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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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they entered, the work was built, the work was on the rails. the russian police must provide. a quiet life for citizens, but she herself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions. there can be no laxity. vladimir putin spoke at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs. speaking about the investigation into the crocus city holly terrorist attacks, he said that the identities of the customers will be established, the tasks and priorities of national security, which the president outlined in the material of my colleague anastasia efemova. ensuring public order.
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“the fight against extremism, the suppression of illegal migration, the work of local services, the priorities that the president asked to pay special attention to when speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs, while the head of state proposed to proceed from the fact that internal and external threats today are closely intertwined. now the police are working together with other departments are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22, and the head of state repeated that it is important to establish not only the perpetrators, but all links, as well as the final beneficiaries of the crime, we we will certainly get to them, the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack took place are now being comprehensively assessed, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional, this is important , first of all, in order to...
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for such activities, illegal migration. it is in this environment that ideological pumping takes place through false preachers and internet sites. at the same time, use a terrorist attack in the crocus to provoke ethnic hatred, including xenophobia and islamophobia - the head of state emphasized is unacceptable. the breeding ground for such extremist activity, and simply outright criminality, is in many cases illegal migration, ideological pumping of various kinds. false preachers and internet sites,
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together with it, it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on. actually, that was the main goal terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from the inside, this is their main task, we will not do it in any way.
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you know, to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that a person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship , even without knowing even basic russian, modern digital electronic databases,
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the power of russia is the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can come and live and work in russia. an even more important task, which , by the way, the president also focused on at previous boards, remains the fight against corruption. today, the head of state once again emphasized that work in this direction must be fundamentally systematic. the most important task remains a fundamentally consistent fight against corruption, which poisons society and breaks the law-abiding business steals the money necessary for the defense of the country, for its movement forward in the economy.
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negative trend, the president demanded that no less attention be paid to the neutralization of organized crime, because such groups, and sometimes real criminal syndicates, are often cross-border in nature, act hand in hand with international radical extremist structures, such communities are associated with human trafficking, illegal arms trafficking, financial and cybercrimes, as well as drug trafficking. recently in russia there is an increase in the consumption of the most severe and
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to strengthen the close coordination of all law enforcement and special services. we must proceed from the fact that today is internal. threats are often intertwined and equally directed against our citizens and society, containing russia to undermine our sovereignty. last year, the number of crimes in public places at transport facilities, according to statistics , decreased, but preparedness for emergency situations. the president demanded a constant increase, and this applies to all services law enforcement agencies of all subjects, including regions that are located in close proximity to the line of combat contact in the zone. special military operation, the work of internal affairs officers in the donbass in novorusiya, i know that there we have to come into conflict not only with crime, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups, which , among other things, try to use long-standing channels
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through organized crime, therefore one of the most important tasks in the donbass in novorossiya to protect citizens from criminal threats, ensure normal functioning of the organ. authorities, enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium-sized businesses. i would like to note that divisions of internal affairs bodies have been formed in all new subjects of the federation. people largely judge the strength of russian law by your work. and this is a huge responsibility, which you are sure you understand well. the minister of internal affairs called countering extremism a priority task. vladimir kolokoltsev recalled that the police opened it. cell banned in russia ukrainian terrorist organization right sector, and the functioning of a number of religious associations was suppressed. 44 structures were recognized as undesirable and included in the corresponding list. the priority task is to counter extremism, neutralize
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the activities of radical structures, and prevent conflicts in the ethnic and religious era. the police opened cells of the ukrainian right sector, and also stopped their functioning. a number of banned religious associations. based on materials from the russian ministry of internal affairs, 44 organizations were recognized undesirable and included in the appropriate list. 129 individuals and 37 legal entities are included in the iogent register. the dissemination of false information about the actions of the armed forces to discredit them was suppressed. 124 such crimes have been solved. proactive work was carried out in...
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russia's own, the russian federation, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler's unsuccessful campaigns.
