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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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in order to solve the problems of people's quality of life, we must solve issues of efficiency and quality of the economy, a new quality of the economy, i will not list everything, we all heard the president, but excuse me, becoming one of the four economies in the world is not just some kind of dream, it is not fantasy, this is reality, the reality that we must achieve, this is the real goal that our country needs, our people need, because this is not just a number, this is quality of life.
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and the president, what is it in this case when we talk about the quality of the new economy, these are personnel, a new national project, a data economy, digital transformation of the state, this is ensuring, first of all , technological sovereignty, if the quality of life is new national projects - family, long active life, youth, children, ecology, tourism, and so on and so forth and so on, the question now is very important, what should we do? develop, ensure
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the formation, effectiveness of management of the execution of these national projects, and those that will continue to work, are these national projects covered? all existing government programs, whether it is necessary to fine-tune existing programs or whether it is necessary to create some new government programs, how to finally form a six-year forecast, because the president said that we must form a forecast and...
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their families did not pay attention, because it is very difficult to be in the trenches, but the hardest thing is to wait, and of course, special attention to the families of those who gave their lives protecting you and me. much of what the president said should become laws, should become decisions already in this spring session, because everyone, the regions, businesses, taxpayers should have time to prepare for the twenty-fifth year, when... with you these three principles
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have been learned, the first is fairness, the second is efficiency, the third is balance, and the president repeated several times, apparently for you and me, for our hall, that all the proposed measures have been calculated and provided with finances, so when discussing them, i hope there will be no populism here, don't try to show off for the sake of for pr or some kind of political gain, throwing around uncalculated numbers. all these years, united russia did not just declare support for the government, we worked together and always said that we, together with the government, bear a real responsibility to our voters, to those who
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voted for us, to those who voted for other factions, we are responsible in front of everyone, by the way, this is exactly what those amendments to the constitution require, in which we...
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the factions were broadcast live. dear colleagues, today we had a very constructive dialogue, i want to thank all deputies, all factions. for the caring position for the proposals that were heard, i especially want to emphasize that all the results that i spoke about became possible only thanks to the consolidation of society around our president and his development program, the results of the past elections
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became an indicator of enormous confidence in vladimirovich putin, his course, and this, if you like, the most important guarantee of our success. i will dwell in detail on the speech and dear faction leaders, to briefly comment, well, i’ll start with gennady andreevich, we have a common position with the communist party of the russian federation on many key development issues, in particular the agro-industrial complex, industry, many areas, we discussed this in detail at a meeting with the factions, and here on several.
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total income is 5.6% real, nominal wage growth is 14%, and real wages increased by 7.8%, this is the answer, in this sense we have... not the same situation in terms of poverty, according to poverty figures, we have today, you know, we are in the twenty-first year, so as not to be mistaken, there were about, in my opinion, 16 million poor people, today there are already 13.5 million of them, and this is a record too, this is 9.3%, if we take from it, we are fighting this, a single benefit, all the elements of this , of course, it’s a struggle, but of course i want to do more, but here in this sense... of the areas that you mentioned, we are solving them with the help, including the social treasury mechanism, which works, and
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as for housing and communal services, but here also a huge program, 4.5 trillion rubles should be invested before the thirtieth year, president he said this in his message, 150 billion of corresponding government investments per year, plus we have the ibk, an infrastructure budget loan, from here up to 50% can be spent on housing and communal services, plus the corresponding programs that we have. a lot of things are happening, including the possibility of writing off funds for migrants, you spoke about this, this is a very important issue, multilateral, i said in my report that we need to work on this together with law enforcement officers, we definitely need to think through so that everything is honestly and most importantly take into account our state's ability to provide jobs to those who want to become russian citizens is very important, and it needs to be done carefully.
