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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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started an important project on diabetes mellitus, we found a solution when companies from unfriendly countries refused to supply the appropriate drugs needed for our children with this diagnosis, that is , they were the ones who, by the way, were hit by these sanctions; the children were not always suitable for the analogues available at that time, but already this year we will provide almost 49.00 children from 2 to 17 years old with continuous glucose monitoring systems. so that they do not have to come several times a day and undergo painful testing for level sugar and complications can be prevented. thousands of parents no longer need to worry when their child is not around, because his condition can be monitored, including remotely. we are doing everything to ensure that young citizens receive great care throughout the country, we are building children’s hospitals where...
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innovative medical solutions are used, last year we were actively constructing twenty-four such institutions, seven were put into operation, by next year about more will be commissioned fifteen. providing organizations necessary medications and medical products, and the circle of good foundation, created on the initiative of the president, takes care of children with severe orphan diseases. since its opening, there have already been more than twenty students under his care. the list of diagnoses for which support is provided, last year, as you know, expanded by 30 positions; thanks to the development of medical science , innovative biomedical tissue engineering cell products were introduced into clinical practice for the first time; over 6 million people need them, we conclude also a study to register the world's first cure for previously incurable ankylosing spondylitis. scientists from all over the world struggled with
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how to stop its development, and russian innovators managed to create a drug that can help tens of thousands of people. we are proud of such successes. of course, modern equipment, medications, treatment methods, all this is very important, but the main burden in caring for patients always falls on doctors and nurses, namely. a person’s recovery and life depend on qualifications and attentive attitude. in order to support doctors throughout the country, a year ago the government established special social benefits for them, provided in addition to their salaries. on behalf of the head of state, about a million primary care employees have now received them. since this march, on the initiative of the president, such allowances have been increased in rural areas, in district centers and small towns, you know where there are less ...
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and to solve the issue of staff shortages locally, the zemsky doctor and zemsky felsher programs are already being implemented, last year in over 6,500 doctors have already taken part in them. on behalf of the head of state , we will extend these programs until 2030, i am sure that this will attract specialists to villages in remote areas, and treatment there will become, most importantly, even more accessible and of better quality. i would like to once again take this opportunity to thank our doctors for the dedicated work that they lead all over the country, saving people every day, helping them cope with the disease, and i also want with all my heart...
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they can accept 150,000 more children, 157,000 more than 4 years ago. it has become easier for parents to place children from 2 months to 7 years old there. 2 years ago, on the instructions of the president, we began a program of major renovations of educational institutions; more than 4,00 buildings have already been put in order, of which about 2,500 last year, and of course, construction continues. new ones, and
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if it takes a long time to get to classes, then school buses help; in russian regions, almost 3.00 of these cars were installed in the twenty- third year. at the initiative of the head of state, all primary schoolchildren are provided with free hot meals at the expense of the federal budget, its quality is subject to special control, including by parents, this is a matter of children’s health. we especially support teachers who take on classroom management and supervision. this is a huge responsibility, they are real mentors for their students, they are assigned to such specialists. well, since march , double remuneration has been assigned in settlements where less than 100 thousand people live; by the way, over 565 thousand teachers work in them. the corresponding government decree, by the way, has been prepared, people receive
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the funds they are entitled to for last month, they will receive, excuse me, the funds they are entitled to for last month already in april, from september, a monthly increase of 5,000 rubles. will also be paid as an advisor to educational directors in schools and colleges, for a total of approximately 37 employees. acquaintance with the achievements of art culture has a significant influence on the development of a person. for young people from 14 to 22 years old, the well-known pushkin map. when we were preparing for its launch, the main idea was to make it more accessible to visit exhibitions and performances that are related to our history, culture, and traditions, to create more useful content for children, which is very important. since the start of the initiative , more than 10 million people have received the card,
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over 64 million tickets have been purchased for various events, now you can use it to watch domestic films, their number, by the way, is growing, you see and feel on the screen, probably, high-quality films are being released. for 4 by the way, the government invested 36 billion rubles in cinema last year. and just last year alone, cinemas in russia collected more than this entire amount, almost 40 billion. films created with state participation have now already been watched by about 57.5 million viewers. we continue to support all spheres of culture, putting theaters in order. we are opening new museums, exhibition spaces, replenishing library collections, and, of course, cultural centers in rural areas are being built and reconstructed, which is very important for their residents. by order of the president let’s launch the zemstvo cultural worker program, and specialists will begin to receive allowances when
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moving to small settlements, to do such significant work there, i remember we constantly talked about this in the state duma with almost all factions. and you can learn the history and traditions of our state through travel, incredibly beautiful, diverse nature, interesting cities, attractions, many are happy to choose a holiday in russia, so that this area develops, benefits have been introduced for tour operators in the field of domestic inbound tourism, from july 1 last year to june 30, 2027, respectively
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. with experts and businesses, the launch of a pilot project to support modular hotels, and by the end... which is next to beautiful nature, modern enterprises, infrastructure, some... then the project, often, excuse me, is a lot of dirt, abandoned landfills, sunken ships, but everyone still likes to live, where it is clean, well-groomed, comfortable. on the initiative of the president
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, a large-scale project was launched, and for the general cleaning of the country, which includes, among other things, elimination of such facilities, we discussed these issues during my trip:
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we have growth for the year of about 8%, this is one of the drivers of the country’s development, and in 4 years by more than a quarter, if i remember correctly, 27%, we are actively introducing new housing, over 110 million km were built last year, this is a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation. both in apartment buildings and individual ones, and almost 4.5 million families have improved their living conditions, the main tool for solving this issue is a mortgage, there are various programs with state support, and so that even more people can purchase a new apartment or house, we have expanded the family mortgage to parents with two children under 18 years of age, far eastern employees of the military-industrial complex to teachers and medical workers, and also included residents of the arctic
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regions, but in new regions you can now take out a loan to buy an apartment at 2% per annum; for specialists in the field of information technology, for whom there is a special it mortgage, the age and salary requirements have been relaxed, as a result in just one year, about 1 million families improved with the help of soft loans.
