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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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your voters, then when you come to the duma, you will be able to properly prepare, answer questions, determine priority measures, then you will receive an appropriate assessment, either support or not. this, in my opinion, is a very good form, working with ministries, by the way, their discipline and responsibility after the decision is made that they are regularly counted has become much higher, but this is such a sufficient, even for modern russia, a relatively new norm, what? did their own thing, if you look at the composition of the government in the nineties, they basically sold the country, plundered it and destroyed it. gennadivich, why do state duma deputies need this? to increase the status, well, what undoubtedly gives the status of parliament, or is it really some kind of information component that you need for work, no, this is not an information system of power, what is it?
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yuri, thank you, our colleague yuri bogdanov is working on the sidelines of the state duma, we are waiting for the next inclusion, we continue, well, right now we are a client of the news agency, where messages are received from ostana, from the nineteenth annual meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of states, members of the sco countries, according to a statement by the secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. out of powerlessness on the battlefield, the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrorism, and we are, of course, talking about ukraine. so, quote: in conditions when the armed forces of ukraine and nato can no longer do anything on the battlefield, the enemy, out of powerlessness, is increasingly resorting to terrorist methods, patrushev said speaking in astana at the nineteenth annual meeting with the secretaries of the security council of the sco member countries. we follow the news from there. well, let's continue, a little less than an hour left before the start of the report.
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prime minister mikhail mishustin in front of the state duma. this is a conversation about what has been done and what lies ahead, that is, the task for the future. this event has become traditional since 2009. all members of the cabinet of ministers will attend the report. the meeting is scheduled to begin at 12 noon moscow time. so, the live broadcast will be available on our tv channel, as well as on the state duma website on official government resources on social networks. the day before mikhail mishustin held. final meeting to prepare for the report with the participation of deputy prime ministers and ministers, the prime minister thanked them for their active work. in addition, on the eve of the report, mishustin met with representatives of parliamentary factions and state duma representative vyacheslav volodin. according to the head of government, the main task is the development of the country and the well-being of citizens. well, actually, today mikhail mishustin should tell the deputies what exactly the cabinet of ministers did for this over the past year, especially. as far as
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fulfilling the tasks of the president's instructions, the main topics are economic development, achieving technological and financial sovereignty, supporting families, demography, housing and communal services issues, and of course, new regions. according to state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, deputies sent 309 questions in writing to the cabinet of ministers in preparation for the report. the basis was, among other things, the appeal of citizens, the number of which, according to volodin, exceeded 14,000. and a lot of questions.
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over to you, maybe you managed to find out something? colleagues, welcome, actually, what else will the deputies ask about, we will ask them themselves during this hour, for now we will probably tell you about how today’s meeting will proceed in general. and of course about expectations, of course, today the meeting will be held in a standard, i think, mode, usually it is about 3-3, maybe 4 hours, because the meeting itself is divided into several parts at once, and most often the introductory part of the prime minister himself , it's about an hour, a little over an hour, but are there any special features this year? yes, this year there are many features, they are of such a global conceptual political nature, i will tell you briefly, maybe our viewers will also be interested. it’s more informative to watch what ’s going to happen today. well, firstly, we just spoke with our guests, in general we mentioned that the format of the report of the government and the pre-state duma, a relatively young duma, even for modern russia, it appeared in 2009, then vladimir putin was prime minister , and
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this provision was included in the constitution, it was enshrined in law, and now the government, represented by the prime minister, reports to parliamentarians annually. this year. what is noteworthy and what is interesting: the government after vladimir putin takes office - after the inauguration, which should take place in the near future, will be forced to resign, this is also enshrined in the constitution, this must happen, after which a new government will be formed, because that therefore today's report is not only a report for the year, but also if take a broader look at the report for the years during which the government has been operating under the chairmanship of mikhail mishusin. 2020, accordingly, this is more, as i see it, at least we may hear this during the report itself, a more global deadline, a more global format, which implies a report for the year, in general, probably, i assume, there will be the results
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of a broader plan have been summed up, plus everything, from the next presidential term, after updating the constitution, deputies of the state duma, to whom the government counts today, will... to approve not only the candidacy of the prime minister, which will be presented by the president, but also the entire composition of the cabinet, that is, as far as i understand, the vote will be on all ministers, so i think that today deputies and parliamentarians will be especially careful, well, what gennady andrevich actually said zuganov, follow the speeches of both mikhail mishustin and those who will support and help him in this today, and this is the entire composition of the cabinet of ministers, they will all come here to the state duma and will be present at the meeting to...
