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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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say thank you very much, mikhail vladimirovich, for accepting our proposals, a number have already become federal laws to support participants in a special military operation and members of their families, in the near future we propose to give the status of a participant in the svo military food, we have made other proposals, some of which have been adopted literally in recent months , we look forward to continuing close cooperation on this extremely important issue, so... and i want to say, mikhail vladimirovich, today it is extremely important for us to differentiate the tax on capitalized profits tax on profits going to the personal income of shareholders, dividends, bonuses, premiums; in the latter case , the income tax may be increased, especially since back in the eighth or ninth year this tax, without differentiation, was 30%. it is also important to equalize the income of the network gigantovis, yandexmarket and hundreds of thousands of enterprises.
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today the fate of the russian world and russian civilization is being decided, and such moments in our history have always revealed cowards and traitors on the one hand, and heroes and patriots on the other. in the fourteenth year of the last century, thank you, after the beginning of the first world war ii, the entry of the russian empire into it, few of the deputies of the then state duma supported the government, the so-called patriotic anxiety ultimately led to the revolution, the death of the empire, the loss of territory. civil war, we must
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say, today, more than ever in russian history, we are united, shoulder to shoulder, for the ideas and approaches of the president of russia, for the people, for our imminent victory, this is the great merit of the government, the report we deserve today, and with all our constructive criticism, today we are conducting a daily... dialogue with the government, an effective dialogue, and today we invite all factions of parliamentary political parties to support the government’s report for 2023. thank you, thank you, leonit eduardovich, dear colleagues, specific proposals were made in the report of lenit eduardovich’s speech, let’s work them out, study them together with the government and try. not only
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know well, but also propose a solution in this part, which i think our colleagues will also support, because time has shown where friends who you can count on, but when we talk about correctness. decisions can also now be analyzed. thank you, leni tudarovich. the just russia faction for the truth alexander mikhailovich babakov, will prepare for nichaev. dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear vyacheslav viktorovich. literally from the first weeks, the formation of our government worked only in extreme conditions. not just maintaining the situation, but
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serious growth of the economy and real incomes, as well as the emergence of new qualitative trends. the goals and social rhetoric across the socioeconomic spectrum. and here we fully support the government in this extreme constructive change of course. the turnaround occurs evolutionarily, without sharp upheavals and shocks, but at the same time very dynamically. such social delicacy can be highly appreciated. currently there is an objective need to decide.
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this means that the social sphere is no longer a burden on the economy, but the immediate goal and meaning of its existence. residual. the principle of financing the so -called social sector should completely go into past. i am confident that strategic social goals will determine the mechanisms, methods, ways of organizing the economy, as well as the speed of development direction. let’s first determine what and when we are going to pay pensions and wages, to what extent we are going to support svo participants, how we intend to provide for large families, and based on these calculations, build all resource, production, financial and other plans. such goal setting in itself leads to the need to solve a huge number of problems, and simultaneously, without allowing at the same time, an exorbitant overstrain of the forces and resources of the people. and investment, household consumption, and defense spending should grow rapidly in concert. the main and dominant
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form of interaction will be public-private partnerships in all areas. state macroeconomic planning must acquire its due place and status. we think it makes sense. to directly raise the question of the speedy creation of a new faif, whether it will be a digital state plan or a state committee for planned development, is a matter of taste. the essence of the function is development strategic plans for the development of the entire russian economy as a single interconnected system using dynamic intersectoral balances and other macroeconomic management algorithms. before our eyes, there is a complete abandonment of the concept of gathering the majority of the population in several dozen large agglomerations. we need a fundamentally different policy of spatial development, the creation of a comfortable living environment throughout the climate-suitable territory of the country. this is a separate huge task, and this is a separate huge plan. we propose to raise the question of reviving a functional analogue of the commission for the study of the natural productive forces
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of russia. by the way, i can say that such a commission was created in the russian empire back in 15, 1915. and if we follow the scheme, the forecast is for 50 years.
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the only real limitation to development is the lack of real accessible resources of all types and competence, but this is not for us, we have everything, money is not a scarce physical substance, it is signs that can always be imitated in required quantities, it is a means of ensuring economic connectivity and managing economic behavior. by 1930, russia should be one of the four largest economies in terms of gdp, but that’s all.
