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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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transfer your pension to pochtobank and receive 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably at postbank. magnet - the price is what you need. servila will help. 1199. how are you there? take glycine renival. asparasam renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? what is the vtb pension rate for pensioners? according to the vtb savings account, up to 18% of the year, together everything will work out , they hit me hard, i’m 13 years old and i do theater, i love it when i...
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and then the psychiatrist also staged diagnosis of autism we already had an official diagnosis for 6 years. children's inclusive theater studio sney alisa is engaged in the social adaptation of children with disabilities aged 5 years and older , promoting inclusive culture in society. they play together on stage in the studio.
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guys with developmental disabilities and neurotypical ones, got fed up with him, but he began to answer more easily, reaches out to people, that isolation that was there from the beginning is gone, at first he only communicated with us, people with such a feature, 1% of the world's population, diagnosis autism spectrum disorders occur in one child out of a hundred, more often than childhood cancer, cerebral palsy, down syndrome...
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in everyday life, i have anxiety, especially when it has now intensified, you know what events, that started in the twenty -second year, 30 years ago such people were often misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and considered unteachable, but now, through the efforts of parents, non-profit organizations and the state, everything is changing, centers, including federal ones, have appeared to organize comprehensive support for children with racial backgrounds. and
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assistance programs with proven effectiveness, he learned to eat on his own, he is developing gaming skills, and people with autism , with proper support, can lead a full life, study, make their dreams come true, start a family and be in demand in the profession, which is not a big problem, he said, he said, but no, we’re still not going to get there. wait! on the new stage of the theater of nations there is a special premiere, a performance based on the fables of krylov and mikhalkov of the children's inclusive studio alice's dreams, director, honored russian artist, artyom bibelyurov. not everyone in general is accepted by children and not everyone can work with them, but thank god, it worked out and somehow we found a common language, and the growth of the children is visible, and this is the most important thing, their socialization is visible, you can see how they learn to communicate and work in a team. and this is the most important
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result at this stage. curvy is 15, he studies well, he is especially good at mathematics, he draws well, plays video games, when he recites a memorized text on stage, it is difficult to understand how he differs from any so- called normotypical teenager. i i’ve been studying for about a year and a half, or maybe two, i’m interested because i want to become a director, but why did you decide to become a director and not a programmer? but it’s difficult for programmers, but the director needs to just tell them to write scripts. according to his mother, eldar later began to speak, but still went to a regular school, however
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, because of his special view of the world , he encountered bullying from his classmates. of course, there were jokes, attempts to offend him, but just like that... problems with our studies continued for a very long period of time. now the boy studies at home and theater is the only thing that helps him not to withdraw into himself. the silence was broken by a deadly and menacing roar. do you have friends, do you have many friends at all? well , first, not from a friend from rostov, then from a friend from tikha, no, and then in st. petersburg. i don't have one now. why don’t you communicate with them now?
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already at this time it is possible to detect a difference in the child’s communication, a difference in social interaction, this place at first glance looks like a private kindergarten, but there is no group of teachers here, every child here presented its own adult instructor, this is a naked heart family support center in nizhny novgorod. you stop great, well done, stop, good, go, smart girl. the girl came with rather low skills, she didn’t know how, she didn’t have any communication, she didn’t know how to interact with either children or adults, and she could perform a very small number of tasks, that is, literally the very, very simple things... put
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the cube there in some basket or put something else, she can do more now, because she now has communication, with the help of pex cards she can communicate what she wants.
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in fact, if you look at our behavior from this point of view, it is not very different in our children with autism,
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so we use, for example, a first-later schedule, which helps the child understand the cause-and-effect relationships, what is happening now and what he will then receive some kind of encouragement, for example, do some work, but just like you and me, we do the work, get paid, the child also does some task and also. encouragement, show, great answer, show her, great, cracker, we definitely get our reward for this , communication has improved, it has become easier for us to live in the sense that kirill expresses his desires more clearly, that is, he learned alternative communication little books with cards. that is, if he needs something, he doesn’t shout there, and you don’t understand what needs to be done, but he specifically shows the card, you
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understand what the child wants, everything is calm, everything is fine, everything is in love, so to speak , it became it’s easier to dress, well, it helps me, put on tights, put on, put on tights, well, i try to ask him more, to do something, maybe the head of the center. brova herself is the mother of a special son, but during his childhood there were no such programs in nizhny novgorod. then, more than 20 years ago, there were only two options: register the child as disabled and, instead of leaving maternity leave, stay at home with him, or send him to a psychoneurological boarding school. 37% of children are now in these institutions with living parents. anna chose the third path, try to create a free system of help for children with autism in their hometown. in the end, through effort.
