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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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i don’t know with whom he no longer understands anything, but at the end of the week elin, janet elin, is going there again.
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april the house of representatives comes out of the easter recess and the first issue that will discuss this topic, mike johnson, the speaker of the house says, i will propose a different option for resolving the ukrainian issue, that is , with the allocation of money, there is a loan, spending russian, how to attract russian assets.
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the first one has never been changed in history, now to change the second one, in general, to do, to do, to create a lot of precedents, good, in such conditions, of course, for it’s very difficult for americans now, i don’t know how the administration will resolve these problems now, damn it, i went to europe, that’s what he wants to achieve, i meet here, but why should he run now , actually, actually. it's generally boring in
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america, what's boring? blinkin is a man who should travel to all countries, but it’s interesting what he did with the french, now, there is also one main task, how to push the europeans further, but at the same time say that the united states persuaded them not to do this, i mean send troops there, but to send troops, we have already discussed this issue, under the national flag is actually entering the war, that is, we will consider it calmly and completely. be considered as a goal, a legitimate, legitimate goal of a management structure, for example, the same france, if it is its contingent, but these management structures are not located on the territory of ukraine, are not located on the territory of mamaev, the head of the military department of the institute of steel and alloys, who said: lucky you, you are tankers, the whole world look, well, it’s probably here, your script, most likely, if so.
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so, yes, they always put the economy in the foreground, the economy did not work out, the military defeat in ukraine did not work out, that’s it, they moved on to the nineties, remember how fighters for democracy, such as khatab, participated there on our territory, all of them were fighters for
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democracy, at that time they were considered, now, of course, this strategy is to shake things up, but here the question is raised, when did they hit tatarstan, in general, and where does the sanitary zone end? should, but apparently it won’t go near kharkov anymore, it should end somewhere near the carpathians, oh well, just like the atlantic, and they won’t fly from there, so the carpathians are a natural border, it should be like unnatural there, why do we need this is the atlantic, you don’t need it, but it will be useful to me, i understand your interests, i understand very well, that’s right, well done, don’t waste your time, you know, there aren’t many oceans.
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that is, it has become possible, this is possible, that means it is possible, and a lot more, this is madness, the madness of the system, because the system has lost its brain, it doesn’t work today, the system of international relations is not managed, why? it’s
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because our president said that the americans are trying to maintain their hegemony in any way, absolutely no matter what way, this was once what was said before , i don’t know, the economy, yes, it didn’t work out by military means, well, that means by terrorist means, it doesn’t matter at all how to achieve the goal, the goal is to dismember us, it has not changed throughout this entire history, this we thought that it was changing, that is, we perceived the world differently, it seemed to us that it was possible to achieve this agreement, since the system within our country had changed, the environment had changed, so to speak, maybe...
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this, yes, of course, this would lead to colossal consequences, this is understandable, but i think that they will accept these consequences, in general, phrases that are heard in the west, in the west about the reluctance of escalation, but these are funny phrases, because everything that happens, their actions, inactions, words , this is direct escalation, or rather, the escalation is still indirect, because the americans are constantly pushing their allies, no matter who, the europeans. push, but it’s not a pity, absolutely not a pity, let it all burn, we need to start a war in the middle east, we need the south caucasus, central asia to burn, it’s all natural for them, they don’t care what methods are used to achieve this and maintain their own hegemony, how they
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see it, so it doesn’t matter, there the french will delay armenia, the turks, azerbaijan, these are all methods, terrorist methods, and why? no, if you can't win without this means we must act from under control, which is the easiest way, as they think, in the west to influence a multinational society.
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saw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreigners and whom
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he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and funds invested there. do you have any property in germany? they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and it was me who was the victim. americans trained terrorists all over the world. they counted. that this is a weapon that can be used to realize one’s own interests, but let’s look at history,
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these same terrorists always turned against them, chaos cannot be controlled, the conflict is very difficult to manage, it is almost impossible, and as our president said, this is very accurate, mutually acute weapons, because you, well, that means you too, since international norms do not apply, which means an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and this... to answer there and in iran directly to answer, and this puts the world completely in the face of, well, not
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just the apocalypse, but of course, if these are nuclear powers, then this is a very, very big risk, in this regard, the most important thing is that the answer lies within us, the answer lies in the very interethnic, interfaith unity that we have, if you like , they are testing our strength, but of course they are not with those, as they say tied up. in this plan, it would be much easier to split europeans through this issue than us, but the question is very serious, requiring the formation of an appropriate response, a response within us , first of all, to this threat, to this challenge, and of course, this cannot be done without a corresponding revision of interethnic relations and politics in the region and interfaith, primarily in terms of people who come to our country.
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won, i remind you that turkey considers itself the most democratic country in the world, this is how democracy won, but it is clear that this a certain kind of defeat for the ruling elite, given the fact that the americans need turkey either controlled or as part of an arc of instability, they will do everything to make it collide
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with us, collide with iran, preferably somewhere in the southern caucasus, as one of the options with... accordingly , prerequisites will be put in place for this, and either they will force turkey to do it, or they don’t need such a turkey, the most important question for us is what do we need, here are the world cards that are now prohibited in post-soviet space, whether it is important to us or not, it is important to us what will happen in relations with turkey there in five years or not, these are questions of a strategic nature.
