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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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the word by people, by quantity, will formulate for us the requirements for the education system, which were just now talked about medicine and so on, of course, which need to be created bit by bit, and we are doing this literally online, because we have already we understand by megaprojects, by the volume of the budget, by the corresponding capabilities that we have, what specialists are needed, in what areas by year, and we build requirements for the system of higher and professional education that we have today. we have already adjusted and we correlated the demographic forecast with the forecasted need for personnel, analyzed the control numbers for admission, wrote them down, adjusted them this year, i can say that the largest number, well, now i’ll ask, guess for which specialties we have allocated the largest amount of budget funds, yes exactly, these are primarily engineering specialties, this is more than a third of teaching positions and technical areas, just somewhere...
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and medicine, this is the demand, this is the demand that there is for these specialists, together with industry experts from the largest corporations, we are developing, this is very important, connecting customers with those who will educate them, higher secondary programs, or any kind of education, i mean that here is professionalism, first of all we mean, and so that we reduce unpromising areas and increase those in demand, and i want to say about anton olegovich katyakov and tatyana alekseevna , they did a great job to ensure that the market.
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constantly monitors labor, the president told me about this all the time, monitor the market labor, and the funds that we invested during the pandemic, when, you remember, we were closing, our fot 2.0 program, on behalf of the president, worked, we gave the monthly minimum wage multiplied by the number of people, at first we gave two presidential grants, they gave 6 months loan funds, then they were written off for only two conditions, that first of all the company should pay no less than money to its people, and that the reduction should be... no more than 10%. we saved jobs, in this sense, saving jobs for them retraining, remotivation depending on the needs of the market, this is the basis of the work of our ministry of labor and social protection, here i am mikhail vladimirovichyana alekseevna, and the factor of tatyana alekseevna, it is certainly positive, because she has enormous authority in the state duma.
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vladimirovich, we will definitely applaud katyakov if the situation on the labor market begins to change. and tatyana alekseevna. and we always applaud tatyana alekseevna in our hearts. as soon as we see her, we immediately smile. in good sense of the word, because indeed, he always meets halfway and conducts a dialogue. with the state duma, the floor is given to the new people faction, anna valerievna skroznikova, vyatkin will prepare. dear mikhail vladimirovich, the president in his message to the federal assembly outlined the need to give graduates a second chance to pass the unified state exam. there is already an active discussion of this possibility, and the children who take the exam ahead of schedule and their parents are worried that they will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity. are they needed
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legislative solutions to ensure that all school graduates without exception have a second chance, or does the government have enough powers? thank you, thank you, this is a very important question, i will answer it briefly, we need it, everything we need has been done, june 4, 5 are 2 days that will be retake days, the guys, of course, are worried, everything happens in this life, but if, simply because of excitement, the child did not do a high-quality job, this could put an end to his fate, his career, so this is the most important decision, and i am glad that we have such an opportunity will appear in the near future, we don’t need anything for this, no legislative changes...
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can be implemented with a radical increase in the efficiency and quality of the activities of bodies at all levels and branches of government. over the past 4 years , quite serious work has obviously been done, which has made it possible to make decisions that could withstand the pandemic, including measures of economic pressure. we are faced with new tasks, these are new national projects that he has outlined. the president, what will he demand, obviously, reformatting existing programs, existing government programs or creating new ones, in this regard, two questions, what from your point of view needs to be done to improve our joint work, including within the framework of parliamentary control, and how to increase the efficiency of participation of the relevant ones, thank you,
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the most important question , i will say, i said it to ivan. this is the decision of the president, then all the changes that were made in the constitution with the establishment of parliamentary control, they help us a lot, this makes the first in turn, for us, understandable feedback from people through parliamentarians specifically creates those conditions in which we, well, let’s say, are cheerful - this is the most important element today, and the state structure of interaction with parliament, the list of national projects is now being updated, taking into account the president’s message. of course, we will be very happy to work closely with parliament and will listen to all your thoughts on this matter in this direction. in general, in 23, the law on parliamentary control was seriously changed, it has become a single source of information for state duma deputies, it is a portal of the state program,
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we have completely opened everything. here, well, there are some internal elements of ours, yes, but absolutely everything - the numbers, all the government programs posted, changes in them, they are available to deputies, this means that... you will be able to have all the necessary information on 51 programs, and legislative activity, you know, the deputy himself is seriously involved in this, dmitry yuryevich grigorenko is in charge of this area, which is record-breaking the number of laws was adopted in the twenty -third year, there were 694 on the initiative of the government, 332, we monitor this specially on our screen, the government sent more than 100 amendments to the bills that you adopted in the first reading, here... we have vladimir abduleevich vasiliev, when we met with unity in russia at a meeting, he said that the quality and speed of decision-making was facilitated by serious digitalization, and this is true, due to only digital tools for controlling this activity, for year, executive discipline doubled 100%, and the number
