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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 9:30pm-9:57pm MSK

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when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment and can be easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, you have a form, for baking, for you for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but she would use a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and you’ll save 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time, we’re saving quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, two stickers, it’s impossible not to notice, only when purchasing with a card, a magnet for every 500 rubles in the receipt, sometimes you go to the island, book, it begins, clouds, breakaway, shoes, offline,
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start your vacation among millions of hotel apartments, the holiday begins on oh, all the ways are good, when you want a quick barbecue bacon, whipped tekir, cheese instant, bacon and sauces with smoke and barbecue, what are you ready for, well, do you have interest on credit card debts? you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, you divide it into 24 months and repay it conveniently, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, what are they keeping silent about? men, painful urination,
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erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. what's a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort. there's a good car for everyone. find it on the author. hello buddy. as promised, today we are preparing flock. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, hello, there’s a legal program on the air to conduct the duty station, tatyana petrova is with you, in the yaroslavl region after a fatal accident for... a railway mechanic was detained tracks,
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a collision between a train and a bus occurred in the village of berendeevo, resulting in the death of the driver and seven passengers, including there was also a minor, it turned out that the fatal outcome was caused by the inattention of the person on duty at the railway crossing. in addition, at the time of the emergency he was still drunk, this was confirmed by the examination. i fully acknowledge my wine. it has been established that when triggered. automatic installation of crossing barriers when an approaching train, the man forcibly let them go, thereby freeing up passage for the bus. in the near future , investigators intend to go to court with a petition to arrest the suspect. there are still many important topics and news ahead, we we'll be back on air in a few minutes, right after a short commercial. stay with us.
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you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, just like that, so, i liked the trial lesson, but the subscription has a savings account, regularly replenish it, you will accumulate 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, turn it quickly, open savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb together everything will work out. there are many routes, before your trip , select the appropriate one from the maps if you want to listen to the podcast, get there without transfers, or finally take a walk, build routes that are closer to you, yandex maps - application to the city in emfidio and eldorado 50% discount on the second household appliance product, cooperersberg built-in dishwasher for only 1900. 999 in emvideo and eldorado, and we are with
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9:36 pm
on hunting is your thirst the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win! the new big special barbecue is already in combo for 469 rubles. take a look at cean and choose an apartment for rent based on real photos. with cean it is safe and convenient. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account. and for purchasing any share you get another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! yandex tv station pro, k'yulet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control solisoy, unlimited content, all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film. i turn it on.
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forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. this is not necessary. it needs to be like this, like this, like this. it's clear? i get it, like this in mega. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out. the legal program is broadcast live by the duty department, we continue our release. russian intelligence services have blocked the smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives from ukraine intended for carrying out terrorist attacks in our country. a total of 70 kg of hexogen and almost a hundred electric detonators were intercepted.
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the icons made in kiev were stuffed with all this. the dangerous cargo transited through six eu countries, but the vehicle did not arouse suspicion in any of them. a month before easter, the truck was detained at the border with latvia. in total , 27 camouflaged explosive devices and ready-to-use improvised explosive devices, 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosives, 91 electric detonators and parts of rpg-7 shots. a criminal case has been opened against the detained carrier for smuggling explosives; the senders and those who were supposed to pick up the cargo in moscow are being identified. among the necessary priorities in the work of the ministry of internal affairs. there must be provision of public order, the fight against extremism, the suppression of illegal migration, the work of local services, as well as the neutralization of organized crime. russian president vladimir putin stated this during an extended meeting of the ministry of internal affairs. according to him, such work should be carried out in test cooperation with local
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authorities. andrey romanov talks about what other statements were made and what tasks were set. security measures have been strengthened at the building of the russian ministry of internal affairs since the very morning. a suitable extended meeting of the department's board was held with the participation of russian president vladimir putin. at the event, we traditionally summed up the work of the ministry of internal affairs last year and decided on priority tasks for 2024. immediately after a short introductory speech with a list of main tasks for employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the president moves on to the most difficult topic of recent times: the investigation into the bloody terrorist attack in crocus cityhall under the personal control of the head of state and vladimir putin personally. it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, that’s what
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i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these weapons that are used against russia, this obviously today they should already understand that...
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another important task from the head of state is strengthen migration control; according to the ministry of internal affairs , almost 11,000 violators of migration legislation were expelled from russia last year alone. according to the head of state, it is necessary to continue systematic work in this direction; the creation of a modern biometric database with detailed information, including about the past of a person who wishes to enter russian territory, will help. the principle is to come and live.
