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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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a solid basis for such work has been created, and we will continue to do everything necessary to ensure that such opportunities are available in every corner of russia. i am confident that through joint efforts under the leadership of the president we will achieve results for ourselves, for our family and for our country. thank you for your attention, i am ready to answer your question. thank you, dear!
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and let's say and admit once again that the political system, the economic model created by president putin, have shown their effectiveness, despite more than 19 thousand sanctions that have been announced to our country, this is a great merit of the government of the russian federation, we are with you over the past few years. we think more about the final result
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than about shifting responsibility to each other, what happened before is again the result and result of the decision that was made by the president to transfer the powers of the citizens of our country, who through the deputies...
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again in order to analyze what has been done , including then making a decision, here’s a short pause so that mikhail vladimirovich has prepared, he is ready, he is ready, colleagues, let’s move on to the questions. despite the fact that we met with the prime minister, with ministers, with deputy prime ministers, we have many questions about...
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please, dear mikhail vladievich , of course, achieving 3.6% economic growth for the first time in decades, with a huge number of sanctions, deserves the highest assessment, but maintaining these rates is possible , doubling them is possible only by taking measures to involve 138 trillion of bank assets more active investment activity, and let me remind you, we received profits, but only 1.5 trillion investments last year, we need to implement both the import substitution program and the machine tool manufacturing program, it should give not 60, but 600% - this is a fund-forming industry, which the government sees measures to, through changes to the tax code, not to force, but to interest bankers, after all, not to cease to be rentiers, but to become the main investor. thank you very much, nikolai
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vasilievich, you are actively discussing with us on in all directions, especially related ones. investment contracts with peaks, this is szpk, then these are our special ones - that means appropriate protection, that means the creation of special mechanisms, and this is our
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industrial development fund, which has shown, well, great effectiveness in stimulating the direction of industrial development, technological progress, and so on . this is a cluster investment platform where we stimulate priority areas and priority relevant areas with long-term preferential lending technological elements of the country's development. finally, this is a project finance factory, which together provides an entire line of tools for investing in domestic investments. as for the corresponding results, you mentioned this, we have 3.6% economic growth, but it is very important that it is industrial.
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the ministry of industry and trade is actively involved in this, these are means of production of means of production, these are machine tools, equipment, robotics, these are new materials, these are microelectronics, i said in the report, this well, here are two words about the sectors, believe me, today there is civil aircraft manufacturing, an unmanned aircraft system, and many, many elements. our technological and industrial sovereignty, and of course, there are a lot of questions, a difficult situation in many of these industries, well, we must honestly talk about it, they are capital-intensive, they require huge costs, special tools, well-coordinated, so to speak,
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service , complex equipment, often now the countries that supplied this equipment refuse this work, but the most important thing is our professionals, people who are capable of this... will cope, and this is already a fact today, the figures that show growth, including in the manufacturing industry, mechanical engineering, our electronics have grown when we have this there were 32, in my opinion, 32% of the production of our electronics, well , everything was only negative for us, thanks for the question, i hope that these tools will be enough to attract, and the responsible position of our industrialists, it is also very important , that they invested in russia, thank you, thank you, mikhail vladimirovich, the word represents the factions.
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everything has been settled, today, there is a standard, an order from the ministry of health, according to which we have established uniform rules for the issuance by doctors of sick leave for child care, including, but in order to make a diagnosis, if additional research is needed for the baby, well, i i don’t know where
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the digestive and respiratory organs need to be examined, then the commission has the opportunity to allocate such sick leave, and this is regulated by regulation, in the case. specific facts refusal, i just ask the ministry of health to give us these facts, we will look into each case separately, and i have already instructed the ministry of health to draw the attention of the regions and leaders.
