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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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now in the lower house of parliament we are summing up the results of the government report on the energy sector, deputy prime minister alexander novyk is ready to tell you, hello alexander valentinovich, hello, and today in his speech mikhail mishustin noted among the energy topics the topic of gasification and that in rural areas in this year the percentage of gasification was increased. how do you overall assess the completion of this program and what are the prospects? truly a challenge. which was set by the president, it is being implemented by the government of the russian federation, together with the regions for the gasification of our settlements for the development, the flow of cheap environmental resources, and we have a large-scale program, firstly until 2025, and then it will be extended until the thirtieth year, because the president instructed to complete the classification before the thirtieth year, until the twenty-fifth year, we will have about 3,500 additional settlements connected to gas, and about 2,500 boiler houses will be
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gasified. and an important direction that mikhalovich noted today in his report is a social program, before gasification - this is the delivery of free gas to the borders of household plots. during this period, over 2 years of practical implementation of this program, today there are already 535. households have been received, accordingly, gas has been concluded in total - about 955 contracts have been executed, that is, this is a large program, today it has been expanded by order of the president, also for gasification of facilities schools and health care, in his message in february, the president set the task of expanding the social gasification program for horticultural comradely settlements, and today the speaker also spoke about this.
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the work of our enterprises, modernization, their continuation, and the work of the domestic market, and price stability, so we are actively engaged in this almost on a daily basis, today we are working to ensure, together with enterprises , that oil refineries are fully loaded, the situation is stable, petroleum products are being exported both for the domestic market and for export, the market is now fully supplied with motor gasoline and diesel fuel the period of planned repairs of oil refineries is coming, so today we are paying special attention at headquarters, together with the ministry of energy, and the federal antimonopoly service, to ensuring that the market is ensured, that it is stable, and that we have a sufficient amount of balances for them , they are higher than previous years even, so today we will continue to monitor this situation, the situation is quite stable, well , today is eventful.
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we also agreed that we will continue to monitor the situation on the market, which, which will take shape already in april, in may, plans for the second quarter have now been determined, i would like to remind you that in february all countries confirmed their additional obligations to reduce the so-called voluntary quotas, including russia fulfilling its obligations in full scope, the next meeting of the monitoring committee will take place in early june.
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we have confirmed that, in principle, we have tools that previously acted to balance the market, they work, as part of monitoring we will continue to accept necessary decisions.
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at the beginning of april, but judging by the results of the first three months in the manufacturing industry, i think that - if the theme changes for the better - and the key interest rates, banks - will actively issue loans for investments, for the working capital of the enterprise. i think that the figure should be no less than 5% for processing this year, but as it will be final, i think that somewhere in the third quarter results it will be possible to be more accurate, well, if you look at the range of topics that is today
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indicated by the prime minister as part of his report and the government’s report to the state duma, it is also worth highlighting robotization , industrial robots, here are the plans and what investments are needed. the fact that we have a rush in this direction today is primarily due to specialists who must work in enterprises, i have already said that just last year there were...
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costs in the defense-industrial companies sector, including uh, what the government has already said today is a separate national project, this is production means of production, this is the modernization of fixed assets, which, in addition to machine tool construction, includes manipulators and robots, which should be actively introduced.
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always - so we supported neo-crum and... is increasing the pace of production, we have traditionally supported, including with subsidies on demand, but separately for robots, this will be actively implemented and funds will be provided to support demand and compensate for the discount to consumers in order to make the market more active is excited to purchase this product, as i said,
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the federal project is being fully formed, and in a few months it will be possible to say more precisely the figures for how much will be allocated specifically for this segment of fixed assets. another big topic is the topic of production of drones, with absolutely different directions, they are used in many industries, here are the plans of the ministry of industry and trade, here there is a very similar focus, meaning support.
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topographic maps, and the main task of replicating, for example, smaller systems, we are talking about hundreds, thousands, in parts of them production, here, first of all, we are talking about the production of components, components will appear, more valuable and...
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engines and propellers and other components, which today our company is actively starting to produce, but also for its part and not only here is the national project on unmanned systems being formed, but due to our program on the radio-electronic industry, we have already provided pampering in this area, so we ...
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a lot of questions from deputies, difficult ones, here in in particular, today they talked about the high costs of maintaining the national debt, what are the actual figures now? well, really, i want to say that our national debt is not high, today the prime minister spoke about 17% of the domestic product, i think that maybe by the end of the year it will be even a little lower, we are very careful about this indicator, because really expenses for servicing in conditions of rising interest rates and the cost of money. the market is also growing, we have about half of all debt - this is the debt that we
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borrowed on floating interest terms, the higher the rate, the more expensive the service, so we, as the ministry of finance , are always very careful about money, about borrowing, so the issue of the budget rule, about which there was also a lot of discussion today, is very important for us important budget rules regulate the level of marginal spending. the amount of public debt is under the control of the government and the ministry of finance. another question that was asked today, what
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the prime minister, mikhail mishustien, spoke about is the fund national welfare and financing projects from it, and of course the question arises. is there enough money for all these projects and how will the fund be replenished? the fund is replenished based on the same budgetary rule, we determine the level of the price of oil, yes, the ruble exchange rate, in relation to the dollar, above which, above which the fund is replenished, today it is 60 dollars per barrel, which means that the price today is also favorable , and we expect that those planned levels of replenishment of the national welfare fund, and this is today... rub. v we will fulfill the conditions of the current estimates for the current year, therefore the three-year budget provides for replenishment of the national welfare fund, we have identified key investments from the national welfare fund, today we named the figures of 12.2 rubles. the total volume of the national welfare fund, of which
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the majority, the majority, is about ten, slightly less than 10 trillion rubles. already...