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doing programs differently is very dangerous, we have now done a lot of things, you know, on behalf of the president , today the main specialties, engineering specialties will now only be specialties, this is a very important element, we are moving there, so i hope that together we will not we are simply reforming the system of higher education and special professional training, let's create the very education system that we were proud of and... in general, of which, probably, most of us in the room are graduates. as for the speech of lenin
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dudarovich slutsky, i want to thank him for his assessment of the work of the government, to say that we know that your party is constantly working with the government on absolutely the most important area of ​​activity, but i especially want to say thank you personally... for strengthening russia’s position on the world stage within the framework of parliamentary diplomacy and - in general systematic work across the entire spectrum is also carried out by the ldpr on social issues, here i will say that we and yaroslav nilov are constantly with us in constructive connection with the ministry of labor, this is the relevant committee. thank you very much for your attention to older people; the program proposed by the faction here allowed us to expand the federal long-term care program.
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the problem of the same, well, let’s say, the same cost of the food basket, there will be a difference, but you are absolutely right, it is necessary,
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of course, to equalize the opportunities for people in medicine, in education, in receiving good services, in school, and, of course, in consumption, in nutrition, in the quality of products, this is a very important issue, we will approach it and approach it from all sides, including by stimulating regional development programs, ten regions where there are still large disparities. as for taxes, justice, i absolutely agree, and the point here is not that we who worked as tax specialists, tax administration is another thing, taxes in the first place. it's a matter of justice the president said this in his message, and here we will rely on your opinion on how to approach this, of course, the government will definitely do this work, taking into account the opinions of all factions, and public relations, and those who in one way or another depend on these decisions. after the speech of the respected
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san mikhailovich babakov, i also wanted to thank you for your assessment of the work with sergei mikhailovich mironov. with colleagues from the a just russia faction there is also an active dialogue, active work, but i want to say that i absolutely agree with you on a large family is the basis for the development of society, and the president especially noted that supporting families with children is our fundamental, if you like, moral choice, and from 20 to 23 the number of such families increased by 24.2%. these are excellent results. this is very important, large families in our country are our pride, the indefinite status of large families has been established, many, many things, now we will think together about how else to help large families as part of the work that we will carry out on instructions from the president following the results of the message on the state plan , well
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the word gosplan exists, you can use it in different ways, yes it sounds, this is planning, i agree, strategic planning is the basis for... work, you know this, we have decomposed all the activities that are part of achieving national development goals until the thirtieth year , should be carried out by federal executive bodies, regions, public institutions, companies, this for me is exactly what fits closer to the modern, if you want, digital state plan, but here you need to be extremely careful with price regulation, because today it is important platformization of these solutions, you know perfectly well what is happening in the world, which companies have become the most ... let's say, and the most marginal, the largest large, companies that created digital platforms and connected the customer's goods or services with those who can produce quality products, and here the role of the state, the role of the government, i am deeply confident in this, is to become such a platform, to minimize all costs in a complex economy of sharing consumption
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and to maximize benefits for those who uses in one way or another, either services... related to the production of goods or services, or who produces them himself. here i agree that well, perhaps in these terms, strategic planning is a very important element in the further effective work of any government. our ministry of economic development is working on the topic, our corotation center, all colleagues today use the most modern work tools related to achieving results under government programs, national projects, for everyone.
