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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today, vladimir putin took part in an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs; in his speech, the president addressed in absentia those who ordered and were interested in the terrorist attack in russia. our enemies have decided that they can use terrorism to achieve their political goals. everyone involved in the tragedy is wearing clothes. will be found and will receive
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a fair punishment. we must proceed from the fact that today internal and external threats are often intertwined. and deterrence is equally directed against our citizens and society russia to undermine our sovereignty. dear comrades, now you, together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22. already told us. it is important to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these are the weapons that are used against russia, this is obvious today, we must understand that it is both edged, it is a weapon, so orders of crimes.
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we will certainly reach customers, but i will add that the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack occurred are now being comprehensively assessed, we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional , this is important, first of all , for...
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as you know, it is in a difficult period of its history, after, this is clear to everyone, everything, everything is clear in this sense, after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers have certainly set themselves the goal of completely destroying what remains of historical russia, that is, of destroying its core, in fact, russia itself, the russian federation, and subjugating everything that remains theirs.
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there are a lot of examples, and oddly enough, oddly enough, in historical memory, the same ill-wishers that i mentioned, much remains, oddly enough, but i came across this, surprisingly, but a fact, which means someone wants strive, someone strives for in order to maintain its hegemony in today's conditions of a rapidly changing world, including at our expense, well, of course, a huge territory, human resources,
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natural resources and so on, to do this , including at the expense of russia, after its possible crushing, but - to reconsider migration policy, when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any problems, went through all the formalities,
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issued a labor patent, often having behind a whole bunch of offenses, sometimes malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship. even without even knowing the basic russian language, it is necessary here, modern digital electronic databases, biometric data are needed, those that are working now, they, apparently, are not enough, they do not allow us to fully stop the risks of relapses of illegal migration, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the most central regions of our country, sometimes cannot obtain citizenship for years. i already said that we we need to deeply and radically update approaches to migration policy. i ask the ministry of internal affairs, our other law enforcement agencies and special services, together with the government and the presidential administration,
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to work through all these issues comprehensively and in detail. the minister and i also spoke briefly about this, and we need to present a list of priority decisions. first of all, you need to provide. and security of the state and society, to preserve, preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia, this principle must be decisive, understand how to implement it, obviously, that the question of creating a ministry is long overdue, which we have talked about here many times, it’s amazing how now western lies do not stand up to any criticism when investigations are just starting to take place, well, from the very first moment we said that this does not in any way resemble isis, well, i think, vich knows perfectly well and
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can confirm that it is unlikely that you can find at least one isis fighter who would say that i did this for money, by the way, i don’t know anything about the koran at all, that’s what he says...
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who the americans want to deceive, and that they are yelling so much about this topic that posliha said several times, they are afraid that their ears will come out, they will come out, dmitry, well, they know that their ears are there, that’s why they are afraid, but uh, here i am i once expressed this version, immediately after the tragedy, i’m only becoming more and more convinced of it, that’s principle, since they behave nervously and panic about this, it is absolutely clear that they even probably already know exactly where and what will come out, yes, because, it is clear that they were counting on something else during this act, but in such a way that it is not based on some speculation, but still
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considers all this in a very specific context, the president said the most important things today, but first of all about this context, by the way... he said, i know this as a leader, director of the fsb, as head of government and as president and supreme commander-in-chief, that is, the head of the security council, and the head of the security council, right? over the course of, that is, it turns out, two decades, yes, more than that, from the moment he headed the federal security service, he says that this is an ongoing context of the war of the west, well , it is clear that the west itself does not exist , it exists within the framework of an organization led by the united states, by the way, this is very interesting.
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very important words about double-edged character technology used, because
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where hiring money is used, a counter-technology can always be used, with very different consequences, again, well, it’s transparently clear, yes, it was said to the americans, we didn’t open this pandora’s box, it was you who opened it , we know this, and we know that you did it, that’s why it’s important for us for... everyone to understand how decisive this context is, but imagine that the generation of these american politicians, in their public part and not public part have as a goal the destruction of our homeland, we can abstract ourselves from such knowledge, we know that this is so, that it is so, yes, and we know with evidence. this is some of our fundamental knowledge, and accordingly, if we have such knowledge as
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a state, and the president said about this, if we have such knowledge as society and civilization, that is, the majority of our people, then in accordance with this knowledge we must build everything, starting from our politics and ending, so to speak, with the actions of individual people who believe that this knowledge is truly fundamental to itself. a new migration policy, which, in a simple way, from what the president said,
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will allow in very easily everyone who should be allowed in, and will not categorically and strictly not allow in those who should not be allowed in, that’s a simple technicality, by the way. there is a proposal, here many countries, supposedly friendly to us, have stopped working with the mir card, yes, but i think that all transfers to citizens of these countries should be allowed to their home countries here... but all money can only be transferred through the world, well then yes, but you understand how there are many options, there are many options, but the task is posed differently, we need a fundamentally different scheme for organizing this entire policy, the president said this, i will repeat it again, in a simple, fundamental
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way, it’s easy, just elementary to let in those who are needed.. .it is categorically tough and, so to speak, unacceptable not to let in those who should not be allowed in, this is a simple principle, this new system must correspond to this principle, and i think that this is not only relevant in war conditions of the context that i outlined in the first place , but this is relevant at this, so to speak , fundamental and long-term level, because the basis of... well, our unity is, first of all, cultural and historical unity, about which the president said: history, culture, language, our, well, values, i don’t like the word, our ideals, yes, these are the ones we have, this, this, yes, this is the most important criterion for our unity,
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so come on, yes, i see, this will take, well, some time, yes, i understand . there will be difficulties, but we simply have to do it, because this is also a matter of our preserving our security, as the first question about the military confrontation of the west with us, which the president spoke about in detail today, well , i draw the last conclusion from this, since the heads of the special services, flight attendants and patrushev spoke about it, the president said this on top of this, i so...
