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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 4:00am-4:28am MSK

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execution or not of the death penalty or we will be like this again, that’s why we are always embarrassed to fight from a firm position, as was said in my childhood, pavel andreevich, you are a spy, seers, seers yura, yes, i want to tell you one more thing after a. budanov’s appointment to
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moldova, the situation in armenia, oh, danilova, i ’m sorry, the situation in armenia, they started setting fire to the entire perimeter, we understand that danilov came to moldova, today we should have asked for an oppositionist there, yes, that is that's all, now there will be a conflict in transnistria, they started setting fire to our entire perimeter, you know, we need to get together, we need to be, well, let’s say, terror can only be suppressed by tougher actions, i don’t want to say. and then he has the legal right to shoot in conclusion, but taking into account all these factors, yes, we are discussing international law there.
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the other day israel struck, a blow to the consulate of an independent state located in another independent state, and this building was under diplomatic immunity, oh no, all of europe and no one in the world, so let him close his mouth regarding international law, it no longer exists, does not exist, and we should stop reflecting on this matter, we must act strictly in our own interests, this case wrote the following post: it would be interesting to see what would happen if iran hypothetically will hit the american embassy in israel, i see lively fear and confusion in the eyes of the americans. good question. in general, vladimir khrudolchevich, we must act extremely toughly, you are from me, i am ready, and i am ready. i'm ready, we're waiting for the command. any time. i support.
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current in the formulation of the question or the topic that was raised, the key question here is still retribution, retribution, how it will be implemented, when we say icons, but wait, in donetsk there are children’s lanterns filled with explosives, and there are bells, and there are petals, but there are still there, that is, and there is some other, excuse me, garbage that is shed, it is scattered in cobwebs, the child walks, gets caught, which means it is undermined, that is...
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such an insane amount of all this has already been produced already on for some reason, no one reacts to him, no one remembers that all this is anti-personnel mines, ukraine is a signatory, the convention banning anti-personnel mines is the attawa convention, but that is , they didn’t care, no one is interested in tens of thousands of these petals , which are scattered there, no one, excuse me, in ottawa, no one remembered this, trudeau remembered this, or some of the internationalists, who are westerners, who said, oh-oh-oh, ukraine, come here, let’s deal with this. nothing happens, yet retribution may be in a whole number of directions, the retaliation that they are pushing us towards, we are being pushed to take similar actions, we are being pushed, let us bang in the squares, let us bang in residential buildings, yes, and then those who already control the osce sites, there they rule the sites of the un, the human rights council and so on, there they will raise a howl, it will just be such a universal howl, and it will be...
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look at how many people they kill, and what we have today even according to our statistics, only by civilian object there are 300 arrivals per day, every day, every day there have been 300 arrivals, well, behind each arrival there is a certain number of people, behind each shelling there are certain lives, deaths, people, children are maimed, that’s all along along our ... therefore, here retaliation can be quite targeted, firstly, the level of retaliation is that which concerns attacks on logistics facilities, on military-industrial complex facilities, on military infrastructure facilities, which are really effective, and that is, after that they are already switching to other types of weapons,
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that is, they are now switching to drones, drones can be assembled in the basement, a drone can be assembled from simply spare parts that were brought in bags, i saw a lot of these drones, i turned them over in my hands. it’s simple, let’s just say, sometimes it’s a paper tube, it’s some kind of plastic wings, it’s the propellers, the main thing is the brains, the camera has arrived and that’s it, here it is a drone, then, after that, everything is being completed in it, almost everything is being done on knees, and this is done by thousands, thousands of thousands, and these thousands enter the territory of ukraine, enter the territory of ukraine through poland, through lvov, through stryi, enter through the sea route, this sea route, which we today as- then we try in this direction not...
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over our heads, so i just want to ride with a point, well, that is, with a point it’s already somehow more effective, so here are the questions
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of retaliation, they will concern the questions of depriving these of the opportunity to strike, absolutely i agree with igor, because who speaks raises the question of the responsibility of the political leadership, i , as an official...
