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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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any war is infantry, until the infantryman sets foot on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, kamikas, we squeeze out the enemy when there is no escort, roughly speaking, what is ahead of you, outpost, outpost, angel, let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace, they entered, the work is completed, the work is on the rails.
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yandex tv station pro, k'yulet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control by solisa, unlimited content - all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film, turn it on, forget about the bullets. with the new yandex tv station pro. at bikfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank to delicious, period. i have a new nice active gel. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet me. new nice active. mom, guess who started a new job today. lots of vacancies. everyone can get a hot rate on a deposit in gazprom bank, a hot rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in
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a reliable bank, open a deposit on, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection. of course, because there is profit there, translate pension to the postal bank and receive 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably from postal banks. the new big special barbecue is already in combo for 469 rubles. try the sushi, try all
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the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs it, they need it, again it seems to me that i’m dizzy , cashback for the subalfa. hello, live broadcast, legal program, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you , the deputy chief of logistics, the head of the administrative and economic center, was detained in nizhny novgorod. ensuring transport management of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for privozhsky federal district. he is suspected of receiving a large bribe and fraud with government contracts. this is the first footage of a visit to a high-ranking police officer by fsb operatives. the man was not expecting such guests and did not even have time to get dressed. during searches in his country house
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, money was found that could have been given to him by representatives of a commercial structure. the man organized a criminal scheme to obtain funds. for general patronage. when conducting tenders for the conclusion and acceptance of work under government contracts. by according to investigators, government contracts were related to the maintenance of official equipment. it has been preliminarily established that the deputy head of the transport department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the volozhsk federal district has repeatedly received illegal monetary compensation from an entrepreneur for accepting a certificate of completion of work on the repair of official equipment. however, the services were not provided properly. the main suspect has now been suspended. the department is conducting an internal investigation. among the necessary priorities in the work of the ministry of internal affairs should be to ensure public order, combat extremism, suppress illegal migration,
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work of local services, as well as neutralize organized crime. russian president vladimir putin stated this during an extended meeting of the ministry of internal affairs. according to him , such work should be carried out in close cooperation. under the personal control of the head of state and vladimir putin personally guarantees that everyone involved in this crime will be held accountable. it is important for us to identify not
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only the direct performers, but all links in the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these are the weapons that are used against russia, this is obvious today.
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the internal affairs bodies will consistently continue this work, carefully,
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extremely, accurately, and with soul, approach each person. another hot topic throughout the country is the growth of drug trafficking. on this issue, the president expressed concern and gave clear instructions. recently in russia there has been an increase consumption of the most severe dangerous synthetic drugs. the ministry of internal affairs, together with the fsb, other intelligence services, as well. the federal customs service needs to seriously intensify efforts to identify places of production of this potion, sources of foreign raw materials, and suppress supply and trade channels. last year , the police managed to achieve significant results in this work; the minister of internal affairs of russia reported about this to the audience and the head of state. the internal affairs bodies identified over 185 thousand drug crimes. the number has increased by 40%.
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funds, as well as almost 17 tons of precursors, their distribution on the internet was stopped. another pressing problem is associated with the active activities of cybercriminals on the internet - a 30% increase in crimes in the it sector. basically we are talking about telephone scammers who empty the pockets of gullible... citizens. in most cases, according to the ministry of internal affairs, the threat comes from the territory of ukraine, and there are already concrete solutions. in july of this year , prepared with the participation of the ministry has a law that provides for the temporary blocking of suspicious transactions, as well as the disconnection of fraudsters from remote services if relevant information is available from the competent authorities. in case of failure to comply with the requirements , banks will compensate the victims for losses. to clients, in his speech , the president discussed the area of ​​responsibility
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of the traffic police after the reconstruction of a significant number of roads, the quality of asphalt has increased, and at the same time the overall speed of transport, which led to an unexpected problem. unfortunately, we have seen a 4.5% increase in road accidents. and the death toll increased. last year, 14,500 people died on the roads, and earlier on... now we will update the roads, it is imperative that this be accompanied by an increase in road safety, i expect from the state traffic safety inspectorate employees. active implementation of advanced safety technologies, modern means of traffic management. drunkenness on the roads is a big problem; last year alone, police identified more than half a million drunk drivers. as part of the fight against extremism with at the request of the ministry of internal affairs, 12,000 sites with prohibited materials and fakes about
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the russian armed forces were blocked, and 438 people involved in the attack were detained. on administrative buildings, including military registration and enlistment offices, in the fight against international crime, the russian ministry of internal affairs continues to actively work with interpol. we managed to achieve the transfer to russia of a number of persons accused of committing serious and especially serious crimes from thailand, montenegro, romania, greece, egypt, spain, vietnam, the usa and other countries. moreover, the geography of extradition of criminals to the russian federation has expanded.