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and what is very important, taking into account the opinion of the residents, is precisely what is very important, that people themselves determine how to be. their cities, in the twenty -first year, launched online voting, asked them to choose what was most needed, for example, a children's or sports ground, a park, a square, then, by the way, almost 9 million people took part in it, and after 2 years there were already over fourteen , the projects of the all-russian competition help us change the appearance of our small towns and historical settlements creating a comfortable urban environment, about 700 of them have already been implemented, last year, on behalf of the president, two such competitions were held, especially for cities of the far
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east, in vladivostok we saw the final, and grants to the eighty-two winners were allocated in the amount of 8 billion rubles . of course, the modernization of utility infrastructure requires close attention and significant efforts. we are solving this problem. a five-year program for updating housing and communal services has been launched, within the framework of which about a thousand activities, among them the repair of heat and water supply systems, another very important tool: soft loans from the national welfare fund, with these funds approximately 800 facilities were repaired, including the boiler house, wastewater treatment plants, almost 900 km of utility networks, and.. now about the roads, we were engaged in a large-scale renovation of them
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from the streets in every locality to the access roads to enterprises. the goals in road construction that the president set, by the way, have already been largely achieved, and in a number of indicators have been exceeded. finally last year , about 53% of regional roads, over 2/3 of the main roads, respectively, met all standards and became more convenient and safer. countrywide. more than 3,100 km of highway were created and repaired, and traffic was opened on the m12 east highway from moscow to kazan. the most important project is a new worker. places, people’s quality of life, we will further develop this route, like many others. increasing connectivity in transport accessibility within our large country is, of course, a strategic priority. given the unique geography, russia needs strong, modern aviation with separated ground infrastructure. therefore,
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they not only engaged in the revival of the domestic aircraft industry, but also actively led it. modernization of airfields in the regions over the past year , runways in nine cities were reconstructed and put into operation, including pivek, yakutsk, blagoveshchensk, arkhangelsk, magnitogorsk. at the beginning of this year , the first stages of work were completed in kemerovo, in the settlement of udochny, which is located in close proximity to the northern arctic circle. construction has been completed in tomsk, and people are already taking advantage of shorter, more convenient routes. for the first time, about 53% of domestic flights began to take place without landing in moscow. in his message to the federal assembly, the president set a new task for the government to increase the aviation mobility of citizens. over 6 years
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, at least 75 more airports will be updated. and we will allocate a quarter of a trillion rubles for these purposes. we also continued to implement other projects as part of a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of our highway infrastructure, including railway. separately, about one significant event already this year, the head of state in march launched the creation of our country’s first high-speed highway moscow, st. petersburg. we are updating public transport so that residents.
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strong sectors of the agro-industrial complex, successful in many respects thanks to the decisions that were made with your participation. last year , over half a trillion rubles were allocated to support agriculture, more than 440 within the framework of the state program alone. billion rubles among the measures to bring into circulation over
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500 thousand hectares of land over the past year, including through land reclamation work, which was discussed in detail. increasingly, farmers began to resort to insurance with state support; over the same period , the production of agricultural machinery in russia increased by more than 8%, the production of machinery and equipment for the food industry increased by almost 40%, agricultural exporters will receive assistance at every stage from investments in a new enterprise before entering foreign markets, and volumes of supplies abroad, respectively exceeded the value of 2000... the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was harvested, good results in processing, especially fish, all these achievements contribute to the implementation of our food security doctrine, production exceeds the planned
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indicators for vegetable oil and grain by a significant margin , fish, fish products... we continue to increase volumes of milk, fruits, berries, salt, these are all very important elements of food security. we pay special attention, of course, to seed production, increasingly on the domestic market for domestic seed material. there are 150 new laboratories under active development. over the course of 4 years , 34 technologies were created based on our own developments. of course there is.