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lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, received passports of citizens of the russian federation. i ask for authorities internal affairs to continue this work consistently. approach each person carefully, extremely, carefully, with soul. another hot topic throughout the country is the growth of drug trafficking. on this issue, the president expressed concern and gave clear instructions. recently
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, russia has seen an increase in the consumption of the most dangerous synthetic drugs. the ministry of internal affairs , together with the fsb, other intelligence services, as well as the federal customs service , needs to seriously intensify work to identify the places of production of this potion, sources of foreign raw materials, suppression of supply and trade channels. last year the police succeeded. to achieve significant results in this work, the minister of internal affairs of russia reported about this to the audience and the head of state. the internal affairs bodies identified over 185,000 drug crimes, the number of identified acts within organized groups and communities increased by 40%, almost 22 tons of narcotic drugs were seized, as well as almost 17 tons of precursors, and suppressed.
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temporary blocking of suspicious transactions, as well as disabling fraudsters from remote servicing if relevant information is available from the competent authorities. in case of non-compliance , banks will compensate losses to affected customers. separately, in his speech , the president focused on the area of ​​responsibility after the reconstruction of a significant number of roads, the quality of asphalt has improved, and at the same time the overall speed of transport, which with...
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more than half a million drunk drivers. as part of the fight against extremism, at the instigation of the ministry of internal affairs, 12,000 sites with prohibited materials and fakes about the russian armed forces. 438 people involved in the attack on administrative buildings, including military registration and enlistment offices, have been detained. in the fight against international crime, the russian ministry of internal affairs continues to
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actively work with interpol. we managed to achieve the transfer of a number of accused persons to russia. committing serious and especially serious crimes from thailand, montenegro, romania, greece, egypt, spain, vietnam, the usa and other countries. moreover, the geography in terms of extradition of criminals to the russian federation has expanded. for the first time , extraditions took place from paraguay, colombia and this year from tanzania. at the end of the extended meeting of the board, vladimir putin once again addressed the leadership and personnel of the ministry.
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in uniform - these are absolutely obvious things, i really count on you, this is exactly the kind of work the people of russia expect from you. andrey romanov, alexander bikarevich, ivan knyazev, vadim chetvertkov, lead the duty unit. a seven-month-old puppy was shot before the governor's visit. the police are understanding brutal massacre of a dog in the kursk
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region. the head of the region, roman starovoyd , came to the village of zhernovets to check the major repairs in the cultural center. on his territory. puppy, the builders welcomed him, but the head of the village council, natalya gorchukova, was allegedly afraid that the dog would interfere and ordered to get rid of it. it is already known that the car of the head of the village council was near the crime scene. in this photo , gorchakova’s driver and his acquaintance, a hunter, are standing near the car. the official herself denies the accusation of the moleschen without lifting a finger. the governor of the kursk region called the situation outrageous and took it under personal control. investigators are checking. possible eyewitnesses have been interviewed. as part of the inspection, hunting weapons were seized and sent for examination. the absence of a dog during the governor's inspection of the local administration did not help. major repairs at the cultural center were not completed on time, and a criminal case was initiated. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin met with the prosecutor general of the republic of uzbekistan, nigmatilo yuldashevo. the parties discussed joint cooperation in
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the fight against crime, especially in conditions when it acquires interregional and transnational ties. alexander bastrykin also highly appreciated the quality and efficiency of legal assistance from colleagues from the republic of uzbekistan, a positive example in training personnel, sharing knowledge and experience, and combating criminal activity. in the united states, police have declassified footage of a failed operation to rescue a teenage girl from kidnapping. a terrible story happened almost 2 years ago, but only now the law enforcement officers have admitted that they themselves shot a child who ran to them... to meet for help and, moreover, followed all their instructions. how did it happen that the girl was shot instead of saved? galina hungureeva has all the details. the california state police publishes footage of the chase for the first time in the focus of a video camera, like a scene from an action movie, from the ground out of the air the patrol records the pursuit of a driver in a white pickup truck, at high speed he rushes along the freeway
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trying to throw his tail into a line of police cars, from conversations on the radio in there is a kidnapped minor in the cabin. suddenly, the ethereal static, hissing and commands are suddenly interrupted by a deafening series of shots. the white nissan was blocked, a small figure appears from the passenger compartment, runs towards the police, meanwhile the shooting does not stop. after the next shot, the outlines of the person are masked with retouching, which means one thing - dead. what started out as a movie cost the real life of a fifteen-year-old girl, savannah graziano. as foreign media report, she was a minor. stop it, stop it shoot, don't shoot her, he's in the car, this is the tragic ending to a family drama that played out in the united states in 2022, as reported.