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these are other expenses associated with the implementation of key national projects, so this decision is good financially and will be implemented by the regional budget. and in in the final, i’ll ask one more question about the stock market. at the end of march, the president signed amendments on tax deductions for the long-term savings program. how will this work, what will it give to the stock market? the goal is to create people’s interest in this instrument. saving, saving is reliable, saving is profitable, saving means accumulating resources to solve some problems, each family has its own tasks, so the state provides such an instrument, guarantees it, gives tax deductions, such a decision is already our parliament accepted, and they also co-finance it, so it seems to me that this is a good help for people
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to solve their long-term problems. to find financial resources for their implementation, such an instrument as you are talking about was launched this year, this year, i am sure that the goals that were set by the president for accumulating resources into long-term savings will be achieved this year. anton ger, thank you very much for taking the time for our interview. thank you. so, mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma with a report on the work government for 2023. and in fact, this is a report on everything that concerns each of us, because literally all spheres of public life depend on the actions of the government: the economy, medicine, education, science, defense, and even the preservation of traditional values. so here is the current report, which became mishustin’s fifth, detailing the results of a lot of work, as well as how the president’s orders were carried out. the prime minister’s speech itself
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was accompanied by infographics with numbers and indicators of the growth and development of various industries. and it lasted almost an hour and a half, exactly 83 minutes, after which, according to the regulations, mikhail mishustin answered questions from deputies from each faction. in total, about thirty questions were asked. as for specifics, representatives of united russia asked about support for large families and the poor, employment, and the development of new regions. the communists touched upon the problem of demography, fair growth, and talked about supporting teachers and doctors. liberal democrat.
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the program, which began in the far east, the government has made decisions on twenty-two agglomerations, is now expanding across the entire country, 200 masterplans will be created for core cities of the russian federation, ultimately this program will cover 2,000 settlements from small to large. therefore, we see a continuation of the trend when new instruments are launched in our priority territories, in the far east, in the arctic, in the caucasus, in new territories.
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small, this is kamchatka, this is magadan, this is the jewish autonomous region, everywhere now complex neighborhoods are being built, and mikhail vladimirovich emphasized precisely this; when we were in vladivostok, he also said several times today, we summed up the results of the competition for the improvement of the urban environment, namely...
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walking distance, which is also important with far eastern distances, that is, we are moving from the harmful practice that even in big cities was vladivostok, for example, excuse me, candles on hills, when you take a point, a piece, bite off a piece of a hill somewhere and build there.
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offered a 15% discount to that upper limit the price that was expected, so there is more housing at more affordable prices, as promised, i am clarifying about the master plans for the development of far eastern cities, when we see in practice the first results in life, in all the cities for which the master plans have been adopted , design and construction have already begun.
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there is still a lag for them, but nevertheless , just as within the framework of a separate federal scientific and technical program , business platforms have been selected that will scale up, will be engaged in the production of domestic seeds, good very fast, if we talk about the agro-industrial complex, generally record levels of catch of aquatic biological resources. this is an industry that has faced sanctions restrictions, but nevertheless we have shown such a record result in the catch of aquatic biological resources, just like good indicators in aquaculture, in development in this direction, and we are solving problems with domestic planting material and feed , with veterinary drugs, in general , we have learned to cope with sanctions. regarding the harvest, is there a forecast for this year? already? the forecast is good, the only thing that causes a little concern is the hydrometeorological forecast, very
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hot. predicts summer in general, here there can be problems both for agriculture and for the fire hazard situation, so here we are looking very carefully, together with all the teams, at the climate situation. as for the potential risks associated with a fire situation, how do you assess the readiness for the season from the point of view of forestry, because the deputies also asked questions on this topic, yes we 27 the numbers were held by the headquarters. big all-russian, colleagues from the national emergency situations reported on their readiness, colleagues from the regions who had a bad season last year frankly heard from all the relevant federal executive bodies, including the law enforcement bloc and civil departments, but i want to say that the readiness is not bad , individual regions, individual regions - these are not dozens, it’s just that a number of regions are not ready yet, and the task
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was set to carry out all ... the necessary measures before the may holidays both municipalities and regional authorities are executive authorities, and what is called on alert, because again the forecast for the fourth to fifth hazard class, fire hazardous, the highest, falls just on the may holidays, this is the time when people will go to barbecue, when people will go to the territory to experience, when certainly high wind load, dry, hot weather can lead to this. that the fire will spread, i want to draw everyone’s attention, there is no need to leave fires unextinguished, there is no need engage in burning dry grass in gardening, high wind loads and hot weather are forecast for the may holidays throughout the southern federal district, the north caucasus federal district, the south of the urals and siberia. as for environmental issues, a topic that you also supervise,


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