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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue, more than 700 people were injured in the earthquake in taiwan, several dozen residents remain trapped in damaged buildings, as the media write, this earthquake was the most powerful.
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disconnect, here from my tablet we see water splashing out from a pool on the roof of one of the skyscrapers, of course, a spectacle amazing in quotes, of course. but this shows the scale of the earthquake, alexander, what do you think? well, answering the question of what the scale is, and what the scale of the consequences is, of course, we still have to calculate everything, because the search and rescue operation is just now underway, but as for the fall of the stock market, oh which you also said, then in general there is nothing surprising here either, because the world's main semiconductor production is concentrated in taiwan. which supply, in general, almost the whole world with microchips, in general, today, of course, there was a whole series of powerful tremors, which were felt not only on the earthquake closest to the epicenter in the east coast of taiwan, shaking in the north of the island and in its very center 7.7 points according to the richter scale, and most of all the destruction in the district in the city
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of hualien, some houses tilted and in general it is surprising that some simply stood, residents were led out of them along the roots and canopies from the windows directly, but on the highways there are, of course, a lot of destructive landslides there hasn't been such... a strong earthquake in taiwan for 25 years. factories, including those that supply half the world with microchips, have stopped working. according to taiwanese power engineers, almost 90 thousand houses on the island remain without electricity, while nuclear power plant reactors and other radioactive objects were not damaged, the tremors were also felt by passengers on the skytrain in taipei, it’s amazing how much restraint there was, there was no panic. and assistance in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake, the echoes of which were felt in the chinese province of fujian, taipei has already suggested beijing, in china. just as during tremors of the same strength in 1999 , almost 2,500 people died in taiwan; today local authorities are still very cautiously reporting, first about four, now about seven deaths, clarifying that search efforts are just beginning. seismologists, of course, warn about possible aftershocks with a magnitude of up to 7 points. in the coming days,
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the neighboring japanese islands of yaayama and akinawa are preparing for a tsunami, where wave heights can reach 3 m, in the coastal southeastern regions of china, just... the case has also been stopped now, the movement of trains in the area of ​​the yendza river delta, special services are currently conducting a preventive safety check of all bridges and tunnels, so of course they are very closely monitoring what is happening on the island in mainland china, well, in taiwan itself large-scale search and rescue operations are currently underway on the island. alexander, thank you, our support correspondent in china told us about the earthquake in taiwan. so, in russian cities, including moscow, the number of people wishing to sign a contract with ministry of defense about 1,700 people come to the selection points every day; in total , more than 100,000
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volunteers have become military personnel since the beginning of the year. defense officials say many of these fighters say they intend to avenge those killed in the march 22 terrorist attack in croco city hole. meanwhile, the kiev regime tightened mobilization norms. zelensky signed a law according to which it is possible to withdraw troops from the age of 25, and not from 27, as was previously the case. the status of limited time for service has also been cancelled. everyone who has it will have to go through a medical examination again, and it will decide whether he is fit or not. person or not. experts believe that many ukrainians with truly poor health will not be able to avoid being sent to the army. the law on the electronic register of military personnel was also signed. intelligence. will be assembled without their consent. vlai the us allegedly informed the russian country 2 weeks before the krokuti holly terrorist attack that the concert hall was a potential target for attack. the washington post reported this, citing american officials. well, let me remind you that the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei
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naryshkin, said the day before that the fsb received certain information from american intelligence agencies, but it was too general. russia distributed it to the security council. a draft statement condemning the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. our country’s representative at the organization, vasily nebendia , emphasized: moscow regards the raids on syrian territory as a gross violation of territorial integrity. most countries at the meeting recognized the inadmissibility of attacks on diplomatic facilities. however, the usa, great britain and france tried to shift responsibility for the escalation to iran. and now to other topics.
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cost the federal, regional and local budgets 1 billion rubles. an it cube will open here in the fall. from 19 to 23 in the rostov region we built 32 new schools for 19 places. more than a thousand boys and girls, or all the children of the old village, neighboring villages and villages will study in this school only in the first shift. the school building is really huge, even in the city.
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great, we know that today we will have a lot of guests on the air, colleagues, welcome and send you my words, yuri, yes, colleagues, hello, indeed, we are working in the state duma, today alexandra suborova went to talk with today’s participants in today’s event, the government’s report to the state duma, and i now have the opportunity to ask these questions to the head of the united russia faction in the state duma , vladimir vasiliev, vladimirovich, live for all our viewers. , hello! tell me, what are your expectations and how do you generally assess the government’s work? you know, i assess
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the work of the government positively, we recently, like other factions, they had the opportunity to meet with the government, ask a question and receive an answer. the most important thing is that the process went on continuously. the changes that the president made to the constitution, which were supported in the process of popular voting, created an unusual structure when the government is executive. he doesn’t work the way the authorities want and can, but the way the people want, which
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the president constantly talks about, all the time he’s been working, and i have the honor of working all this time, he follows this path, he goes to the people, especially this it was noticeable during the pre-election period, that’s why there is such high support, people are not deceived, they perfectly feel where the sincerity is, where the game is, everyone understands everything, that’s why. again there are not enough questions, he also adds, so now it will be a little different from
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what i imagine, but this is all planned work, the most important thing is joint responsible work and one more thing, as a representative of the majority faction, maybe the most important thing, here i am i even took a number so as not to cover my soul, we are going through a very difficult period of sanctions, but this is not endlessly, it’s endless, we must not think that everything will be over, happiness will be, no, it will only be more difficult. therefore, it is very important to learn how to work in the mode of solving problems and achieving goals, so that people feel it for themselves, so this is what happened in our second year.
