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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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in russia, it is necessary to radically update the approach to migration policy, vladimir putin announced this today at an extended meeting of his colleague at the ministry of internal affairs. the president believes it is necessary to create a modern one. existing biometric databases do not allow to completely stop illegal migration, while, the head of state noted, often foreigners of russian origin cannot obtain russian citizenship for years. my colleague anastasia efimova followed the meeting. anastasia, greetings, what other statements did vladimir putin make? yes, alexander, hello, most important, i’ll stop in the next few minutes. ensuring public order. extremism,
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suppression of illegal migration, the work of local services, priorities that the president asked to pay special attention to when speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs, while the head of state suggested proceeding from the fact that internal and external threats today are closely intertwined. now the police, together with other departments , are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22, and the head of state repeated, it is important to establish not only the performers, but everything. links, as well as the ultimate beneficiaries of the crime. it is important for us to identify not only the direct perpetrators, but also all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them. the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, and commercial organizations that were responsible for this are now being comprehensively assessed. this
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large facility where the terrorist attack took place, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional, this is important , first of all, in order to bring to a new level the provision of law and order and security in places where people are in large numbers, sports facilities, in transport, in shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, universities, theaters and so on, all these ... objects must be under constant control. as the president recalled in his previous speeches at the collegiums of the fsb and the prosecutor general's office, he had already focused on the importance of combating any extremist manifestations, and the breeding ground for such activities - illegal migration. it is in this environment that ideological pumping takes place through false preachers and internet sites. at the same time , use the terrorist attack in crocus to provoke ethnic hatred, including xenophobia and islam.
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and the main goal of the terrorists of their customers was, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from within, this is their main task, we under no circumstances should allow them to do this, only by examining the circumstances of this or that affairs, the president clarified, it often turns out that foreigners get to russia without any problems, go through all the formalities, apply for a labor patent, having behind them... a whole set
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of offenses, sometimes malicious, and then receive citizenship without knowing the russian language. apparently, existing databases are not enough to track information in a timely manner. we need more modern, digital ones, when you start to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, issued a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes even malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship, without even knowing even basic russian. here we need modern digital electronic biometric data bases, those that are currently working, they are apparently not enough, they do not allow us to fully mitigate the risks, recidivism, illegal migration, we need to deeply, radically
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update approaches to migration policy, we need to ensure interests and security state and society, preserve and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony.
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it would be necessary to seriously intensify work to identify the places of production of this potion, sources of foreign raw materials, and suppress supply and trade channels. in general, one of the key tasks is to strengthen close coordination of all law enforcement and special services. we must proceed from the fact that today internal and external threats are often intertwined and equally directed against our citizens and society, restraining russia from undermining... in last year, the number of crimes in public places at transport facilities , according to statistics, decreased, but the president demanded that preparedness for emergency situations be constantly increased, and this applies to all law enforcement services of all subjects, including regions
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that are in close proximity to the line of combat contact in the zone of a special military operation, the work of internal affairs officers in the donbass in novorus.
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44 structures were recognized as undesirable and included in the corresponding list. the priority task is to counter extremism. neutralization of the activities of radical structures, prevention of conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds. the police uncovered cells of the ukrainian right-wing sector, and also suppressed the functioning of a number of banned religious associations. based on materials from the russian ministry of internal affairs, 44 organizations were recognized as undesirable and included in the corresponding list. 129 individuals and 37 legal entities are included in the register of foreign agents. the spread of false information about the actions of the armed forces was suppressed
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to discredit them, 124 such crimes were uncovered. proactive work was carried out in the internet space; efforts were made to identify citizens engaged in inference activities and accomplices of the kiev regime. and in conclusion , the president clearly warned that there is no hope for the collapse of russia. after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers certainly set themselves the goal of completing the collapse of what was left of historical russia, that is, of completing the collapse of its core, our own russia, the russian federation, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns. to napoleon’s russia and the like
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, there are a lot of such historical examples, someone strives to ensure that in today’s rapidly changing world, to maintain their hegemony, including at our expense, well, naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on, to do this, including at the expense of russia, after its possible fragmentation. but, apparently, someone considered it our country weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion, many have already realized that they are mistaken, this has never happened, no one has succeeded in this, this will not happen and no one will be able to do this. of course, today many issues can be resolved in a timely manner, for example, the level of teenage crime is decreasing, there are results from district commissioners, thanks to their work, last year the criminals in every fifth crime solved in the country would have been identified. based on the results of the discussion, the president expects legislative,
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law enforcement and management proposals, adding that , of course, there are a lot of unresolved problems, but a lot of work has already been done, but there can be no complacency, let alone laxity. thank you anastasia, anastasia efimova, the extended meeting of the colleague of the ministry of internal affairs, in which... vladimir putin participated. russia and belarus today celebrate the day of unity of nations. on april 2, 1996, two independent states signed an agreement, which resulted in a union state. our countries are actively interacting and building a common policy both in the international diplomatic arena and on joint projects in the field of science, technology, education, culture and even in space. reportage. page of the republic of belarus and
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the russian federation every year hell , the connections become matted, the ekanamic adnosines become matted. for punctuation analysis, the teacher of the fourth minsk gymnasium chose a proposal about a strong union of belarus and russia, so they decided to celebrate the day of unity of the peoples of the two countries. belorskaya teacher.
