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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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most participants condemned the earthquake strike. canning of iran in syria. details in our material. in taiwan, the strongest in 25 years. a total of 11 tremors were recorded in the region. one person died and more than 50 others were injured. and now. the latest information about the consequences of a powerful earthquake in taiwan, now there are at least four people dead and about 100 injured. in total , 11 tremors were recorded in the region, the most powerful magnitude of 7.7 was a record for the country over the past 25 years. years. many houses and bridges have been destroyed, and powerful landslides have occurred. according to rescuers, eight people are trapped in one of the buildings.
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authorities in taiwan and japan have issued tsunami warnings. at the airport on akenawa, all passengers were evacuated to the third floor of the terminal. evacuation orders have been issued for coastal areas in the philippines. beijing is also closely monitoring the situation. the authorities expressed their readiness to provide assistance to the victims. and now to the situation with spring leashes in russia. the consequences of the most powerful spring flood are now being eliminated in altai. number of floods and houses. decreased by almost half, which are located in the flood zone. in the mikhailovsky district that was most affected by the flood, there are 134 of them . traffic into the region is limited on seven sections of highways, and the situation is constantly monitored, including with the use of unmanned aircraft. residents of the region organized a collection of aid for flood victims. from the altai territory, a report by our correspondent in the region, ksenia klimina. the peak of the flood in the altai territory can be considered behind us. in mikhailovsky area which. flooded, most of all,
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the water is already receding, in particular in the village of rocket, over the past day the water level has dropped by about 50 cm, but many houses are still flooded, our house is completely flooded, all the fences, that’s all, everything is flooded , so i went out, i’m going to my son, my son lives on this street, it’s also flooded, so i’m bringing it to the children, grandchildren, i’m bringing them boots, the employees are struggling with the consequences of the flood. the ministry of emergency situations arrived here to reinforce the mikhailovsky district with units from neighboring cities. rescuers clearing pipes so that the water can drain faster, they are conducting targeted walk-throughs, delivering bread and water to some in flooded areas. the local residents themselves are restoring the village. a small wooden bridge, it was built by local men. men built, so men did it from our street, they built such a bridge. thank them very much.
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a drop in level of more than 50 cm, which led to a decrease in flooded houses ; today this is about 80 houses, which is less than 30% of the total number of houses that were generally flooded, in as a result, the population is already returning to their homes; out of 118 people who were in the temporary temporary detention center, 35 people are currently staying, including children.
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a state of emergency is still in effect in the altai territory, the situation has stabilized, but many people still have nowhere to return. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. vesti, altai region. due to the flood , a state of emergency was introduced in several settlements of the orenburg region. at night, the chernaya river overflowed its banks and flooded several streets in the village of krasnokholm. and our special correspondent is now in direct contact with the studio. maria, greetings, what is the current situation in the flood-affected areas? yes, alexander, hello, now we are in the worker's lane, near house 14, and it is no longer possible to pass here even in a wetsuit, so we are currently sailing on a boat, as you can see, there is a lonely dog ​​here, now we will try to swim to it , maybe she will decide to jump after all. to our boat,
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now the residents are returning, some to their homes in special suits, it is known that soon the water will approach other houses, people will be evacuated and taken out. well, those whose houses have already been flooded, more than 10 houses are flooded, this is official data from the ministry of emergency situations, they return, take their pets and transport them to their relatives, so much effort has been invested in the house, it’s a shame to abandon it, let’s see how much water comes, poultry, chickens are here, they were left yesterday, the piglets were taken out.
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we continue to swim towards the dog, it is known that the orenburg and leg highways are currently closed due to floods, it is impossible to leave now... january 9 at at the moment in orenburg, in many snt houses are also flooded, for example in the microdistrict aviagorodok-2, now people today are left without heating and without hot water due to floods, the basements of apartment buildings are flooded there,
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the water level is increasing in snt pegasus, not far from the village of ural , there it increased overnight. as local residents wrote on social networks, by about 15-20 cm, we are waiting for the peak of the floods here in the orenburg region, now people from the ministry of emergency situations continue to evacuate people from their homes, we just know we see, on a working street, here in the village of akbulak, a woman returned to her house, she needed help, she turned to the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, now they... are coming into her house, we’ll try to go in with them, we’ll definitely tell you everything in the following live broadcasts. alexandra. masha, thank you, what are we waiting for? our special correspondent, maria valieva, spoke about floods in the orenburg region. in russian
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regions affected by the spring flood , the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its rescue forces. in mordovia, to boat crossings were organized for two settlements that found themselves cut off from the mainland. in the villages. a supply of drinking water and food has been made. in the ryazan region , nine villages were left without transport links. emergency situations ministry employees transport local residents by water. a sharp rise in the level of the sura river near penza flooded the only bridge used by residents of the village of grabovo. the fragile structure went under water. in the saratov region, water is pumped out from the basements of residential buildings using powerful equipment that is in the arsenal of rescuers. but in the ivanovo region.
