this environment there are no reliable agents, they do whatever they want for money, not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so to the end customers we...
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last year, the number of crimes in public places at transport facilities, according to statistics, well, in fact, this is actually the case, overall, it decreased over the past year, but as we see, preparedness for emergency situations needs to be increased
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constantly. this applies to all services of the federation and all, all services of our law enforcement agencies of all subjects of the federation, and of course, those of our regions. who are in close proximity to the line of combat contact in the zone of a special military operation, i will especially note the work of internal affairs officers in the donbass and novorussia, i know that there we have to clash not only with criminals, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups who including trying to use long-standing channels through organized crime, therefore one of the most important tasks in... in the donbass in novorussia is to protect citizens from criminal threats, to ensure the normal functioning of authorities, enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium-sized businesses. colleagues from other regions of russia provide great assistance. i want to say thank you
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to everyone who goes on military business trips, serves in combined police detachments, in which, shoulder to shoulder on combat duty, people of different... nationalities and religions from almost all of our big country. i would like to note that divisions of internal affairs bodies have been formed in all new subjects of the federation. according to you. work is largely judged by people on the strength of russian law, and this is a huge responsibility, which you are sure you understand well. i will name a very indicative figure: in a very difficult situation, when hostilities continue , there are already more than 3,200,000 residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson region, received passports of citizens of the russian federation. i ask the internal affairs bodies to do this job consistently continue, attentively,
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with utmost care and soul, to approach every person, every family, especially families with children, everyone who applies for a russian passport, for other, often lost documents, in this, among other things, it is important here work with rabies, as soon as the opportunity arises, it is necessary... to literally carry out a door-to-door sweep of cities and towns, to do everything so that, as they say , saboteurs and accomplices of neo-nazis cannot be legalized, control must be the most thorough, and of course, i want this emphasize, draw your attention to this, this work must certainly be carried out in close contact with local authorities, with regional and local authorities, no matter how difficult it may be, it is necessary to work with people... at the recent boards of the fsb and the prosecutor general's office
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, i paid special attention on the need to effectively combat any extremist manifestations. do you know that the breeding ground for such extremist activities, and simply outright criminality, is in many cases illegal migration, ideological pumping of various kinds of lies preachers and internet sites, along with him, are unacceptable, i want to emphasize this. use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia, and so on. actually, this was the main goal of the terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from the inside, this is their main task. we must under no circumstances allow them to do this. however, when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific
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crimes, it turns out that a person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes even malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship, without even knowing even basic russian, here it is necessary .
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interreligious harmony, our cultural and linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can come and live and work in russia. this principle must be decisive. the most important task remains a principled, consistent fight against corruption, which poisons society.
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it is necessary to seriously improve the mechanisms for combating offenses in this area, to work for protection, and of course, it is especially important to protect the younger generation from the influence of radicals and extremists in global networks, and from the criminal environment in general. i would like to note that in recent years the level of juvenile crime has been decreasing, this is certainly a good result. i would like to thank for this those who work in this most important region. this indicates that. the line of systemic prevention of teenage crimes was chosen correctly, and it is necessary to continue it, including the divisions of the ministry of internal affairs for juvenile affairs, to involve public, religious, educational, educational, volunteer organizations in this work, in general, the broad opportunities that are planned to be created within
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the framework of our of the new national project youth of russia, it is necessary to increase and... and one more important point, thanks to the implementation of the national project, safe, high-quality roads, many federal highways and transport infrastructure in large agglomerations were updated. now, as you know, special emphasis will be placed on the development of a network of regional and local roads, which means that
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traffic flows will grow and speeds will increase. therefore, i expect traffic police officers to actively implement advanced safety technologies and modern means of traffic management. and, of course, it is important to engage in educational work, cultivate a culture of responsible behavior on the roads, and starting from school age, and maybe even preschool age. but here, unfortunately, we have an increase in road accidents of 4.5%.