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we, as the majority party, support it, ensure it in parliament, but i count on the fact that our colleagues understand well the conditions under which we work and that it is not populism, but responsibility, a responsible approach to solving problems, that determines the future and improving people's lives, well, you talked about work for the future, we know that this cabinet of ministers will resign in the near future, and after the inauguration of the president there will be a new one. after updating the constitution, the state duma will also have new opportunities to approve the composition of the cabinet of ministers. what are your expectations about how much the cabinet should be updated, do you think? you know, yesterday was 30 years in parliament, i met with representatives of our public in st. petersburg, you know, that’s who i met before during the process and after, you know, we
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on the rise, that’s my feeling, we are a country on the rise, people. i think they will become more complicated further, but this is interesting, the higher the honor, the more difficult the task, if you solve it, you answered diplomatically, okay, then we will wait for this procedure itself, and if you allow, the last question that i have time for you ask, 14 thousand requests, if i’m not mistaken, on the eve of the government report were received by the cabinet of ministers, do you think this is a lot
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or a little, this is the number, does it indicate that information work may be needed to carry out more actively so that people... these questions do not actually arise based on the results, our government is distinguished by the fact that it is very modern and somewhere at the forefront of working in the field of information, our current government, i think, is a merit in particular , i mean digitalization, we got through the pandemic thanks to this, what am i talking about, but i would like to answer your question now, in the situation in which we find ourselves today, the government has fulfilled its task. today will be very detailed discussion, i hope that it will be objective, objective, criticism is needed, without criticism it is simply impossible, even furious criticism is needed, but if it is fair, so i hope that this is the consolidated vote that i cited, that joint work, then division is not
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only bouquets of flowers of success, and the most difficult situations in which we find ourselves, and everyone harnesses... everything decides, this will ensure a better future for our country, which i think all factions are ready to listen to, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering question, colleagues, we continue to work in the state duma, i think that in the coming minutes we will still have the opportunity to ask the opinion of representatives of other factions , to communicate with those who will come to the state duma today, in fact, with this report, with government representatives, but for now i’ll tell you word. yuri, thank you, from the state duma today. our colleague yuri bogdanov is working, well, now there’s a short advertisement and we’ll be back later. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5
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the latest news? we know you have a new guest, we give you the floor. yes, this is really so, the head of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov is next to me, gennady andreevich, hello, tell me, what are your expectations from today’s report? the report is of a very principled nature, taking place in the conditions of a major war. we put on the table 140 specific questions and a whole package of 17 laws of our initiatives. our
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initiatives for the development of the agro-industrial complex of agricultural construction using high technologies, primarily electronics, robotics and machine tools are supported, but not yet funded. i hope this gets resolved. in my opinion, one of the most... big complex problems, the president’s message, he sharply took the left rudder, it is socialized in its essence, additionally social support for citizens, another 3.5 trillion is required and for utilities, that is 7, that’s if if they had accepted the development budget, we proposed it, it is 10 trillion more than the one contributed by the united russia, if only this order of the president had already been given, the government could successfully carry out, now we need to look for additional resources, and we made a proposal from the nationalization of the mineral base, a progressive tax scale to increasing the cost of living to 32 thousand,
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in principle there are no real funds, in my opinion, the weak link in this government, it failed to take resources, finance, economic, which we have in our hands, our banks have accumulated 130. migration and poor quality of education at school, mishusin, as chairman, understands this, his teams were discussed, but is ready program, it was prepared by fehr.
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renewal of the constitution, what are your expectations from this procedure and maybe you will hear some candidates for specific cabinet composition? well, today i would abstain on the candidacy, let’s listen to the report, because the candidacies should depend, the first one is the president, the prime minister, they should look at this strong, intelligent, competent team, based on the results of their work. i would definitely strengthen the financial and economic bloc , because it falls outside the task of ensuring victory and mastering the latest technologies. those who are involved in education and upbringing must understand that patriots, literate and strong authorities win at the front. those who are involved in ultra-modern technologies should know that during the soviet era we were the smartest, the most educated, the most
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cosmic, the most victorious. without this experience it is impossible for you to move, look at the unique experience of china, the entire first generation of chinese leaders studied with us, we trained 6,000 specialists on all continents, all this taken together should determine the mischievous program, so today i have to listen to whether all our proposals that we made taught them, they must understand that the pace that they achieved last year was 3.6...
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