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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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we know that right now the head of the state duma and the head of government are going into the hall, and apparently, literally in a matter of minutes the government report will start, well, especially since everything is ready for this, and the minister, as we have already noted, they are also already there in the hall itself in order, if necessary, to also answer questions that deputies traditionally address, but it would be interesting to listen to what the head of government, the speaker of the state duma, says in the last minutes before the report, whatever he wishes. they give each other parting words, here, but we will find out literally in a matter of minutes how it will be from the official point of view, how this report will be structured, what questions will be asked, i will emphasize once again that this event is quite important both from the point of view of the component, information, from the point of view content, it always attracts enormous attention, although by historical standards, it was probably relatively young in 2009, as...
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his main report, it is always accompanied by a large amount of information, figures, slides, all this is shown on the graph, it takes about a little over an hour, after which there is a speech by the heads of the faction and the factions themselves ask questions, in total there will be about 27 of them, because there are five from each faction and two additional questions from representatives, it turns out following the results of all this action , the head of government usually always takes the floor and sums up the results of all the work. and i think that we will also talk not only about the results of the work, but about what remains to be done, yes, but here let us pay attention once again, that this report is a little unusual, because they will report not only for the year, but in fact the prime minister has the opportunity to summarize the work for the entire period of work of this composition of the cabinet of ministers since 2020, this composition of our cabinet is in force and this report is actually for this composition from a formal point of view, the latter. because
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after the inauguration of the president, the cabinet of ministers relinquishes its powers, a new government is formed, and the state duma, in turn, this time, according to the updated constitution, will accept this means more active participation. additional powers have appeared, deputies not only approve the candidacy of the prime minister on the proposal of the president, but subsequently , on the proposal of the prime minister, they approve the composition of the ministers themselves, with the exception of the power bloc, the power bloc is appointed. but, after consultation of the president with the federation council, this is the upper house of the russian parliament, it will also take part in the formation of the cabinet of ministers, which is why today’s report is a kind of interesting, and also from the point of view of how deputies will evaluate the work of each specific department, each specific ministry, and how in the future they will evaluate the activities of those heads of these departments who came here to the state duma today. well, and
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not just a year, immediately in 4 years, what you are talking about. the most important topics, in general, that are regularly present in the report are the state of the country’s economy, all social issues, industrial development, digital technologies, issues security. of course, also, if you look at the message to the federal assembly that the president delivered, here i think it is also worth highlighting separately the topic of governance and, in general, the construction of the entire structure of power and how...
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among political gourmets, as one of our colleagues says, but for the widest audience, because those decisions and those numbers that will be named today are not just some abstract numbers, yes, that have no relation to our real life, these are numbers and indicators that directly affect the life of each of us, which are reflected in this life, and what else is worth noting is that these are the numbers that have already been made, this is the work that has been done, but these are plans for the future, and what was discussed just now.
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every year, it is constantly increasing with attention, it seems to me that this is every year, and we certainly now see the solution to these problems from the figures and the amounts that are allocated from the budget for the implementation of all these goals, of course, the problems are being solved, because based on the results of the past of the year indexation of all pensions and social benefits payments in general was about 15%. therefore, we see that every year this step is increasing, growing, i think that today this is also... in fact, today it is also worth noting that all the guests of our studio talked about what they assess from the lower house of parliament, the interaction of the state duma with the government at a very high level, now on our tv channel there is a live broadcast from the state duma of the community of our country,
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public associations, the union of rectors, we it is very important that they are present during our conversation today, please, mikhailov. ivanovna, dear deputies of the state duma, dear colleagues, in accordance with the constitution, our government provides the state duma with an annual report on the results of its activities for the fifth time. in 2020, in his address to the federal assembly, the president identified two main tasks for the near future. which we were guided by, and the first of them is the implementation of the socio-economic development program, the second is this is an increase in the quality of public administration as a whole, both of them are inextricably linked with each other, it was impossible to make significant progress in economic and social issues
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without improving public administration, and under the leadership of the president we built a new technological, effective system. in a constructive dialogue with deputies, senators, as well as with regions, with representatives of business, the expert, and scientific communities, a balanced approach was always born. decision, and here parliament has become the center of feedback from the people, and which the head of state constantly says, if you like, is a collection point for proposals for improving legislation for the further development of the country, we managed
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to get through covid together, help millions of citizens maintain their health, and businesses, save their teams and production. workplaces. the next serious challenge we face is unprecedented sanctions. but we not only adapted the economy, we were engaged. strategic directions, all this thanks to the new quality of the built modern system of public administration, and i want to sincerely thank all colleagues, deputies, senators, for their constructive approach and support for most of our initiatives for the development of the economy and social sphere. we have jointly solved a number of important tasks set by the head of state. thank you,
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the conditions in which we all had to work last year remained very difficult. external pressure on russia did not weaken; on the contrary, it expanded. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions against other countries of the world, now they are aimed not only at... domestic big business, at our managers, but at representatives of foreign states, at foreign companies, at organizations, at those who have not refused to cooperate with russia, who sincerely wants to do business with us, to implement joint projects not on a unilateral selfish interest, but on a mutually beneficial basis, and despite the increasing pressure, russia has successfully passed a difficult period...