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one of the advantages of a union state is the opportunity for belarusian applicants to enter universities in both countries on an equal basis with russian ones, they do not look at citizenship, more important than ability. the youth. the basis of the future of the two states, special attention is paid to their unity within the framework of the union. the government has entrusted interaction in eleven areas, including the cultural and humanitarian sphere, education, sports, tourism, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie, historical closeness and even kinship. interaction with such large entities as the federal agency rosmolodezh, with the movement of the first and a number
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of public institutions, such as the russian youth union, the russian union of rural youth, student groups of russia, of course. provides an opportunity for young people from belarus and young people from russia to participate in exchange projects, and of course, it is very important that these projects have specific practical benefits. this year a consolidated student detachment of the union state will be created. the best fighters from all regions of russia and belarus will build a republican patriotic center in the brest fortress. it is symbolic that it was the descendants of the winners who took responsibility for the revival of the sequel. our countries have always treated memory and its preservation with a certain trepidation. the square itself, the victory monument in the center of minsk, carries enormous and, probably, even sacred significance not only for the republic, but also for russia. every official delegation that comes here on an official visit begins its stay in the republic from here, with the laying of wreaths. this is
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another important aspect of generational continuity. right now guys, students and skadit.
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i would say that we honor what our ancestors left, and we do not rewrite history, common history, common faith, common victory, and equally both in minsk and in moscow they honor the heroes who died in this great patriotic war. on one wall in the exhibition in the museum of memory there are two heroes, both died during the great patriotic war, one an ethnic russian near minsk, and here today streets are named in his honor. and school, the second - belarus near leningrad sniper duel, a monument was erected to him in st. petersburg and a street was also named in his honor. there are museums and victory squares in moscow and minsk. the names of central streets and avenues are also mostly similar. we have one scientific school, knowledge that, after the collapse of the soviet union , few managed to preserve and increase. the accumulated potential
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of russia and belarus was put aside into the single scientific space of the union state. strategic civilizational tasks were approved by... national leaders, and now a community of two states is looking together for solving problems of drinking water shortage, climate change, energy hunger and others. today in russia a unique program is being developed by presidential decree, the creation of mega-installations, these are expensive installations that cost billions of dollars, unique high-power synchrotor x-ray sources, high-power nuclear sources, neutron radiation, for example, light lasers, and so on. this means that we are building a whole network of these installations, money has been allocated for them, etc., and russia will have the best there for the next 8 years tracking infrastructure in the world, now belarus has gained access to this , the interaction of the scientific bases of the two states is also based on the direct exchange of experience, for example, a branch of the kurchatov institute with all the material
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resources was opened in minsk, a number of laboratories were formed, the strategy of a single scientific space was approved by the highest... soviet union state in january of this year, now scientific schools, academic institutes and advanced scientists will be able to benefit from the results of each other’s work. topics scientific and industrial production facilities, personnel and their potential were discussed in moscow on the eve of the day of unity of nations. on one platform, ministers, deputies, scientists and social activists determined how to create the necessary conditions for collaboration in what key areas. among the speakers is secretary of state of the union state dmitry mezintsev, assistant to the president. today, far from science, but uniting no less the basis of spiritual unity between neighbors, of course, is orthodoxy. belarus, like russia,
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is a multinational state and multi-confessional, freedom of religion is enshrined in law, canonical churches with golden domes can be found both in minsk and moscow.
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at the bolshoi theater of belarus there is a ballet based on a story by russian writer anton pavlovich chekhov. anyuta is one of the favorite productions of the local audience. art without nationality. the artists convey emotions that are accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they are performing opera or dancing ballet. when we exchanged tours with the bolshoi theater of russia, these were actually the first exchange tours in mine.
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it is brought by figures, musicians and dancers, we understand perfectly well. unity through culture belarusian speech sounds beautiful, we are its singers and artists. last week in moscow , in the art gallery of zurab tsariteli , an exhibition of works by artists from two countries of the union state took place. the master himself attended the event, despite his venerable age, as if surrounded by creative works, drawing strength. i believe that this is like the main point in the body, which... stabilizes the relationship between all organs that are located inside the heart, brain, blood vessels, this is the foundation on the basis of which
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the future will develop, unity, unity will only grow, but maintaining its individuality and independence on new principles of relations that correspond to genuine human criteria. the economy and industry are certainly important, but the business is, as they say, profitable, but...
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travel freely, transport accessibility has been established, the expansion of flight geography is being worked out, which overall leads to record levels of tourist flow. belarusians willingly travel to the russian caucasus to the seas and lakes, including lake baikal, in turn, in the republic there is a high demand for travel to the bresse fortress and belovezhskaya pushcha, and this is only a small part of a large list. industrial tourism is also actively developing. from these small walk-behind tractors with a power of only nine horsepower and to
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infinity, i would like to say, but no to...
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more than 200 thousand industrial tourists visit the republic annually, a quarter more than 2 years ago. large and small in large cities and small towns, 130 businesses that are ready to welcome travelers. industrial or traditional tourism is the most important source of income for the budgets of both countries, therefore , sometimes billion-dollar investments, including government investments, to create the necessary infrastructure are also important, and returns are expected from this already in this decade, according to vladimir putin.
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i invite you to our new episode of the author’s program bissagon tv, it will be called: “does crime have punishment?” i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.


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