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the discussion about monetary policy and the role of the central bank has dragged on. i propose to do it simply: the constitution, the law on the central bank in no way prevents the direct unification of the efforts of the government and the central bank in the interests of solving a single problem, ensuring the development of the country, and at the same pace, in the ways that are required by absolutely objective, external internal reasons. the bank of russia, as a key participant in any economic processes, can not only be responsible for the stability of the ruble, which is written in the constitution. participate in the development of the economic policy of the government of the russian federation, as stated in the law on the central bank, but must also, together with the executive branch, be responsible for the results of this policy. i will not even enter into a discussion of whether, in principle, the policy of a floating ruble is an adequate task to ensure the stability of the national currency. i will answer any questions and
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friendly criticism of our financial authorities as soon as such a decision on shared responsibility is made publicly. our government has already demonstrated an exceptional ability to be effective. to act in the most difficult conditions, so let's give the opportunity to increase the real money supply in volumes that correspond to the gigantic scale of the task facing the country, and financiers and bankers will help provide invaluable assistance. in ensuring effective balance sheets and developing flexible financial mechanisms. in our party a concept for a possible transition to a modified economic policy has been prepared. we called it a universal economic machine. of course, it contains innovations that are not only unique there, they are collected as experiences from many countries, and we are ready to discuss this concept with government specialists at any time. now about the practical steps. first, maintaining currency control over the return of foreign currency earnings is the key to the stability of the ruble and avoiding the main fact. inflation in russia over the past 10 years, a significant rapid reduction in the key rate
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and the cost of loans, linked to the support of tens of thousands of projects in the real sector, and not to speculation. we do not support raising the key rate, since this is a fight against inflation through a controlled recession. a significant increase in budget investments for social needs to increase capacity, similar to the successful policy of low-interest lending of targeted subsidies in the agricultural sector and military-industrial complex and a number of industries. further, the so-called government spending in its physical essence and economic consequences are not expenses in the literal sense of the word. these are not irrevocable expenses, these are investments in development, and the investments are as effective as possible, since they are repaid as quickly as possible. and what goes to social needs is also support for investment in production, since there are the best means of ensuring demand and thereby developing a capacious domestic market. the so -called state. debt, when the state owes itself, even the most significant amounts, is only an accounting
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registration, expansion of the real money supply of sub-development, this is a register of financial resources used for the development of the country, and this public debt corresponds and will correspond to the physically created gigantic material and other values ​​that arose in the process of using newly created financial resources, providing new mechanisms for covering the technical deficit of the state budget with zero interest cost, then systematic reduction. excess exports and reorientation of resources from export industries to the sector for domestic consumption, for infrastructure and military construction, this will relieve the personnel shortage in the economy and the need for migrants with a significant increase in wages and real incomes. and finally, the emphasis in social policy on providing families with affordable and more spacious housing. with the growth of real incomes of the population and a strong decrease in the cost of credit, the size of housing for the majority should increase, the share of expenses for its purchase and interest should decrease. this is the only way to create a real economic basis for earlier and frequent decisions about children and family. now about
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the freedom of private entrepreneurship in russia, this topic is raised by everyone and the significance is many times, many times important, it will work out, this topic can receive if we are in a situation where we have a stable ruble, prices for basic raw materials and energy resources within the country , access to low-interest financing, the ability to carry out the highest risk neo-development, investments in new products and technology. excess money, the experience accumulated by the government in the twenty-second-twenty third years clearly shows that even a very
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rapid, sharp increase in the money supply in the economy was combined with a strong slowdown in inflation, in a number of sectors and even with deflation for entire months, as long as the ruble was stable, that’s all, all this happened, exports are a means funding for imports, therefore we need to work very seriously on excessive exports. in addition to a stable course in suppressing inflation, the most important thing is the growth of domestic production, a lot has been said about this. this is where low-interest unsecured lending is required and minimum collateral requirements. there is no need to invent anything new. we just need to extend the measures to support agricultural production that have been successfully applied to other sectors. well, finally, i would like to say that in order for russia to become not only a new macro-region, but also a country with a sovereign economy with high-tech production, highly qualified personnel, high wages, we must do everything voiced by our prime minister, we support him and we highly recommend...
