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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to do and change.
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in moscow at 9:30, this is what we have learned by this hour: in bashkiria, roads are closed due to flooding, in populated areas of the orenburg region. a state of emergency has been declared, the ministry of emergency situations reports the threat of ice jams. the situation in altai has improved slightly; the number of houses in the flood zone has decreased by approximately half. almost 200 buildings and almost a thousand household plots remain in the water. michael mishustin will speak today in the state duma with the annual government report. the prime minister will talk about the work done and answer questions from parliamentarians. earlier, the head of the cabinet held meetings with...
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representatives of the duma factions, during which they discussed the work and shared initiatives for the next year. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva, at a meeting with vladimir putin, spoke about the results for less than a year of the organization’s work. 12 thousand volunteer participants of the svo received a certificate of combat veterans. this gives the right to social guarantees and state assistance. the total number of received requests is about a million, most have already been resolved. a series of powerful earthquakes occurred off the coast of taiwan, the strongest being magnitude 7.7. houses partially went underground, bridges collapsed, and a series of powerful flash floods occurred. japan announced a tsunami threat; experts do not rule out a wave height of up to 3 m. the prosecutor general's office sent inquiries about involvement to the competent authorities of the united states, germany, france and cyprus. foreign structures to terrorist attacks
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in russia. this statement itself came to supervisory agency last week. its authors, deputies and public figures call for an investigation into the possible involvement of high-ranking western officials, as well as organizations, including nato, in financing sabotage in our country, as well as in undermining the nord stream gas pipelines. materials with relevant requests were sent to the competent authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus. we can only hope that our colleagues are one of these. countries will approach their consideration in good faith, and as participants in international conventions on combating the financing of terrorism and combating bomb terrorism will fulfill their obligations to conduct an investigation into the information provided, assist in obtaining evidence necessary for the proceedings, and also ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude excuses for them on political or other similar grounds . nato plans to create a fund for ukraine.
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the west is again complaining about russia's superiority in the ukrainian conflict, the military experts note natural failures in the security system, and western politicians are calling for an increase in arms supplies to ukraine. a threat not only to ukraine, but also to european security as a whole. france, like all european countries, is interested in doing everything possible to prevent the further strengthening of the russian military machine. part of our common goal is also to continue to build up and revitalize our defense industrial base. but there are disagreements among american senators amid endless pressure from the washington administration, under this pressure, legislators are discussing the resumption of aid to ukraine. the bill is yet to be voted on. it doesn't make much difference
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because it's unlikely. that ukraine will ever repay the debt, it will most likely be forgiven, but providing assistance to ukraine as soon as possible is what we must do. in turn, economists note that us assistance to kiev will not remain free of charge. nato secretary general en stoltenberg will propose at the alliance's summer summit to create a $100 billion fund to pay for arms supplies ukraine and extend funding over 5 years. this will allow states to reduce the aid package from 60 billion dollars to 16. american political scientists even. they condemn such rhetoric, they again talk about the critical situation in the ssu and call support for the zelensky regime absurd. if we continue the way we are now, we will completely destroy ukraine, well the truth is that biden has been a disaster for ukraine for a decade. now he is trying to hide this
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failure in order to survive the november elections, but this failure is obvious on the battlefield every day. but europe, despite a few attacks, does not aggravate the conflict... there is a war in the east of europe and it does not seem that it is coming to an end, europeans must understand that the peace created between us is an exception. the world is cruel, but if we were at war, then we would talk about the third world war. and although not all european politicians adhere to peaceful methods of resolving the conflict, dissatisfaction with the attempt is actively brewing in the west. so in slovakia , presidential candidates argued about ukraine’s membership in nato, the speaker of parliament in in his election address, he said that he would not allow his country to be drawn into the conflict. see what is happening around us. are you paying attention to what they want
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to prepare us all for, war? i will not allow us to be drawn into an open military conflict, i will not allow slovakia to act in accordance with the needs of the plans of traders and producers. weapons and politicians who represent their interests. whether peaceful rhetoric will become a trend among western politicians remains to be seen. disagreements over aid to ukraine are only growing. victoria queen, lead the way. so, only a few hours remain until the government’s annual report to the state duma. mikhail mishustin will make a report on the results of the year’s work and answer questions from deputies. during the preparation, the head of the cabinet of ministers met with representatives of parliamentary factions and held a meeting. with members of the government. anna voronina will tell you all the details. in anticipation of the government's report to the state duma, the prime minister held meetings with all parliamentary factions. communist representatives were the first to sit down at the negotiating table. they prepared about 140 questions to the ministers, as well as a whole package
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of proposals regarding personnel training, investing in science and robotics, supporting large families, increasing the birth rate, and separately touched upon modernization in the housing and communal services sector in the regions. now the president has made, i think, a historic decision to forgive 2/3 of the debts, but this money needs to go to social services, to human development, to communal services. the ldpr faction, 60 initiatives, which became laws last year, focused on the salaries of doctors’ teachers, support for single people working parents the importance of uniform development of regions. we really have a desire.
