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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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that is, they will do something, we are already seeing the forwarding of characters whom i don’t even want to name out loud, yes, that is, one madam fed the entire soviet union, and the other ran from her small homeland into the civil war, russia took her in, she received russian citizenship is spitting in the well, it’s not even just spitting, it’s trying to crap, but with the variants and accents that are voiced, that is, this all needs to be nipped in the bud. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called, does the crime have a punishment? i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.
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how this is done, yes, somewhere the status of an agent is given, somewhere a direct initiative regarding the death penalty is given, we don’t say, let’s kill everyone.
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why is it necessary to do this in front of the west, he is not afraid, he is not afraid precisely because this devil thinks that he is immortal, and in the current realities, that there are some restrictions that will be if we have the court's decision, then he will be liquidated, how, this is already the task of our special services, we should not voice it before the whole world, or this is how in the case in spain it happened and happened, and the character maxim, by the way, i will remind you, this maxim, who hijacked a helicopter, he also killed an ethnic tajik, yes, who accepted russian citizenship served... here is an important point about terrorism, again, i just said about the same budanov, he just now expressed concern about the construction of the railway, but pay attention attention, they are always trying to impute to us that we are building something, repairing, developing, yes, putting it in order, this is such a terrible occupation in quotes, everything is robbed and taken away, when the russian world comes everything.
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in the temporarily occupied russian city of kherson, they took and renamed several dozen streets, and kutuzov was significant there, but they tried, before the surrender of avdeevka they too, that is.
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conclusion, thank you very much, because problems began to be solved, problems with salary debts began to be solved, thank you very much to the prosecutor general's office, she drew the attention of the state duma to this, now we have a constructive relationship with the local authorities of the zaporozhye region, using your broadcast, i appeal to
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the viewers, and the zaporozhye region watches your program very well, write to the bot zaporizhzhya concerns, where anyone has what a debt, because the authorities do not fully know where else they owe money to whom. you know, the west has already come to terms with the idea that they cannot inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, but did not at all abandon the idea of ​​containing russia even by terrorist methods. but let's answer the question: why did they switch to these terrorist methods? is this a sign of their strength or a sign of weakness? of course, this is a sign of weakness. if they had succeeded on the battlefield, they would not have needed to resort to these terrorist methods of containing the russian federation. regarding these.
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through six european countries, what does this mean? about obtaining explosives on the territory of the russian federation, they simply don’t have the opportunity, if they could do it here, they wouldn’t need to drag these explosives across half of europe, which means they’ve already somehow put things in order with control, taking into account everything else regarding explosives, which at least is not may not make us happy, because well , in fact, this is the key thing, now... regarding proposals for liquidation, mirror methods, terrorist mirror activities, i don’t think we need to resort to this, because in fact russia is just demonstrating success on the battlefield, this is the first, second, proposal is a sound grain regarding
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the fact that a person who eliminates a terrorist should not be charged with a crime in the russian federation, for this, for this, the first thing that needs to be done by the russian court. someone's child died, something else, he knows that by the decision of the russian federation, this person, he has already been convicted, that's it, well, he, he is a terrorist, well, what a conversation with a terrorist, but if in relation to this person someone... then he will use extreme measures, but there should be no questions about him, well, it seems to me so,
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because, well, the law says otherwise, they will also imprison you for excess, that’s the point, that’s the point, that’s the point, if you act according to the law, then there is a vicious circle and nonsense. so that’s what i’m talking about, that’s what i’m talking about, that it’s necessary to legislatively somehow, well, somehow provide for it, yes, because, in fact, to return to the death penalty there. by the way, as far as i know, it has not been abolished in the russian federation, there is simply a moratorium on the death penalty, well, since we are already leaving the council of europe there and we don’t want to have anything to do with them no business, then we have no obligations, well, in principle , the russian federation has the right to independently make all these decisions without without looking at anyone, why let’s say the same united states, which considers itself a hegemon, has there is the death penalty in china. well, it’s a world leader, economically and politically, including they
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have the death penalty, in the russian federation they don’t, well, it’s quite possible to return to this topic, and the last thing regarding the situation inside ukraine, you know, of course, i have already said that you can argue endlessly about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of the president, but watching how they have become more active, well, let’s say, it’s not that, well, yes, you can even call them political opponents or opponents. although in fact they have no ideological disagreements within the country, and there, relatively speaking, they all go under the umbrella of the americans and british, there is, let’s say, internal political competition, yes, and i see how all zelensky’s competitors have perked up, in anticipation of which is still in a month, in two, in six months, but still there will be elections in ukraine, when, who, this, of course, will not be decided by ukraine itself, but they are all actively working towards this. well, i say this again, at
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the moment, while it exists, they have hope that no matter what borders it remains, i think that it is more likely that ukraine will cease to exist than that there there will be elections, well, this, this, let’s say, they will definitely choose the government, but not the one they think.
