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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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the trophy is claimed by a locomotive, a tractor, a metallurgist and a motorist. there is always excitement for hockey in yaroslavl, even if it is the thirtieth home game of the regular season, and there were so many people who wanted to get to the beginning of the semi-final series against the tractor that it was possible to fill eight or nine stadiums such as arena 2000. new feelings, because how long ago were we we haven’t played in the third round, so we’re having fun. and we try to please the fans. lokomotiv closed the second round series against avangard only on saturday. the tractor has been without game practice for a week and a half. chelyabinsk ended the series against dynamo moscow victoriously a week and a half ago, back last friday. it is generally accepted that rest is good, but when the rhythm of the game is disrupted, it can leave its mark. a lot of questions, a long pause or a small pause - this is already a little bit. i'm tired of these questions, it all comes
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from our heads, we just today, let 's say, we played great for the first 10 minutes, but then we started playing incorrectly and i'll say this, we should back to our settings, so victorious, the tractor hockey players were the first to score in this series, this was done by charles robinson, the locomotive bounced back quickly, and polunin bounced back, and 2 seconds before the end of the first power play, alexander effectively ran away during the period, marchen gernat scored on the power play. in the second period, with the score 2:1 , an episode occurred that directly affected the course of the match. maxim shlunov collided with tractor goalie zach fucaly. the canadian was taken off the court with an injury, and chelyabinsk's reserve goalkeeper sergei mylnikov came out and missed three times. including pucks that are called optional, for example, from alexander elesin to the near corner. i’ll say this,
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it’s a little bit of our mistake, but no one thought that zach would get such a ridiculous injury, well, here at the discretion of the league we will consider this moment that happened, it seems to me that it was a game moment, well, what’s there to talk about now about this happened there already happened , well, for me, this is a game moment, there was no intent on the part of the marshal, the locomotive eventually won the first game 5:2 , took a 1:0 lead in the series, the second game in this pair will also take place in yaroslavl on thursday; the semi-final series between the metallurgist and the motorist will begin on wednesday. alexander avramov, stanislav petrov, kirill aksenov and alexander stalmashevsky. news yaroslavl. why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know.
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the news from the middle of the hour is short: the scale of spring floods in russia is growing noticeably in the altai territory, hundreds of houses are flooded, an emergency regime has been introduced in one of the districts in the orenburg region, a high alert regime has been introduced in three districts of the samara region, in the ryazan region transport cannot travel to nine settlements. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva, at a meeting with vladimir putin, spoke about the results for less than a year of the organization’s work. 12,000 volunteers and svo participants received a certificate of combat veterans. the number of received requests is about a million, most have already been resolved. russian mortars in the southern donetsk direction destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces and helped the attack aircraft improve their positions on the front line. the crew of the heavy tulip gun fired accurate volleys at the targets.
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at the council meeting, most participants condemned the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. russian permanent representative vasily negenzya also said that moscow will present its document with a negative assessment of this attack. the head of the kiev regime, zelensky, signed a scandalous decree on mobilization; people will now be taken to the front lines from the age of 25, and not from 27, as before, and the status of limited years has also been abolished. what does this mean, who will be sent to fight now? - evgeny nipot found out. zelensky signed a law on tightening mobilization, although in his evening address he also spoke about this didn’t say a word, talked about online casinos, a meeting with protestants, demanded more air defense from the west. but kept silent about the fact that he lowered the age of those potentially mobilized from 27 to 25 years. without prosecution, the head of the regime did not dare to sign the scandalous law for more than 10 months. the rada adopted it back in may 2023. now it was apparently spurred on by the situation at the front and the shortage of personnel close to
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catastrophic. thus, commander-in-chief syrsky stated that the armed forces of ukraine needed to drive about half a million more people into the trenches. this law as it seems at the moment, this is... one of the potentially possible methods of delaying further, further retreat, and , of course, preserving the viability of the political regime. the situation at the front directly affects the stability of the political regime in ukraine. the instinct of self-preservation, multiplied by external pressure, because kiev was constantly pointed out the need to strengthen and tighten mobilization. you need not only new grenades, tanks and armored vehicles. unfortunately, we need new soldiers because soldiers die and are wounded, and we begin to talk about mobilization, about conscription. american senator lin segram, included in the list of terrorists and extremists, went even further. during his last trip to kiev, he stated in plain text that it is high time to rejuvenate the composition of those who are dying in the name
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of the interests of kiev, read nato. i hope that those who have the right to serve in the ukrainian army will go there. i can't believe that now she is 27 years old, you are fighting for your life. therefore you must serve and not with 25 or 27 years, we need more people in the ranks. the vassals delayed the execution of the order in every possible way, but apparently the situation was approaching critical. the order of the western curators has been fulfilled, along with it, for example, the category of limited service has been abolished, now you are either ready for service or not, there is no third choice, and to be faithful, the former with limited service will have to undergo a medical examination again. considering the prohibitive corruption in the field, new recruits for the armed forces of ukraine will be found among those who do not have enough money.