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that is, the supreme commander-in-chief, comrade general officers, respected colleagues, the past year for the internal affairs bodies, as a whole, for the country as a whole, was difficult and responsible, the criminal actions of the ukrainian regime continued, and attempts by the collective west to create tension
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within russia. at the same time, we managed to maintain control over the operational situation. and the state of law and order, and in a number of ways to improve the efficiency of official activities. a set of measures is being implemented to ensure public safety in the donbass in novorosiya. establishment of territorial divisions there. almost 14 thousand police officers have been appointed to positions. most of them previously served in local law enforcement agencies. over 800 employees were transferred from other regions, and about one and a half employees joined the force. thousand citizens. the measure of additional social support is being improved, including the introduction allowances for special conditions of service. the organizational and staffing system was further developed. separate units for maintaining order, countering extremism, inquiry, personal security, state protection, internal affairs bodies in transport have been strengthened; for
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interaction in new entities with the forces of other departments, authorities, as well as our freelance formations , an additional position of deputy has been introduced in ministries and headquarters manager, assistance in ensuring law enforcement continues to be provided. temporary management of consolidated police detachments, resource supply has been established, constructive and close cooperation has been built on this issue within the framework of the coalition council under the government of the russian federation. at the disposal of our new divisions , property worth more than 2.5 billion rubles was transferred. over 2,500 real estate objects are assigned with the right of operational management. about 4 computer equipment, 1,500 radio communications equipment and 540 information security equipment were put into operation. together with the general the prosecutor's office and other government bodies
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have organized statistical records of the state of crime. to promptly respond to incoming applications and uncover illegal acts, 126 investigative and operational groups have been created. new territorial bodies are actively working to curb the proliferation of weapons. last year, almost 1 ton of prohibited substances, 1,700 weapons, and 15 million ammunition were seized. for the purpose of passporting citizens, up to 150 population reception points were deployed, over 2,500 employees. the main work was completed back in september, which made it possible, despite the martial law, to ensure the holding of elections. at the end of the year, almost 90% of residents of donbass and novorossiya. we are currently continuing this activity as usual. depending on the number of requests
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, we will decide to open additional places for receiving citizens. there are 30 registration and examination divisions of the state traffic inspectorate. from may in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, from october in the zaporozhye and kherson regions an opportunity arose in their regions. pass the exam for the right to drive transport. last year, 526 thousand driver’s licenses were issued, 408 thousand vehicles were registered , and public services were organized in multifunctional centers of the constituent entities. the corresponding applications can also be submitted in a single portal, including through a specially created service. within the framework of its powers, the ministry has implemented a set of measures to... introduce special legal regimes and various levels of response, in subjects bordering ukraine and new regions continued to provide assistance from consolidated
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police units. in cooperation with the russian guard, the federal security service, and the ministry of defense, last year they took part in almost 300 joint events. during their implementation , more than 900 criminal offenses were identified. increased attention was paid to critically important potentially dangerous railway transport facilities. for these purposes , the activities of mobile police patrol teams have been strengthened. last year their composition increased to 700 employees, who on average inspected about 2,500 objects every day. taking into account. modern realities have expanded the functionality in the field of using robotic systems, unmanned aircraft and countermeasures.
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the corresponding center was formed within the structure of our research and production association of special equipment. 91 units have been created in territorial bodies at the regional and district levels to carry out tasks in these areas. a lot of work has been done within the regulatory framework law enforcement sphere. fruitful interaction with the federal assembly of the russian federation continued, international cooperation developed, and in a difficult foreign policy situation, it was possible not only to maintain, but to increase the intensity of contacts with law enforcement agencies of many states. more than 500 joint events were organized, which is almost twice as many as the year before. bilateral ties with countries in asia and africa have been successfully strengthened. in latin america, including through expansion foreign apparatus of the russian ministry of internal affairs. in order to develop cooperation along the police line, a number of foreign working visits were carried out,
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including. china, saudi arabia, laos, cuba, vietnam. the meeting of the joint board of the ministry of internal affairs of the union state was held in a constructive manner. the leading law enforcement platform in the commonwealth of independent states remained the council of ministers of internal affairs, states, and members of the cis. an important institution representing both the ministry and the country on the world stage are the russian police peacekeepers. in un missions. and the osce , 51 staff took part last year. despite attempts by western countries to limit our activities in the information field, we continued to effectively cooperate with this organization. i'm sorry, interpol. we managed to achieve the transfer to russia of a number of persons accused of committing serious and especially serious crimes from thailand, montenegro,
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romania, greece, and egypt. spain, vietnam, usa and other countries. moreover, the geography in terms of extradition of criminals to the russian federation has expanded. for the first time , extraditions took place from paraguay, colombia and this year from tanzania. the focus was on issues of maintaining public order during major sporting competitions, socio-political events, and economic forums. there is a lot of work to be done in collaboration with relevant departments. carried out during the period of preparation for holding elections at various levels, citizens, including residents of new subjects, exercised their right to vote, violations that could affect the outcome of the vote, interference of destructive western forces in the electoral processes is not allowed; to maintain order on the streets last year , about 17 thousand police units were deployed every day;
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citizens provided assistance to us to attract the population. little has been done by the regional authorities; for example, in st. petersburg, funding for paying bonuses to the best warriors has increased by 2 times. this certainly gives additional incentive. in general, the set of measures taken has made it possible to improve the situation in public places, where last year the number illegal acts decreased by 17%. the priority task is to counter extremism, neutralize the activities of radical structures, and prevent.
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websites and individual pages publishing false information about the russian army and other prohibited materials, destructive forces use a variety of reasons for provocation, from ordinary ones: domestic conflicts to resonant geopolitical events; they come up with any insinuations in order to raise doubts in the minds of our fellow citizens about the correctness of the actions of the authorities , in this regard we use all available capabilities to prevent such situations, monitor and organize blocking of network resources containing criminal calls, carry out explanatory work, bring violators to justice, it is worth noting that... the number
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of participants in uncoordinated actions last year decreased noticeably, measures have been implemented to identifying citizens engaged in inference activities and accomplices of the kiev regime. since the beginning of the special operation , 438 persons involved in the attacks have been identified arson of administrative buildings, including military registration and enlistment offices, as well as railway transport facilities, the prevention of radical behavior among young people continued. in 2023, police officers conducted over 1,900 lectures and conversations, 3/4 of them in educational institutions. the audience reach exceeded 1 million people. we will continue to build an open one.


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