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russian intelligence services have blocked the channel for the smuggling of explosives from ukraine intended to carry out terrorist attacks in our country. a total of 70 kg of hexogen and almost hundreds of electric detonators were intercepted. the icons made in kiev were stuffed with all this. the dangerous cargo transited through six eu countries, but the vehicle did not arouse suspicion in any of them. a month before easter, the truck was detained at the border with latvia. reportage vitaly kormazin. the special forces soldiers slowly pass the boxes to each other, accuracy is needed because church icons are packed in cardboard, with explosives inside, they were smuggled from kiev to moscow, this person tried to deliver the cargo across the russian border, the cargo was church utensils, icons, the cargo began to load, but the loading took place, later they issued the entire package of documents, after which i
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moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place, judging by the orthodox markings. icons made in kiev, then they were taken to chernivtsi, the explosives were planted in ukraine, and later the cargo was transported to romania, which keeps the border under strict control due to constantly escaping ukrainian draft dodgers, and thoroughly inspects every car. the romanian side at the porubnoye checkpoint allowed explosives into the country, to the city of filtecheni, then the cargo went to hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, so the raw materials for terrorist attacks traveled through several nato countries, 2,000 km. having reached the latvian-russian border at the exit from the schengen zone, the same thing having presented all the documents for the cargo , they inspected me, checked the cargo, the documentation, and there were no problems, after which i drove to the russian border, here the fsb and customs officers were already interested in the behavior of the driver, he was very nervous, the car was detained, the boxes were opened
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and found out that the icons contain hexogen, the power of this explosive is one and a half... take everything into one circuit, everything is ready, the battery, control board with a sim card slot and buried. a total of 27 camouflaged weapons were recovered from the cargo. vykon. and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices. 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosive, 91 electric detonators and parts shot kpg7.
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disassembled rpg grenades were hidden in the legs of these round gilded candlesticks. in circuses they are used to light candles for health. laid specially so that it does not dangle. it was here like this. already in terms of the components themselves. industrial sabotage blasters were found in the icons. production with sets of moderators, used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage. perhaps the organizers of the smuggling channel wanted to cause an explosion in a church or give disguised ieds to those who were targeted as victims, especially since easter will soon be celebrated in russia. nothing is sacred to them, they are ready. plan terrorist acts using religious objects, liturgical utensils, in order to kill people, this should not surprise us, because
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these people, as i already said, have no ideas about sacred objects, about respect for faith, a criminal case was opened against the detainee for smuggling explosives from the senders and those who were supposed to pick up the cargo in moscow are being established. vital kormazin and alexey mashchikov, lead the duty department. a young hero with a big heart , the state duma awarded fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, who led more than a hundred people out of the crocus and techol building during the terrorist attack. the boy worked part-time in the wardrobe of a concert hall; at the time of the emergency, he did not lose his head and acted strictly according to the instructions. once again warm words of gratitude for such a truly adult act on behalf of all russians were expressed to the schoolboy by representatives of the friendship society with kyrgyzstan, diplomats of the kyrgyz embassy in russia, and members of the deputy group for relations with the kyrgyz.
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helped a huge number of people stay alive, and we will be grateful to you forever, fear still took its toll, one might say, but since i realized that i could lose my life and the lives of those people who were with me, because of i had to do everything automatically, everything quickly, with a cool head, i will add that the boy was also nominated for the russian muslim medal for merit.