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taking into account the peculiarities of price dynamics in different sectors of the economy, this figure is close to 13%. thus, the task set by the president has been completed. moreover, we have achieved positive results in almost all types of activities, especially focused on domestic demand, namely its recovery became one of the key factors of the year.
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the greatest growth, over 21%, was demonstrated by our machine-building complex. i will dwell on this in more detail. the aircraft manufacturing industry, the volume of its industrial production increased by almost a fifth. a huge amount of work has been done in the aircraft industry to switch to domestic science-intensive materials and products in order to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers. this year we plan to increase the production of civil helicopters by almost 30%. visiting regions factories, i constantly talk on vkontakte, communicate with directors, with chief designers of factories, with those who are directly responsible for the production and airworthiness of our new airplanes and helicopters. and the primary task for all of us is to ensure the safety of people, so we must make the most reliable and modern machines. our engineers and other specialists
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are trying, of course, trying to put them into production as quickly as possible. a few words about unmanned aircraft systems: we have adopted a development strategy for this important area, approved the national project, and today we understand in detail how it will move - this is the area in which to achieve practical results, we will begin to carefully remove the barriers that hinder the development and more, if you like, active, more efficient use of drones, including in our economy. automotive industry the production of cars of all types increased by 16%. there are now over 700,000 cars, including half a million cars, which, by the way, became possible thanks to the launch of the series. factory sites, machine tool industry, production increased by more than 60%, 60%. the industry faces the most
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serious challenges, we haven’t been developing this area for 30 years, now we are starting to not only restore it, we have reassembled the federal project, in 6 years we will allocate about 300 billion rubles from the budget alone, including 130 billion in the next 3 years. they is in the budget. as a result, more than 70 modern machine-tool production facilities will be created, and the production of over 500 new types of domestic machine tools will be mastered. well, of course, we need to help enterprises now carry out technical re-equipment and modernization. goals are defined. russia intends to become one of the 25 leading countries in terms of the number of industrial robots within 6 years. the president later set this task for us. the metallurgical complex, despite all the difficulties caused by the sanctions, here we see an increase of 3%, well , primarily due to the increase in domestic consumption of metal products and the energy
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sector. there are a lot of industries, but i will try to touch on each briefly: power engineering, its market volumes have increased over the third, of the major achievements, i would like to note the production of the first domestic serial gas turbine... high power, this, of course, will strengthen our technological independence, enhance the reliability of our energy supply system, shipbuilding, industrial production increased by 4%, our own equipment was actively created, modernization was carried out enterprises, production volumes of civil vessels, cargo and passengers increased by a quarter and more than doubled for fishing companies. in baltic... gradually adapting
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our energy sector, this required a significant reconfiguration of logistics, and this is not a quick process, but there have been significant successes in a number of segments: last year our country became the fourth largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world, the volume of its exports has almost tripled in 6 years. chemical complex, production of low -volume products has increased by almost a quarter over 3 years. the president set the goal of achieving thirty percent growth by the end of this year, we are moving towards this goal with empathy. now a few words about the pharmaceutical and medical industry. drug production increased by more than 7 percent last year. 500 30 domestic 500 530 domestic drugs, including advanced ones, were released onto the market. we
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created it by extension. enterprises for the implementation of large priority projects. within its framework , 36 were approved with a total of about 800 billion rubles. and 10 of them have already started. industrial mortgages also showed very high demand; over 800 preferential loans were issued in the amount of about 80 billion rubles. facilities were used for the acquisition and construction of factory space, which amounts to
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millions of square meters. the industrial development fund also provided significant assistance to enterprises; using its resources , high-tech products were developed, the necessary equipment was supplied to lysine, production was opened, the production of components was established; in total, from the beginning of the year , more than 300 applications were supported during the year, amounting to more than a quarter of a trillion rubles, for over the last 3 years there have been about 600. the fourth task set by the president is
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development of the country, thanks to you, dear deputies, a law on the development of technology companies was adopted, which defined their criteria, 1,700 organizations have already been given this status, which means that they have received the right to targeted assistance, and have also provided support to high-tech startups, within a year it was provided to more than 800 young innovators, as a result, over
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1000 new jobs appeared, they, what is most important in innovation areas, it is important that such a significant part of all budgetary and private funds raised for financing of technological sovereignty projects was directed last year to research and development in neo-cro, and for their implementation, of course, high-quality digital solutions are needed, grants supported domestic it projects, information technology projects. the register of russian software has been replenished with almost 5,000 items in just one year. the share of their use in state-owned companies has also tripled. just recently, 5 years ago, it barely exceeded a quarter. no later than december, on instructions from the president on certain classes of software, such organizations should, by the way, completely switch to domestic ones.


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