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of all transfers decreased, and especially when bills are introduced in the state duma, these are important elements, i am sure that we will continue to improve the form of parliamentary... 16% of students, the rest for specialists middle management according to arranjix, there is a shortage of teachers in the country of 250. and according to the higher school of economics, 40% of teachers, due to low salaries, save on everything except food. at the same time, the average teacher works for almost two people, at 1.8 rates. there are similar overloads in medicine,
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and emergency doctors have not yet received presidential bonuses. the shortage of engineers is associated with the use of the so-called bologna system. specialist engineer. i trained as a designer, bachelor, as a user of other people's developments. the number of working disabled people has decreased by a million over the past 5 years due to the lack of indexation of pensions in accordance with current legislation. rapid training program, we also quickly coordinate them with executive authorities, they help us with this, and in our
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in the twenty-fourth year, the possibility of free retraining was opened for those working at the expense of the budget in 160 areas, including the specialties about which you said: professionalism is the most important program, we are creating an exchange of a cluster of secondary vocational education with enterprises, we now have a real powerful demand in this environment for workers, you are absolutely right. i’ll go through the numbers, you said 16% for blue-collar occupations, we need to figure this out, i think this figure is not entirely correct, but i want to sergey, yes, this is the figure, yes, well, not like this, sergey, then tell me directly, i ask kravtsov, you know the figure, i just don’t have the data, but look, please, this is important, if this is so, of course we need to seriously deal with this, but it seems to me that today we have these 220 clusters, with 925 organizations that are included in it, and i mean open source education and 4,000
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enterprises have already received 350,000 students, this is a serious foundation for the future, we are improving the target set, we now have all this information on the portal work in russia, we also run it, and two words on the employment of people with disabilities, in the employment law we have lowered the threshold for the number of employees. organizations that are obliged to employ disabled people in quota jobs, we will simply create more specialized jobs for disabled people, and this is important, since 2024, from three to six rubles, we have increased the subsidy for the payment of wages per working disabled person, money is also important were sent there, and also changed the approaches to how employers fulfill quotas upon the fact of employment, but they simply job creation, and also expanded labor guarantees.
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pedagogical institutes became part of universities or universities were transformed, and if we take higher schools,
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universities, they are not as focused on training personnel in the education system as before, for example, a pedagogical institute solved this problem in a targeted way, now the specialty of a teacher is often blurred into universities already teach pedagogy. there is a teacher, a teacher, there, a subject specialist, you will not always find in the lists of university specialties, with the university itself is shaping this as a priority.
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the formation of pedagogical institutes within universities, because they were initially included there as independent structural units, now they are simply blurred and are present in the form of faculties , nothing more, this is what we are talking about, therefore...
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which allow for afforestation, and at the expense of extra-budgetary sources not only on forest fund lands, but on lands of their categories, nevertheless, the relevant internal regulations for carrying out afforestation specifically on urban lands, and these are forested park areas around cities and industrial centers, have not yet been adopted,
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and this actually blocks the achievement of potentially positive effects from this norm. in this regard, the question is, is it planned? development of those long-awaited regulations in 2024 , thank you. well, yes, in our message the president said that since the twenty-first year, so victoria valerievna, more forests are being restored than are being cut down, we have by 52%, oh, by 35% in in the twenty-third year, more was restored than was cut down, and first of all, this is the restoration of forests that are lost during development, the law is really 303 law, but seriously, it has expanded the possibilities and now compensation for development can be made not only on lands of the forest fund, but on lands of other categories , which must be agreed upon with rosselkhoz. the implementation of the law includes all regulations, they have already been adopted, rules, including competencies for reforestation, afforestation, requirements for competencies restoration of forest cultivation, these
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are the orders of the ministry of natural resources and the corresponding commissions of the russian forestry agency, which coordinate afforestation on lands of other categories according to the category of lands of prominent use in other regions, this mechanism has proven its effectiveness, over the past 5 years it has actually given us the opportunity to fulfill compensation obligations forests have arisen on 292,000 hectares in the country, this is an excellent result, about 155.00 hectares have been restored and in 22 56 thousand hectares is a record in the entire history of restoration, and well such...