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he signed the laws a year later, but about the cabinet he signed after 2 months, why is he doing this, supposedly these same norms should be in the law on strengthening mobilization, but it is obvious that zelensky understands that there are simply no votes for strengthening mobilization in the verkhovna rada, so he is forced to sign these separate laws, to
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right-wing political scientists also joined in justifying zelensky’s decision to lower the mobilization age, carefully selecting a variety of fanisms. it is necessary for young people to add weight, energy and strength. ophthalmologists will carry out a number of complex operations, doctors have already visited
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dakuchaevsk, examined patients, operated on some, and then will work in the city of kirovskoe. the doctors brought with them a laser unit, which significantly facilitates the task of surgeons in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, and also delivered high-tech equipment to the yakutsk branch of the phthalmological hospital, which was opened in the dpr. the head of the republic denis pushilina and the head of yakutia. 50% definitely with good wishes, intentions, we are waiting for replenishment, we hope, grandma she will finally see her third granddaughter, it ’s been a long time, it’s just that there are already three children, as if she has been seeing very poorly for many years, thank you very much. we are very grateful to you for this, especially two eyes, so a deep
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bow to you, in moscow the abnormal heat will be replaced by night frosts, when it gets colder and how long the arctic invasion will last, anna volkova will tell you. winter is not giving up; a powerful cold snap will sweep across the european part of the country in the next few days, where the temperature will simply return to normal, and where will it become winter, when will the arctic invasion come to moscow and how long? it will last, this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and centrovfos, i’m anna volkova, hello, the summer warmth is leaving the european part of the country. earlier this week, the region found itself at the epicenter of a unique anomaly, with temperatures suddenly reaching june levels. in moscow, for example, the day before there was a second record in a row, thermometers showed +23, despite the fact that the previous maximum, recorded in 1951, was only +17 and... 4°, in other words, nothing even close something similar has not
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happened in the meteorological history of central russia, but here everything has already melted and it’s even hot, there’s a thick, thick layer of ice on the pond, due to the very high temperature in the european part of the country the snow continues to quickly melt with all that it implies, these shots, for example, from in the orenburg region, where the flood is in full swing, three dozen residential buildings, one and a half hundred... near estates, water flows are so powerful that they literally wash trucks off the roads. some people even rejoice at the flood, for example, the lions from of the pride land nursery near moscow, playing in the puddles that have spread across the enclosure. despite the cats' mood, this is a very dangerous situation. specialists monitor the condition of the animals around the clock. let's! well done, well done, come on, swim, swim, bunny, well done, that's who were
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completely unhappy on tuesday, these were the residents of ukraine, a real dust storm arose there, sand from the sahara desert appeared in the air, and this was the first sign of an impending change in weather in the whole in eastern europe, as often happens, heat and bad weather are a link in the same chain. extremely warm air was brought into our country by the active atlantic. but now its center has shifted to the east of the russian plain, so that the west of the region, as well as the east of the old world, found itself in the zone of the cold front. yesterday he ruined the weather in ukraine, and today ninasti will cover russia. clouds will stretch from abi to the baltic. in some places the precipitation will be quite heavy, over 10-20 mm per day. northern line st. petersburg, hantemansisk, rain will turn to snow. temperature is very indicative. to the northern capital, in sunday it was 20°c here, and today the slight plus will remain only in the morning, and
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on the banks of the neva, in some places there may even be a thunderstorm, around noon the thermometer readings will go into minus, they will continue to drop to -5 by midnight, precipitation will fall mainly in the form of snow by the end within a day , a snow cover of 5-8 cm high will appear in st. petersburg. i will add that in the collision zone of the arctic cold among... in moscow. the arctic invasion, as i already said, will be powerful, but it will only be able to return winter to the north of the european russia. in pomorie, the murmansk region, karelia and the nenets autonomous okrug tomorrow , even during the day it will not be higher than -5°. in the leningrad and vologda regions it is near zero. but in the middle zone in the south, the thermometer readings will only return to the april
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climate. and even then not for long. in moscow today it ’s +15, windy, after 3:00 in the afternoon. for a metropolis this is a very dangerous value, on thursday-friday it will get colder to +6-7 and it will rain, but on saturday the sun will come out the air will warm up better by the end of the week in the capital again may temperature range is up to +14. that's all for me, goodbye.