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all against one in volgograd, a crowd of teenagers brutally beat a man for making a remark on a bus, schoolchildren made noise and disturbed other passengers, and in response to a request to calm down, they used their fists. in the footage filmed by eyewitnesses, the teenagers do not stand on ceremony with the man, beat him on the head with their hands and feet , then push him out of the bus, continue the brutal beating already on the street, when the man lost consciousness, they took his money and bank cards. during the monitoring of funds the media revealed a video recording in which a group of young people, while on a bus in the city of volgograd on...
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a criminal case was opened under the article of hooliganism. it turned out that the attack on the bus was not the only one. that same evening, the teenagers found a new victim in the courtyard of a residential building. two participants in the brutal beating have already been detained. and such cases, unfortunately, are not uncommon. often young men themselves film their forays and post them. shocking videos on social networks, what lies behind the surge in aggression among teenagers? don't miss it this weekend a big premiere on the russia 24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov, street gangs with limited liability, not childish fun in different parts of russia , the growth of youth banks began to raise their head, belgorod thugs, having seen enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take it. territory under our control, let's go, we'll sort it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, everything that was happening, they filmed it, posted it on the internet, how do they
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explain it to you? russian prosecutors of uzbekistan will hand obruk to counteract the general criminal challenge. in moscow, the heads of the supervisory departments of the two countries signed a new cooperation program. and after that, russian prosecutor general igor krasnov and his uzbek colleague nigmatil yuldashev discussed the work already done over the past 3 years. prosecutors worked together to combat terrorism and corruption, and also introduced control over cyberspace.
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igor krasnov noted successfully. uzbekistan has its first educational expert event. its main topic will be return due to border of criminal assets. a seven-month-old puppy was shot before the governor's visit. police are investigating the brutal massacre of a dog in the kursk region. the head of the region, roman starovoyd , came to the village of zhernovets to check the major repairs in the cultural center. the puppy lived on its territory, the builders took it upon themselves, but the head of the village council, natalya gorchakova, was allegedly afraid that the dog would get in the way and ordered to get rid of it. it is already known that the car of the head of the village council was near the crime scene. in this photo near the cars are standing by gorchakova's driver and his friend, a hunter. the official herself denies the accusation, saying she did not touch the puppy with her finger. the governor of the kursk region called the situation outrageous and took it under personal control.
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investigators are checking. possible eyewitnesses have been interviewed. as part of the inspection, hunting weapons were seized and sent for examination. the absence of a dog during the governor's inspection of the local administration did not help. major repairs at the community center were not completed on time. a criminal case has been opened. in the stavropol region former goalkeeper of the armenian youth team armen fishan was arrested on charges of a fatal accident. the accident occurred 2 weeks ago on the caucasus federal highway. was driving his suv and, losing control at full speed, hit a traffic police inspector and the driver of a lada, which the policeman stopped for inspection. the former athlete did not linger at the scene of the accident and disappeared. report by sultan ziganov. a section of the caucasus federal highway in the stavropol territory near a traffic police patrol car, a dead traffic inspector. in a few meters on the side of the road, the owner of a white priora. the fatal accident, according to eyewitnesses,
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was caused by the driver of a black gelentvagen... the people drove on. the probable culprit , he pulled out on purpose, drove into these accidents and was detained at the entrance to the city of mineralnye vody; he turned out to be an armenian citizen, armen-fishchan. the man did not plan to stay in russia and after purchasing a new suv, he rushed at full speed from moscow back home. in their native lands they once knew how to broadcast. goalkeeper of the national team football, in addition, he played in one of the clubs, but if in 2013 his career was at its peak and his professional skills were estimated at around 125,000 euros, then by 2016 his rating had dropped to zero. it is unknown what he did after that, but afishchan clearly managed to amass capital on his page on social networks, and every now and then he boasted about his collection of luxury cars.
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another new suv was supposed to be added to the fleet. fishan was charged under three articles of the criminal code, including murder and attempt on life law enforcement officer. the head of the regional directorate of the investigative committee of russia has entrusted the investigation of the criminal case into a traffic accident, which resulted in the death of two people, to the investigators of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases. as a result , the former football player was escorted out at first.


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