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to carry out the preparation of the government report this work so that you and i can then either come to a decision, a resolution. legislative initiative, having conducted a preliminary dialogue with the government, because during the questions there were many proposals, gennady andreevch had proposals, leonid slutsky had proposals, proposals have now been made by alexander mikhailovich, so colleagues, do you mind if we do this with you we will organize the work so that there is
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a result, not only did we receive answers, but also , as you can see, there were many topics that demand... created, with his participation the foundation was laid in agriculture, a good foundation for today to achieve even greater results, we have topilin, kobylkin, we have deputy ministers moskvichev, naumov, therefore, colleagues, we have who to attract,
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the beetles, of course,
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to suspect of such bias , they said that russia’s gdp would continue to decline, and they frightened that the entire country’s economy would fall on a war footing. look, this literally sounded like such a refrain in january: in february last year, president in russia, vladimir putin, in his message
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to the federal assembly, directed all of us to the need to transfer the economy to strong growth. and after that we listened to the government report here, it was march 16, and after this report we discussed with the leader of the faction with mihai vladimovich about what would happen to the economy, what would happen to the country, and i was very inspired by your words then, nikolaevich, then this could not be said, but now it is possible that you told us that the government team plans... to achieve growth of more than 2% in the twenty-third year, and it sounded so very bold, but the fact that this is very important for us, for everyone, for russia, that we believe in it, and that all factions will support you, we told you then, and
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look, now, yes, the defense industry is actively developing, but there was no need for translation at all. the fact that shows that russia is really strong, but peace is a qualitative concept, not a quantitative one, it is very important that this is our economic growth. this growth is strong, because it happens when a company or country grows, but wastes our vitality, we see that profit,
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well, by the way, i will say that the profit of the twenty -third year in the corporate sector, these are both state-owned companies and private and entrepreneurs, increased by 35% compared to 2022,
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the development of the entire it sector and artificial intelligence. today russia is already included in the group of leading countries in this area. fortunately, we did not oversleep the technological revolution, in the field of artificial intelligence, in particular. today you spoke twice about expanding the use of robots in production. and you all know, colleagues, that modern robots are not only hardware, but also brains, they are smart control systems. there are proposals to limit it. artificial intelligence, as they do in europe, but i think this is a dead end, we are all proud of our soviet space, can you imagine, if 60 years ago they said no, well space, let’s
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limit it somehow, no, this is it the case when, if russia is somewhere on the frontier, it needs to advance further, and not limit itself, it is very important that on february 29, a little over a month ago, in a message federal assembly, the president set guidelines for work for... for the next 6 years in the future, already in march the government presented its 12 megaprojects for social development and the development of technological sovereignty, including food security, machine tool building and robotics, new medical technologies, this is mid-range chemistry, this is space, science, in each of these areas work has actually already been going on since 2023, and we hope that national projects in this basis this year, and especially from 225 , they will take this work to a new level, and
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the renewed government will already have a big foundation to continue to act effectively in all areas that are so important for the country, so the government’s report, of course, is supported by our faction, thank you, i hope i compensated a little for the time that other speakers spent. thank you very much, alexey gennadievich, for concluding the speech. united russia faction. the floor is given to andrei mikhailovich makarov. please, andrey mikhailovich. dear vikovich, dear mikhail vladimirovich, colleagues. i think the first and most important thing to say is that the government report allows you to see how much has been done.
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and at the same time he said: we can solve this only if we radically increase the efficiency and quality of work of all branches of power, at all levels, from bottom to top, this was the task set by the president to the new government, just a few days later covid hit, i remember how in this room there was a proposal to refuse voting on the constitution. i remember how words were heard in this hall about what
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to do under these conditions. almost impossible, it was here, in this room, it was a difficult time, i don’t blame anyone, and strictly speaking, then the government and the state duma had to work almost around the clock in order to solve one main problem, which the president said to solve first of all , this task was to save people’s lives, i remember well the day when mishustin entered this hall with his first report, in this room everyone was sitting in masks, everyone was sitting in masks, in fact, he had to report on something that no one was interested in at all, a report on the work, strictly speaking, not of his government for the past year, everyone was only interested in the answer to one question, what will happen next, now i invite everyone...
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please look at the transcript of that speech by mishustin, because now i would like to return us all, including, probably, mikhail vladimirovich, to the words of vishustin himself, he began his performance with report, proposing basic values, he started with basic values, i quote, build all government services around the needs of people, act openly, conduct dialogue again...
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this is what has changed the attitude towards the joint work of the government and parliament, the government’s willingness to work with parliament. in fact, for the last 2 years the government had to work 24x7, responding to the challenges that were determined by the sanctions. we all understand this very well; it was necessary to make urgent decisions, in fact countermeasures were working at headquarters in order
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to protect people, to protect. economy, while laying the foundations for the growth of our economy. 3.6% today is the result of this work, which was laid in these difficult years. in fact, by the way, you and i have been hearing for 10 years that sanctions are not directed against the russian people, they are against the leadership. today no one hides the fact that sanctions are imposed not only on those who live in our country, even if they live somewhere in the world, but they are russian. that means he must become living is worse, and no one hides this anymore, it is said openly. you know, probably, one short example of our interaction with the government, i won’t talk about it now, there was a lot in the report, i don’t want to, but you know, i want to remember, remember how much in this hall we discussed these with you children's fingers of children who suffered from diabetes and who had to have injections an hour or two later in order to take a blood test for glucose, because they did not
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control it. you can die, it's a mortal danger, that's how much there is discussed here, and we said then, colleagues, just let’s not publish this now, because there really is an american company that supplies now, as soon as we accept it at the state level, they will immediately refuse, they refused, i’m giving this example now just to show how they do not disdain any means when introducing sanctions against young children, but together with the government we have found a solution.
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president, and this is not easy, because the development program of our country.


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