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that the damascus facility was not an embassy, ​​it was not a civilian building, it was an alqut army military building, a military building disguised as a civilian building in damascus, so any appearance that it is somehow, well you know what it is was somehow a civilian embassy, ​​clearly not true. and the israel defense forces made this clear, that is, the israel defense forces attacked the territory of an independent state with which it is not at war, they said, we don’t consider this an embassy, ​​let’s now just dismantle all the embassies there that we don’t like, that this is a military facility, but the world is based on rules, this is now possible, and you can also kill a wild number of people from
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a humanitarian organization and say, we are more let's not, all this... is normal, so let's just say, you know, well, well, listen for yourself, the prime minister said that unfortunately, over the last day there was a tragic incident when our forces unintentionally struck innocent people, innocent people in the gas sector. the prime minister said, this happens in war, we will check everything to the end, we are in contact with governments , we will do everything to make it happen... end of quote. i would like to draw your attention to the comprehensive statement made by representative of the israeli defense forces , rear admiral daniel hagarry. so i won't repeat it. literally everything he said. needless to say, we consider these deaths tragic, regardless of the outcome of our investigations. world central kitchen employees perform
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the vital mission of delivering food to people in need. true humanitarian workers, unsung heroes in all conflicts. the israel defense forces is a professional military force that adheres to international law. we are careful with we are studying this case with full transparency using the fact-finding mechanism and.
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is located, a country with which they are not officially at war, they say, and we take it and do it, in general, we, we generally understand where this is all going, we
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understand that the madness of these people will lead to a nuclear war will begin, volodya, there is only one thing in this, the madness of these people will lead to this, now between iran and israel there is no longer half a step to a nuclear war, that’s all, that is, it will all lead to...
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we should have something like this too analysis, without such an analysis , to continue to carry out migration policy is simply a disaster, yes, secondly, it means changing the law on citizenship, listen, well, when in a year i, with all respect , treat everyone well towards tajiks, also 170-180,000 tajiks receive russian citizenship, and russians there are much fewer people going through the program for the re-employment of compatriots, but this is a theater of the absurd, well, we see that they don’t even speak the language, many and so on, yes, that is, this law should simply be banned tomorrow. and reconsider it radically, by the way, there is someone to learn from, there are, for example, a number of arab countries of the persian gulf, where they never, under any circumstances, give citizenship to anyone,
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unless of course there are some individual merits, while there are a lot of migrants there, but they are tough are controlled, we need to learn from them from someone, as for the resettlement, well, excuse me for my frankness, the israeli experience, it is simply colossal, the german experience, the greek experience, which is all, greece is weak, all pantian and azov. overpowered the greeks, well, learn from them, don’t we need to come up with something there and so on, now in essence of what happened, but based on the principle that there were military men there, in any embassy there is a military attache, an assistant military attache and someone else there, maybe without a doubt, therefore means that what actually happened, i think this is netanyahu’s personal provocation aimed at not ceding power in any way and, so to speak, prolonging this war, it is advisable to turn it into a big war in which the united states will be drawn in, despite the fact that the states do not want to go there get involved, the best example of...
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hamas says we will never let anyone in and we will always be here, yes, that is, this is a fact of confirmation of defeat in essence, and against this background there are demonstrations in israel that demand early elections, remove them for tanyaha, because the hostages not released, b - 36, 2 weeks ago the hostages died as a result of these same military operations, and colossal losses among the worlds. population, which means the gas sector itself has already over 33,000 dead, of which 11,000 children, 8,00 women, and everything possible has been destroyed destroy, schools, temples, mosques, churches, everything, everything, everything, like the earth, well, people say: listen, let’s make an early choice, in these conditions, netanyahu goes for it, yes, knowing full well that they are still violating, this man , who was killed now, is a general of all age forty-four, 80 years old, one of the veterans of the islamic
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revolutionary guard corps, he was even once the commander of the land... command 3800, that is, he was responsible for the levant, i won’t list all the countries , judge, of course, he was smoked by hazbollah, and his work there is like this a very respected person, this is the second most important person, if we take into account the death of those xirs who were after qasem sulaymaniyah, that’s qasem. an american warship a few hours ago by the iranians, the americans refute this a little, of course, but the americans immediately say we have nothing to do with this strike, but really, listen, well, you can’t play around, these are not our
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bloggers who are immediately laying out everything about the enemies. moscow writer nikolai rebinin is your brother in donbass, you need to go there, you should go, it’s just for passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to a gray wife, behind this line you will become different, and then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now the enemy. that's it,
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we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard to get used to. about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten, i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. dostoevsky, he seemed to have foreseen that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear, who are called foreigners and whom he described in the face of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and
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many of them have property there and.. . funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they are all broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law and this victim turns out to be me. here indirectly, we sometimes don’t pay attention, the leader of the ansarul houthis, which means abdulmalik al-houthi said recently, we don’t have enough long-range missiles from a long distance and the equivalent is 20 times higher, that means.


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