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which has been formed over decades, we need to think about the quality of medical education, in this part, it would probably be right for murashka to be responsible for this, because now the ministry of higher education is covering the faculties, it is unknown who will graduate there later, and the diagnoses that are being made , they can be very different, so... considering that we are having such a frank conversation, please support the modest
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goosebump, who, probably, due to his natural modesty and his qualities, does not fight for this issue, and tomorrow then he will reap the consequences, because we even have a medical faculty at moscow state medical university, you think about it, well, probably it’s the quantitative side, but the quality, think about what is important here after all . well, probably, the minister of higher education should be precisely the quality of training of specialists, this, colleagues, is the opinion that. you expressed support, yes, vecheslavich, we
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discussed it in detail with you, i absolutely agree, quality control over, including doctors, specialists who treat us, and of course, the high level of their education should be the subject of scrupulous study, but i think that mikhailombech and i, as well as valerim nikolaevich falkov, will talk. we will do everything necessary to ensure that this control is ensured at the highest level. mikhailaevich, there must be a person here who must have a clear last name and name for everyone, who is responsible for quality health, because it turns out that the minister of health is responsible for the quality of animal conservation, and faculties are opened by other ministers, but who will graduate later, we care about this, and if we are talking about opening. new faculties, then we need to understand that their graduates will come to
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the profession, and not return, and today we have about 34% of all referrals, those who go in this direction from the districts, central district hospitals return - to work in a hospital, that’s also can’t help but worry, in a word, this topic... i would like it to be in priority control, and once again i want all eyes to be directed at my colleague murashka, to support him, but on the other hand, for him to understand this responsibility, fight and somehow give up his position here, when now this wave is coming, covering more and more new universities, higher education institutions, and has already reached international relations. but everyone is somehow afraid to talk about it or keep silent, it’s not even clear why? the word
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is presented to the faction of a just russia for the truth, anatoly gennadievich oksakov, please, anatoly gennadievich, the new people faction will prepare, to oleg yuryevich leonov, i will talk about banks in a week, we have a report from the central bank, there we will talk specifically about this. your question concerns electric transport: in the twenty-first year, 9% of electric transport sold in the world accounted for 9% of the total volume. already 2 years later in the twenty-third year, 15% of cars were electric, i would like to thank you for your support chuvash, the government is also paying attention to this area, 100 units of passenger electric transport will be purchased in the near future using infrastructure bonds before the mrfa, what does
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the government think about supporting this area, what specific steps will it take? in order for electric transport to actively develop in our country and the corresponding infrastructure to service it is also created. thank you for the question, anatoly genadevich, it means that, first of all , there is a lot for this that is already being done, we have a chance to make a good start, not bad an electric car, and today there is a result of this, yes, using all the capabilities of our industry today and without... creating infrastructure, it simply won’t work, what are we doing in terms of infrastructure, what you asked about, we have launched the production of charging stations for electric buses and allocated in the twenty-second, twenty-third year for 1,151 stations, about 2 billion rubles, a little more, this year already 3.7 billion plus 1,337, which
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means charging stations, many years or few? this synchronizes with the production elements of electric charging cars, what about the production? two productions of luxury cars have been launched, this is our moskvich and evalut in motoinvest in lipetsk, six green models have been made, production has already been established, 8,400 cars have already been produced, in the twenty-fourth year we already have 17,000, that’s it, we have gone in this direction, we hope that people will appreciate their advantages, environmental friendliness, convenience, and we have it... today, aokama is releasing our first one completely designed using our funds, including including the automated design of the atom car, kogodin is doing this, we are really looking forward to a good result, and we have a ladu largus car, a car based on the largus production car is also being made as an electric car, we are seriously
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stimulating the development of the share of domestic components in electric cars 3 gigafactory. we have free parking for electric vehicles, especially moscow, in my opinion, has started processes to exempt them from transport tax, in order to make society environmentally friendly, we have allocated 13 billion. rostov, saratov and yaroslavl region i think 246 electric buses have now been put on the line, which have already arrived, even more are on the way, that’s it, we are building up elements of this
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, correct it, if in terms of infrastructure, communication with the regions is very important here, it will not be enough, we will continue. but, but here it is necessary to note the very effective work of grigorenko, because he is leading this project from the government, in this capacity, probably, not everyone knows him well, because the interaction of the government with the state duma is drained by the chief of staff, deputy prime minister grigorenko, we are more of him for this work we evaluate, but he is still carrying out very important work on modernizing the city's electrical system. transport, i must say, in the first ten pilot regions, this work is structured quite effectively, this is the first experience, but it needs to be extended throughout the country, because the regions cannot independently modernize their urban electric transport, these are very capacious
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projects, but still replacement is very important. existing rolling stock to a new one , to give due credit for this time, a number of enterprises began to produce very high-quality products, trams, trolleybuses, i would like them to go to the regions, the cost of a tram is from 80 to 100 million rubles, the regions cannot afford it on their own. therefore , we need to look for such an opportunity and we hope that colleague sovelev, the minister of transport, will love urban electric transport just like he did... he fell in love with aviation and did everything to ensure that our aeroflot company became one of the world’s campaigns, that’s
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what concerns urban electric transport , we have a lot of old cars, trams, trolleybuses, if only he would also work in this direction, we have mikhail vladivich, just this type of transport, although it moves on rails. he would fly, right, colleagues, we have had many projects such as high-speed trams that have been implemented in large large cities, people are waiting for this, but without federal support we cannot solve it, so this is a request from all deputies to you, to the minister , and well to those who engaged in this project, colleagues, support, pain point, let’s dwell on it.