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egor grigoriev. screams from eyewitnesses and a few seconds later a powerful explosion. according to different the sides are scattering, judging by the footage , students, a complex of dormitories for employees of students of the educational center alabuga polytechnic has been damaged. windows were broken in the buildings of the complex, and metal parts, apparently from a kamika drone, were scattered along the road. at 5:45 in the morning, a strike was struck... it was ukrainian-made, in the video you can
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see the landing gear, the cockpit for the drone, the appearance is unusual, experts suggest that kiev has begun remaking light aircraft. in this case, there was the use of a drone converted into an attack drone, that is, into a drone kamigadze light aircraft aeroprakt a22 of ukrainian design, and fortunately the ukrainians at one time built almost a thousand. aeropragt a22 is a ukrainian ultra-light aircraft, it only needs 100-150 m for takeoff and landing, the weight is only 260 kg, it can take up to 190 kg on board, the flight speed is 204 km/h, the range is up to 1,100 km, but these characteristics depend on the modification, and the ukrainian terrorist obviously changed it, equipping this light engine with a signal guidance system. removing the cockpit equipment
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and installing it on the plane instead additional fuel tanks, as well as equipping the resulting aircraft with a fairly large supply of explosives, the ukrainians received an improvised attack drone with a fairly long range. and ukraine began to use bapla with combat artificial intelligence. each aircraft has a terminal computer with
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satellite and terrain data. flights are determined in advance with our allies and aircraft follow a flight plan so that we can hit targets with an accuracy of a few meters. they have such a thing as computer vision, which is a type of artificial intelligence. essentially, you take a model, write it on a chip , and train that model to determine the geography and the target that it is moving towards. it does not require any connection, it is completely autonomous. such a system. according to the unofficial version, for the attack kiev could use the uj-22 airborne unmanned strike system, also created in ukraine, which can carry up to 200 kg of explosives, but its flight range is less than a thousand km. aeropragt is manned and cheap the device is used in many countries of the world, it is produced not only in ukraine, but in poland, therefore, for possible conversion into attack
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uavs, the base is extensive, the accomplices of ukrainian terrorists are certainly ready to help with supplies. egor grigoriev, news. and now a short advertisement, and then we will continue. stay with us. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. it’s beneficial if you have rice national in your kitchen, which means uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi, now no one’s national pride, but yours personally, and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, retired vtb rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out,
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traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. now footage from the presidential press service.
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good afternoon, glad to see you, we last met at the st. petersburg forum. “i want to thank you for your personal historical justice, which we, the slavs, were not always so visible, and what is happening now in ukraine is a struggle for us, we, who saw what happened,
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i really think that now it's important to do this and the third will be the cossacks, the head of nikolaevich tolstov, if it happens, it will be 3 + 1,
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it will probably be the love of evgeniy vodolaskin, i think that at the end this is a new world and the end of my career, this is happening, i think, very well one with the other . well, if there is your support, there will be support, so this, this is regarding the end of your career, it seems to me that it’s too early to talk about this, it’s too early for you to talk about it, from your guernica, until today you have done so much, and it seems to me that you will not do less yet, merits, they are obvious, well, do it not even in merit, but in your talent , thank you, your ability to penetrate into the essence of what... you are setting out - your assessments of today, including the tragic events in ukraine, they completely coincide with mine, that’s right, then, what happened in
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serbia, what is happening now between russia and ukraine, the exaltation, raising on a pedestal of fascist elements of the past, giving new life in today’s days, these are , of course, all very similar phenomena, very similar. but it’s amazing how tenacious this ideology is, the man of hatred extreme nationalism, which has been used by many forces for centuries in their own, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, but in geopolitical interests, well, this is a separate topic, we will talk about this later, in this series, by the way, all terrorist attacks , which we have been seeing lately, which...
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i also want to say that this is very surprising, that this is the justice that i spoke about, this is the most important thing in the life of the slavs, you see, they, they, remembered that hitler, he was european, this, this is the end of colonization world, i think it was such, such a version.
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these historical phobias are still present, some people in russia still blame us for the fact that someone once lost their colonial power, they will not stop being offended by us, relatively speaking, for helping the peoples of africa, latin america, asia, stand up, fight for freedom, yes, believing that russia is to blame for the demise of colonialism, but
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this is completely. not so, yes, the actions of the soviet union accelerated the process, but it was inevitable, because in the same africa, latin america, in asia, it had already outgrown it, the principles of the colonial regime, people no longer wanted to be slaves, yes, of course, the soviet union would somehow stimulate it and push it away, but these historical processes were inevitable, they were objective, the same thing happens and today, you are absolutely right, changes are happening.
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but, as always, it is connected with art, because art reflects the realities of life, and the past, this and today, only everything is well forgotten in the past, so your appeal to history, it seems to me, can be very another interesting, very, how to say, very important thing is that when old rome won, the old greeks and in rome you could always see sculptures of the most famous greek sculptors. i think that now it is very important that russian culture continues where classical russian culture was forced to. and in this, i think, very much, i have seen some of the films that were shot
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here, and i can say that they are... well made, but you know that when in the 80s there were antonionni, bergman, mikhalkov, andronov, when they were the most important authors, it was a lot of these that were not successful, i think that most of the films are not only that they are successful and that they have a lot of viewers, but they were always very good authors.
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