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largest economies in the world by purchasing power parity. recently, in his message
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, the president set a more ambitious goal of entering the top 4, and there are prerequisites for this. at the beginning of this year, high growth rates of the domestic volume of domestic product remain. for example, in europe, at the end of the twenty-third year, the dynamics were not far from zero. well, in germany, you know, there was probably even a slight recession of -3%. this is the real price paid by residents of states that impose sanctions against us for, if you like, their ambitions politicians. we concentrated on protecting our own interests and developing our country. last year’s high numbers were the result of the implementation of the president’s decisions and the work of the government. all branches of government, business, public associations, and of course, our citizens. and this work was carried out to
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achieve national goals, to implement national projects, government programs, strategic initiatives, thanks to which changes are taking place in almost every area, in every industry. so positive the dynamics were achieved against the backdrop of low unemployment, which halved to 3%. between the state and business, at the beginning of this year, 65 agreements have already been signed on
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the protection of investment incentives, the amount of investments is about 4 trillion rubles, but half of them are approximately in 2023; during the operation of the mechanism, business has created about 20,000 jobs. we are solving the problem of long-term financing of large infrastructure facilities. including through the national welfare fund, which last year provided funds for 17 projects worth more than 1 trillion rubles. the new ones are also supported by the design factory.
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suits us. one of the main challenges of last year was inflation. we took the necessary measures and carefully monitored the situation, because the level of real incomes of citizens depends on its dynamics. in particular , prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, and important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products. we banned their export so that domestic consumers, our farmers, have more resources for sowing and harvesting. companies. and for petrochemical enterprises, for the needs of a special military operation, and of course, to meet the needs of millions of russian motorists, urban, public transport, ambulances, and many other services. work has also been done to saturate the domestic market with food. although annual inflation was above target values, thanks to
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interaction with russian banks, it still slowed down significantly to 7.4%. dear colleagues, at the end of the twenty-second year , the president outlined six key tasks for government, in order to effectively solve them and promptly receive feedback, we used a unique information system of the correctional center. deputy prime ministers, ministers, regional leaders, parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, experts worked at this platform as part of the strategic session, i’ll tell you.
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the minimum wage has also increased at a pace that is faster than inflation; this year it has increased by over 18%. well, why is this so important? the salaries of millions of workers depend on this indicator, and as it grows, their income grows. the government is constantly paying attention to the issues of remuneration for public sector employees, teachers, university professors, doctors and other medical personnel and specialists. social, cultural spheres, science, all of them raise our children, take care of people’s health, do important research, and introduce millions of citizens to art, and we, together with the regions, bring their salaries in accordance with the may decrees of the president, this was done last year from federal funds
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allocated about 190 billion rubles, this decision affected over 5 million state employees. in order to increase the salaries of medical workers, we have also allocated about 30 billion rubles from the federal compulsory health insurance fund, we are creating additional employment opportunities for people with different competencies, we have launched the modernization of the employment service, by the way, more than 400 modern personnel centers have already opened, they help you find vacancies with taking into account the individual situation, including, if... he wants, he they offer temporary jobs; last year , approximately 1,000 citizens received them; almost 2,000 more were retrained, the majority. age, for which it is often quite acute among them, young people, people nearing retirement have entered professional activity, there is a question of finding a place. we
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also continue our hiring incentive program, thanks to which 50 thousand people have found jobs. people in difficult situations can improve their financial situation by concluding a social contract and receive and receive help with opening their own business. business, or running a subsidiary farm. last year, about 700,000 people took advantage of this, and 3/4 of them significantly improved their own incomes. some found themselves in a seemingly hopeless situation, but the social contract gave them a new start in life. we will further develop such a mechanism. dear colleagues, everything i just said is the basis for systematic work in the fight. with poverty and inequality, the importance of which the president spoke about in his message. the second task set by the head state, ensuring national conservation,
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protecting motherhood and childhood, as well as assistance to families with children. and we pay the closest attention to them, because raising a child is always a financial burden on parents, especially if they have no one to leave the baby with. we also take into account other life situations, on... instructions from the president, we develop a holistic support system from the moment a woman is pregnant, the birth of a baby, at all stages of his growing up until he is 17 years old. since january last year , we, you know, launched a single benefit, which is presented every month, based on the situation of a particular family. it was prescribed to almost 11 million children and approximately 400 thousand expectant mothers.