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in general, is there a military solution to this problem and what is needed for this? in order to take over taiwan from the point of view of an officer-operator, is it possible that it is necessary to carry out the so-called airborne amphibious amphibious amphibious operation, that is, this implies the landing of both an operational airborne landing and a naval landing operation, before the people's liberation army of china such an operation was generally beyond their capabilities, since the combat... numerical strength of the chinese armed forces, well, in principle, did not allow it to be carried out, now they can carry out such an operation, but the fact is that almost all the leading states of the world are armed forces, look closely at the experience of a special military operation, analyze, draw conclusions, take into account the experience of a special military operation in their military
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development, from the point of view of a special military operation, is it even possible to successfully conduct an air-sea ... landing operation as such, since its closest analogue is operation overlord from june 6, 1944, well, in terms of the scale of the landing, in terms of the number of forces involved, approximately the same operation should be carried out differently from the liberation army of china, well, that’s the point, why was the operation successful, firstly, it was carried out with complete dominance of the anglo-american troops in the air and on...
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imagine what it means for several hundred thousand people to load ships and ships, this must, firstly, be concentrated in the ports - v loading ports, will it really not be noticed by space reconnaissance means, then we begin to draw out a warrant, the so -called, these are several thousand ships, this is such a formation that no one will discover it in the taiwan strait? then we need to carry out, as the sailors say, a passage by sea, but on this path there are also blows... after all, before there were no guided weapons of anti-ship missiles, both air and ground-based, which, with one launch, could disable a large ship and send him to the bottom
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then they approached, formed the first echelon of high-rise landing craft, what awaits them even on the approach to the shore? well, there are anti-personnel fence mines, there are anti-tank mines, but there are also anti-landing mines, which are also being improved, try to overcome these field mines. which are located under water, as well as how they are explosive from the fences, all the time all these landing troops will be under continuous fire from aviation and anti-ship missiles and other weapons, this is before somehow it was possible, now this is a big question, is it even possible in principle to carry out such an operation now, well, it may be possible, but for this, the whole of taiwan must be mixed with the earth to a depth of 10 m, practically destroyed. ..
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well, let’s put it this way, it’s not entirely realistic in these conditions, so here’s a solution by military means and again to destroy the flourishing island, well , what’s the point in that, but the truth is still the problem of comrade chairman, and if we go back again to our non-chernozem ground and talk about our affairs, i ask you to forgive me for such a sharp transition from air-sea landing operations to migration problems, but i also cannot help but say about this, since the topic is hot, it really concerns all of us and... in terms of, again, you don’t need to invent anything practically, take a closer look, i recommend this to all relevant bodies that are involved in this, take a creative look at the experience
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of the monarchy of the persian gulf, at the same united arab emirates, because all the splendor of dubai, abu dhabi, sharjah, everything this built by migrants, mainly immigrants from india and pakistan and the indigenous population, there are even now. well, a relatively small part, everything else, well, without any involvement of labor migrants, this is the service sector, this is the same emirates airline, if you meet even one arab on board any plane, it will be a big discovery, unless it’s the commander of the airship , and these are all citizens of completely different countries who are brought there under labor contracts, where everything is described, for how long, with what salary, when it ends, some kind of obtaining citizenship.
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are aware that hospitals work for schools, well, nevertheless, nevertheless, no, again , the contracts stipulate issues of medical provisions, medical support, but all this is stipulated, again, in the event of the slightest disloyalty towards, well, simply not , i’m not talking about offenses for which there is the most severe punishment, but disloyalty and , again, the most perfect biometric data, pictures of the iris of the eyes, everything, if you were once deported by the same united avrovskys... you will never return there again, but if, for example, these are completely unthinkable cases that happen on our non-black earth soil, like one, for example, from the tajid
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children, i was recently able to read a small analytical essay by osada durani,
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this is the former ambassador of pakistan. in germany, then he was the head of pakistani intelligence, periodically we print, publish his articles, he thinks a lot, he is already in aged man, he thinks a lot about various problems, and i’m just talking about israel’s conversation about the fact that from the conflict, a possible conflict with iran, he wrote interestingly, he wrote even before this tragedy happened with getting into...
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concerns the relationship between iran and israel, must be considered in the context of what happened on the territory of pakistan with benladen. we must pay attention to the united states of america, which, in principle , is not at all interested in such a concept as the territorial integrity of some states, rights and so on, everything else that relates to this. he wrote this in the context of the understanding that when something happens somewhere, that brother’s ears are always sticking out behind it. which are located overseas, including, this also applies to the conflict between israel and iran, that is, here you need to understand that when the united states of america, well, i’m trying, i may be interpreting it, maybe not like that, but when the united states of america is talking about tom: no, no, we don’t need this conflict, we need to understand this completely in in the opposite direction, no, we need this conflict, we need this conflict, so we will do everything to make this conflict happen, because in this, in this
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muddy... we catch our necessary fish, which allows us to solve our own problems. these are global problems.
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any war is about infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is as if it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery. we squeeze it out using kamikatsii.


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