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the country, while economic growth amounted to 3.6%, these are preliminary data from rosstat, in addition, we also know that the inflation rate is, especially in comparison with european countries, quite low , and if you look on the current indicators that are known, then the growth of industrial production, which we also spoke about more than once, it also shows very good positive dynamics, this is the situation that exists in the russian economy today, of course it would be well impossible without the measures that are being taken...
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legal, the indexation of pensions and benefits by 15%, this is just for last year, the increase in salaries of state employees last year - that’s also about 5 million people there, and the total amount was allocated about 190 billion rubles . well, this is the most important topic, i think that we will continue to talk about them a little later, we will tell you, yes, but of course, as expected, the topic of security will also be heard in the light of the latest tragic events, i think that this topic will be more why is it relevant, of course, for sure the topic will be raised... of a special military operation and assessments related to this, well , it must be said that the whole block of questions that interests citizens, that interests parliamentarians, and parliamentarians are actually representatives of our citizens in the legislative body of power, should be raised, namely therefore, today’s report
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was preceded by quite a large and large-scale work with parliamentarians, which had already been carried out by both the head of the cabinet of ministers and the cabinet as a whole. over 14 thousand hits, if you look at topic, and what interests people now is
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the state of housing and communal services, healthcare and the shortage of medical personnel. as the news agency previously reported, this year deputies plan to ask the prime minister questions that will relate to the country's economy, technological sovereignty, the social sphere, demography, migration and housing and communal services, and of course, there will be questions that relate to the support of fighters of a special military operation, as well i would like now... to dwell in more detail on the regulations of the event, it is expected that in total everything will take about 4 hours, traditionally after the report of the prime minister there will be speeches from factions, five speeches of 10 minutes each and a session of questions are planned. at the end there is a final word from the prime minister . let me remind you that in 2023 , mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma on march 23, and then the report itself and the answers to questions lasted 2 hours and 52 minutes. well, the whole event took almost 4 hours and 20 minutes. today, in videoconferencing mode
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, representatives from all regions of the country will monitor the government report. well it's a start the meeting is scheduled for 12:00 and will be broadcast live on our tv channel. alexandra. thank you masha. well, we are waiting, we literally have 49 minutes left before the start of the broadcast, to be precise. and we will be back on air a little later, while i give the floor to the studio olga, artyom. yes, colleagues, thank you alexander. suvorova and yuri bogdanov spoke about the latest preparations in the state duma for the annual government report. let me remind you that the live broadcast will be on our channel in the next hour, so we're waiting for her. so here we go. vladimir putin congratulated the rector of moscow state university viktor sadovnichy on his 85th birthday, i came. to work in a tasty place for a good salary, for stability, reliability, i found much
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so, so, so, i understand, that’s it, choose, buy with free delivery at the megamarket, this is russia-24, we are continuing a special issue on the eve of the government’s report to the state duma, now on to other news: vladimir putin congratulated the rector of moscow state university viktor sadovnichy happy eighty-fifth birthday. the text of the telegram was published on the official kremlin website. the head of state noted the contribution of the head of the country's oldest university. in preserving the development of the tradition of domestic education in higher education, according to putin, in many respects, thanks to the gardener and his efforts, and moscow state university is a real center of attraction for talented and purposeful youth. i stood my ground that i was right, time will tell. the president signed a decree on the autonomy
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of moscow university. hooray! i decided to resume tatyana’s day and... the ministry of defense announced a significant increase in the number of people wishing to sign contracts to participate in a special military operation. according to the department, since the beginning of the year , more than 100,000 people have entered contract service. every day up to 1,700 people come to the selection points willing, and over the past 10 years