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correspond to the subsistence level and propose to make a state alimony fund, from which to pay alimony until the state finds this fugitive, and then collects it in full, and even with interest. representatives of united russia voiced a proposal regarding support for the russian economy, the fight against poverty, assistance in employment. the faction has already submitted 80 bills for consideration. 47 are ready for the second reading, aimed at implementing family and youth projects in russia. long and active life, data economy, strengthening defense capabilities, technological sovereignty of the country, training of professional personnel, forming a new elite and the number of participants. but the proposal from the new people party, which entered the state duma after the elections in 2021 , concerned primarily support for
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russian entrepreneurs, especially in border regions. representatives of the faction also voiced proposals for robotization industry through the development of artificial intelligence. the phase transition begins. this is about how the pre-manufacturing and manufacturing economy was, this is not an area where we need to get involved with regulation now, after all the discussions with the factions, mikhail mishustin met with the chairman. i know that all members of the government actively participated in working with the structures of the state duma, worked in specialized committees, this is very important feedback, of course, you just need to listen to the opinions of our parliamentarians. mikhail mishustin noted that ministers and deputies have common tasks, and this is primarily the development of the country and the well-being of citizens. it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this,
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russian football cup on april 3. mvidio and eldorado have a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. coopersberg built-in dishwasher for only 19,999. in embio and eldorado. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5th, we give. 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service not just profitable alpha profitable new big special barbecue already in combo for 469 rubles. waffle jack candy magnet 29,999 magnet - the price is right. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try
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powerful earthquake in the last quarter of a century, the magnitude exceeded 7.5. dozens of buildings were destroyed, some high-rise buildings were uprooted. according to preliminary data, four people were killed and more than 700 residents were injured. now in taiwan the subway is not working, trains are not running, flights have been cancelled, and 300,000 families are without electricity. the world's largest production facility has stopped. schemes, dozens of aftershocks are recorded. a tsunami wave is expected in japan in the coming hours. meanwhile, experts say that the disaster will not affect the russian coastal region. in the regions of the north-west of the country the consequences are being eliminated freezing rain snowfall, in the center of russia there is a warning about increased wind. we’ll find out all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she’s joining me. katya, good morning, what about the capital, will it get colder too? yes, the direction of the wind has changed and now it will blow not the african heat, but the arctic cold. morning in the crystal city. with such
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comments, some residents of petrozavodsk early in the morning posted footage of the consequences of freezing rain on social networks. thickness of ice deposits. precipitation turned to snow on the northwestern shore of lake ladazhskoe the snowdrifts grew significantly, the janitors had more work, and in the morning they had to dig out approaches to houses and sidewalks. kutru vyborg, leningrad region, was covered in ice, and here the ice shell on tree surfaces turned out to be twice as large as in petrozavodsk; it is very slippery in the city. interestingly, the night before some of the streets of vyborg literally drowned after a short but heavy rain. precipitation was not the only negative weather factor; wind gusts knocked down fences and broke old trees. to the central area the cold snap has not yet arrived, even in pskov and novgorod the night was summer-warm, but on the synoptic map you can now see
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the situation by the middle of the day: the cyclone will push the anticyclone to the southeast. it will be behind the cold front. all regions along the western border of the country, within a day the cold front will have time to cross both the capital region and crimea. the pressure drop and a sharp change in temperature will be accompanied by strong winds throughout the central region; gusts of over 15 m/s are likely today. they will be at the epicenter moscow, smolensk and tver regions, the wind can accelerate to 20 m/s. and more. another area of ​​strong winds also associated with the cold front today in the south. here. the zone of precipitation stretches from the shores of the baltic to the shores of the abi, the most intense will be in the pskov region, karelia and arkhangelsk region, snow north of petrozavodsk, south of livni. in st. petersburg , the temperature continues to drop, now +1, by noon the thermometer will show 0°, by 15 o'clock -1, by the end of the working day -3, well, by midnight it will get colder to
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five frosts. at the same time , fresh snow cover will form during the day. now there is light snow with rain, in the morning there may be thunderstorms, by noon the precipitation will turn to snow and will intensify, the peak intensity will be in the second half of the day, well, by the end of the day the banks of the niva will be covered with a snow cover 5-8 cm high. there is still some cloudiness in moscow, there are cirrus clouds, the first harbingers of approaching bad weather, air temperature +15°, but during the day it will not get any warmer. by noon - 14°, by mid-day +12, in the evening it will get colder to +8, there will be light rain in the afternoon, but the main problem in moscow today will be the wind, gusts up to 15 m/s are likely in the morning, up to 18-19 in the afternoon, and by the evening the wind speed in gusts can reach 21 m/s s, and the wind will begin to weaken only at night, so today you need to be
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careful on the streets. thank you, katya, it was ekaterina gregorova with a story about cold weather and storms in the european part. russia and other topics. rospotrebnadzor handed over two modern mobile laboratories to uzbekistan to counter epidemics risk. the equipment allows you to quickly respond to outbreaks of particularly dangerous infections and conduct research on biological materials, water and food anywhere in the country. these are not the first laboratories transferred by rospotrebnadzor to uzbekistan. two mobile clinics and four similar diagnostic complexes are already successfully operating in the republic.