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9:11 am
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9:12 am
the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, russia! russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement,
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replacement for the younger generation, a legend enters the field to win, we continue to broadcast, 1200 volunteers of the svo participants received a certificate of combat veterans, the defenders of the fatherland foundation helped with this. the document gives the right to social guarantees and state assistance. as the head of the organization, anna tsovileva, said at a meeting with vladimir putin , almost a million requests have been received in less than a year, most of them have already been resolved. the president asked what requests soldiers most often come with. about the first results important work and new instructions of the head of state report p. the state fund defenders of the fatherland, created on
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the initiative of russian president vladimir putin, is one year old, only a year old, but thousands of personal stories of heroes of the northern military district and many good deeds are already associated with it. during this time, with the support of relevant ministries and departments, the participation of the best specialists in russia and simply caring, responsive citizens, the foundation opened branches throughout the country to provide the defenders of our homeland with everything they needed after the front. surround them with care help them return to normal life. at a meeting with vladimir putin, the chairman of the fund, anna tseveleva, announced impressive figures. in just 10 months of operation, the fund received 910,000 requests from a wide variety of profiles. and he has already processed 780 of them. help for veterans of the northern military district is provided in a targeted and comprehensive manner. each person is assigned a personal social coordinator, not just an employee, often a friend. today it is 3,500. employees who work in every municipality, in every small town, in order to
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proactively come to the guys who live in villages, in remote areas, so that they are also not deprived of attention and receive their assistance, which is fully due to them from the state. in accordance with the president’s instructions, a system of support measures has been built for veterans at all levels of government, including personal medical, social and legal assistance. technical means of rehabilitation, adaptation of housing to the needs of people with disabilities using the smart home system. vladimir putin supported tsivileva’s idea to provide military veterans with leg amputations with manual vehicles. for a young man this will be perhaps a fateful decision, he will be able to go to work, especially when he lives in the village, to the shops, to socialize, to go somewhere, in order to generally remain in such an active agenda of life, we will assume that this issue has been resolved , the heroes of the northern military district are actively involved in sports, the paralympic movement, as
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well as in the patriotic education of youth, because heroes are not born, they are made, special attention. we have now, together with the ministry of defense , developed a number of programs that allow we can partially close these questions for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies. 12 thousand volunteers have already received a certificate of combat veterans, and 600 residents
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of the dpr and lpr have received the status of a family member of the deceased. as for the assignment of the status of a combat disabled person, now, by decision of the president, he will... despite the fact that the defenders fund was initially created to support demobilized participants of the military military district, today 70% of applications come from active military personnel, volunteers, their families, they will also be assistance was provided, because the main values ​​of the foundation are justice, care, respect for the heroes
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who stood up to defend their country. sofya sergieva, news! in moscow and other cities of the country, the number of people wishing to enroll in military service under a contract has increased significantly. since the beginning of the year , more than 100,000 people have already signed up for the armed forces. up to 1,700 volunteers come to collection points every day. in total, over the past 10 days , about 16 thousand new soldiers have entered the service of the russian army. as reported ministry of defense, many volunteers cite as their motive the desire to avenge those killed in the corps. i’m from the city of sevastopol, i’ve already participated in the northern military district zone, signed a contract, the contract ended, after the terrible events in moscow, i don’t want to stay on the sidelines and i want such a misfortune not to come to my hometown, and i understand that i have
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a family, children, and so that all this does not reach my... family, i decided to agree to a contract, the kiev regime is already, yes, it is already crossing all the boundaries of what is permitted, they are already shooting in belgorod, in the belgorod region, so therefore, there is no need to be afraid, now more than ever, we need to stand up, go sign a contract, defend our homeland, today prime minister mikhail mishustin will speak in the state duma with an annual report on the work of the government, the head of the cabinet. masha, hello, tell me how experts evaluate the government’s work? hi sasha, they emphasize that in general they are successfully coping with the current challenges. the national goals set for 2023 have been achieved, and
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russian prime minister mikhail mishustin will speak about this today. he will speak at the state house with an annual report on the work of the government. it will include topics related to the implementation of decisions on the president’s instructions, national projects, and, as the head of the cabinet of ministers emphasized, will discuss issues of priority importance for people’s lives and economic development. experts here note significant progress. the government has certainly coped with these challenges, because we see an increase in investment, which has not been seen for more than 10 years, we see economic growth, which puts forward... these are the results, they are, in general, even exceed what we achieved in generally quite calm times. a lot of
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work has been done to modernize the healthcare system, which also ultimately has a positive effect on the economy. new hospitals, clinics and health centers have been built, some have been reconstructed. in total, there are about 900 such facilities, another 4.00 have been repaired, and the fleets of medical institutions have been replenished with 14 thousand cars. the implementation of educational projects also demonstrates serious results. modern centers for additional education are appearing in the regions. one of these is period growth is dedicated to natural sciences and technologies. and today more than 17 thousand such institutions have been created throughout russia. in addition to them , there are 300 children's technology parks, quantorium and 260 it shopping centers. as for preschool education, the number of places in kindergartens has increased, plus more than 260,000. requests for accessibility to education come from different regions; the development of appropriate infrastructure is especially necessary in small towns; how to make life in these territories more comfortable is also among
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the government’s priorities. experts they expect increased interest in the topic among state duma deputies from the regions. there is also a very wide range of issues, yes, if it is effective medicine and attracting personnel to schools and preschool institutions. and of course this is a problem, so to speak, of effective employment, well, probably, so to speak, there will be a conversation on the most important sectors that ensure our national security, this is agriculture, this is the military-industrial complex, this is certainly, so to speak, energy, transport, special attention to science, implementation of national projects allowed the creation of 15 scientific and educational centers, they became a connecting link... for hundreds of universities, enterprises and specialized institutions. seven more such centers are currently under construction. the space for experiments and practical work for young scientists has also expanded.