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yes, that is, when it is decided for, when a task is set, then this person who performs this task is protected by law, and he is not responsible, he performs that task , which was put in front of him, in order to eliminate this character, so this whole story, it must happen, what concerns, here is dissatisfaction, i now hear a lot of discontent associated with our appeal to ukraine about the extradition of the baby and the extradition there are other characters, in fact, today this is a test of the world for ae... responsibility for terrorist acts, that is, today we have 15 conventions that have been signed by hundreds of countries, 15 conventions, we mentioned only two in this address: on bomb terrorism financing of terrorism, we ask today a question: hey gentlemen, you have signed all the conventions, ukraine, you have signed the convention,
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the british, the americans there, you have signed these conventions, yes, please, complete this task, you are obliged to complete it, no, no , no, what are we doing while we are filing these lawsuits? yes, from russia, china and the united states, we are the only ones who do not have the death penalty.
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do you remember how the central committee differs from the cheka? in the central committee they cluck, in the cheka they cluck. and this, by the way, was very, very reasonable in some ways. advertising. almost a million requests in less than a year, most issues have already been resolved. based on the first results of the work of the defenders of the fatherland fund, which was created. vladimir putin and the head of the organization, anna tseveleva, failed to take care of the svo soldiers and their loved ones. the president instructed treat every request with care. and he promised to help with the preparation of the necessary documents for former soldiers of private military companies, including in cases where it is necessary to confirm the status of a combat disabled person. tomorrow marks one year since the decree on the creation of the defenders of the fatherland fund was signed. are you working less? since june, in my opinion, yes, they really did, but during this time
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, amendments were recently made to the decree signed a year ago, in order to make your work even more productive, what have you managed to accomplish during this time and what problems do you consider the most important? branches of the state fund defenders of the fatherland were opened in all constituent entities of the russian federation, without exception, this was certainly done. with the general consolidation and support of both the government of the russian federation and the relevant ministries, departments, public organizations, everything is done to ensure that our veterans who come to the branches receive, as a one-stop service, with the minimization of various bureaucratic failures, help, problems - what are the most, well, noticeable ones remain that need to be paid attention to, the most pressing issues are: obtaining a combat veteran certificate, this is very important for the guys, because
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all further steps in obtaining social guarantees depend on this assistance from the state, and this is very important for us, and we have now, together with the ministry of defense, developed a number of programs that allow us to partially cover these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and... it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links,
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the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, the actions of all law enforcement, control, supervisory services, commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility where the terrorist attack took place are now being comprehensively assessed . we paid a very high price, and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional, this is important, first of all , in order to take it to a new level ensuring law and order and security in crowded places, sports facilities, transport, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, universities, theaters and so on, all these facilities must be under constant control.
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to preserve, preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural and linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, history can come and live and work in russia. yes, sure. icons with explosives - this is already, well, i don’t know how else, what you need to be, not even who, what you need to be, yes, to plan such a terrorist attack, the explosion of icons in the churches of believers, of course, this is satanism, the most, the most natural, and you know , now, when we now say the phrase
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holy war, well, here’s a statement, yes, this is that same holy war. all this is directed against our sacred symbols of religion, and you know, now that the nazi german propagandist, julian roebke, said: look, the russian orthodox church began to use the term sacred war, that means they have equated themselves with isis, an organization banned in russia, and a terrorist one, i understand this, he is the heir of the german nazis, he does not understand that we are in song yes... there is a war going on, a people's, holy war, his nazi ancestors this is how they went from the first days of the war to exterminate, it is important for us that he understands, yes, yes, it is important for us, no, for us, for us, it is important for us that we understand, right, for some reason we are so used to trying to explain to them , this all reminds me, no, why, you know, it just surprises me, it’s like everything now
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they gather to explain to yuri laza that he is mistaken in his statement that the earth is flat, no, well, it’s just stretched over a ball, that’s all.