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or rather, you spoke about the motives, what the reaction should be from that world, the remaining
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world, yes, which hesitates or which, say, does not support what is called the policy of the west, and i want to draw attention to the second document, the second action that took place in the russian federation - this is a document that a group of state duma deputies and social activists officially addressed...
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that is, why is this important, because procedurally, i don’t know, a criminal case will be opened, how it will be, but for me it is important to understand that if the investigative committee adopted this document
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until recently, he was a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation, one of the leaders of the communist party, well, take igor olegovich, read this document, read it, then we will discuss it, and so, the facts that are stated there, of course they need to be proven, but you understand, vladimir rudolfovich, the value of any such action, i say again, i don’t know how, how, when it will end, but why am i talking about this, about this process, because, strictly speaking, two things are connected here:
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if this is the west in the head of the usa built it the state is now turning it into a terrorist state, this is the importance of understanding that wait, wait, dear those people who still don’t understand who cares about this, no, vladimir loyfovich, this is important, look, there are two processes going on, who cares about this in the world , this is important
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for india, this is important for china, this is important for others, this is important for the arabs, here is the university. not a minister, but he calls himself that, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba, suddenly declares, listen, we see that a tribunal is working in the hague, that they are issuing warrants, some arrests, but we are not we see that real tribunal that ukraine wants to create together with the west to put criminals there, understand? the head of the russian federation of the task, why klimkin’s friend screamed that the west does not see the goal, does not see the expediency of realizing this, i am now talking about the fact that there are two trends, which trend, we just need to destroy, there will be no ukraine, no one to flirt with, that’s all that's right, satanists, everything must be destroyed, please tell me, those ukrainians who understand, no, i want
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to say, one side wants to create tribunal. wait, what does this have to do with this, name me at least one war when it was different, look, vladimirovich, firstly, this is also, firstly, this is not a war yet, in the russian federation, this is called a special military operation. i will give you another argument, that there was
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a tribunal, indeed, when it ended, when the great patriotic war ended, when we won, when the second world war ended, the forces that won said, these are the laws we will judge by, this was the only germany then there was, please tell me was there germany then?
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there is a war going on, the nazi state is fighting against us, it must be destroyed with all its nazi elite, this is the experience that we inherited from our grandfathers, and you, when you start these, let’s go to court back and forth, i imagine comrade stalin, who said, comrade dzhyukov, why are you starting an offensive operation, and you have a court decision? maybe not all german nazis are shooting at us, the investigation, it was said, who
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killed ours, not to take a single hungarian prisoner, so it was said, who was guilty of the deaths from this regiment, yes, it was said, he will destroy everyone, vasilivich, this is a war, this is the only way to win, this is the only war, when you ask what we have, i want to remind you, there are no sands uses exactly this formulation, that’s all, see you tomorrow, but why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know, vosenkov, anatovich, 1942, russian, your face is such that you can pass off as anyone, well, practically, i was just such a wooden guy, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, did she mold you into a latino?
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what does latin america and the mausalee have to do with it? meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin. your brother is in the donbass, you need to go there, you should go, it’s just for passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came with my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to
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the gray wife. beyond this line you will become different, but then what? there was my childhood and youth, and now it’s dark, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, a back passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i... intervened, betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for
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. they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property there, funds invested, if you have some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they are all broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and i turned out to be the victim. russia - traditional, modern.
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, ministry of emergency situations. russia warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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almost a million hits in less than a year, most of the issues have already been resolved, first. the results of the work of the defenders of the fatherland fund, which was created to take care of the soldiers of the northern military district and their loved ones, were summed up by vladimir putin and the head of the organization, anna tseveleva. the president instructed to treat every request with care and promised to help with the preparation of the necessary documents for former fighters of private military companies, including in cases where it is necessary to confirm the status of a combat disabled person. tomorrow marks one year since it was signed.


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