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they also had to use weapons. shots sounded after shots right on the move, there were other people on the road, i thought, oh my god, it’s scary, as the state sheriff said, the police did not understand that it was the girl running towards them, supposedly she could also participate in the shootout. the subject exits the passenger door of the vehicle, wearing tactical gear, the subject begins runs towards the police and falls during the shootout, we think that savannah may also have been involved in the shootout. the girl's death caused a great stir in the united states. the video was published after an official request from journalists. states are often rocked by gun scandals. police officers are more likely than in other countries to use it to
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kill. according to data provided by the washington post for 2021, more than a thousand people died at the hands of law enforcement in the united states. they explain this by what to buy a gun in some states is no more difficult than taking bread from a supermarket and the use of weapons for people in uniform is the only condition for survival, but the voices have suffered. all on one in volgograd, a crowd of teenagers beat up a man for making a remark on the bus, schoolchildren made noise, disturbed other passengers, in response to a request to calm down, they used their fists, in footage filmed by eyewitnesses, the teenagers did not stand on ceremony with the man, hitting him on the head with their hands and kicks, and then they push me out of the bus and continue... the brutal beating is already on the street.
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it turned out that the attack on the bus was not the only one. that same evening, the teenagers found a new victim in the courtyard of a residential building. two participants in the brutal beating have already been detained. and such cases, unfortunately, are not uncommon; often the milkweeds themselves film their displays and post shocking videos on social networks. what 's behind the splash? aggression of teenagers, don’t miss the big premiere this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov, street gangs with limited liability, not childish fun in different points in russia , the youth banks began to raise their heads, belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties , decided to take the territory under their control, let's go and sort it out, we'll talk to...
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can they avoid criminal punishment? investigation. a stun gun for a hot tourist was the only way the police were able to cool down a violent russian in one of the hotels in thailand. the man caused a row there after a stormy party with a large number of alcohol. these shots spread across almost all local publics. you can see how a vacationer in only shorts calls for a fist fight. a fight between other hotel guests, eyewitnesses try to separate the men, but to no avail, the police who arrive on the call take up the matter, but one of the security guards also gets it.
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it turned out that the russian's name was alexander tolstov. now he faces, at a minimum , a fine, deportation and being blacklisted as tourists. the claim will be completely rejected by arbitration. the moscow court resolved the dispute between blogger elena blinovskaya and the federal tax service. information about the completion of the process was published on the official website, and the court decision was not made in favor of the queen of the empire of deception, which is what blinovskaya is now called by her former followers. the tax office requires the blogger to reimburse the arrears, fines and penalties from the sale of wish marathons, which would bring enormous income to the author. the total debt is 1 billion 400 million rubles. the blogger's defenders wanted. famous marriage swindlers
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who deceived dozens of women have finally reached the finals. in the perosian court of moscow today were awaiting the start of the hearing on the merits in the case of diana dubson. girlfriend, daughter, and also, according to the prosecution, accomplice of professional groom nadir abulov. investigators believe that together with her father she developed a criminal scheme to steal property from single women. and bulov, posing as a wealthy bachelor, made acquaintances with ladies. vladimir bazov will tell you what role dapsone herself played. they were looking for family happiness, but were left with nothing, women at the porch of the perovsky court await the start of the hearing in diana’s case dubson, according to investigators, together with her father nadir abulov, was looking for single ladies on dating sites in order to rob the last donuts. now the victims remember that strange things began from the first days of communication, the man kept forgetting the russian language in correspondence, and sometimes, on the contrary, he wrote with the meticulousness of an excellent student. from this we can conclude
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that he wrote these messages. in fact, his daughter diana, i’m sure that diana helped her father in selecting women, in charming, yes, that is, she selected suitable candidates for to actually commit their fraudulent actions. the seducer pictured a happy family life for his victims, apparently in grief, otherwise how to explain the fact that he simultaneously took into circulation a dozen naive women, the only thing about which the lover did not lie to grief was his name, that’s how nadir presented himself, then for each princess a new fairy tale , so he invited milan. expensive restaurant, where he admitted that today his dream came true, to find his one and only, he seemed to me very vulnerable, serious, generously scattering compliments and recognition, respectable nadir immediately took on some of the problems of everyday life, milana was saving money for an apartment, and he undertook to find it.


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