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egyptian executions on the city of kiev, well, in the natural, yes, the sand of the sahara fell on kiev, well, the dams will collapse, remember, let your vile, vile satanic society be washed away from the sacred russian stones, remember, yes, 10 plagues, 10 egyptian plagues, yes, darkness came there - from the sahara, the darkness of egypt, followed by it, which means the death of the firstborn, but you remember. god punished pharaoh and the egyptians for that the people of israel did not let go, so it is very symbolic that at the very moment when the egyptian darkness covered the city of kiev, yes, vladimir zelensky signed a law, essentially on the death of first-born children, yes, lowering that same mobilization threshold from 27 to 25 years, the law
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was adopted last year, why, after all , only 31. severitsa died, although people died. died, but they shout, no, we need to supplement 500,000, no, 300,000, and so on, yes, only 31 died, but what am i talking about, what is also, i see, very indicative of how god really punishes this a city that has abandoned its faith and its religion in essence, and the way they in the west glorify terrorism on the territory of russia, yes, how they rejoice at these attacks on educational institutions, well, well, the joy is great. the french minister of foreign affairs, well, there are many there now, but i don’t know about you, he , she, i read today.
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sometimes, they pretend to be russians, they need to slaughter tajiks, a special task is to kindle, of course, anti-chechen sentiments among the local population, they don’t hide it, we’re there and we’re creating such community groups, we’re there we are throwing out these false messages in order to ultimately destroy russia from the inside, and i see how the times newspaper, prim, conservative, comments, i just imagined if someone admitted that in britain they are throwing out this kind of... these messages that incite ethnic hatred within that country, i imagine what kind of war the whole of europe would face, the whole world, and in this regard i believe that here
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we definitely should deliver symmetrical strikes, they are writing today about that russia has an ear on glen's feet, we are now going to kindle interethnic roses there, they do it, we see it, yes, and we even sometimes see some agents of influence of these various channels, which we also voice all sorts of similar things. on the relations between scotland, northern ireland, england, wales, not to mention the relations between minorities, indians, pakistanis and so on, i believe that we are faced with a large, immense task.
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revolutionary movements would have already put this rotten bourgeois vile europe on its ears; we must already have free detachments of english and... the swedish authorities were constantly being burned by iran, they found the koran, they burned it dead, yes, well, someone was burned dead, what's that for? this means that
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the west really doesn’t understand what they are playing with, so we need to, we need to help them understand, yes, when the west , in this belligerent fagot , forgets how many devout muslims have moved in, for whom everything they do is disgusting, absolute haram, they don’t understand what they are going to. so who said that europe would even be able to send troops to fight in ukraine? they still need these troops they have to be involved in order to calm down their streets, that’s what they need, they still have to survive the olympics, it’s no coincidence that they are french, who want to send troops to ukraine, they are inviting the polish army, yes, maybe of course this is a joke, to help them cope with what they themselves proposed that at the olympic games, oh no. our enemy always plays
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with these easter eggs, they send greetings, they tell us about the ninety-first year of the borders, so i think even here this symbolism is actually symbolism, because that today a blow was dealt to tatarstan, and today is precisely the anniversary of the tragic death, quite rightly, of the murder of maxim famin, who is better known as vladilen the tatar. who killed him , the ukrainian scum, who brought him the liberal creature, which various scum here later tried to defend with all their might, pretending to be network bloggers too, sobchak like that, oh, so cruel, you have to understand, that’s what you are, they should have hanged her right away, this daria trepov, by the way, immediately hang navalnisk, i will support you and igor regarding the initiative on the death penalty. all sociology says that society demands, people understand perfectly well that only with this option we can stop, moreover, those devils who carry out terrorist attacks, they
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are not just timid, not just like... cowards, yes , we can see very well how their behavior changes when they are caught, and no matter who it is, when they were caught in crimea, you will remember these scoundrels who were preparing terrorist attacks back in the sixteenth year, yes, not at all in the twenty- second year, that is, no there wasn’t even a svo, yes, they climbed in there and prepared terrorist attacks, in of which tens, hundreds of people were supposed to die, when detained they became soft, fluffy, the same thing happened in donetsk, after that, when they were exchanged, that is, they remained alive, what began, they began to tell...
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dear friends, i am with i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv. it will be called: does the crime have a punishment. i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.


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