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price, what you need, monarch coffee with a discount of up to 50%, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription, vtb savings account, replenish it regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb. everything will work out together. tires can be found conveniently and quickly. there is a search by car brand on avito. for emfreshness products we grow, we collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. hair lacks vitality. gliskur -
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exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. and seaweed extract , moisturized, shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because a megaphone even here he catches megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, approximately, oh, we forgot the cheese, it’s good that we have each other, and what will show us on tv, tell me that you caught it, as long as we can remember, we are always together, magnet , 30 years next to you, hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million,
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your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. sometimes you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream about something beautiful, but you get something completely different, and sometimes you just wait convenient office, but you get the best. alfabank, the best bank in every office. attention, in honor of the anniversary. magnit returns 30% bonuses for purchases. any war is infantry, until the foot of the infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy
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with artillery, we squeeze out comics, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking, blindly, you do not know what is ahead of you, an outpost , outpost, let's be brief, yes, i observe that the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less efforts than... attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, we have entered such a pace, the work has been built, the work is on the rails, now there is economic news, the russian national welfare fund has been noticeably replenished. roman, we are talking about an amount of almost 300 billion, about this and not only right now. russia's national welfare fund grew by more than 200.75.5 billion rubles in march. it amounted to 12.5 trillion or 7% of the gdp projected for 2024, the ministry of finance reported. at the same time, the volume of fnb’s liquid assets
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is equivalent to 5 trillion rubles. this is 2.8% projected gdp. budget revenues from privatization in the first quarter have already almost doubled the plan for this year. rub 2,200 million have already been received. while one billion less has been budgeted for the whole year. the current indicators were announced by the federal property management agency. they added that all measures are being taken to ensure that the proceeds from the sale are maximized. exceeding the plan may be due to the interest of those investors who now, due to sanctions, do not have the opportunity to invest in western assets. today the prime minister russia's mikhail mishustin will speak at the state duma with an annual report on the work of the government. the head of the cabinet of ministers will talk about the work done in 2023 and current tasks. on the eve of preparation for the report he. spoke with the speaker of the lower house vyacheslav volodin, all topics of priority importance for people and economic development were discussed. experts point out that the russian government is managing to respond to current
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challenges, including ensuring budget revenues. the increase in the deficit was precisely due to the fact that the beginning of the year caused great concern in terms of revenue performance, but over the course of the year we see that certain industries. moreover, these are industries that are unusual for us, export ones, related to raw materials, namely business, last year it managed to adapt to new conditions and became the main donor, and the increase in income was associated precisely with the real and with the service sector, but with business. the bank of russia plans to transfer the operation of its payment system to round-the-clock mode, the first deputy chairman of the regulators announced this, speaking... to the state duma. currently the service operates only 5 days a week. however, the central bank sees a growing need for business to lift such restrictions. the system allows companies to carry out instant payments directly through
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the central bank infrastructure and is part of the national payment system. it also includes a system of fast payments, a national system of payment cards, which from the very beginning operate around the clock. the net profit of tenenki bank in 2023 increased by 2 and a half times. such. data is provided in the company report, profit before tax also increased and reached almost 48 billion rubles. it is indicated that the funds placed in the bank by both companies and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, have increased. earlier, the central bank noted that at the end of last year, the profit of the russian banking sector increased significantly compared to 2022, but this year it will decrease. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 52 kopecks, the euro is 99 rubles. novel! yours, thank you! let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva, told vladimir
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putin about the results of the organization’s work. in less than a year, the fund has received almost a million requests, most of them have already been resolved. in one of the districts of the orenburg region , a state of emergency was introduced due to the spring flood. the water came close to the houses, about 300 residents were evacuated. experts have begun construction of the dam, which should... contain the river flood. today in the state duma , prime minister mikhail mishustin will deliver an annual report on the work of the government, the head of the cabinet of ministers will talk about the work done and the tasks set. experts note that the russian government is managing to respond to current challenges. several earthquakes occurred off the coast of taiwan. the most powerful magnitude is 7.7. houses and bridges were partially destroyed, and at least one person was killed in massive landslides. died, more than 50 were injured. rospotrebnadzor handed over two modern mobile laboratories to uzbekistan to counter the epidemic risk.
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the equipment will allow it. actively respond to outbreaks of particularly dangerous infections, conduct research on biological materials, water, food anywhere in the country. these are not the first laboratories transferred by rospotrebnadzor to uzbekistan. four such complexes and two mobile clinics are already successfully operating in the republic. there was another meeting with the leadership of the ministry of health, with our colleagues and specialists. we agreed on important things, including combating the spread of hiv infection. and the implementation of international health regulations, this also includes countering the spread and activation of existing plague foci. the russian federation provides as a gift friendly republic of uzbekistan, about which there is an inscription. in one laboratory, in another laboratory, there are two laboratories, one of them is mobile, the second of them is a completely new development of ours, it is a portable pneumatic frame laboratory, but the other one also
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allows. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program bissagon tv, it will be called, does crime have a punishment, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i am looking forward to seeing you.
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the scale of spring floods in russia is noticeable is growing, hundreds of houses are flooded in the altai territory, a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the orenburg region, a high alert regime has been introduced in three districts of the samara region, and in the ryazan region transport cannot pass through nine settlements. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva, at a meeting with vladimir putin, spoke about the results for... the full year of the organization’s work. 12 thousand volunteers and participants of the northern military district received a certificate of combat veterans. the total number of accepted applications is about a million. most have already been resolved. russian mortars in the southern donetsk direction destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces and helped the attack aircraft improve their positions on the front line. the crew of the heavy tulip gun fired accurate shots at the targets. at a meeting of the un security council, the majority
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of participants condemned the strike on... iran in syria will post russia vasily nebendya also said that moscow will present its document.


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