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the project finance factory is important , it probably needs to be said separately about special investment contracts. we, if we talk about the szpk, have agreements on the protection of investment capital, and this reduces
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the risk of investors due to the stabilization clause on the unchanged level of taxes and industry legislation; 65 agreements have been concluded for 4 trillion rubles. these are the largest, huge projects for the entire country. we have expanded our capabilities by 70 positions; these are radio electronics. metallurgy and medicine, where companies can enter into a special investment contract, 75 of them have been concluded in the amount of 1.6 trillion rubles. factory design financing of the web, that means 12 projects are ready, there are 27 in total today, and this is an airport structure, energy, logistics, the cost of approved projects today is 3.8 trillion rubles. these are all, of course, not finished tools and they will be used further, we have a task. in general , the president has set a goal of increasing investment growth in key industries by 70% by 1930 , doubling private investment in science, we will do everything to ensure that these
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tools work, we will also think about some investment incentives, opportunities, depending on the work of large companies on nationally significant projects, so that all investments in neocr in domestic scientific design development are encouraged... soon, perhaps, depreciation, we will think together with you about how to do this better quality, and today, by the way, pornochrome the same order was given by the president that we have the cost of russian equipment neocro to reduce the tax base by a factor of two, i hope that this will be enough for the business to take off, but also the mood must be good, the investment climate must be great, so that the desire is great, in addition to all the benefits of all stimulating things, there must be an attitude.
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dear mikhail vladimirovich, the state duma highly appreciates the results of the reform of control and supervisory activities, which, on the instructions
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of the president... is being carried out by the government, we held a government hour at the duma , all factions approved the approaches of the government, the president in his message to the federal assembly set new tasks for this direction. tell me when the government intends to develop a proposal for the implementation of a risk-based approach. how do you feel about our initiative to conduct an initial discussion of your initiatives and coordinate them on the site? state duma, and what prospects the government sees in introducing proactive regulation and prevention as a tool for monitoring and control. thank you! thank you very much, the question is very important, but first of all i’ll say right away that the deadlines are indicated by the president, this is january 1, 2025, where we must abandon moratoriums and, accordingly, restart inspections and switch to a risk-based approach, and we are working with you right now according to the norm.
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test interaction was carried out with deputies, the adoption of the law in 2020 on control , thank you very much, we completely shifted the emphasis to prevention and continued to develop a risk-based approach, i understand this very well from my previous service, this is very important, we have reduced inspections by four times , there were approximately one and a half million of them. in nineteen now somewhere 350,000, but the point is not even in some quantitative indicators, the point is that the basis of the work has become preventive activities, this is very important, and we have a lot of risk indicators, they have grown for 75 types of control, and quite a lot of them are triggered, introduced digital system for managing control activities online, all stages of inspections are visible, here pre-trial appeal or pre-trial audit is very important.
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colleagues from the prosecutor general's office, there are many departments here, i want to thank them and say that thanks to joint efforts we element of prevention, and it also works in getting such a new quality of control in the country, in the next 2 years, you know well, we plan, first of all, to complete the transition to a risk-based model completely, that is, to expand once again the required number of risk indicators, as has already been said , implement an agreement on...
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everything is accepted in a balanced manner, but we maximize all investment opportunities, including in the countryside. in terms of involving agricultural land into circulation, which, you know, is almost a million - hectares, so to speak, of land agricultural supplies involved almost half a million in water management measures, you talked about this, from the various proposals that we discussed with you, i have already said that the most flexible set of tools is in force
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- this is a measure of customs and tariff regulation. this export went to moslichno.


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