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more than 700 laboratories have been set up for them. scientific achievements improve the quality of life, including helping to preserve the environment. thus , significant success has been achieved in maintaining the cleanliness of the volga and baikal waters. this changed the living conditions for 17 million people. in particular, the discharge has been reduced clear water to the volga. by 21%, almost a third into objects of the baikal natural territory. the implementation of large-scale tasks was facilitated by timely funding. experts point out that the russian government is managing to respond to current challenges, including ensuring budget revenues; last year is especially indicative here. the increase in the deficit was precisely due to the fact that the beginning of the year caused great concern in terms of revenue performance, but... during the year we see that certain industries, and this industries that are unusual for us, export related to raw materials, namely
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business, last year it managed to adapt to new conditions and became the main donor, and the increase in income was associated precisely with the real and with the service sector, but with business. 2023 was a fruitful year in terms of. infrastructure, roads are coming forward; within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads throughout russia, more than 31 km of road surface have been laid. also, to expand transport capabilities, airfields have been modernized, more than thirty facilities were built, 18 new facilities were launched in the ports. sea harbors, as mikhail mishustin noted, have increased production capacity, an increase of more than 156 million tons. by the way, last year the russian government sent it to the state duma. 300 projects, 200 of which became federal laws. sasha, this is only part of the results, we’ll find out everything in more detail in the report,
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very soon. at 12:00 noon. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova, she talked about what experts think about the upcoming report government. moscow submitted a draft statement to the un security council condemning the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. israeli actions. the united states, london and paris tried to shift responsibility for the escalation to iran. the following is a report from our own correspondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov. russia convened an extraordinary meeting of the un security council at tehran's request. israel's missile attack on the iranian consulate in damascus was a violation of more than just the resolution. without a ceasefire, but a blow to one of the pillars of international law, the vienna convention on the inviolability of diplomatic objects. we call on the international community
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to condemn it unconditionally. the iranian consulate building in damascus was completely destroyed, said the country's representative to the un, zahra yarshadi, the exact number of victims of the raid is still unknown. tehran places responsibility for this strike not only on israel, but on the united states and promises an adequate response. iran reserves the legal and inalienable right, in accordance with international law, the organization's charter united nations, take decisive action in response to these judgmental actions. washington hastily declares its non-involvement in israel's attack on the iranian consulate. moreover, the united states claims that it did not know about the impending raid on the syrian capital, but continues to blame iran for the bloody conflict that has been going on for six months. as
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the white house stated, the united states was not involved in yesterday's attack in syria, and we also did not know about it in advance. as we gather details, one thing is clear: iran and its proxies must be avoided escalation of tensions in the region. representatives of syria itself call the israeli strike a violation of the sovereignty of the two states of iran and syria. despite public calls for the protection of civilians, it is washington, in the opinion of damascus, that remains the main culprit of the humanitarian tragedy.
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the united states still has no confirmed data regarding the attack on the iranian consulate general, what a disaster, i just want to say, i don’t believe it, there are almost no good options left for the united states itself in the middle east, provocations. israel with the goal of dragging america into a war with iran on the one hand, or a confrontation with the islamic world, including within the united states itself, on the other. following the attack on the iranian consulate, american muslim leaders canceled their planned meeting with president biden. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. why were you given the title of hero
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of the soviet union? i don’t know, 1942, russian, your face is such that you could pass it off as anyone, well, practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, but this mikhala, you didn’t know, no, she made you into a latino, yes, she made you into a person with a latin american character and habits.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, we will expose all the fakes.


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