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, about 16 thousand new soldiers have left for service. i came from afar, i came to visit a friend, we talked, then there was the whole situation, so the children were killed, the next day i went to the racing machine, submitted an application, they registered me at the base, trained me, now i signed a contract for a bot, then, in principle, in altazh in the region, i seem to have everything and a job, that is, my employer met me halfway, that is, all the documents were done, sent, that is, everything was sent by the russian prosecutor general’s office to the united states. germany, france to cyprus inquiries about the involvement of foreign structures in terrorist attacks. the department expressed the hope that foreign colleagues will approach their consideration in good faith and will act within the framework of the conventions on combating terrorism. let me remind you that several state duma deputies and public figures previously made corresponding appeals, who stated the need to investigate the organization of terrorist attacks on
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russian territory, as well as the undermining of the nord stream 1 and nord stream 2 gas pipelines. materials with relevant requests were sent to the competent authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus. we can only hope that our colleagues from these countries will approach their consideration in good faith, and as participants in the international conventions for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the fight against terrorist bombings, they will fulfill their obligations, to conduct an investigation based on the information provided, to assist in obtaining evidence necessary for the proceedings, and also ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts eliminate excuses. for them, for reasons of a political or other similar nature, the statements believe that the facts and events listed by them confirm the existence of an international criminal group, in its composition, including senior officials of the united states and nato, as well as individual countries included in the bloc. in addition, the leaders of the kiev regime, employees of the gur and the sbu are called involved. the perpetrators
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of the terrorist attack in crocus will not escape punishment, the speaker is confident. federation council valentina matvienko, she stated that the west's shielding of kiev will not affect the objectivity of the investigation. matvienko emphasized that the whole truth will be established and made public. she added that the country's authorities will sacredly cherish the memory of the victims of this terrible tragedy and do everything to ensure that it never happens again. everyone involved in this monstrous terrorist act is, of course... the perpetrators, their accomplices and those who ordered the terrorist attack, no matter in what countries and under what masks they hide. the federal security service, our law enforcement agencies have shown
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the highest level of professionalism quickly detained the criminals. the people of the state today, the regional authorities will continue to do everything possible to provide assistance and support to the victims, families, and victims. in the meantime, nato plans to create a $100 billion fund for ukraine, and as bloomberg reports, such a proposal was made by secretary general en stoltenberg at the alliance’s july summit. this. the step is called compensation to ukraine for nato’s refusal to invite the country to the alliance. what other statements are being made in the west, our colleague victoria koroleva. the west is again complaining about russia's superiority in the ukrainian conflict. military experts note natural failures in the security system, and western politicians are calling for an increase in arms supplies to ukraine. this is a threat not only to ukraine,
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but also to european security as a whole. france, like all european countries, is interested in doing everything possible to prevent the further strengthening of the russian military machine. part of our common goal is also to continue to build up and revitalize our defense industrial base. and here there is disagreement among us senators amid endless pressure from the washington administration. under this pressure, legislators are discussing the renewal of aid to ukraine. the bill will be voted on next week. they plan to provide a significant portion of the money in the form of a loan. this idea was previously championed by donald trump, but the leaders of both parties in the senate did not support it. there is not much difference, because it is unlikely that ukraine will ever repay the debt. he will certainly be forgiven, but provided for. assistance to ukraine as soon as possible is what we must do. in turn, economists note that us assistance to kiev will not remain free of charge. nato secretary general en stoltenberg
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will propose at the alliance's summer summit to create a $100 billion fund to pay for arms supplies to ukraine and extend the funding over 5 years. this will allow states to reduce the aid package from 60 billion dollars to 16. american political scientists condemn even such rhetoric. again they talk about the critical situation in the armed forces of ukraine and call it support. if we continue this same spirit that now, we will completely destroy ukraine, well the truth is that biden has been a disaster for ukraine for a decade, now he is trying to hide this failure in order to survive the november elections, but this failure is obvious on the battlefield every day. but europe, despite a few attacks, is not going to aggravate the conflict. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, with all his belligerent rhetoric, called.