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well, let’s say, not effectively enough, to put it mildly, what has been done, what is planned by the government in this direction and...
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an element, if you like, in order to further formulate all approaches related to the development of the country’s territories, and on regarding the regulatory framework, we
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have adopted more than 60 laws on land and real estate, for which i thank you all, and we have approved the state program national spatial data system, and the digital platform, which i ask you to see, has been created, it is in a short time made in domestic product. this is very important too, and 11 services have been introduced there that simplify the search, selection and registration of a land plot, a single window for information about the object, about restrictions, i said all this, about legal regimes, now in four regions in 52 regions there is work on connection, which means it is underway, all regions must transfer to the thirtieth year, the question is very difficult, but we had inherited, well, no, there were two owners of the state. actually the collective farm-cooperative, when all the changes began, it was impossible to register the rights to what was not described, by the way, this is what distinguished the post-industrial countries
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of the socialist camp from the capitalist countries of that time, because in the accounting system, you are absolutely right, all land plots, real estate objects, rights were not taken into account, and today this is gigantic, colossal work, it is being carried out effectively, i think. of course, we need to complete, put all our buildings, structures, objects firmly connected to the land into a single system, connect them with legal entities, look at all restrictions to the end so that carefully, on the basis of this, build a system for the development of the country, territorial development of backbone networks, i think that everything will work out, i ask everyone to pay attention to the spd, the national spatial data system, this is an important element so that we understand what we are talking about in the same way, thank you. you spoke correctly about this work and emphasized its importance, even on the issues we see where there are problem areas, questions are raised, there is
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a need to discuss, uh speeches are going on, and of course we can express them at the same time your assessment, but there is a topic that is not heard, but at the same time is solved effectively. you talked about it, and we understand that this is the advantage of our country, this is the fuel and energy complex, these are the issues of oil, gas, electricity, without this it is impossible to develop the economy, here it would be correct to mention novak, he is also modest, we all know his character trait , but in difficult conditions of sanctions, when they are trying to counteract, when...
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with alexander novok. mikhail vladimovich, we not only support you, but also novuk and shurginov. look at who we are celebrating, those whom the duma appointed. you understand what
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we are talking about, about responsibility, mikhail vladimirovich, we are talking, we are celebrating, but it would be correct to say, after all , the duma approved, they could not approve, or they could approve someone else, for whom we were ashamed, but you are right, here we are pause, why in the assessment, so that you say, because.
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well, how should parliament, having the authority to approve the government, form its position on the basis? the personnel reserve, and how the personnel reserve is formed, now gennady andreevich will tell us that you and i must evaluate people according to specific qualities. kolomeytsev is understandable, he wants to curtail the discussion when we talk about successes, about results. klomeytsev is waiting for mistakes, klomeytsev is waiting for someone to stumble somewhere, because he wants to be the majority faction, well, well, yes, without this there is no competition, they must fight for it, here is afonin, he wants, the one who doesn’t want , then the point is in politics, yes, that’s right, decent people have gathered here and honestly talk about
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this, that the authorities. so they’ll put it on the rails right away, gennady andrevich began to smile. i have the floor to represent colleagues, well, the government has been answering questions for 3 hours per hour, sometimes you and i need it, who needs a break, who needs a break, no break, the government is all here, look, the one who is tired is nothing personal,
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with a grip on ship components equipment, such as the steering column, which was only made abroad. we have literally a couple of enterprises in the country that could do this kind of work, but this huge complex process. in this regard , the question is: please tell me how the government continues to work to protect domestic manufacturers of ship components and stimulate import substitution in this area. thank you. thank you very much, the most important question, a week ago we held a strategic session about...
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on the development of our united shipbuilding company, we worked for several hours in katz with colleagues, with those who build here, we are taking the most systematic measures, a long-term plan has been approved as of today, the construction of civil ships until 2035, you know how many there are, 1,700, this is what we plan to produce, 300 are already under construction, contracts have been concluded for 178, the rest is in process, in work, this...


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