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sip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we give. free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib. nothing extra. next, let's move on to
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sports news. the semi-final stage has started in the continental hockey league. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague daniila makharin. he joins me. danya. good morning. tell me, who played in the first match and what was the score? sash, good morning. yaroslavl lokomotiv beat chelyabinsk tractor 5:2. the first semi-final of the gagarin cup took place in the continental hockey league. in yaroslavl, the local lokomotiv received a chelyabinsk tractor. for lock, this is the first time in the semi-final stage in 7 years and despite only 4 days having passed since the end of the last series with the omsk avant-garde, the hockey players of the yaroslavl club did not look tired at all. the tractor scored first, new. missed twice, and on top of that, the main goalkeeper of the chelyabinsk team was injured in zakfukali. this seriously affected the course of the match, since
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sergei mylnikov, who replaced him, had only made his debut in the playoffs. as a result , the fifth and last puck in the match somehow flew in from a very acute angle. as a result, 5:2 in favor of lokomotiv. successful transfer alexandra ovechkina did not help his washington escape from destruction. lost 2:6 in the match with buffalo, but the russian scored points for the first time in the last four matches. and pittsburgh beat new jersey 6:3. evgeniy malki scored three points in the match, notching a double and an assist. pittsburgh was losing 1:3 at the start of the third period, however, in the remaining time it managed to send five unanswered goals into the opponent’s goal. in this segment , malkin became the main character. at first he successfully placed throwing stick. later he caught a rebound on his heels and sent the puck into the empty net. the day before , two semi-finalists in
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the regional bracket were determined in the russian football cup; they were dynamo moscow and rostov. the white and blues played with khabarovsk sk in st. petersburg, and not in the far east, as there were heating problems at the home stadium. moreover, the match did not take place at the gazprom arena or petrovsky arena, but at kirovets, which, however, did not stop it from being shown. rostov, the fans didn’t see any goals, but they did watch a slightly drawn-out series almost everyone scored a penalty, but if only maxim osipenko missed a goal against rostov, not by much. right in the center, then at khimakh, first roman yuzepchuk hit the post, and the series was completed by a shot from oleg isaenka, which was saved by rostov goalkeeper nikita medvedev.
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thirty-nine-year-old cristiano ronaldo, who plays for alnasar in saudi arabia, scored five goals in one half, however, at the end of the match, one assist was still taken away from him; he was not able to repeat his own record of times yet real madrid. alnasar. sprints and the main sensation was the failure of three-time olympic champion alexander bolshunov to qualify for the final race. in the semi-finals , alexander took only third place, so
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in the decisive race the audience never saw the main favorite of the season. at the same time , sergei ustyugov also failed in the final, finishing only fifth. the first was sergei ardashev, who was ahead of ivan gorbunov and dmitry puzanov. senior coach of the russian national team yegor sorin fulfilled his promise to attend the awards ceremony in...
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at this stage, the series goes up to two victories of one of the teams, it all started on march 27 with a 3:2 away victory for proton in kaliningrad, but then at home in saratov the girls lost 0:3, the confrontation again moved to kaliningrad, where everything happened again settled down to the fifth decisive game, only this time the local locomotive turned out to be stronger, despite losing 182. the fourth set 15:13 in the end ahead in one second repetition of the final of the last season kaliningrad loko against moscow dynamo. that's all for now in sports. thank you, it was daniela makhalin and sports news. there is a week left before the muslim holiday of breaking the fast, raza bayram. it is preceded by a time of fasting, the holy month of ramadan. the last third is considered the most important.
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they are trying to spend these 10 days. in a special way, artur mustaev will tell you more about the traditions, and with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, good news, the last 10 days of the month of ramadan are the time in which muslims with special zeal devote themselves to worshiping allah, godly deeds, everyone hopes to catch lailatul night predestination, which, as reported in the qur'an, is better than a thousand months. every evening , a landing of volunteers, these are activists, takes to the central streets and avenues of cities and regions of the republic.
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therefore, it is carried out in an atmosphere of spiritual purification. believers strive to pray as much as possible, give alms, and read the koran. many spend the last 10 days in the mosque in a state of etikaf, continuous worship of the almighty. the messenger of allah sallallaahu alayhilam said: “whoever stands the night of the month of ramadan, believing in allah subhana wa taala, hoping for the mercy of allah subhana wa taala, for the forgiveness of allah almighty subhana wa taala.
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a regional public fund launched a large-scale charity event for low-income residents of the republic; the organization purchases food packages that are delivered directly to their doorstep. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan loluev. news chechen republic. i stood my ground that i was right, time will tell. the president signed a decree on the autonomy of moscow university. hooray. i decided to resume tatyana's day and come up with some kind of tradition. i have a feeling that all this has changed. this means that something else is being created here. huge attention. it is dedicated
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to ensuring that students receive a fundamental, yes, classical university education, but he was the first one, and to the guys, i’m trying to be good, so please, session, goodbye. this is russia 24, a special broadcast and one of the main topics today is the government report in the state duma, we watch and discuss together with experts. in the studio artyom yamshchikov, also olga armyakova, this is what we will tell you about in this release.


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