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to achieve this, we must use, and you just touched upon issues related to the results of work, we must use five mechanisms, this is increasing labor productivity, this is increasing non-resource exports, this is, without a doubt, active active investment,
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ensuring investment in all relevant sectoral . what you said about national projects to take them to a new level to achieve technological sovereignty is very important, and of course, artificial
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intelligence, all elements associated with new technology, with a new economy, must be introduced, actively developed, and this is impossible without modern science, without breaking through industry, in new directions, thank you for this support, and finally, andrei mikhailovich, makarov, united russia faction . uh said kind words, thank you to the government, it’s true, we work together with united russia, rely on your faction, of course, we work with everyone, but here we have a common position, this is a strategic position on the development of the country, and uh by national projects, what you said about the new national projects, of course, i absolutely agree, we need joint work with all federal... authorities and relevant committees on new national projects, this concerns everyone, including all factions, i will definitely give instructions to our we need to actively engage in this work with parliament, and regarding six-year planning,
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a very important issue of long-term planning, operational planning, strategic planning are the basis of our development, and here i absolutely agree with what we mean should be doing this, but i want to tell you, friends, i personally do strategic planning every week, if not every day, because even our strategic sessions, they take place at least 5 hours in our creation center every week, i can say the last session was development our shipbuilding, yes, before that we met on industrial sovereignty, robot technology, machine tool industry issues, anything you like, i will tell you on any issue those events within strategic planning, which we are engaged in, as best we can, we try to ensure that together with representatives of including business and public associations, with you, many of you, by the way, attend strategic sessions,
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make important strategic decisions, we try, and here - i also want to say to andrei mikhailovich, i remember very well the basic values ​​that we have developed for the work of our government, i like the value, the result most of all: more important than the process, i am paraphrasing it, but this is very important, we really, having made a mission the government is absolutely transparent, we strive for it and try to comply with the basic values ​​that i spoke about, you already said this, at the first speech, we united, we have proven more than once that we can cope with any difficulties, because behind each of them. ..
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this is very important, about families where children are growing up, and of course, about our defenders, about participants in a special military operation, and these are real heroes, our pride, they
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defend the national interests of russia, they fight for the safety of all citizens of our big country, with our courage showing an example of genuine service to our native fatherland, and all together we, the people of russia, talented, versatile, who at all times overcame everything, any challenges, we will overcome them now, our state, of which we are proud, has enormous potential , and through the efforts of everyone it will be fully realized , we will do everything so that our best country in the world absolutely prospers. i'm sure, thank you, dear colleagues, we are working, we have been working with you for about 5 hours. just ended
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annual government report to the state duma, and as prime minister mikhail mishusin noted, in 2020, the president’s address to the federal assembly outlined two key goals: the first is the implementation of socio-economic development programs, the second goal is to increase the quality of public administration in general, if look at 2023, the pressure on russia has not weakened, on the contrary, it has intensified, but... despite such increasing pressure, the country has successfully passed the period of adaptation, i spoke about this today in the state duma mikhail mishustin, including systematic work in new regions, from attracting investments to restoration and construction of new facilities, this is what the prime minister said about this. previously, no one had ever invested in infrastructure there in such volumes, and over the past 2 years
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, more than... a branch of the mfc has been restored, built, where in a short time residents of our new regions can draw up the necessary documents, including for, of course, social payments that are so important for pensions, benefits, last year we received about two of them. subjects were made free economically for millions of citizens, the territories of all four zones, and for investors who come there, we offer, among other things, a program of preferential leasing of equipment, and we provide additional assistance to neighboring regions. by order of the president , 1 billion rubles were sent to the belgorod, bryansk, kursk regions, as well as the republic of crimea. the funds are now used for grants for enterprises and financing on preferential
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terms. a separate track about which today they said that this is the strengthening of technological sovereignty, for this purpose a line of tools has already been launched, including 10 initiatives for the development of end-to-end technologies, we are talking about the development of artificial intelligence, software, quantum computing and much more, which concerns the overall growth of industrial production, in last year it was 3.5%, but if we take only the manufacturing sector, there was an increase of 7.5%, well , in his speech... this is what the prime minister said about it. to ensure that our defenders have everything they need, we significantly increased production, additionally involved hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, scientists, engineers who
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developed advanced models. increased the production of equipment, weapons, protective equipment, electronic warfare, sets of medical equipment for use including in the field, military equipment, in many positions by several times, for cars and armored weapons three times, for lethal weapons by seven times, by communications technology radio electronic warfare and exploration by nine times, i would like to especially thank all the specialists who are involved in
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increasing the percentage of gasification. how do you generally assess the completion of this program and what are the prospects? indeed, the task that the president set, it is being implemented by the government of the russian federation together with the regions to gasify our settlements, to develop the flow of cheap environmental resources, we have a large-scale program, firstly until 2025, and then it will be extended until the thirtieth year, because what the president ordered it to be completed before the thirtieth year. until the twenty-fifth year we will have about 3,500.


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