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the united states, two weeks before the terrorist attack in kroku city hall , allegedly informed the russian country that the concert hall is a potential target of attack, the washington post reports this with reference to american officials, but let me remind you that the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryzhkin, said the day before that... the security council received certain information from american intelligence services, but it was too too general. yes, the key here, of course, was allegedly reported, yes, now to news agency clients, where messages marked urgently are received, traces of the crocus terrorist attacks lead to the ukrainian special services. this was stated by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev. according to him, it is well known that the kiev regime is completely controlled from overseas. he is there now. in astana and from there we receive a statement, in particular, a quote, but it is much more important to quickly establish who is the customer and sponsor
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of this monstrous crime, its traces lead to the ukrainian special services, patrushev said, we are following us, they are trying to, there is also a continuation of the quote, we are trying to impose that the terrorist act was committed not by the kiev regime, but by supporters of the radical islamic ideology, possibly members of the afghan branch of isis. but it is known that all these traces lead to the kiev regime, which is not independent and is completely controlled from the united states, that is, it is obvious that our american colleagues are trying to confuse their tracks, we are monitoring the situation, we continue broadcasting. so, the annual report of the government to the state duma for mikhail mishustin, it will be the fifth in a row. the prime minister will present to the deputies the results of the cabinet of ministers’ activities over the past year, outlining the tasks for... him, and now a little about the history of the reports of the russian government in the state duma. so, the first such event took place on april 6, 2009. let me note that previously such
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a procedure did not exist. federal ministers and other senior officials spoke to deputies during government hour, depending on the issues being considered in the state duma. so, the main topics of the first government hour of the report were replenishment of budgets, economic development in the context of the global economic crisis and characteristics of the current situation in the country. first the government report lasted 83 minutes. afterwards, the head of the cabinet of ministers answered questions from parliamentary factions. since then, this format for reporting by the chairman of the government in the state duma has become traditional. mikhail mishustin himself first presented a government report to the state duma on july 22, 2020 . due to the spread of coronavirus infection, the deadlines were then shifted, and this report took place later than usual. and the main theme in 2020, for obvious reasons, was related to the new challenges that the whole world faced then. russian work
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the cabinet of ministers in terms. in 2024, the government report will be the fifth during mishustin’s premiership. last year, mikhail mishustin set a personal record, speaking for quite a long time with a voluminous report in the state duma. his report lasted exactly 100 minutes. then he answered questions from deputies for almost another 2 hours. the main topics of last year's report were sanctions, russia's economic development in conditions of external pressure, and implementation. special operations and meeting the needs of the northern military district. many questions were asked in the meeting room, one of the most perhaps the most frequently asked question then was about the unified state exam. well, now let’s take a short break, don’t switch gears. meet the popular moscow writer. nikolai
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rebinin, your brother is in donbass, you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to the gray wife, beyond this line you’ll become different, and then what , there was my childhood and youth, and now the gate. that's it, we're leaving.
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do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcasts a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and i was the victim.
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literally half an hour remains before the start of the government’s report in the state duma, and today we are working here, my colleague yuri bogdanov, and alexandra suvorova, in fact, we continue to communicate with those who will listen to the government’s report here today in the state duma, now we have the opportunity to ask questions head of the new people party.
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we have a growing civil construction sector , trade construction is 7% there, 7%. services, for example, tourist e. restaurant business 10%, that is, the country lives normally despite the fact that


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