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make receiving support simple, convenient, fast, based on only one application or automatically. on behalf of the head of state, we continued to introduce
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social treasury mechanisms. this format helps to translate and has already translated about 42 federal social protection measures. and almost 23 million people can use them without any red tape. we fixed it. there is also a system of informing people about the assistance they are entitled to in eight life situations, so that they understand what benefits are available; many simply do not know that they can count on state support; we pay special attention to citizens who, due to age or health problems, are unable to take care of ourselves, we are introducing a long-term care system for them. the number of those who have access to social and medical care at home is growing. from year to year. at the start of the project there were 7.0 people in six pilot regions, i remember this well, when in 21, during a working trip to skhov, we
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were just discussing this topic, there were already over 100,000 of them, by the end of december there will be about 173,000 throughout the country. we will develop this model of care, as well as support for parents with children in general, within the framework of the new national family project, which the president announced. said in his message: at the end of last year, life expectancy in russia reached almost 73.5 years, which is higher than pre-covid values; such indicators have never been recorded in history of the soviet union of modern russia. it is important that, as the head of state said, the life expectancy of an active, healthy life increases in the message, and for this, of course, we need, of course, high-quality and affordable... medicine, the experience of the pandemic has taught us a lot, on the instructions of the president we are creating a sanitary the country's shield, a special
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program to act on... we are building it so that a person can receive qualified and necessary treatment in any corner of russia, free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. on working trips to the regions, we saw that many institutions are not in the best condition, there is a lack of equipment, and the environment in which patients were received cannot be called comfortable either. of course, this is not the case everywhere, but we see similar problems and
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we solve them. sequentially: in the twenty -first year, on behalf of the president , we launched, as you know, the modernization of primary care, where people most often turn, over the past 3 years , about 3,500 such facilities have been created and reconstructed, many have been repaired, 147,000 units of medical equipment have been purchased, about 500 ambulances, three times as many vehicles for transporting doctors and paramedics, as part of... the national healthcare project over the past 4 years, we have re-equipped 600 regional vascular centers and primary departments, 200 medical organizations for patients with oncology, over 500 units have opened that represent outpatient care for such a diagnosis, medical examination programs were also expanded so that citizens could check their health for free if
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they had preventive examinations at...
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people, thanks, by the way, to your support, an additional 2 billion rubles were allocated for such medicines annually, which means that they will be available to more than a million people with heart disease per year, this will help prolong their lives. on the instructions of the president, they also launched a large-scale program to combat hepatitis c. in the twenty-third year, it covered over 45 thousand people. now they will be able to undergo therapy annually. twice as many citizens, which means that 100,000 will receive treatment for this most serious illness. started the most important project on diabetes mellitus, we found a solution when companies from unfriendly countries refused to supply the appropriate drugs needed for our children with this diagnosis, that is, it was they who, by the way, were hit by these sanctions; the children were not always suitable for the analogues available at that time,
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but already this year... almost 49,000 children from 2 to 17 years old will be provided with continuous glucose monitoring systems so that they do not have to come in several times a day, undergo painful testing for sugar levels and complications can be prevented. thousands of parents no longer need to worry when their child is not around, because his condition can be monitored, including remotely. we are doing everything to ensure that young citizens receive great care; we are building children’s hospitals throughout the country, where...


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