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we use visual support materials on these excursions. darya zhavorenkova worked as a teacher and decided to take part in the project, an inclusive school for volunteers, the meeting place was in the nizhny novgorod arsenal. this is a branch of the state. named after pushkin, first i learned to introduce art to the blind and hearing impaired, and then i got a
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job at the arsenal and started doing inclusive excursions, including for people with autism. this is the most a large painting at the exhibition, look, guys, it even consists of two canvases, you see, one part, here there is such a gluing in the center, yes, because there was no such canvas of this size, and therefore it had to be made up of two, and this painting. artist evgenia voinar, called alice of the middle zone, something similar to alice in wonderland, who knows the fairy tale alice in wonderland, raise your hand. so, we started our acquaintance with the book exhibit, at the end we also collected our book, so it turns out that the beginning of the excursion and the final master class is put together, and we repeat some similar moments that we encountered throughout the exhibition. the first page of our book answers the question: where does the event take place in the book, that is, we
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will draw some place. it is important to find out what kind of group there will be, to collect as much information as possible, often... and the guys who come are just starting to work in the inclusive direction, they are afraid to ask, for fear of hurting or offending, but when there are curators accompanying tutors, worth collecting as as much information as possible about this, but it’s definitely worth writing a plan for yourself, choosing several stops, as today we worked at the exhibition in just one hall, we had four stops, on the excursion the children are accompanied by tutors, employees of the family support center and volunteers, they also help mentees in search of work. we take the packaging here, we take the box here, we put it there, then we take it, you’ve been working here for a long time, it ’s been six months, it was difficult to find a job, how did you
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find it, this one, i don’t remember, it was a long time ago, viktor kuzmenko is 20 years old, he loves... watching football and hockey matches, he is a fan of the torpeda club, he graduated from a technical school with a degree in finishing work and really wanted to get a job. we actually went to different enterprises, looking for some kind of work feasible for victor, and quite by chance we arrived at the same address, we went, hello, this is this enterprise, they told us, yes, yes, yes, well, apparently the security guard didn’t hear, so we walked through, talked, explained who we are, why we are like...
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gins, now he’s already dreaming of going on vacation to trip to kamchatka. what attracts you to kamchatka? kamchatka has great nature there, so i won’t go to these bears. of course, don't go to the bears. because they are evil, people can attack them. what do you usually do on vacation? well, i rest, first i sleep in the rain, then after the vacation i work and go out again. victor is not yet able to go on a long journey on his own; he is poorly oriented around strangers.
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work yes, then i think that many vacancies, many places where they can prove themselves, this is just objectively there, you want somehow in the future, i don’t know, to live separately or something else, well, this is when you need money, when i will live separately, well, money, well, now you see, you have started earning money, it turns out already you start to receive something, well, i’ll just transfer 30,000 to my mother, when i transferred everything to her, well, that’s now, but your career will develop, what do you plan, well, when did i want an iphone for my mother? buy, well , it worked out, well, not yet, it didn’t work out on the iphone yet, he sends me how he’s traveling with work, well, just out of habit, it’s not even necessary anymore, he does everything completely on his own, that is, he knows how to get there, what to get there, but he will send it to me, here i am standing in a traffic jam, everything pleases me most, probably the message when he receives a salary, it feels like it ’s coming to me, to be honest,
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it’s not easy for people with mental disabilities to get a job, they don’t have the skills of self-presentation and passing ... their neighbors play a role and their stigmatization in society and the lack of a systematic state program for assisted living residence employment, while this is an initiative of individual non-profit organizations. many guys do cleaning, wipe some surfaces, and help in cutting food for animals in the zoo, for example, and clean the same cages, that is, such... monotonous affordable work, which, well, you and i probably don’t need would seem boring, but for someone with autism, it's actually very routine and that calms them down. in fact they feel very useful, because probably for every person this is a big value, to be useful, to be needed,
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in demand. the special ceramics workshop at vdnkh in moscow is another place where people work from time to time; it arose in 1998 on the basis of the center for curative pedagogy, one of the oldest organizations in russia that helps children with special needs. and it has grown over a quarter of a century.
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home, when we lived in the apartment, i even carried everyone two heavy bags from the store in my hands so as not to burden ira, well, yes, i
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want to marry ira and live with her apartment with future residence in the future, yes iri, but kolya understands that it will be almost impossible for their future family to live without outside help, they understand... that if they get married, they can have children, yes, he understands, yes, and we discussed this, that we can kiss there, we can hug, in general, everything, yes, ira has a more severe degree of autism, her mother admits, the girl hardly speaks, instead of a certificate of secondary education, she only has a certificate of completion of the eighth grade of school , fields, of course, more independent, ira herself especially, well, ira needs control, that is, ira needs to, ira, go eat, ira and... get dressed, ira, that is, then, well, everyone tells me that at the training apartments she behaves differently, and even though she behaves differently in training apartments, well
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, they say, she gets up, goes, takes things there, for example, cuts off bread and butter, pours tea there, she doesn’t do this at home, that is, at home, she’s probably already developed this the attitude that everything is not enough at home, however, and kolya, with all his relative independence, too needs support in solving everyday issues, i have... yes, sensitivity, but not so much to sounds, to all sorts of news, especially unpleasant ones, i don’t go to the mfc for a day, here’s the idea to make a passport, i needed my mother’s help, to make us a social card too, however. with due support for creating an accessible environment, even with minimal training for employees of the same multifunctional centers, such people can lead a completely normal lifestyle and bring
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benefit to the state and society with their skills. “am i sculpting or not?” he asked irritably, in fact, i believe that the stage revealed him, and i am very happy to see my brother really on stage, because i myself am fond of this area of ​​theater, i am an actress myself, and i am very pleased to see that , that my brother is learning roles, the fact that he performs among other guys, and really, this is really sincere happiness for him. for some, an inclusive theater studio is just a hobby, for them it is something more, overcoming stage fear, crowds, light sofitov, eldar, igor and other children with autism, as their parents say, have become able to go to shopping centers, museums, cinemas without stress, take on new things and start communicating with people, this is worthy of applause.
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any war is about infantry; until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with kamikas, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, an outpost, an outpost, let’s be brief, let me observe, the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work is built,
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the work is on the rails. 13 people were injured after an attack by ukrainian drones in tatarstan, two of them were minors. first, two drones hit a dormitory, and a little later another one tried to attack an oil
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refinery. nizhnekamsk, which, by the way, is located more than 1,200 km from the border with ukraine.


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